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akb1979 11-14-2011 06:56 PM

Buy online or in store?
Just wondering how many people buy their smokes online vs in a retail store? I was looking online at some prices, and wondering if anyone actually pays retail for a smoke.

Ogre 11-14-2011 07:00 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I do both. I have a great B&M in Tampa that I shop at. I also watch for super deals online.

DaBear 11-14-2011 07:00 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
Most of mine is done at work. Some is done online(here), and some up and Empire. I put "other" just cuz of employee discount.

big a 11-14-2011 07:02 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I do both. But i would say about 75-80% is online and the rest is when I go to a B&M to smoke.

Cornrow_Wallis 11-14-2011 07:03 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I buy 90% online, mostly forum sales. I average maybe $50 a month in a B&M. It would be more if I used the B&M for their lounge/social aspects, but the store I prefer only has a very small lounge area that I never use. The money I save buying online vs. in store is just too much to pass up.

Taki 11-14-2011 07:04 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I do both...depends on the deal because online you can find some good deals however I do work down the street from Famous and CI so it all depends. Gonna say 80% online 20% Famous and CI and local B&M

bobarian 11-14-2011 07:05 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I cant help but notice you have been a member here for over a year, congratulations! :banger

Please take a moment to introduce yourself and tell us a little about your cigar smoking experiences in the New Inmate forum. :sh

Mattso3000 11-14-2011 07:05 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I started buying almost exclusively on-line but a few years ago found a B&M that I enjoy and have since purchased there more that half the time.

Emjaysmash 11-14-2011 07:10 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I haven't bought cigars in a while. I usually buy singles from the B&M and anything larger than that online.

akb1979 11-14-2011 07:17 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1473743)
I cant help but notice you have been a member here for over a year, congratulations! :banger

Please take a moment to introduce yourself and tell us a little about your cigar smoking experiences in the New Inmate forum. :sh

Will do...thanks for letting me know.

What online sites do you guys use? I generally use ci, jrcigars, and famous-smoke for most. I need to find a good B&M where I would be a regular.

mariogolbee 11-14-2011 07:19 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?

Originally Posted by big a (Post 1473736)
I do both. But i would say about 75-80% is online and the rest is when I go to a B&M to smoke.


Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1473743)
I cant help but notice you have been a member here for over a year, congratulations! :banger

Please take a moment to introduce yourself and tell us a little about your cigar smoking experiences in the New Inmate forum. :sh


Whee 11-14-2011 07:20 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
This thread could become...wait for it.......



icehog3 11-14-2011 07:21 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I do both. As soon as everyone starts buying 100% on-line for lower prices, our last sactuaries to smoke in (in many "smoke Nazi" states) will be gone, and those who have wives that won't let them smoke in the house will be chit outta luck in the winter.

Emjaysmash 11-14-2011 07:23 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1473783)
I do both. As soon as everyone starts buying 100% on-line for lower prices, our last sactuaries to smoke in (in many "smoke Nazi" states) will be gone, and those who have wives that won't let them smoke in the house will be chit outta luck in the winter.

Unless you grow the new and improved Chuck Norris Chest hair! (Patent pending)

icehog3 11-14-2011 07:27 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 1473791)
Unless you grow the new and improved Chuck Norris Chest hair! (Patent pending)

I let the wife leave in lieu of getting the hair, MJ. :lr

md4958 11-14-2011 07:29 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
When I can find the Marcas I enjoy in store, I will buy there.

BlkDrew 11-14-2011 07:41 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I buy 90% online, I also started rolling my own and if I am in a shop looking I usually always buy something .

Sonic04GT 11-14-2011 09:43 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
99% is bought online. Occasionally I'll grab one or two from Total Wine.

kingcobradude 11-14-2011 09:47 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I LIKE A LIL BIT OF BOTH. I need to find a better B&M though

Cenookie 11-14-2011 09:56 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I do both, although 95% is online.

elderboy02 11-14-2011 09:57 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
In store. My B&M beats most online prices.

irratebass 11-15-2011 03:51 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I do both, I usually pick up singles at the B&M's when I am there and I like the deals online.

Stephen 11-15-2011 04:45 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
Do most of my purchasing online simply because the B&M that I frequent doesn't carry a lot of the stuff I'm wanting to buy (although that is slowly changing). However, whatever they do carry that I smoke I purchase there, even if a cheaper price is to be had elsewhere. To me, there's something to be said for supporting your local businesses.:)

thechrisdotcom 11-15-2011 05:10 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
Majority of my cigar buying is online. I tend to buy stuff that a B&M usually doesn't carry cuz it's probably not something spectacular and would end up sitting on the shelf for a long time and taking up space.

But I usually do try to grab a few sticks of something new and exciting when I am in at the B&M.

