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DBall 03-09-2012 05:40 PM

Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

I'd like a newb that writes reviews and enjoys cigars for a little blind taste test fun.

You need to have around 100 posts, at least 1 or 2 trader feedbacks (a send and receive in the NST, for instance) and to have written some reviews already. I'd like it if you're fairly new to smoking and just trying new stuff.

You'd be obligated to write reviews and enjoy some cigars.. that's about it (painful, eh?).

Post here why you should be the one and link some of your reviews. The way you write your reasons will be considered too... :tu

Previous threads for reference (and some damned good reading, too:) ):

Blind Taste Test Thread #1

Blind Taste Test Thread #2

Blind Taste Test Thread #3

Blind Taste Test Thread #4

mkarnold1 03-09-2012 05:44 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Do I have too many posts to be considered for this? I am pretty new to cigars and enjoy writing. I have a few short reviews of cigars on the what did you smoke today thread, but would certainly be interested in doing longer reviews with pictures.

DBall 03-09-2012 05:52 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by mkarnold1 (Post 1586786)
Do I have too many posts to be considered for this? I am pretty new to cigars and enjoy writing. I have a few short reviews of cigars on the what did you smoke today thread, but would certainly be interested in doing longer reviews with pictures.

Feel free to throw your hat in the ring (although the reviews you link to should be full reviews).

One thing, though, for anyone interested...

Please understand this is a COMMITMENT.

By that I mean, if you get the cigars, please review them all and do so in a timely manner (1 per week or so, if possible) with 5 pictures per review. In prior iterations, I sent 20 cigars (10 to each person) and, in the previous threads, there were issues of people not completing the reviews... it kinda turned me off on doing these. However, this forum rocks and I figure a year has gone by since my last one... it's time to try this again... :tu

mkarnold1 03-09-2012 05:52 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
I don't have any reviews that I've started a thread over, so nothing to link to. But I think I'll go out and smoke one right now and do a quick review so you have some idea of my writing /review style.

DBall 03-09-2012 06:09 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Let's say the deadline for submissions is Monday, 3/19 at noon. :banger

BHalbrooks 03-09-2012 06:23 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 1586792)
Feel free to throw your hat in the ring (although the reviews you link to should be full reviews).

One thing, though, for anyone interested...

Please understand this is a COMMITMENT.

By that I mean, if you get the cigars, please review them all and do so in a timely manner (1 per week or so, if possible) with 5 pictures per review. In prior iterations, I sent 20 cigars (10 to each person) and, in the previous threads, there were issues of people not completing the reviews... it kinda turned me off on doing these. However, this forum rocks and I figure a year has gone by since my last one... it's time to try this again... :tu

Did you want us to PM you? I'm not "new" to Cigars, but I'm not "experienced" as most of the crazies here.

DBall 03-09-2012 06:26 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by BHalbrooks (Post 1586836)
Did you want us to PM you? I'm not "new" to Cigars, but I'm not "experienced" as most of the crazies here.

Nope. Post links to reviews you have posted on this forum here in this thread, please. :tu

BHalbrooks 03-09-2012 06:28 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
I'll start writing some!
I'm a total newb when it comes to flavors, etc.

DBall 03-09-2012 06:34 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
For reference, here was the last submissions thread.

jesseboston81 03-09-2012 07:15 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
OH YES! So excited for this thread--thanks for doing this again, Dan!

lenguamor 03-09-2012 07:21 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
This is a terrific endeavor, Dan. Good luck!

Reaver2145 03-09-2012 07:48 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Would being fairly new to non-cubans be good enough.

PS. This one could use some replys too boot.

the jiggler 03-09-2012 08:16 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
I don'r have any reviews but here is a link to my blog. The most recent two posts are not mine, they're by my business partner who's a non-native english speaker with no sense of wit, so ignore those.

My only other accolade to speak of is winning the charmed leaf name the logo guy contest. Which I did, with style.

