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Reaver2145 02-27-2012 02:58 PM

Best,WORST and your old goto.
Simple little thread post your best WORST and your goto smokes of the year so far.

Best - Cuban H.Upmann connie 1 i love these things but this one was glorious.

WORST - Yet another guantanamera crystal my friend insists on bringing back from cuba so much for giving him a list of the ones i like.

Goto - Between connie 1s and AF Hemingway short storys atm.

fencefixer 02-27-2012 03:04 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: Joya de Nicaragua Antano
Worst: Flor de Oliva
Goto: 601 red/blue

if ($body(blood).nicotinelevel < 20mg) {
goto Best
} else {
terminate $pid(this)

;s couldn't resist

BHalbrooks 02-27-2012 03:05 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best - Tie between My UWAT, Perdomo Habano. I can't pick...
Worst - Ghurka Centurion. Worst I've ever had.
Goto - Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne

Pseudosacred 02-27-2012 03:07 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: Gran Habano ZuluZulu
Worst : Joya De Nicaragua Antano
Goto : Diesel Shorty

Fence, is that some fancy programming lingo?

Blak Smyth 02-27-2012 03:10 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best- Liga Privada no.9
Worst- Palma Real
Goto- Diesel UHC

Best- LP40 (Almost tied with the FFP)
Worst- Gurkha Spec Ops
Goto -Oliva V Lancero

smitty81 02-27-2012 03:19 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
best: $$$$$$$$$$$$$
go to: $$$$$

LigaPrivadaT84 02-27-2012 03:22 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.

Originally Posted by smitty81 (Post 1573798)
best: $$$$$$$$$$$$$
go to: $$$$$

Good one, Josh.

My best is probably the Unico Serie from Liga Privada - specifically the FFP.
My worst: can't think of one at the moment; probably better that I have forgotten.
My go to: so many to name - Used to be Short Stories and smaller Padrons
Lately, it has been Undercrowns and NHCs.

Islayphile 02-27-2012 03:34 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: Padron 80th Maduro
Worst: 5 Vegas Gold
Go To: 601 Blue

qsalinas 02-27-2012 03:48 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: FFP :dr:dr:dr
Worst: LFD Perfecto Habano :td
Go To: UnderCrowns & CG4 Maduro :dr

oooo35980 02-27-2012 03:56 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: Undercrown Robusto
Worst: Maker's Mark
Go to: Undercrown Robusto

kelmac07 02-27-2012 04:54 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
2012 So Far...
Best: Lige Privada Feral Flying Pig
Worst: Quesada Oktoberfest
Go To: TIE...Famous Nic 5000 Toro/601 Blue

Volusianator 02-27-2012 04:59 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: Opus Fuente Fuente
Worst: DaVinci
Go To: Casa Magna Colorado Coronas

Partagaspete 02-27-2012 05:02 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: a Cohiba pyramid with some ag on it. A gift from someone here but whe we were on the site that will not be named. also didn't want to name the giver as I keep violating certain rules lately...

worst: that damn gorilla finger the bastards in Amsterdam made me smoke. It was GOD AWFUL!!!! thoughts of urinal disc come to mind.

go to: since I am back in the states i am drying up...but I still say BBF or PSD4 consistently great smokes.


maninblack 02-27-2012 05:07 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: LP #9 Flying Pig
Worst: Perdomo Immenso
Goto: Undercrown

icehog3 02-27-2012 05:19 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
2012 so far?

Best: Between '07 RASS from a 50 cab (just so much better than they ought to be at this stage), and an '03 Cohiba Reserva Esplendido.

Worst: '01 San Luis Rey Churchill....just devoid of any discernable taste.


Bill86 02-27-2012 05:23 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: Cuaba Piramides, '06 Dip 2
Worst: Johnny-O (4 of them, 3 terrible, one smokable)

Go To, meh whatever I find with at least 3+ years on it.

Reaver2145 02-27-2012 05:28 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Hmm reminding me about cuaba i wonder if its too late to include there entire line in my worst category i swear i havnt had a good non plugged one from them in years.

ChicagoWhiteSox 02-27-2012 05:28 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best so far this year: 09 LGC RE Cuba

Go to: '08 Connie 1's are the bomb

Worst: not sure, nothing stands out as being really bad.

BHalbrooks 02-27-2012 05:34 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1573933)
Best so far this year: 09 LGC RE Cuba

Go to: '08 Connie 1's are the bomb

Worst: not sure, nothing stands out as being really bad.

Try the Ghurka _______ :r

Bill86 02-27-2012 05:38 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.

Originally Posted by Reaver2145 (Post 1573930)
Hmm reminding me about cuaba i wonder if its too late to include there entire line in my worst category i swear i havnt had a good non plugged one from them in years.

Hmm, strange. I've only had 2 of them but both were a perfect draw. I really enjoy the flavors too.

ChicagoWhiteSox 02-27-2012 05:38 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.

Originally Posted by BHalbrooks (Post 1573940)
Try the Ghurka _______ :r

No thank you:r Ghurkas aren't my cup of tea. Mainly because I don't like huge pieces of sh!t in my tea:r

BHalbrooks 02-27-2012 05:43 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
I wouldn't call them ****, but I wouldn't say they're not Poison :r.
I'm done giving bunny trails.

