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Flatsix 12-03-2008 08:18 AM

Sean Avery
Hockey fans...what do think about Sean Avery's suspension for his comments on TV?

If you didn't see it, it went like this:

Reporters were waiting to speak with Avery about disparaging remarks he'd made last month about Flames star Jarome Iginla when Avery walked over to the group and asked if there was a camera present. When told there was, he said, "I'm just going to say one thing."

"I'm really happy to be back in Calgary; I love Canada," he said. "I just want to comment on how it's become like a common thing in the NHL for guys to fall in love with my sloppy seconds. I don't know what that's about, but enjoy the game tonight." He then walked out of the locker room.

Avery's ex-girlfriend, actress Elisha Cuthbert of the television show "24" and the movie "Old School," is dating Calgary defenseman Dion Phaneuf; she also had been romantically linked to Mike Komisarek of the Montreal Canadiens.

I was a fan of Sean's when he was with the Kings. He's a grade A crap stirrer for sure but he can get the team fired up when they are playing below standard. I always thought that if he could just mature a liitle and show some restraint that all that passion could be channeled in a positive way. Looks like he's still got some maturing to do.

Sean's comments were classless for sure, I'd guess that he'll be called in for a heart to heart with Gary Bettman and then allowed to play, most likely some kind of "double secret probation".

Mr.Maduro 12-03-2008 08:22 AM

Re: Sean Avery
This POS (Avery) shouldn't even have a thread with his name on it here. :pu

ahc4353 12-03-2008 08:28 AM

Re: Sean Avery
Come on.

Was it a classless move? Absolutely. Should the NHL step in? No way. What's next suspending a guy for saying your mom wears combat boots?

It should have been left for the Stars, and the players to handle (both on and off the ice). Dion could have been given the green light to just kick the snot out of him with nothing more than a five minute major.

Everyone hates Avery till he plays for your team. Many worse have gone before him and many more will come after him.

Mr.Maduro 12-03-2008 08:46 AM

Re: Sean Avery
If you have talent, show it on the ice/field/court etc.

These overpaid athletes need to realize it’s a privilege to play sports professionally and need to think twice when cameras/microphones are put in their faces. Kids look up to these kinds of people and the league was absolutely right for stepping in and suspending him. The league has an image to uphold and asshats like this can find work elsewhere.

SilverFox 12-03-2008 08:47 AM

Re: Sean Avery
Sorry Al I disagree.

If he says it on the ice I am fine with that. I think it is a classless tasteless comment but if it is in between players then they can decide how they will handle it.

To take that kind of talk in the premeditated fashion to the cameras is completely unacceptable.

As for loving him if he is on your team. Even Turco and Modano (to very classy Dallas Stars) have said publicly that he is an embarrassment to the the team and that they fully agree with the leagues and the ownerships decision to penalize him. Hitchcock posted on the Dallas site that if the league hadn't suspended him that the Stars would have, I think it might be the end of Avery in Dallas.

I think the role of the pest is a good one to have on your team, but I think it needs to stay on the ice, making denigrating and derogatory remarks towards women on national TV is not how I think we should allow professional athletes to act nor is that what I want my boys thinking is allowable behavior in society.

Rant over.

Please return to your regularly scheduled program

ahc4353 12-03-2008 08:53 AM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 98151)
If you have talent, show it on the ice/field/court etc.

These overpaid athletes need to realize it’s a privilege to play sports professionally and need to think twice when cameras/microphones are put in their faces. Kids look up to these kinds of people and the league was absolutely right for stepping in and suspending him. The league has an image to uphold and asshats like this can find work elsewhere.

I agree to a point Patrick so don't think I'm picking a fight. :)

However, it's OK to beat each others face in on the ice (in front of the same kids) but not say anything wrong about a guys GF?

How many LITTLE kids will ever know he said it and would they understand what he meant? If the press would not make it such a huge deal and stop printing it then it would just go away. But no, that would not sell papers.

Still say the Team and the players are the best ones to handle such things.

I am ready for my beating. :)

ahc4353 12-03-2008 09:00 AM

Re: Sean Avery
What do you disagree with?

I said it was classless. I said it should of been dealt with on the ice and by the Stars management.

Is it that I don't think the NHL as a whole should of stepped in what bothers you?


Originally Posted by SilverFox (Post 98156)
Sorry Al I disagree.

