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Swif 02-10-2012 06:21 PM

How to deal with poor service?
I had a question to ask the community hear?

I would like to know how you guys would deal with a product you bought and the product minor concerns?

I have contacted the company expressed my concerns sent pictures of my concerns, and was told that they would fix the concerns. about 9 months pass as I am in contact with the company on a monthly bases where and when to send off to be repaired.

The company then informs me that they will refund me my money and I can keep the product. I inform the company to send me the money and payment s would be fine. I also told the company to have the product picked up so they can fix it and resell to recoup some lost funds.

The company insist I keep the product and first payment would be sent in a few weeks and full refund would take a few months.

I received a very same payment about 2 months after this was agreed and I am about 2 years past from when I sent payment for product. I am not one to blast on a forum. I have tried to work with the company and have been well beyond willing to work with the company.

How would you handle the concern? would you sell the product and expect full refund? Would you speared the word about the company? I am having trouble with what to do.

fencefixer 02-10-2012 06:28 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
No, why leave the name out?
And if it's been 2 years.. I'd have taken 'em to court a long time ago.

Swif 02-10-2012 06:34 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
Correction it will be a year for when the I ordered. I was supposed to receive in a month and it took about 3 months. I have had in my possession for almost 9 months.

Court cost is the many reason and time for not going to court.

Holding name as I do not want to cause a problem for the company at this time if I can avoid it.

It will also cause waves on this forum and maybe another.

markem 02-10-2012 06:34 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
It is sometimes helpful to name the company in case someone has ideas on other approaches that may help you. If the product isn't costly and if you basically able to use it, then it might be best just to chalk it up to experience and move on. It sounds to me like you have tried really hard with this company, however, and that it is the poor customer service that is most bothering. In that case, I'd name the vendor just in case your experience is a one-off or part of a known pattern with the vendor.

Plus, never underestimate the healing power of a good and justified vendor rant.

markem 02-10-2012 06:38 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by Swif (Post 1555470)
It will also cause waves on this forum and maybe another.

If the vendor is represented on this forum, send them a PM and give them a chance to make it right. If the vendor isn't responsive, then drop the name and either the vendor will step up and explain their side, make it right in your eyes, or take it on the chin.

You can also send a PM to a moderator naming the company and asking for advice. You might not get any, but you'd be surprised how smart the TOE is (except James. James is a kindergarten drop out).

pnoon 02-10-2012 06:47 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1555473)
If the vendor is represented on this forum, send them a PM and give them a chance to make it right. If the vendor isn't responsive, then drop the name and either the vendor will step up and explain their side, make it right in your eyes, or take it on the chin.

You can also send a PM to a moderator naming the company and asking for advice. You might not get any, but you'd be surprised how smart the TOE is (except James. James is a kindergarten drop out).

Good advice Mark

Swif 02-10-2012 06:50 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
I have been in contact with the company/owner by email. The company is a vendor on the forum. Defiantly poor customer service that has lead to not being able to stand looking at the product.

The product can be used if I wanted to use. The problem I have is paying good hard can money for a product that I felt was well made from what I have seen on the forum. The concerns I have could have been fixed and still can be. I was willing to have them fixed by someone the company would recommend in my area as long as the company paid for the fix and took responsibility if the repairs were not performed correctly or damage took place instead of the fixes.

After waiting for the information were to send the product for about 3 to 6 months I emailed the owner stating he needs to refund me all my money and send for the product to be picked up and returned.

pnoon 02-10-2012 06:57 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
I'm confused.
You were dissatisfied with the product. The vendor refunded your money AND let you keep the merchandise. I'm not sure what the problem is?

jluck 02-10-2012 07:06 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
Also what is the problem with said "item". would it be considered a problem by a majority of purchasers?

will all do respect some people cannot be pleased.

Swif 02-10-2012 07:07 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
I have not been refunded my full amount. I was sent a small portion of the total coast. the reason for the full refund is for not resolving the concern and being dragged along. I empaled the owner after months of not sending me information were to send to have repaired due to him rushing building the product (by his own admission). He stated to keep the product and he would refund me in full.