At any rate, I'm a noob, I can write, and if you don't pick me I'll kick your ass.

mkarnold1 03-09-2012 08:34 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
This is my first review of a cigar. I will make the effort to do another in the next week or so to give you more perspective. Thanks for the opportunity, a BTT seems like a lot of fun!

keith_mahoney 03-09-2012 10:14 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
I might be interested in this as I have recently started trying to pay more attention to the subtleties of what I am smoking.
I have only actually reviewed one cigar however but just in my notebook and not on here. I will type it up tomorrow at work and post it. It's not going to look organized and pretty like the reviews on here. It's more just a collection of the random stuff that popped into my head as I was enjoying a cigar last week.

Edit: Oh never mind, I don't have enough posts. I will still put up my review though since the main reason I took all those notes was to post here.

BlkDrew 03-09-2012 10:35 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Oh Dan... This sounds like a good time.

awsmith4 03-09-2012 10:49 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by the jiggler (Post 1586976)

At any rate, I'm a noob, I can write, and if you don't pick me I'll kick your ass.

I got Dan's back :su

Adriftpanda 03-10-2012 01:12 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by awsmith4 (Post 1587152)
I got Dan's back :su

Learn from THIS guy, nostral pics will get you guys A+

ApexAZ 03-10-2012 03:26 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
I'm still fairly new and wouldn't mind giving it a shot. I think blind taste test would be interesting because I am always looking to try new things. If I can learn something from it, that would be great. If the forum can learn from it, even better. If I don't get selected then let me know if I can help in other ways, like donate some sticks or anything else you might need.

jonumberone 03-10-2012 05:16 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Awesome Dan!


DBall 03-10-2012 06:18 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Remember... you guys submitting yourselves need at least 1 trader feedback, a cigar review posted on this board and a minimum of 100 posts. The reason for that is that I want to make sure people are at least sort of invested in the community here. The post thing I may be lenient with, but the cigar review posted here and the trader feedback are pretty important.

CoreyD 03-10-2012 06:58 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Thank You Dan for your part in sharing these chances. Now I know I have been here since 10-26-10, I still consider myself fairly new to cigars. I have tried lots of cigars in that time and at times have had my opinions altered on a cigar due to knowing whats in it. I even have gotten set in certain kinds of cigars and its time to shake up the pallet a little with some curiosity and the land of not knowing what it is, so the brain doesn't play tricks on me.

I don't always taste nutmeg ,flowers ,wood chips, or all that jazz and also don't have the best writing skills.I also post what I taste and if my pallet and brain remembers what that taste is,and have posted if I can't pin point the taste. I do however want to get better at my reviews and it has been awhile since I was in the BTT section. I am also active for most part within the community.

So, I would like to throw my name in the hat. This experience will allow me to further my pallet on a unbiased note and get better at writing reviews which in return will allow me to contribute more with confidence to the reviews section.
My examples from 1 year ago.

Now I know a few of those examples don't have pictures but I know by submitting my name in this and wanting to get better at reviews I have made a personal note to self to go all out and post pics with all reviews and really form it into my way of a review and try my best to keep it eye readable and brain comprehensive.
That is all.

DBall 03-12-2012 06:30 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Bump... :)

jonumberone 03-12-2012 06:55 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
When I first saw this thread I was all giddy with excitement.
I knew that 1 or possibly more newbs were going to share the same wonderful and exciting experience I had, thanks to Dball.
I expected to come back to this thread and find page after page of entries.

Aside from the herfs I have attended, my involvement in the last Dball blind reviews has been the single most influential experience I've had.
It paved the way for making the jump from smoker, to hobbyist, to what I now consider a lifestyle.
The greatest reward has been the relationship I've had with Dan since my time as one of his newbs.
Even if it doesn't effect you the same way it did me, you will still be better off having participated, than not!

This is a commitment, though it is not a big one, if you enjoy smoking wonderful cigars! :)
It will take time and effort, but like most things in life that do, you will be handsomely rewarded in the end.

So, don't be shy!
Step up, and let Dan see what you have to offer.
Dan won't hurt you......................Too bad! :banger :D

Brutus2600 03-12-2012 11:23 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Here here, I second Dom's words. Dan's newb blind reviews were literally what opened my eyes up to another entire level of enjoying cigars.

Thanks for starting up another one of these Dan...can't wait to see the reviews!

rizzle 03-12-2012 01:47 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Aw yeah, Dan is on the prowl. :tu

DBall 03-12-2012 04:11 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
You guys are too kind... :)

E.J. 03-12-2012 04:18 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
I'm just excited that I get another one of these threads to follow....