If he says it on the ice I am fine with that. I think it is a classless tasteless comment but if it is in between players then they can decide how they will handle it.

To take that kind of talk in the premeditated fashion to the cameras is completely unacceptable.

As for loving him if he is on your team. Even Turco and Modano (to very classy Dallas Stars) have said publicly that he is an embarrassment to the the team and that they fully agree with the leagues and the ownerships decision to penalize him. Hitchcock posted on the Dallas site that if the league hadn't suspended him that the Stars would have, I think it might be the end of Avery in Dallas.

I think the role of the pest is a good one to have on your team, but I think it needs to stay on the ice, making denigrating and derogatory remarks towards women on national TV is not how I think we should allow professional athletes to act nor is that what I want my boys thinking is allowable behavior in society.

Rant over.

Please return to your regularly scheduled program

Mr.Maduro 12-03-2008 09:01 AM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 98166)
I agree to a point Patrick so don't think I'm picking a fight. :)

However, it's OK to beat each others face in on the ice (in front of the same kids) but not say anything wrong about a guys GF?

How many LITTLE kids will ever know he said it and would they understand what he meant? If the press would not make it such a huge deal and stop printing it then it would just go away. But no, that would not sell papers.

Still say the Team and the players are the best ones to handle such things.

I am ready for my beating. :)

Any hockey fan knows that fighting has become accepted as "just part of the game".

My post was generalized to include all athletes, not just Avery. Maybe kids don't understand what "sloppy seconds" means but if the league didn't do something, how far would it have gone? Do your talking on the ice/field/court. If you want to talk, keep it related to the game... not personal.

ahc4353 12-03-2008 09:05 AM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 98178)
Any hockey fan knows that fighting has become accepted as "just part of the game".

My post was generalized to include all athletes, not just Avery. Maybe kids don't understand what "sloppy seconds" means but if the league didn't do something, how far would it have gone? Do your talking on the ice/field/court. If you want to talk, keep it related to the game... not personal.

I hear ya! As for "just part of the game" does that make it alright? Why not just make it a rule you can't? Again that would impact sales. And it's a whole other thread. :)

I love this game. However I thing the fighting gives us a worse rep than one or two load mouths running amok.

Thanks for sharing your views.

SilverFox 12-03-2008 09:11 AM

Re: Sean Avery
I am probably in a bit more of a unique situation but both of my kids did see it and my oldest did ask me what "sloppy seconds" was (he is only 8)

As for disagreeing with you yup your right. I do think the league has a role to fill in maintaining a certain level of professionalism with its players. I will agree with you that it is a very very slippery slope and caution in how it is approached should be taken.

Also disagree about liking having Avery on your team. That kind of "pest" I don't want to see. Give me the Darcy Tuckers, the Tuutu's, and Ville Nikanens of the world gladly. Again a fine line I guess.

On letting the players handle it, lets say Dion gets him with his head down and lays him out ala Scott Stevens but he gets injured, now we are talking about Dion gooning it up and losing his cool. Dunno what the right answer is.

I am a fan of fighting in Hockey it has its place in my opinion, two willing combatants squaring off is part of hockey to me. Jawing on the ice........hell I am all for it.

Guess this one crossed my line, we all have it just at different levels.

I guess the league should have given the Stars 24 hours to do something before jumping the gun maybe. But in my mind it was the right outcome, maybe just not handled perfectly.

mrreindeer 12-03-2008 09:14 AM

Re: Sean Avery
You guys totally lost me after Gregg mentioned Elisha Cuthbert. :hm

dunng 12-03-2008 09:15 AM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 98166)
However, it's OK to beat each others face in on the ice (in front of the same kids) but not say anything wrong about a guys GF?

You stole my line! :mad:

Mr.Maduro 12-03-2008 09:17 AM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by SilverFox (Post 98198)
I guess the league should have given the Stars 24 hours to do something before jumping the gun maybe. But in my mind it was the right outcome, maybe just not handled perfectly.

I disagree. If they let him take the ice after that comment plus the others he made about Igilna, it would've been a bloodbath. I think the NHL did the right thing.

mrreindeer 12-03-2008 09:19 AM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by SilverFox (Post 98198)
I do think the league has a role to fill in maintaining a certain level of professionalism with its players.

Agree with Shawn there although I think the comment was pretty damn funny & true! And I would have no problem whatsoever with anybody's seconds related to Elisha Cuthbert....uh, if I weren't a happily married man.

