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Jasonw560 10-10-2011 04:58 PM

Where do you smoke?
Okay, we know how long we've smoked, and what we smoke, and even WHY we smoke.

But what about where we smoke? I am regulated to outside, so I cleaned up the patio and made that kind of a haven:

The chair by the window is mine. And the big planter is the ashtray. Still needs work, but it works for me!

emopunker2004 10-10-2011 04:59 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Apartment living so I smoke at the Cigar Bar about 2 miles from me. Nice relaxing atmosphere.

EricF 10-10-2011 05:04 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Patio for me too! I hooked up some speakers to my receiver and connected a TV to the back of my DTV box and I sit at the patio table. It's great to be able to smoke cigars and watch football at home on a Sunday!

Since I have a deep overhang out back I can smoke out there when it raining also!!!

thechrisdotcom 10-10-2011 05:18 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Usually on my patio at my apartment, which is small and boring. Apparently they're banning smoking at the apartment after the new year, which is stupid.

Going to be buying a house anyways in the spring, so I hope I find something I can turn into a nice smoking area.

BryanB 10-10-2011 05:18 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Mostly at home. Screened in deck. Other than that there's a couple B&Ms I frequent.
Posted via Mobile Device

Taki 10-10-2011 05:22 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
:tuNeighbors patio, front stoop o just about anywhere

Mattso3000 10-10-2011 05:22 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Smoke on my patio outside or at the local b&m.

dwoodward 10-10-2011 06:02 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Pretty much anywhere I can. I mostly smoke on the weekends while fishing, so I guess, my usual spot is whatever boat I am sitting in... And ashtray? Whatever lake we are fishing on.

ptpablo 10-10-2011 06:18 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Back deck for me and at my local Jr's on Thursdays, when the wife's let a couple of us escape for a night!

MrClean 10-10-2011 06:18 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
On our deck, it's covered. This winter, I'll probably be spending a lot of time at my favorite B&M.
Posted via Mobile Device

gator_79 10-10-2011 06:36 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
B&M, Cigar bar, Local Restaurant(Outside smoking section), or on my balcony.

Apoco 10-10-2011 06:41 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Screened in back porch or local B&M. Whichever happens to strike my fancy.

DaBear 10-10-2011 08:48 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Front porch. Occasionally in the winter my roomies give me the OK to smoke in my room(whole house smells even with preventative measures). Normally I switch on over to my pipes come winter since I'm allowed to smoke those as much as I want inside since they smell good and the scent only sticks around for a day, as opposed to three or so for cigars

sikk50 10-10-2011 09:18 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?

Other view

BnBTobacco 10-10-2011 09:23 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
I usually smoke at the patio.

Bill86 10-10-2011 09:25 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Out on the back deck. There's a pergola over half the deck with some chairs and tables. There is some blinds on both sides of the pergola so it blocks all the sun and is pretty enclosed with the only view being the backyard and the house.

Boz 10-10-2011 09:25 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Usually on the deck. Its covered so weather doesnt matter.

Prospector 10-10-2011 09:34 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Back patio when the weather is agreeable, workshop when it isn't.

Ogre 10-10-2011 09:40 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
The "Man Cave", the porch, at any B&M, a friends house, wherever I can.

Moose6026 10-10-2011 10:10 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
The back deck. Not sure once the weather turns real cold though, be my first winter smoking cigars so have to figure something out.

ktblunden 10-10-2011 10:15 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
On the patio or in the garage if the weather is nasty. One of these years we'll get a cover put on the patio and I'll be able to enjoy a good smoke watching the rain come down.

timlisten 10-10-2011 10:39 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
I only smoke outside because my family doesn't like the smell of it.

icehog3 10-10-2011 11:08 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?

Jasonw560 10-10-2011 11:48 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1436079)

Sweet. Looks like a great herf.

sevans105 10-11-2011 12:05 AM

Re: Where do you smoke? Love this place! My office/cigar lounge.

SteelCityBoy 10-11-2011 05:03 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?
On back deck or patio usually. When it gets cold in the winter I retreat to the garage.....that is until I get my cigar room finished! Just in the brainstorming phase now but can't wait to have it!

Pretty awesome looking room you have their Scott!:tu

taltos 10-11-2011 05:10 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Front porch or the deck.

thechrisdotcom 10-11-2011 05:23 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Cool looking room there, Scott.

can't wait till I buy my house and figure out someway to have an indoor smoking room or hangout.

Blak Smyth 10-11-2011 05:32 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?