Thanks, Dan!

DBall 03-12-2012 04:24 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1589161)
I'm just excited that I get another one of these threads to follow....

Thanks, Dan!

Hopefully... if we get some interested newbs... ;)

CRIMPS 03-12-2012 08:52 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
So happy to see this thread back for a fifth run. Well said, Dom!

Thank you for your generosity, Dan. We all win, both the smoker and the reader.


deadrise 03-12-2012 10:00 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
I would be willing to give this a shot I have done 10 blind reviews on page
46 and 47 of the blind taste test
I am not a great reviewer but I try and can do more pics as you require no big deal
here is a review I did not to long ago
I am still learning what I like and really still do consider myself a noob only now I got a bigger list of stuff I don't like

DBall 03-13-2012 05:41 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by deadrise (Post 1589490)
I would be willing to give this a shot I have done 10 blind reviews on page
46 and 47 of the blind taste test
I am not a great reviewer but I try and can do more pics as you require no big deal
here is a review I did not to long ago
I am still learning what I like and really still do consider myself a noob only now I got a bigger list of stuff I don't like

I don't see any reviews from you on any of the links you posted (other people can have things on different page numbers). Could you actually link to the specific post? As for the link you put in the word "review", that, too, leads to page 47 of the BTT thread.

DBall 03-13-2012 05:42 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Maybe you meant to link THIS as your review... :)

LockOut 03-13-2012 06:00 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
I <3 these threads. Makes me wish i was a noob.

Blak Smyth 03-13-2012 09:56 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
I would like to be considered for this, I still consider myself new to cigars. I have been smoking cigars regularly just prior to joining CA. I have since smoked hundreds of cigars and while I do not have a refined palate, I am able to pull some flavors out of a stick. I started doing reviews when I first started smoking and really enjoyed how reviewing a stick really forces you to concentrate on it. I am interested in doing some more reviews now that the weather is getting nice out again. Here are a few reviews I did early on, after reading through them I can see how much my preferences and senses have changed. Thank you for the consideration and the opportunity you are offering here Dan, I look forward to the challenge if accepted. I am not a writer and I only have my iphone camera, if these limit me to not be accepted I understand (or if I am not as newb as you are looking for). Thank again.

DBall 03-13-2012 10:07 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1589818)
I would like to be considered for this, I still consider myself new to cigars. I have been smoking cigars regularly just prior to joining CA. I have since smoked hundreds of cigars and while I do not have a refined palate, I am able to pull some flavors out of a stick. I started doing reviews when I first started smoking and really enjoyed how reviewing a stick really forces you to concentrate on it. I am interested in doing some more reviews now that the weather is getting nice out again. Here are a few reviews I did early on, after reading through them I can see how much my preferences and senses have changed. Thank you for the consideration and the opportunity you are offering here Dan, I look forward to the challenge if accepted. I am not a writer and I only have my iphone camera, if these limit me to not be accepted I understand (or if I am not as newb as you are looking for). Thank again.

Holy hell, man... nearly 5,000 posts?! Damn! :r

Blak Smyth 03-13-2012 10:16 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 1589832)
Holy hell, man... nearly 5,000 posts?! Damn! :r

Yah, I had ruled myself out of the running but a good BOTL told me to give it a shot so I figured I would.
Just disregard if you see fit Dan.

DBall 03-13-2012 10:37 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1589843)
Yah, I had ruled myself out of the running but a good BOTL told me to give it a shot so I figured I would.
Just disregard if you see fit Dan.

Nothing wrong with giving it a shot, and you are not ruled out. You haven't been here over a year or anything...

Devanmc 03-13-2012 10:51 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
I need to learn how to do reviews. Maybe then I could do some blind reviews, could be fun.

Gooner 03-13-2012 02:01 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
I just spent the afternoon reading all the BTT threads and what an awesome idea. I really enjoyed it.