Tasteless comment for sure but to deserve suspension...I dunno...are there written up rules about trash talking?

ahc4353 12-03-2008 09:21 AM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by dunng (Post 98208)
You stole my line! :mad:

Yes I did as it was so on the mark. Sorry my friend. The fighting comment was Greg's to me in another post.


mrreindeer 12-03-2008 09:30 AM

Re: Sean Avery

And now....

Flatsix 12-03-2008 10:11 AM

Re: Sean Avery
Thanks, Mr Reindeer for the intermission;)

Uh.......what were we talking about again?

Sean Avery...... IMHO Sean should be suspended because he has stepped over the line. Making the comments on ice is one thing. If a player doesn't like what's being said, someone on the team will take care of it. Making the comments to a TV camera is way out of line, this isn't WW whatever wresting.

If he has issues with a player dating his ex the he should man up and say it directly to the person that he has a problem with, they can deal with with it themselves.

If he's not careful, Sean's about to cut his own career short. I'm wondering if Sean's brain wasn't affected by the nuke plant in his home town.

Clampdown 12-03-2008 10:29 AM

Re: Sean Avery
Was Shaq suspended for his rap over the summer about Kobe? It wasnt the nicest thing in the world, but to be honest when i saw it on ESPN I laughed. I guess it was just my sense of humor that found it funny that this guy cared enough to say it to the camera. A meeting with league officials is about all I think should be done to the guy, maybe a fine and suspension. Players say FAR worse to the refs and one another on the field and in the locker room, nothing is done about it. There are more important issues for the league to be concerned about then dealing with a player who said something almost every guy in America has heard/said in their lifetime.

loki 12-03-2008 10:43 AM

Re: Sean Avery
i've got no problem with someone talking a little smack and this seems about right with what I know about him all be it that isn't much. he likes to start crap and this seems like about part for the course.

tobii3 12-03-2008 11:11 AM

Re: Sean Avery
this is so pathetic.

Okay kids!! Beat the sh*t out of each other on the ice!!! Beat the fans when you're in the Penalty Box!!! Do drugs, get arrested for beating the crap out of someone, spend 5 games on the bench!!!

BUT G-D FORBID you say anything about your ex-girlfriend on TV!!!

What a load of crap.

mrreindeer 12-03-2008 11:15 AM

Re: Sean Avery
yeah, he even told us to 'enjoy the game'; i mean really

ahc4353 12-03-2008 11:20 AM

Re: Sean Avery
Personally I think Avery is a bigger loser for letting the nice blonde lady get away in the first place then his poor timed comment. :D

dunng 12-03-2008 11:20 AM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 98222)
Yes I did as it was so on the mark. Sorry my friend. The fighting comment was Greg's to me in another post.


It's all good! It's one of those rare moments where I actually say something worth repeating... :ss

SmokeyJoe 12-03-2008 11:22 AM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 98106)
... Everyone hates Avery till he plays for your team. ...

Naw.... I'm pretty sure I would loathe him if he was a Hurricane. :rolleyes:

LasciviousXXX 12-03-2008 11:25 AM

Re: Sean Avery
As a big fan of hockey myself I have to say I was disappointed in the way the NHL handled this. Having read all the posts before mine I do understand your points guys but I still think it was too heavy handed on the NHL's part.

Is Avery a classless a-hole... yup, should he have been penalized by the league for his comment to the media, IMO no. While you are held to a certain standard in regards to your conduct as an athlete I don't believe the league should have stepped in on a trash-talking incident. Whether it was in the media or not.


Flatsix 12-03-2008 11:26 AM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by tobii3 (Post 98424)
this is so pathetic.

Okay kids!! Beat the sh*t out of each other on the ice!!! Beat the fans when you're in the Penalty Box!!! Do drugs, get arrested for beating the crap out of someone, spend 5 games on the bench!!!

BUT G-D FORBID you say anything about your ex-girlfriend on TV!!!

What a load of crap.

Minus the drugs and the crap that happens off ice, these are some of the reasons that people love playing and watching hockey.

Buena Fortuna 12-03-2008 11:29 AM

Re: Sean Avery
If Sean Avery could shoot the puck half as good as he can shoot his mouth he would be a shoo-in for the Hall of Fame.