SteelCityBoy 11-15-2011 05:14 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
Both for me. As I have been venturing out more to B&M's I am finding that some have really great selections. As my knowledge around cigars continues to increase I don't mind going to B&M's as much because I know what I am looking at.

Blak Smyth 11-15-2011 05:25 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I would rather buy cigars at a B&M, it is just a better all around experience.
Plus I can drive to Famous or CI if I want to. I do buy most online though just to save a couple bucks.

yourchoice 11-15-2011 05:29 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I buy from B&M's at times, but mostly on-line.

kickerb 11-15-2011 06:28 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
i always like supporting my local, but a lot of times I just cannot find that good of a selection unless I look online.

dave 11-15-2011 06:36 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
Mostly online. But, I love going into a nice B&M. The company, the smell inside the humidor, the chance to try something recommended by a knowledgeable tabaconist that I'd have never ordered, etc. I have trouble passing a B&M without going inside (unless I've been before and found the place unsatisfactory.) And I won't walk out of a B&M without buying something - something tugging at me that says I should support the little guy, even if it cost me a couple bucks more than online.

ktblunden 11-15-2011 07:18 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I tend to buy mostly online, though I do support the good B&M near me. If there was a real indoor lounge closer to me than 70 miles away I would frequent it a lot, but unfortunately not. It's a shame CA hates cigars so much, it makes it very difficult for people to open up lounges.

loki 11-15-2011 07:20 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
the sticks that online venders sell are of a lower quality then what gets sent to shops.

E.J. 11-15-2011 07:27 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?

Originally Posted by loki (Post 1474270)
the sticks that online venders sell are of a lower quality then what gets sent to shops.


kaisersozei 11-15-2011 07:48 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
Excluding CA WTS threads, I make one or two on-line purchases per year. Almost all of my cigar budget goes to my local B&M.

BlindedByScience 11-15-2011 07:55 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I have a buddy that runs a cigar store in FL. When I want something, I call him up and place the order. Great prices, killer selection....can't beat it.

colinb913 11-15-2011 11:10 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I do both, because I get a discount at the shop I work at, I tend to get better prices than online on the sticks we have in stock. But for the select few cigars we don't carry, I grab them online.

OLS 11-15-2011 11:16 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
Online Only, and even that's over for me. One thing about the internet, when I tell it I am just looking,
it doesn't blab non-stop in my ear and shadow me from one corner of the humidor to the other.

stearns 11-15-2011 11:16 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
mostly in store. your local tobacconist needs your support

loki 11-15-2011 11:40 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1474274)

someone had to say it ;s

kelmac07 11-15-2011 11:42 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
Most of my stuff is grabbed online.

Benwoo 11-15-2011 12:11 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
When I was near the cigar bar in San Mateo I would try to give them money in some fashion, whether it be lots of pool, beer (even though I'm not a beer guy) or a couple sticks. I usually smoked my pipes then though and they didn't stock pipe stuff, so it was more beverage sales. Since I have moved away recently I don't have a local outlet. Most of my cigar and pipe tobacco purchases are online though. Selection, pricing, and not having to leave the haus makes it far too convenient not to, but I still tried to support local if I felt they deserved it.


cobra03 11-15-2011 12:17 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
It used to be about 50/50 until i moved back to NY. I just cant afford to buy a lot of smokes at a B&M with the way the tabacco taxes are here. I will still stop at the Indian Reservation from time to time if im in the area. They are still tax free there.

gator_79 11-19-2011 06:40 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I do both. I'd say about 75% in favor of online. I go to my local B&M for singles and some boxes that are just as cheap as online. I go online for other boxes as well as the "Other" cigars that cannot be purchased in the USA.

Bill86 11-19-2011 06:57 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
Online only. B&M's are often less than desirable. Not to be a prick but I can't wait till all of them in this area close. I believe one has already.

applevalleyjoe 11-19-2011 07:02 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
Would like to buy locally at a store but the nearest store with anything worthwhile is over three hours away.

kingcobradude 11-19-2011 08:16 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I found not a lot of online stores with a large selection sell to people 18 years of age

CasaDooley 11-20-2011 12:50 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
Singles at my local B&M's and bulk purchases on line.

LigaPrivadaT84 11-20-2011 02:37 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
Regularly online, but I have been known to drop in a B&M for a few singles on occasion.

Tallman 11-20-2011 08:10 AM

Re: Buy online or in store?
Both. My practice is to go to the local shop every couple weeks, pick up several different sticks, and if I find one I really like, I start looking for great prices online.

Dr Voss 11-22-2011 08:53 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
I always buy at B&M but I'm to new and still trying to figure out what I like but have been thinking of ordering online to try it out.

Skywalker 12-05-2011 12:53 PM

Re: Buy online or in store?
90% online and 10% at the b&ms.:tu

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