Dan, you are a stand up dude!

deadrise 03-13-2012 03:34 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
yea sorry I must have been link challenged last night lets see if i can do better today












and yes this was where the link was meant to go to

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 1589647)
Maybe you meant to link THIS as your review... :)

I really did enjoy doing the BTT and wish it would have kept going but as of now it is in limbo
I am looking for someone to take my 5er and then I will do it again if possible
this BTT just seams like a lot of fun in the past and I would be happy to give it a try

mkarnold1 03-13-2012 03:47 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
I am going to bow out of this BTT contention. Spring is a very busy time and I'm not sure if I can find the time necessary to do reviews and post them. I would rather sit back and relax with a cigar than think about the different flavors and take notes and such. Thanks for the thread and I will definitely look forward to reading the reviews of the folks that get picked to do this.

DBall 03-15-2012 05:45 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Bump... 4 days left to submit your nomination?

smitty81 03-15-2012 10:07 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 1586782)

I'd like a newb that writes reviews and enjoys cigars for a little blind taste test fun.

You need to have around 100 posts, at least 1 or 2 trader feedbacks (a send and receive in the NST, for instance) and to have written some reviews already. I'd like it if you're fairly new to smoking and just trying new stuff. I have over 100 post and 1 trader feedback. I have written 2 or 3 reviews so far. I am really new to smoking, In fact I have only tried my 8th different cigar.
You'd be obligated to write reviews and enjoy some cigars.. that's about it (painful, eh?).

Post here why you should be the one and link some of your reviews. The way you write your reasons will be considered too... :tu

Previous threads for reference (and some damned good reading, too:) ):

Blind Taste Test Thread #1

Blind Taste Test Thread #2

Blind Taste Test Thread #3

Blind Taste Test Thread #4

Link to reviews. VVV

I fit the person your looking for perfectly and I like to review cigars. If I get selected I will make my reviews much more in depth than the ones I posted along with pictures.
I really try to pick out the flavors and inspect the burn, construction and such.

I am adventurous and open minded when it comes to cigars. I have time to review these in a timely manner. Im your man!

EDIT: I have three more cigars I have recently smoked that I can do a better review if you want a more in depth review.
I will also be going in for my 2nd NST for my second trader feedback.

DBall 03-15-2012 11:34 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by smitty81 (Post 1591797)
Link to reviews. VVV

I fit the person your looking for perfectly and I like to review cigars. If I get selected I will make my reviews much more in depth than the ones I posted along with pictures.
I really try to pick out the flavors and inspect the burn, construction and such.

I am adventurous and open minded when it comes to cigars. I have time to review these in a timely manner. Im your man!

EDIT: I have three more cigars I have recently smoked that I can do a better review if you want a more in depth review.
I will also be going in for my 2nd NST for my second trader feedback.

Fits the description and follows the format... score!

jimmyk26 03-15-2012 04:19 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1588697)
When I first saw this thread I was all giddy with excitement.
I knew that 1 or possibly more newbs were going to share the same wonderful and exciting experience I had, thanks to Dball.
I expected to come back to this thread and find page after page of entries.

Aside from the herfs I have attended, my involvement in the last Dball blind reviews has been the single most influential experience I've had.
It paved the way for making the jump from smoker, to hobbyist, to what I now consider a lifestyle.
The greatest reward has been the relationship I've had with Dan since my time as one of his newbs.

Dom, I'm glad you and Dan have a good relationship. ;)

This was a seminal experience for me. I'd actually been smoking cigars for over a decade before participating, but this series of reviews really shifted the way I view cigars and help develop my palate significantly. I was a newbie all over again!

It is a great opportunity, don't miss it!

Doctorossi 03-15-2012 10:09 PM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
Nice! Thanks for doing this again, Dan. These threads are a blast.

jonumberone 03-16-2012 09:02 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)

Originally Posted by jimmyk26 (Post 1592068)
Dom, I'm glad you and Dan have a good relationship. ;)


DBall 03-19-2012 05:33 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
4.5 hours left to sign up, guys!!!

smitty81 03-19-2012 11:17 AM

Re: Need a newb that writes reviews... (Part 5)
I'm pretty excited to try this if I'm selected. My only reserve is that I might not be able to describe the cigar flavor to well and I more than likely will not have tried anything you will send me.

I'm just concerned that my review of a cigar might not quite be up to par on describing the flavor part of it. I have read some of the reviews and they are really good reviews for "noobs". I am still learning to pick out flavors from a cigar.

What someone calls caramel, I might call nutty or woodsy......

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