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hammondc 06-17-2012 08:16 PM

Falling Skies
Any of you folks watch the show? I thought it was new this summer. turns out it was on last summer too.

dammit. Now I have to find somewhere to watch season 1.

Powers 06-17-2012 08:20 PM

Re: Falling Skies
I like this show a lot. Similar to the Walking Dead but with aliens instead of zombies. I like the actors better in Falling Skies and it has way hotter chicks in it :D

I'm gunna watch the season premier off the DVR wants the Heat game's over

oooo35980 06-17-2012 08:33 PM

Re: Falling Skies
I err "acquired" season 1 for the wife. The first couple episodes didn't exactly grab me. How was the s2 premiere?

CigarNut 06-17-2012 10:38 PM

Re: Falling Skies
I have the season 2 premier on my DVR. Season 1 was pretty good.

Ratters 06-17-2012 11:20 PM

Re: Falling Skies
I watched the first three episodes and gave up. I take it that it got better?

kelmac07 06-18-2012 05:11 AM

Re: Falling Skies
This is one of my "must watch" shows. I really enjoyed last season, and last nights season opener did not disappoint. :tu :tu

Blak Smyth 06-18-2012 05:39 AM

Re: Falling Skies
I set the DVR to record, damn I thought it was new this year too.

Looks like season 1 is available on hulu plus!

longknocker 06-18-2012 07:05 AM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1659499)
I set the DVR to record, damn I thought it was new this year too.

Looks like season 1 is available on hulu plus!

Found It & Just Watched Series Premiere From Last Year! Awesome Series!:banger

WittyUserName 06-18-2012 07:31 AM

Re: Falling Skies
I will have to put this on my list of things to catch up on when I get back to America. We get syfy here but I am never around enough to catch it.

Mr B 06-18-2012 09:49 AM

Re: Falling Skies
We love it too. My 17 year old daughter must have asked me every 3 weeks..."when is Falling Skies coming back on!!"
Season opener did not disapoint.

The Poet 06-18-2012 02:50 PM

Re: Falling Skies
Don't tell Interpol, but a buddy burned me Season One. I checked it out, yet never really watched it. I just e-mailed him to ask if he caught last night's premiere, or was watching some old Western instead . . . as is his wont.

Should I nudge him more about it, or need I merely let it hang?

Mr B 06-18-2012 03:23 PM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1660098)
Don't tell Interpol, but a buddy burned me Season One. I checked it out, yet never really watched it. I just e-mailed him to ask if he caught last night's premiere, or was watching some old Western instead . . . as is his wont.

Should I nudge him more about it, or need I merely let it hang?

I'm sorry brother, but I think I am going to need a translation of you prevoius post.

The Poet 06-18-2012 04:04 PM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by Mr B (Post 1660131)
I'm sorry brother, but I think I am going to need a translation of you prevoius post.

What part confuses you? Interpol? Copyright laws prohibit theft of intellectual property, with punishment nearly as severe as those for smoking a CC. Buddy? He's a friend. Burned me Season One? See "Interpol" above. Checked it out? I tried the DVDs to see if my deck would read them. Never watched? Said tries were spot-checks, and I did not view the entire shows. E-mail? It is a relatively recent form of electronic communication. Caught the premiere last night? My question was to ask if he had watched said television cablecast. Watched some old Western? This was to enquire if he had instead opted to spend that time during this premiere's airtime viewing one of his particular favored genres, one which is normally sited in the American West during the time between the Civil War and the turn of that century, involving horses, cattle, and gunplay. His wont? Well, he often wants to do that activity (or lack of same) noted above. Nudge? To repeat my initial enquiry to him regarding the SF show in question, in order to either encourage him to do so, or to at least reply to my query. Let it hang? This was an attempt to elicit responses from those on this board who did see this new season's premiere, or who are more familiar with the program than I am, due to my aforementioned lack of concrete direct experience, and whom may be better able to advise me if I should further pester my "buddy" (cf. above) to devote some of his time to this endeavor, as specified.

Does that enlighten you any, or have I missed the source of your confusion somehow? ;)


Blak Smyth 06-19-2012 08:56 AM

Re: Falling Skies
I couldn't find the first season on Hulu+ but I bought it for $11.00 in HD on Amazon.
I watched S1E1 last night, thought it was decent. Reminds me alot of Walking Dead just with Aliens instead of Zombies.

Powers 06-19-2012 09:09 AM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1659323)
I like this show a lot. Similar to the Walking Dead but with aliens instead of zombies.


Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1660914)
I watched S1E1 last night, thought it was decent. Reminds me alot of Walking Dead just with Aliens instead of Zombies.

I concur :D

Blak Smyth 06-19-2012 09:11 AM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1660939)
I concur :D

Didn't see that, nice comparison! :tu

Mr B 06-19-2012 10:49 AM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1660165)
Does that enlighten you any, or have I missed the source of your confusion somehow? ;)


LOL, sorry man, I just didnt understand "as is his wont." and "or need I merely let it hang?"
I must not have had propper quantities of caffine in the system at the time.

gbum 06-19-2012 11:30 AM

Re: Falling Skies
interesting.... hunting begins... ngeh ngeh ngeh

The Poet 06-19-2012 02:45 PM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by Mr B (Post 1661031)
LOL, sorry man, I just didnt understand "as is his wont." and "or need I merely let it hang?"
I must not have had propper quantities of caffine in the system at the time.

Not a problem, and in fact I'm glad you took my lengthy tongue-in-cheek reply in the best possible humor, as afterwards I began to fear I'd been a bit too much the @$$hole . . . as is MY wont. :r

BTW, FYI, my buddy had NOT watched that premiere, and presently has no plans to watch it at all. Shoot, he has 50-year-old episodes of Sugarfoot, Maverick, and Have Gun Will Travel to view. :D

Blak Smyth 06-20-2012 05:27 AM

Re: Falling Skies
I think I am on S1E5 now and I gotta say this show is starting to really pick-up.
I am really into it now. After the season premier I wasn't sold but now I am.

Powers 06-20-2012 09:04 AM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1661628)
I think I am on S1E5 now and I gotta say this show is starting to really pick-up.
I am really into it now. After the season premier I wasn't sold but now I am.

The characters and the storyline really does pick up, by midway season 1 I was hooked as well

OLS 06-20-2012 11:11 AM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by oooo35980 (Post 1659332)
I err "acquired" season 1 for the wife.

I was gonna Err, Acquire the show, too, but read that the show sucked.
Guess I was mis-informed by IMDB. Amazing what people with nothing to do all
day but post on the net will do to other people....wait....not ME, I am one of the
GOOD ones that is on the net all day, lol.

Of course, Aquiring stuff got a lot harder lately, so it was a no-brainer in the end.

Digs 06-20-2012 12:15 PM

Re: Falling Skies
I hope they don’t keep it at 9:00 on Sunday! I will have to decide to watch walking dead or falling skies!! :hm

Powers 06-20-2012 12:17 PM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by Digs (Post 1661981)
I hope they don’t keep it at 9:00 on Sunday! I will have to decide to watch walking dead or falling skies!! :hm

Each show comes on at a different time of year, one will be done well before the other begins. Both shows cater to the same range of audience so it'd be suicide to have a conflict & lower ratings for both

longknocker 06-20-2012 12:38 PM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1661983)
Each show comes on at a different time of year, one will be done well before the other begins. Both shows cater to the same range of audience so it'd be suicide to have a conflict & lower ratings for both

:tu So Now I Have Something To Watch All Year, Michael!:banger:D

Powers 06-20-2012 01:05 PM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 1662005)
:tu So Now I Have Something To Watch All Year, Michael!:banger:D

Yep! Falling Skies and Breaking Bad will easily hold me over until Walking Dead. Oh and then we got this little thing called SEC football I hear comes back in September :D

Powers 07-02-2012 10:34 AM

Re: Falling Skies
Any thoughts on the last two episodes, gentlemen?

No spoilers as to the latest one but I liked how they had a mural of Robert E. Lee on the side of a building next to their camp with his quote: "It is well that war is so terrible, lest we should grow to fond of it."

I assume they made it to Virginia 'cause I don't think you'd see that in Massachusetts :D

CigarNut 07-02-2012 12:13 PM

Re: Falling Skies
I have not watched the latest episode but the season is off to a good start. They have set up several different tension points that should keep the season interesting.

I am wondering about the gal with the bi-plane.

spectrrr 07-08-2012 01:30 AM

Re: Falling Skies
I was eagerly and excitedly waiting for season 2 to come out, until I fired up S02E01 and realized I was completely lost, I had NO idea what was going on. Turns out for whatever reason I never finished season 1, yet somehow had filed the show away as "awesome" and "can't wait for next year" in my head. :bh ... back to playing catch up!

theonlybear4CORT 07-08-2012 10:02 PM

Re: Falling Skies
I only was able to catch the second half, What did I miss?