From the looks of the picture below, most anyone would be happy with a chance to put the biscut in the basket, be it firsts, seconds, or thirds... :dr

mrreindeer 12-03-2008 11:30 AM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 98439)
Personally I think Avery is a bigger loser for letting the nice blonde lady get away in the first place then his poor timed comment. :D

:tpd:ding ding ding....we have a winner!

and Al said 'nice blonde lady'

acruce 12-03-2008 12:59 PM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by mrreindeer (Post 98244)

Is this who he was talking about?Here in Dallas thats all the sports radio stations are talking about. Sounds like the Stars organization and his teammates are already tired of his act.

ahc4353 12-03-2008 01:02 PM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by acruce (Post 98635)
Is this who he was talking about?Here in Dallas thats all the sports radio stations are talking about. Sounds like the Stars organization and his teammates are already tired of his act.


That's fine send him to New York. I will be his handler for and even million per year and all will be good with the world.

RBOrrell 12-03-2008 01:11 PM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by mrreindeer (Post 98244)

I can't even watch TV with my daughter when she watches "Popular Mechanics for Kids" because you see Elisha like this....

Having said that.... Avery is a goon. This kind of stuff is not required.

SeanGAR 12-03-2008 01:29 PM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 98151)
If you have talent, show it on the ice/field/court etc.

These overpaid athletes need to realize it’s a privilege to play sports professionally and need to think twice when cameras/microphones are put in their faces. Kids look up to these kinds of people and the league was absolutely right for stepping in and suspending him. The league has an image to uphold and asshats like this can find work elsewhere.


tobii3 12-03-2008 01:58 PM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 98439)
Personally I think Avery is a bigger loser for letting the nice blonde lady get away in the first place.....

Well, let's see here....

How's that saying go again???

Doesn't matter HOW beautiful she might be....there is someone out there who is SICK AND F*CKING TIRED OF HER A$$

does THAT ring a bell???


ahc4353 12-03-2008 02:01 PM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by tobii3 (Post 98791)
Well, let's see here....

How's that saying go again???

Doesn't matter HOW beautiful she might be....there is someone out there who is SICK AND F*CKING TIRED OF HER A$$

does THAT ring a bell???


Nope. I'm never so crass. ;)

icehog3 12-03-2008 11:33 PM

Re: Sean Avery
Avery sought out the media, and asked if the cameras were on, before making his statement.

He is a clown and an embarrasament to the NHL. The fact that two of his superstar teammates, Modano and Turco, who have more talent in their pinkies than Avery has in his whole body. spoke out against his antics speaks volumes. :2

smokinj 12-03-2008 11:36 PM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by Buena Fortuna (Post 98460)
If Sean Avery could shoot the puck half as good as he can shoot his mouth he would be a shoo-in for the Hall of Fame.

From the looks of the picture below, most anyone would be happy with a chance to put the biscut in the basket, be it firsts, seconds, or thirds... :dr


Comicbookfreak 12-04-2008 06:25 AM

Re: Sean Avery
Was it right or was it wrong? I personally don't believe he said anything that really wasn't true. All in all, Elisha is really nothing more than a highly paid groupie who happens to be in the public spotlight. She's bouncing in and outta beds like a superball. He just called it like it was. Was it classless. Yeah, but sometimes the truth is. Did it need the NHL to get involved? Nope, he didn't say anything that was racial or any of the 7 words you shouldn't say on TV. What would George Carlin say about this?

Something else that gets me is this whole role model crap. Professional Athletes shouldn't be role models anyway. If kids are watching sports to get their leadership skills that's where the big problem is.

Charles Barkley said it best:

"I don't believe professional athletes should be role models. I believe parents should be role models.... It's not like it was when I was growing up. My mom and my grandmother told me how it was going to be. If I didn't like it, they said, "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out." Parents have to take better control

And this one by Sir Charles:

I'm not a role model. I am paid to wreak havok on the basketball court. Just because I dunk a basketball doesn't mean I should raise your kids.

ahc4353 12-05-2008 11:11 AM

Re: Sean Avery
Avery gets six games. Much worse has been done in the league for much less time. Not sayin he was right at all, just sayin.

icehog3 12-05-2008 01:34 PM

Re: Sean Avery
Doesn't sound like the players nor the coach want him back. The players refused when he asked to address them personally with an apology. Modano, several other players and the head coach continue to express their doubts in the media.

