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deadrise 10-18-2011 03:44 PM

this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd
Police received a call around 1:30 p.m. of a man with a gun in the 1100 block of 32nd Street. When police approached the man, he was on the back porch of a house. The man refused to put down his gun and went inside the home.
The home is a rooming house owned by the Community Services Board. Police were not sure if others are inside, according to Newport News police spokesman Harold Eley.The man exited the house slowly around 3:30 p.m., then started to run from police. Police shot the man with bean-bag projectiles prior to subduing him. Police recovered two toy guns from the man. He was taken to the hospital for a mental evaluation, according to Eley. Charges are pending.

deadrise 10-18-2011 03:45 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd
more picks glad I live in the country and only visit for herfs

emopunker2004 10-18-2011 03:49 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd
iron sights? really? spend all that money on that killer vehicle and have an ar-15 with irons? :sl

Ogre 10-18-2011 04:04 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1445248)
iron sights? really? spend all that money on that killer vehicle and have an ar-15 with irons? :sl

Maybe they are proficient with their weapons and dont need the fancy $hit to compensate!!!!!:r

taltos 10-18-2011 04:05 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd
Toy guns? Hard to sustain any charge unless he was involved in an armed robbery, easy to sustain an assault with attempt to murder against the police. Don't get me wrong, I worked as a cop for a while but if the guns had the little orange tips on them, the police over reacted.

Boz 10-18-2011 04:07 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd

Originally Posted by Ogre (Post 1445261)
Maybe they are proficient with their weapons and dont need the fancy $hit to compensate!!!!!:r

emopunker2004 10-18-2011 04:09 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd

Originally Posted by Ogre (Post 1445261)
Maybe they are proficient with their weapons and dont need the fancy $hit to compensate!!!!!:r



Originally Posted by taltos (Post 1445263)
Toy guns? Hard to sustain any charge unless he was involved in an armed robbery, easy to sustain an assault with attempt to murder against the police. Don't get me wrong, I worked as a cop for a while but if the guns had the little orange tips on them, the police over reacted.

At very least they could get him form resisting/fleeing on foot. As far as the orange tips, if he didnt cover them, maybe they never saw the gun well enough since he fled inside.

GoodFella 10-18-2011 04:30 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd
must of been a slow day for the cops

Bill86 10-18-2011 04:36 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd
Note to self - Guns sold at Toys R Us could bring a convoy of 5-0 to your door with damn near full swat gear.

I think all of those involved should be forced to take a 2 week course on the difference between...


And this:

Ogre 10-18-2011 04:41 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd
Bill, the argument with that is. Criminals are painting their guns to look like toys and some toys (specifically BB guns) look like the real thing. An officer may only have a second or two to tell the difference.

Bill86 10-18-2011 04:45 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd

Originally Posted by Ogre (Post 1445303)
Bill, the argument with that is. Criminals are painting their guns to look like toys and some toys (specifically BB guns) look like the real thing. An officer may only have a second or two to tell the difference.

It was only a joke, I'm just messing around. Note that I took the most obvious 2 pictures :r There's caps in the picture :r The other blatantly says Smith and Wesson right on it.

He was hit with a beanbag round anyways, no harm done. Well nothing permanent, probably a real nasty bruise but meh...he's fine.

The only partial disappointment is they went THAT far for one guy with fake guns when they could have better used their time elsewhere.

Ogre 10-18-2011 04:47 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1445306)
It was only a joke, I'm just messing around. Note that I took the most obvious 2 pictures :r There's caps in the picture :r The other blatantly says Smith and Wesson right on it.

He was hit with a beanbag round anyways, no harm done. Well nothing permanent, probably a real nasty bruise but meh...he's fine.

The only partial disappointment is they went THAT far for one guy with fake guns when they could have better used their time elsewhere.

Now if you were talking about corrections officers I would agree about the classes. Those guys are slow and never deal with anything good!!!:r

68TriShield 10-18-2011 04:53 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd

Originally Posted by GoodFella (Post 1445293)
must of been a slow day for the cops


Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1445306)
The only partial disappointment is they went THAT far for one guy with fake guns when they could have better used their time elsewhere.