I have received less about 10% of what i paid and still have a product that has the problems when I received it. I have not used the product as I want to have it fixed then lead to having it returned and getting a full refund. I did not want to inconvenience the company with a used product that they would fix and sell as used.

pnoon 02-10-2012 07:25 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
Can you at least share WHAT it is you bought and what the problem/defect is?

Swif 02-10-2012 07:29 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
Its about dealing with build quality that could have and still can be fixed. the problem is being mis lead that the product would be fix then dragging me along for months saying "I am looking for the right person in your area to fix the concerns.

In fact the major concern is will the product function properly with the concerns I have. As far as not being able to be please it is a little hard to be pleased when you have concerns with the product, company states they will fix, drag their feet, tell you you will be refunded, and do nothing. then the fact the company tells you they rushed building your product and know that they did not do the job you paid them for to the fullest.

I enjoy support small privet business and paying a little more for a product to help local business and small business when I can. I also enjoy the customer service when and one on one dealing with small business.

Swif 02-10-2012 07:33 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
I have know received and emails from the owner. I emailed minutes before the first post here and now have had more contact with the owner in the last hour then I have had in 3 months.

i want to hold off on the product as the company will be known right away if I say. As you can see I am still trying to not give the company a bad name as the product I feel they make is good. the problem is I have had a terrible experience with them. that being said i am not looking to give them a bad name. I just want my money back and move one.

pnoon 02-10-2012 07:34 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
Not sure what it is your looking for or your point in posting in the first place.

I'm out.


fencefixer 02-10-2012 07:34 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
David I understand you're trying to express dissatisfaction while being discrete about it because you mean "no harm", I totally understand and respect that.

However, without explaining what vendor and product is involved, I can guarantee you that the outcome will be 0. We know you're not trying to be disrespectful, you just want what you paid for. So please explain what product you purchased from whom and what the problem is.

Swif 02-10-2012 07:43 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

I am glad you understand.

To clear up what I am looking for: I want my money back as I gave plenty of time to resolve my dissatisfaction. I was told the problems would be fixed, they were not. i was told I would get a refund and I have not been fully refunded. I am at this point as build guilty was not up to par with other builds and was recognized by the build who stated he rushed the build.

I will hold releasing the company and product to see what out come may come in the next few weeks. If nothing then I will release the information as well as emails that I have sent and received.

As I sated I have received more emails in the last hour then in the last 3 months from the owner.

ysr_racer 02-10-2012 07:43 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1555504)
Can you at least share WHAT it is you bought and what the problem/defect is?

Agreed. Is it bigger than a bread box?

icehog3 02-10-2012 07:46 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
I'll check in tomorrow, this is way too suspenseful for me.

pnoon 02-10-2012 07:47 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

markem 02-10-2012 07:59 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by Swif (Post 1555520)

As I sated I have received more emails in the last hour then in the last 3 months from the owner.

Excellent! I've only had minimal interaction with fencefixer, but he impresses me as someone who wants to do the right thing.

Now, tell us specifically what the problem was. He's been named, so spell it out and give him a chance. If he effed-up, I expect that he will own-up and man-up and say so. That's the way we are. We are not looking to cast blame, but we want all the inmates of CA to be comfortable with each other and are willing to stage a small intervention if so required.

You are doing great, so far. Let's bring this to conclusion so that you are happy, fencefixer is happy and the inmates are happy. Otherwise, we get a bit grumpy (joking!).

Yes, we do seriously care about you, fencefixer and this issue.

btw, do not release emails or PMs. You can talk about what they contain, but it is not polite to release them.

Swif 02-10-2012 08:02 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
Yes bigger then a bread box, I can appreciate joking with suspense, and yes I feel like I am blue in the face with the company.

This in no way is a joke by me, nor am I looking for attention or to try and ruin a company.

I have posted to try and vent, get options, call attention to the company as they are a vendor here, and hope to resolve my problem.

As you can see I have not posted on here for some time as I did not want to come to this point. I have been able to relax and not blow up here and trash the company due to reacting to anger.

Swif 02-10-2012 08:06 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
fencefixer is not the person I am dealing with. i am sorry to give that impression. I was just agreeing with his statement.

As far as emails I would only do that to show both sides and show that I am not overly picky and I am not being unreasonable, and that I am someone who buys an item then want to return it.

