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lbowles2 10-05-2011 07:10 AM

I won me a trip!!
A while back my local B&M had a Rocky Patel event and he had a special raffle for either a trip to his factory in Honduras or a cigar cruise he is having next April. I won the trip!!! Now I gotta decide which one to take. If the wife can go I am choosing the cruise and if she can't then I gotta make a decision... and it boils down to how pissed the wife would be if I took the cruise without her :rolleyes:

Anywho I am EXCITED!!! I almost NEVER win anything!!!

Here is a link to the cigar cruise:

kelmac07 10-05-2011 07:13 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!
Congrats Larry!! :noon

Lonely Raven 10-05-2011 07:13 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!
Wow, that is all sorts of kick ass!

Everyone needs to win something sometime!

Blak Smyth 10-05-2011 07:15 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!
Congrats that is awesome! Glad to hear a CA brother won!

irratebass 10-05-2011 07:24 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!
Dude that is major awesomeness! Congrats!

CigarSquid 10-05-2011 07:24 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!
Take the cruise!!!!!!

Oh, and Congrats too! That is freakin' awesome!

WittyUserName 10-05-2011 07:32 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!

jledou 10-05-2011 07:43 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!
Congratulations Larry! Sounds like a good time ... just remember where you sleep at night ;)

dave 10-05-2011 07:50 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!
Congratulations! Bunch of brothers (and a couple sisters) from local American Legion went down to Rocky's in Honduras a few months ago on trip sponsored jointly by Rocky and local B&M. After more than six months, that is still all they talk about. Tremendous trip, apparently.

CigarNut 10-05-2011 08:04 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!
Congratulations! Very cool Larry!

Skywalker 10-05-2011 08:05 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!

Have fun!!!

CigarSquid 10-05-2011 08:09 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!
Also, if your wife can't go.. My name is Garry. You can switch the trip to me.. Since the name is so close.

icehog3 10-05-2011 08:17 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!

Originally Posted by garryyjr (Post 1429941)
Also, if your wife can't go.. My name is Garry. You can switch the trip to me.. Since the name is so close.

Do you put out?

Remo 10-05-2011 08:28 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!
I thought the trip was for the guy who sold the most 5vers :r congrats Larry :tu

Remo 10-05-2011 08:29 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1429951)
Do you put out?

I hear he does Tom :lr

Dunkel 10-05-2011 08:30 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1429951)
Do you put out?

Sick minds think alike!

CigarSquid 10-05-2011 08:32 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!
Put out? I'm not trying to replace his wife.. I was taking about I go instead of him.. It will save him the grief from his wife, if she were to get mad.

Remo 10-05-2011 08:34 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!

Originally Posted by garryyjr (Post 1429985)
Put out? I'm not trying to replace his wife.. I was taking about I go instead of him.. It will save him the grief from his wife, if she were to get mad.


rharris 10-05-2011 08:35 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!
Larry that is so cool! Congrats!

shilala 10-05-2011 08:35 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!

Originally Posted by garryyjr (Post 1429985)
Put out? I'm not trying to replace his wife.. I was taking about I go instead of him.. It will save him the grief from his wife, if she were to get mad.

In that case, I'll go with you, Larry. I put out big time. First date and everything. :tu

lbowles2 10-05-2011 08:36 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!

Originally Posted by garryyjr (Post 1429985)
Put out? I'm not trying to replace his wife.. I was taking about I go instead of him.. It will save him the grief from his wife, if she were to get mad.

Sorry dude... if she can't go I'm taking the Honduras trip... Unless... you have a funny name for a chick and that's you in the avatar. Then we may have to rethink things!!! :r :r

CigarSquid 10-05-2011 08:37 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!
Anyhow, congrats again. Awesome, whatever you decide.. Take tons of pics and report here as much as you can with updates.

lbowles2 10-05-2011 08:39 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!

Originally Posted by garryyjr (Post 1429994)
Anyhow, congrats again. Awesome, whatever you decide.. Take tons of pics and report here as much as you can with updates.

The trip won't actually be until next year most likely. If it's the cruise it definitely won't be until next April. But yes I will be posting pics and such :tu

BeerAdvocate 10-05-2011 09:15 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!
I will trade you a box of Cain Fs for this trip. Thanks

jjirons69 10-05-2011 09:34 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!
That's awesome! I do believe I'd choose the cruise. It looks pretty cool.

ktblunden 10-05-2011 09:52 AM

Re: I won me a trip!!
Very cool Larry. If it were me, I think I would choose Honduras, just because I've been on several cruises, but never been to Central America. Not to mention factory tours are awesome. Sounds like a great time, I'm sure you'll have fun wither way.

whodeeni 10-05-2011 05:00 PM

Re: I won me a trip!!
Congratulations Larry!

DTM 10-05-2011 06:03 PM

Re: I won me a trip!!
Congratulations Larry

N2 GOLD 10-05-2011 06:16 PM

Re: I won me a trip!!
:noon CONGRATZ... :noon The wife will get over it buy her something big before & after the trip... :tu

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