Mr B 07-09-2012 10:46 AM

Re: Falling Skies
Love the way this show is coming together. No spoilers but.... is there an alliance in the near future? ;)

ucla695 07-09-2012 02:43 PM

Re: Falling Skies
I watched last season and am watching this season too. I echo the thought that it's Walking Dead with aliens. Not bad for a summer show.

CigarNut 07-20-2012 07:44 AM

Re: Falling Skies
Based on the previews for the next episode I am starting to get concerned that they are introducing too many different twists that don't help resolve the main plot line...

hammondc 07-20-2012 08:02 AM

Re: Falling Skies
FINALLY got the DVDs from Netflx. 3 episodes in season 1 to go.

kelmac07 07-20-2012 10:33 AM

Re: Falling Skies
Loving how this season is panning out...:tu :tu

kelmac07 08-06-2012 05:52 AM

Re: Falling Skies
Damn fine episode last night...first one without mechs and skitters in a while. So...Charleston does exist. Was very cool the way they played that out. :tu :tu Season finale next week.

Gophernut 08-06-2012 10:43 AM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1694822)
Damn fine episode last night...first one without mechs and skitters in a while. So...Charleston does exist. Was very cool the way they played that out. :tu :tu Season finale next week.

The storyline is really starting to come together. Great episode last night. Can't wait for the next one!

Powers 08-06-2012 11:44 AM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1694822)
Damn fine episode last night...first one without mechs and skitters in a while. So...Charleston does exist. Was very cool the way they played that out. :tu :tu Season finale next week.

Agreed. A good show is one that does not rely upon thrill and action, but the strength and dynamics of the character arcs.

And we've got two more episodes left in the season :tu

Mr B 08-06-2012 03:52 PM

Re: Falling Skies
I saw Pope in a episode of "Perception" last week, all clean shaven and short hair. Totally tripped me out. I kinda thought I reccognized him...then I heard his voice and gave the ol Ah Ha!!

kelmac07 08-20-2012 05:49 AM

Re: Falling Skies
Great season finale last night. :tu :tu

CRIMPS 08-20-2012 09:14 AM

Re: Falling Skies
Good finale. Dai needs to rise from the dead, though. I liked his character.

kelmac07 08-20-2012 09:20 AM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by CRIMPS (Post 1702416)
Good finale. Dai needs to rise from the dead, though. I liked his character.


SvilleKid 08-20-2012 10:29 AM

Re: Falling Skies
Any consensus as to whether the new aliens that arrive at the end of the show are going to be allies, or enemies? I'm thinking allies that have their own agenda, and will eventually become enemies! Just a wild arse guess on my part!!

Gophernut 08-20-2012 08:14 PM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1702451)
Any consensus as to whether the new aliens that arrive at the end of the show are going to be allies, or enemies? I'm thinking allies that have their own agenda, and will eventually become enemies! Just a wild arse guess on my part!!

I got the feeling that they will be allies. The alien didn't come out shooting, or making any hostile movements.

spectrrr 08-21-2012 12:19 PM

Re: Falling Skies
I think it's safe to say that the new aliens are enemies of the overlords. (hence the giant space cannon looking thing that was aimed skyward, at the incoming aliens).

But I think you got it right - the enemy of my enemy is my friend... at least until he becomes my enemy also. The new aliens didn't come "just to kill the overlords", because that would make for a very boring TV show. They have their own agenda and will most certainly become a problem, if not an outright enemy.

Damn, going to be a long wait for more.....

Powers 08-21-2012 01:43 PM

Re: Falling Skies
Apparently for all her medical knowledge Mason's lady-friend wasn't on the pill :D

spectrrr 08-21-2012 04:17 PM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1703204)
Apparently for all her medical knowledge Mason's lady-friend wasn't on the pill :D

lol, that would assume there's any pill left to take ;)

kelmac07 07-21-2013 02:32 PM

Re: Falling Skies
Anyone still watching? I've been hanging on.

jonumberone 07-21-2013 02:40 PM

Re: Falling Skies

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1863861)
Anyone still watching? I've been hanging on.

Just started recently and got caught up.
Not liking this season as much as the first 2.

CigarNut 07-21-2013 02:42 PM

Re: Falling Skies
I watched it "real-time" up until this year. This time I figured I would do a "Catch-up" on Comcast at the end of the season.

How is it going for you so far Mac?

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