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RGD. 05-14-2012 03:32 PM

Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
I just got released from being in the hospital since Saturday. Apparently I collapsed while out celebrating with others for my daughters 21st birthday. Seems I have pneumonia, dehydration, arrhythmia and a few other things. What I want to touch on is the schooling I got on pneumonia.

It seems that the current variations of pneumonia bacteria are more potent and deadly than say 20 years ago. Over 20% of those that come down with pneumonia die from it - even with antibiotics. That's a lot brothers. I had no idea.

There is a vaccine. I had no clue that there was. According to the CDC anyone 65 or older and those that are at least 50 should be getting this vaccine.

I will be fine. I see my regular doctor in the morning and this gnash in my forehead (from passing out and hitting something) should heal in a few days. Even though I currently have pneumonia, I was given the injection which will last me 5 years and then I'll need another one.

But please - all of my BOTL's who are over 50, research it and please check with your doctors and see if this vaccine is right for you. Would not want to lose anyone to this if it could be prevented.


pnoon 05-14-2012 03:38 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Glad you are OK, Ron.
And thanks for the heads up.
Posted via Mobile Device

Ogre 05-14-2012 03:40 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Glad to hear your going to be ok. Thanks for the heads up.

T.G 05-14-2012 03:47 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Good to hear that things are going to be ok Ron.

CigarNut 05-14-2012 03:52 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
It's good that you are going to be OK!

kelmac07 05-14-2012 04:22 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Glad to hear you're doing better Ron. Thanks for the heads up.

jonumberone 05-14-2012 04:23 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Glad to hear you are ok, Ron.

68TriShield 05-14-2012 04:23 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Geez Ron,time for Zach to learn you about nutrition ;)

SmokeyJoe 05-14-2012 04:27 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Thankful you are going to be alright, Ron. Blessings for a speedy recovery!

boonedoggle 05-14-2012 04:45 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Wow. That is alot to take in, Ron. Glad you are doing better!

icehog3 05-14-2012 05:08 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Glad to hear you are going to be good, Ron. :)

I first had the vaccine about 10 years ago after having pnuemonia and double pnuemonia multiple times. I think they said it was good for 10 years, so it is time to re-up.

RHNewfie 05-14-2012 05:28 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Great to hear you are doin ok Ron and thanks for the info!

Coach Deg 05-14-2012 05:38 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Glad you are going to be ok!!!! I am calling my parents as soon as I am done typing!

GreekGodX 05-14-2012 05:40 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Glad you are better Ron :tu

EricF 05-14-2012 05:57 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Glad your doing OK Ron!!! :tu

maninblack 05-14-2012 06:15 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Glad to hear you're on the mend brother and thanks for the heads up!

hotreds 05-14-2012 06:27 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Whoa! Stay well, thanks for the heads up!

jjirons69 05-14-2012 07:39 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Whoa, scary, Ron. I know it must have been tough on you and your family. Thanks for the heads up. Definitely something I didn't know. Glad to hear you're better.

awsmith4 05-14-2012 08:13 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Glad to hear you are ok, Ron. I'll keep you in my thoughts for a speedy recovery

smokin5 05-14-2012 08:34 PM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Good thoughts are heading your way for a speedy & full
recovery from all over the Asylum.

Dave128 05-15-2012 08:50 AM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Glad you're back on your feet, Ron.

replicant_argent 05-15-2012 09:28 AM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Scary stuff, Ron! It is good to hear you are ok, on the mend, and informed. Get well soon, brother.

saigon68 05-15-2012 09:33 AM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
Glad you're on the mend. I was sick with sinusitis 2 weeks back & while at the doc's office he said that the medical community was concerned re the number of drug resistant pneumonia's that were out there affecting seniors. The drug companies are scrambling to develop new vaccines to help with this alarming news. Great advice re getting a pneumonia shot every 5 years.

shilala 05-15-2012 10:28 AM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
I'm glad you're doing better, Ron. :tu
I've had pneumonia twice. The second time was a month or two after I got the pneumonia shot (and flu shot). I haven't had one since.
I think it's time I start getting them again, I'm not superhuman anymore. It'd be a real good idea. Thanks for the reminder, my friend. I have an appointment with my family doctor in July, I'll get my shots.

dijit 05-15-2012 10:33 AM

Re: Out of hospital now - BOTL's Please Read
barely know of ya but glad for anyone to be recovering from that. Been there twice almost lost the second fight.

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