I would respond to you both but it wouldn't be polite. :su

kelmac07 10-18-2011 04:55 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd
6:00 news showed the police pelting this guy, LIVE, with about 50 pellet bags...and he was like 65...they could have easily tackled him and taken him down another way. By no means condoning what he did, and of course, I am certain the press only showed a portion and not the whole story. :2

Further reports that this man had not taken his medication...again, not excusing what he did. I just believe that the NNPD could have handled this situation a bit better than they did.

Drez 10-18-2011 05:16 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd
These toy airsoft guns are a real problem down here in Miami. They have been used in alot of robberys and car jacking. A lot of kids (and some adults) spray paint the guns because they look so real.

Dumb move on the guys part and I (or anyone for that matter) cannot speak on the behalf of the officers on scene. Remember every police officers ultimate goal is to go home at the end of shift. If the guy is safe and behind bars (or in a metal hospital) and no one got hurt then job well done in my book.

kelmac07 10-18-2011 05:26 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd
Excellent point frank...policemen/woman are in harms way each and every day on the job. Split second decisions are the difference between life and death.

The video the news played didn't lie (but again, may have only showed one side of the story). Once the 65 year old man came outside, 35 officers in full riot gear chasing him down the street firing pellet bags at him. While the man was running, the cops were WALKING around him while continuing to fire on him. I am an avid supporter of the NNPD and all policeman/woman for that matter. Again, my opinion is that this could have been handled a bit better. :2

loki 10-18-2011 05:35 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd
not enough info here to determine if the cops were right or wrong here. but having a gun in va isn't a crime

Drez 10-18-2011 06:11 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1445350)
Excellent point frank...policemen/woman are in harms way each and every day on the job. Split second decisions are the difference between life and death.

The video the news played didn't lie (but again, may have only showed one side of the story). Once the 65 year old man came outside, 35 officers in full riot gear chasing him down the street firing pellet bags at him. While the man was running, the cops were WALKING around him while continuing to fire on him. I am an avid supporter of the NNPD and all policeman/woman for that matter. Again, my opinion is that this could have been handled a bit better. :2

When things like this happen Mac no one side will every be right. You will always be able to argue the 1001 ways it could have been handled. Like I said only the people who were there would be able to truly know if everything was handled with In reason and to the best of the police ability.

At the end of the day no one got seriously hurt and the street are safe.

Now let's light up a stogie and sit back and relax cause let's face it it's all we can do :D:D:D

kelmac07 10-18-2011 06:29 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd

Originally Posted by Drez (Post 1445381)
When things like this happen Mac no one side will every be right. You will always be able to argue the 1001 ways it could have been handled. Like I said only the people who were there would be able to truly know if everything was handled with In reason and to the best of the police ability.

At the end of the day no one got seriously hurt and the street are safe.

Now let's light up a stogie and sit back and relax cause let's face it it's all we can do :D:D:D

Here here Frank!! :tu :tu

deadrise 10-18-2011 06:30 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd
well not really how I thought this would go but could have been worse and reminds me why I steer clear of discussions where opinions come in play (politics,religion and now news is on the list).
not sure now why I posted this to tell the truth I thought the armored truck was bad a$$ and to be honest was just glad no one was hurt to bad. In the end everyone there had a bad day but what is done is done.
"Now let's light up a stogie and sit back and relax cause let's face it it's all we can do"

pnoon 10-18-2011 06:35 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd

Originally Posted by deadrise (Post 1445396)
well not really how I thought this would go but could have been worse and reminds me why I steer clear of discussions where opinions come in play (politics,religion and now news is on the list).
not sure now why I posted this to tell the truth I thought the armored truck was bad a$$ and to be honest was just glad no one was hurt to bad. In the end everyone there had a bad day but what is done is done.
"Now let's light up a stogie and sit back and relax cause let's face it it's all we can do"

Which is exactly why threads/posts involving politics or religion are not permitted in the Asylum.

Remo 10-18-2011 06:44 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd
Guess i'll bite my tongue on this one as not to offend any friends :tu

emopunker2004 10-18-2011 06:48 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd

Originally Posted by Ogre (Post 1445309)
Now if you were talking about corrections officers I would agree about the classes. Those guys are slow and never deal with anything good!!!:r

Right Larry. You hose draggers can give us classes on the proper way to wash big red trucks. Yeh we never deal with riots or escapes or anything like that.

pnoon 10-18-2011 07:07 PM

Re: this guy is having a bad day don't mess with nnpd
This is heading nowhere but south.

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