I have given a break down of what has taken place and have been truthful with what has taken place.

fencefixer 02-10-2012 08:09 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

backwoods357 02-10-2012 09:50 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by Swif (Post 1555520)
I will hold releasing the company and product to see what out come may come in the next few weeks. If nothing then I will release the information as well as emails that I have sent and received.

As I sated I have received more emails in the last hour then in the last 3 months from the owner.

Please excuse my tone, I just don't like this format, I feel this whole thread is just a threat to trash the vendor if you don't get a refund. If/when this vendor does cut you a check you are just planning on telling us nothing and considering the issue done? If you have been in regular contact with this person about the issue for a year it's time to pm a mod or just bring it forward and let them explain. :2

Swif 02-10-2012 10:19 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by backwoods357 (Post 1555605)
Please excuse my tone, I just don't like this format, I feel this whole thread is just a threat to trash the vendor if you don't get a refund. If/when this vendor does cut you a check you are just planning on telling us nothing and considering the issue done? If you have been in regular contact with this person about the issue for a year it's time to pm a mod or just bring it forward and let them explain. :2

You are free to speak you mind as am I. If I just wanted to trash the vendor I would had given a name and not worried about it a long time ago.

If I do get my refund I will let the community know I did receive my refund. Hopefully the refund takes place soon so I do not feel as if I have to name the vender and person.

I have not had regular contact with the vender as stated. As far a pm a mod about my transaction, what will that do?

I also stated that I have been truthful and if that is in question and I feel the need to release communications for the vendor and my self to protect my name and my word I will do so with no worries.


CigarNut 02-10-2012 10:21 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1555528)

Great Picture of Huy!

ysr_racer 02-11-2012 12:20 AM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
I'm going to guess it's a humidor. What else can it be?

I'm going to guess you had it made, and it didn't meet your expectations.

icehog3 02-11-2012 12:23 AM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by ysr_racer (Post 1555748)
I'm going to guess it's a humidor. What else can it be?

I'm going to guess you had it made, and it didn't meet your expectations.

Congrats, you win the toaster. :wo

smelvis 02-11-2012 01:20 AM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
I bet a Humidor? any one want to give odds?

oops a little late as usual. LOL

sevans105 02-11-2012 01:36 AM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
Is it a humidor?

Oh...guessed already. Crap. No toaster for me.


fencefixer 02-11-2012 04:30 AM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
I'd like to make sure that people understand that I AM NOT THE VENDOR. I have nothing to do with this!

I'm just a guy from Ohio!!

14holestogie 02-11-2012 05:02 AM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by fencefixer (Post 1555811)
I'd like to make sure that people understand that I AM NOT THE VENDOR. I have nothing to do with this!

I'm just a guy from Ohio!!

That sounds just like something a vendor trying to shirk his responsibilities would say. ;):r

I'm about this close to blowing this case wide open. :D

MurphysLaw 02-11-2012 05:37 AM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by Swif (Post 1555539)

I have posted to try and vent, get options, call attention to the company as they are a vendor here, and hope to resolve my problem.

How are you going to call attention to the company if you won't name them? It may also help if you posted some photos of the issues so others can see what the problem is.

Stephen 02-11-2012 07:15 AM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1555753)
Congrats, you win the toaster. :wo

Drats, I was hoping to win a humidor I wasn't completely satisfied with.:sad

jluck 02-11-2012 09:41 AM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
It's a nice one too. "Out of this world".:r

TXRebel 02-11-2012 12:42 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

BlindedByScience 02-11-2012 12:50 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by Swif (Post 1555634)
If I just wanted to trash the vendor I would had given a name and not worried about it a long time ago.

If you tell the honest truth about what happened and how it happened, it's not "trashing" the vendor, it's being honest with your BOTL's and could prevent another from making an expensive mistake. Best case the vendor steps up and makes it right to your satisfaction. There is another possibility....

Honestly, after the two threads you created (and seem to have deleted the pics) IMHO I think it's time to own up to who it is and offer some value to the community. Anything else feels like whining....


hotreds 02-11-2012 12:53 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Zeuceone 02-11-2012 12:56 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1556080)

pnoon 02-11-2012 12:57 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
Let's try and get this back on topic.

pnoon 02-11-2012 12:58 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by BlindedByScience (Post 1556078)
If you tell the honest truth about what happened and how it happened, it's not "trashing" the vendor, it's being honest with your BOTL's and could prevent another from making an expensive mistake. Best case the vendor steps up and makes it right to your satisfaction. There is another possibility....