ChicagoWhiteSox 02-27-2012 05:46 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.

Originally Posted by BHalbrooks (Post 1573957)
I wouldn't call them ****, but I wouldn't say they're not Poison :r.
I'm done giving bunny trails.


JenksAnejo 02-27-2012 05:48 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Like many others
Best: Liga FFP
Worst: insert any gurkha
Go to: Fuente Short Story or Anejo

Big Maduro 02-27-2012 06:52 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: Padron 4000 Maduro.
Worst: Gukha Regent.
Go to: La Gloria Cubana N

celtic250 02-27-2012 06:52 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: LP 9 Robusto or T52 Pig
Worst: Gurkha Ninja
Go to: 601 Blue or AF WOAM

DaBear 02-27-2012 08:09 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: 07 PLPC
Worst: Probably the Rock-a-feller Corona I dared to try last night
Go to: Undercrown Toro

JenksAnejo 02-27-2012 08:11 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Love the Gurkha hate, amazing that people actually pay decent money for those dog rockets!

the jiggler 02-27-2012 08:23 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1573948)
No thank you:r Ghurkas aren't my cup of tea. Mainly because I don't like huge pieces of sh!t in my tea:r


Volusianator 02-27-2012 08:24 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.

Originally Posted by Reaver2145 (Post 1573930)
Hmm reminding me about cuaba i wonder if its too late to include there entire line in my worst category i swear i havnt had a good non plugged one from them in years.

I could not agree more. I went from hundreds of Habanos at home to maybe less than 10 right now.

44stampede 02-27-2012 09:27 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Cohiba SVI
Gurkha Havana Selection
Still looking although right now I am leaning towards Undercrowns

Reaver2145 02-28-2012 03:32 AM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.

Originally Posted by Volusianator (Post 1574105)
I could not agree more. I went from hundreds of Habanos at home to maybe less than 10 right now.


irratebass 02-28-2012 04:04 AM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: RyJ Reserva Real
Worst: Gurkha European Selection
Go To: 601 Blue

GI_Odie 02-28-2012 05:36 AM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: Cohiba Corona
Worst: Some green skinned monster a few years back in Iraq
Go to: Fuente 858 have not had a bad one since I started with these

GI_Odie 02-28-2012 05:37 AM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: Cohiba Corona
Worst: Some green skinned monster a few years back in Iraq
Go to: Fuente 858 have not had a bad one since I started with these

Reaver2145 02-28-2012 05:58 AM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.

Originally Posted by GI_Odie (Post 1574358)
Worst: Some green skinned monster a few years back in Iraq

Ive seen these before and managed to get my hands on one it is truly a awful cigar cummon a green wrapper REALLY.

GI_Odie 02-28-2012 06:34 AM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
I used to have the band to remind me not to get another, but it has gone away....otherwise I would have put it on there. Someone handed it to me at a meeting of the FOB Cigar Club and said he was really fond of them....just not for me though.

hammondc 02-28-2012 07:08 AM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Hmmmm...this is an ever changing list. At least the best/go to part
Best - Any Padron 1964
Worst - Camacho Havana H2 - tasted/smelled like vegetable soup.
Go To - Partagas Shorts

smitty81 02-28-2012 07:39 AM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.

Originally Posted by Reaver2145 (Post 1574375)
Ive seen these before and managed to get my hands on one it is truly a awful cigar cummon a green wrapper REALLY.


Originally Posted by GI_Odie (Post 1574401)
I used to have the band to remind me not to get another, but it has gone away....otherwise I would have put it on there. Someone handed it to me at a meeting of the FOB Cigar Club and said he was really fond of them....just not for me though.

I bet it was a cigar they call avocado.

Zanaspus 02-28-2012 08:51 AM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: a gifted '00 Hoyo du Prince. (I'm cheating going back to late 2011, but it was the best thing I ever smoked).

Worst: A Cain F. I really need to try another.

Goto: Padron Londres Maduro.

bigswol2 02-28-2012 09:37 AM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
lets see for this year
Best- Opus #2 from 05
Worst- a fresh La Gloria I was gifted. ewww
Go to- Lately its been PDR 1848/601 green and blue/ undercrowns

MurphysLaw 02-28-2012 09:44 AM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: 08 Party MF
Worst: Haven't had a bad one this year
Go-to: Tatuaje Havana VI

shilala 02-28-2012 09:48 AM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best-Trini Reyes
Worst-I haven't had a bad cigar this year.

Bageland2000 02-28-2012 10:05 AM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: FFP, though it make me sick towards the end:D
Worst: Rolly, some terrible butget stick
Go to: Fuentes


Originally Posted by smitty81 (Post 1574453)
I bet it was a cigar they call avocado.

That's exactly what I was thinking

Boobar 02-29-2012 01:18 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: PAM 64 Torpedo
Worst: Gurkha Centurian
Go To: 5 Vegas Series 'A' Archetype

PuffPuffGive1 02-29-2012 01:52 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
Best: Partagas Serie D #4
Worse: Mursuli (local cigar rollers/brand)
Go to: Tatuaje El Triunfador

the jiggler 02-29-2012 02:14 PM

Re: Best,WORST and your old goto.
best: LP FFP
worst: Ghurka tampon
go to: Padilla signature 1932

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