What does Avery care....he gets paid either way. Hope no other NHL team takes a chance on this head case.

ahc4353 12-05-2008 01:39 PM

Re: Sean Avery
So you think 6 games is fair Tom?

SilverFox 12-05-2008 01:41 PM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 103116)
Doesn't sound like the players nor the coach want him back. The players refused when he asked to address them personally with an apology. Modano, several other players and the head coach continue to express their doubts in the media.

What does Avery care....he gets paid either way. Hope no other NHL team takes a chance on this head case.

He might not actually get paid. There is a clause in the contract that requires behavior commensurate with the professional standards of the league. If they can provide supportable proof that his behavior is detrimental to league then he would be in breach and therefore not entitled to be paid. It would definitely result in a lawsuit but Hicks is no stranger to lawsuits and might know a lawyer or two.

icehog3 12-05-2008 02:00 PM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 103124)
So you think 6 games is fair Tom?

I don't know what's fair from the League....but I am not unhappy to hear that his Stars teammates don't want him back.

Hockey is a team sport....Avery doesn't get that, Al. :2

ahc4353 12-05-2008 02:10 PM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 103163)
I don't know what's fair from the League....but I am not unhappy to hear that his Stars teammates don't want him back.

Hockey is a team sport....Avery doesn't get that, Al. :2

I agree fully with your second comment.

As for the first one I do believe in trying to be fair with punishments. As an example, the Randy Jones hit on Patrice Bergeron that could of ended his career. This hit got him two games. Avery gets six for a classless 14 year old comment. The NHL has no consistentancy when it comes to punishments.

Bettman is an a$$ and the NHL looks worse because of him.



md4958 12-05-2008 02:21 PM

Re: Sean Avery
Al, do you just post in this thread because you dont get enough abuse from the Massholes???

icehog3 12-05-2008 02:30 PM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 103170)
I agree fully with your second comment.

As for the first one I do believe in trying to be fair with punishments. As an example, the Randy Jones hit on Patrice Bergeron that could of ended his career. This hit got him two games. Avery gets six for a classless 14 year old comment. The NHL has no consistentancy when it comes to punishments.

Bettman is an a$$ and the NHL looks worse because of him.



I believe the League stated that Avery's suspension is harsh because of numerous prior incidents which he was not suspended for.

While it may look harsh on its face, I believe in Karma....Sean finally got what has been coming to him for a while....and the suspension will be the least of it. :2

tobii3 12-05-2008 02:39 PM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 103163)
Hockey is a team sport....


Hockey Role Model??

Hockey Role Model Part 2

icehog3 12-05-2008 04:12 PM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by tobii3 (Post 103240)

Nobody is saying those hits are defensible.

No one is saying that children should look to pro athletes as role models.

How is this relevant to the Avery situation? :confused:

SilverFox 12-05-2008 04:20 PM

Re: Sean Avery

Originally Posted by tobii3 (Post 103240)

So based on this any sport with an unsuitable role model is????????


OJ Simpson - Kidnapping, armed robbery
Lawrence Phillips - Assault with a deadly weapon
Michael Vick - Conspiracy
Dwayne Goodrich - criminally negligent homicide


Pete Rose - Tax Evasion
Darryl Strawberry - battery, drug possession, solicitation
Ugueth Urbina - Attempted Murder
Dwight Gooden - evading police, drug possession, drug trafficking


Allen Iverson - maiming by mob
Tom Pane - Rape (multiple convictions)
Charles Smith - homicide
Ruben Patterson - Rape


Riddick Bowe - Kidnapping
Mike Tyson - Narcotics, DUI, Rape, Road Rage
Tommy Morrison - multiple weapons charges and trafficking
Rubin Carter - Murder

Hockey and every other sport has its share of people that do not put the sport in the best light, but that in and of itself does not make the sport bad nor does it mean that all the athletes in that sport should be painted with the same brush. In fact it puts more emphasis on the judiciary bodies within each sport to work harder to maintain a standard by which all athletes should be measured.

acruce 12-05-2008 04:22 PM

Re: Sean Avery
A local radio station did an interview with Dave Tippet today. It doesn't sound like Avery will play another game in here in Dallas . If he has any say so in the matter. Although it will ultimately be Tom Hicks decision as to whether he has a future here in Dallas.

icehog3 12-05-2008 04:28 PM

Re: Sean Avery
Some interesting conversation between ESPN analysts here:

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