Honestly, after the two threads you created (and seem to have deleted the pics) IMHO I think it's time to own up to who it is and offer some value to the community. Anything else feels like whining....


Well said, Sir.

jluck 02-11-2012 01:04 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
Box it up and send it back.:confused:

fencefixer 02-11-2012 01:21 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by jluck (Post 1556089)
Box it up and send it back.:confused:

Yeah just not to me please, thanks. lol

Swif 02-11-2012 01:22 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by BlindedByScience (Post 1556078)
If you tell the honest truth about what happened and how it happened, it's not "trashing" the vendor, it's being honest with your BOTL's and could prevent another from making an expensive mistake. Best case the vendor steps up and makes it right to your satisfaction. There is another possibility....

Honestly, after the two threads you created (and seem to have deleted the pics) IMHO I think it's time to own up to who it is and offer some value to the community. Anything else feels like whining....


I have only made this thread. The other is from some else and another vendor.
Nothing to do with what I am talking about

Swif 02-11-2012 01:44 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
5 Attachment(s)
I was contacted by a fellow member who guessed the vendor and said he had the same problem as me.

When I purchase something I expect to get what I paid for. If I buy a customer piece I expect the detail to be flawless and not have "minor" concerns. I expect a custom piece to built with the attention to detail. I do not expect to hear for the builder they "rushed" the job.

Swif 02-11-2012 01:55 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
5 Attachment(s)
Now you can say I am being picky. If I would have bought from a store I could return or exchange for another humidor. I gave the option to have everything fixed and was jerked around for a few months. At that point I requested a refund and it was agreed apron. After 9 months I have received about $250.

You will see in the last picture the gap at one end can hold a credit card and DL. the flash light show the gad as well. The other side is tight. The picture with the credit card and flash light showing the chipped wedge sill is a major concern I have and could be minor to other. Point is I paid a lot of money to have a custom humidor to be made. I could shave gone with something else for around the same price and not had a problem. If I did the company would have taken it back and replaced with a good unit.

The whole point is customer service, keep your word, and of course now refund my money.

Swif 02-11-2012 01:56 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by jluck (Post 1556089)
Box it up and send it back.:confused:

If I would have done this I would be out of money and a humidor that I have yet to use.

ysr_racer 02-11-2012 04:41 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
It's hard to tell from those pictures. Can you post betters ones? I had the same problem with a humi I bought.

My philosophy on paying for goods and services is, I can do a half-assed job myself for free, I'm paying you to do a good job.

Swif 02-11-2012 08:09 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?
I don't have clearer pictures and I am not going to take new ones just to post. I have sent these to the maker and has been confirmed by the maker of the concerns. Also the maker has committed for fixing then committed to refunding.

I agree that I could have made my one. I did pay for one to be built thinking I would have a well made humidor. I got a good humidor with problems.

jluck 02-11-2012 08:39 PM

Re: How to deal with poor service?

Originally Posted by Swif (Post 1555494)
I have not been refunded my full amount.

I have received less about 10% of what i paid and still have a product that has the problems when I received it. .


Originally Posted by Swif (Post 1556429)
I don't have clearer pictures and I am not going to take new ones just to post. I have sent these to the maker and has been confirmed by the maker of the concerns. Also the maker has committed for fixing then committed to refunding.

I agree that I could have made my one. I did pay for one to be built thinking I would have a well made humidor. I got a good humidor with problems.

Is this stating you got back 90% of the purchase price so far and a offer to keep it after being refunded? Or are you saying you got back 10% of the purchase price? In which you said you got back $250.00 so far meaning this was a 2,500 dollar humidor?
And has this been going 3 months, 9 month,1 year or two years? all numbers that have been thrown around in this vendor pressuring thread.

This would be easier with concise factual information.

I am not defending the maker by no means, If you as a consumer are not happy...get a refund and keep or send the damn thing back. If they refuse a refund seek legal help.

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