Originally Posted by SteelCityBoy (Post 1436275)
On back deck or patio usually. When it gets cold in the winter I retreat to the garage.....that is until I get my cigar room finished! Just in the brainstorming phase now but can't wait to have it!

Pretty awesome looking room you have their Scott!:tu

I can't wait until you get that Lounge done too;)

I typically smoke on my front porch with my bulldog or at one my neighbors houses. I haven't smoked at a B&M yet but there is a new one building a nice lounge not to far out of my way home from work so I intend to hit that up this winter.

mkarnold1 10-11-2011 06:04 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?
I smoke on my deck. It's going to get a little cold soon, good thing I have a coat.

irratebass 10-11-2011 07:15 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?
In my garage, just got a deck from the inlaws, but won't be ready till next spring. So for the winter I may have to go to the B&M about 30 mins away.....bleh and Only on the weekends double bleh.

Steve 10-11-2011 07:31 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?
On the deck

On the dock

At the tying table

At the pool

On the porch;s%20003.jpg

kelmac07 10-11-2011 07:36 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Anywhere I can. :D

Steve 10-11-2011 07:37 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1436424)
Anywhere I am. :D

Fixed it :D

emopunker2004 10-11-2011 07:41 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1436424)


Kneo 10-11-2011 07:44 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Back deck for me. Love sitting out there with a nice cigar and a good beer.

Jasonw560 10-11-2011 09:14 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?

Originally Posted by sevans105 (Post 1436130) Love this place! My office/cigar lounge.

Awesome office/lounge!!

I'm just guessing that Coke cooler is in working order.

Jasonw560 10-11-2011 09:18 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Fantastic, Steve.

Fly tying is one thing I have neither the dexterity of patience for. More power to you!!

BTW, beautiful Brindle in the first pic, and beautiful lady in the last!!:tu

Remo 10-11-2011 09:20 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?
1 Attachment(s)
I smoke out back by the pool when home, but prefer to smoke while out on a river :tu

Attachment 10499

Steve 10-11-2011 09:24 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?

Originally Posted by Jasonw560 (Post 1436512)
BTW, beautiful Brindle in the first pic, and beautiful lady in the last!!:tu


Jasonw560 10-11-2011 09:24 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?

Originally Posted by Remo_5_0 (Post 1436518)
I smoke out back by the pool when home, but prefer to smoke while out on a river :tu

Attachment 10499

That's beautiful. Where is that?

Remo 10-11-2011 09:29 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?

Originally Posted by Jasonw560 (Post 1436526)
That's beautiful. Where is that?

Wyoming :tu the state of 500,000 people :tu

Jasonw560 10-11-2011 09:32 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?
One of the places I want to go.

I've been close. Idaho. rafting on the Salmon River.

Remo 10-11-2011 09:34 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?

Originally Posted by Jasonw560 (Post 1436542)
One of the places I want to go.

I've been close. Idaho. rafting on the Salmon River.

Idaho is nice, lots of rivers to fish up there :tu

sevans105 10-11-2011 09:38 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?

Originally Posted by Remo_5_0 (Post 1436549)
Idaho is nice, lots of rivers to fish up there :tu

Caught a fantastic steelhead on the Henry's Fork of the Snake River. Great trip. Watched an eagle snag a trout out of the river right in front of me. Gorgeous part of the country.

Lonely Raven 10-11-2011 10:18 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?

Originally Posted by Remo_5_0 (Post 1436536)
Wyoming :tu the state of 500,000 people :tu

Isn't that about one zero too many? :r

I just smoke out on my deck, with my comfy chairs and hammocks, and a fire pit that works as a great ash tray. We have lots of cedar and hickory to burn!

STEVE S 10-11-2011 10:22 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?
On my front porch, at work, and at several local B&Ms near my home. I also enjoy a cigar once in a while walking the dog.

357 10-11-2011 10:36 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?

Originally Posted by Lonely Raven (Post 1436625)
Isn't that about one zero too many? :r

I just smoke out on my deck, with my comfy chairs and hammocks, and a fire pit that works as a great ash tray. We have lots of cedar and hickory to burn!

Is that a herf-cam?

Jasonw560 10-11-2011 11:39 AM

Re: Where do you smoke?
Excellent deck. I am jealous. Great fire pit. I can't tell, are those oil-burning tiki torches? Nice little grill, too.

docdoty 10-11-2011 12:02 PM

Re: Where do you smoke?
I smoke wherever I am allowed to. Usually at the local B & M we have a fantastic members lounge. I will post a pic when I get a chance.

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