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Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Since the Game Thread is pretty much all new stuff, I'd like to see if anyone's playing any of the old stuff (Atari, NES, SNES, Genesis, Turbo Grafx, Neo-Geo, N64, PS1, emulators, etc...)
Also, anything retro on the Wii Virtual Console or PS3, XBox 360, or PC too. I've been playing Punch-Out, Tecmo Bowl, Contra, Castlevania, Earthbound, and TMNT: The Arcade Game of late. Anybody else into retro gaming? |
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Other notables I've played of late:
Kid Icarus Metroid Battletoads (The Arcade Version) Excitebike Super Mario All-Stars X-Men: The Arcade Game The Avengers Mega Man 2 Old school gamers, recommend something good. |
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Just beat Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest 1 during my short semester break. Played it on a NES emulator on my MacBook
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
NES and Super Nintendo are the only systems I know how to play.
Kung-Fu Street Fighter 2 Skate or Die California Games Star Fox Some of the best:tu |
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I've been playing Pong in my head all day.
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I might have to revisit Skate or Die and California Games. I loved Skate or Die when I was a kid, but couldn't figure it out when I revisited it last year. And how could I forget the most AWESOME game of all time: STREETS OF RAGE 2! The soundtrack alone puts it in the top ten, but the gameplay for a beat'em up makes it my favorite of ALL TIME. |
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Never was good at either Pong or the more modernized Breakout, but I still respect both games. |
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
2 was the greatest IMHO. |
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I've been playing Mario kart and Mario tennis on my lime green 64
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Does Red Rover count? :D
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I don't own any new game system. I bought a PS2 a few years ago when I quit drinking to keep me occupied. Now it doesn't hold my attention for more than a few minutes. I still have my original NES from 20 or so years ago, along with a few games. Commando, Gunsmoke, Gradius, Contra, Baseball, Ice Hockey, Skate or Die 1 & 2, World Cup soccer, Super Spike V-Ball... and of course all 3 super mario's.
But my favorite was always Breakthru. That game is the isht. |
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I used to play Kid Icarus all the time. Loved that game. I still play RBI Baseball on the NES when I visit my parents.
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Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
You know what I miss...Mike Tyson's punch-out and Excite bike and Blades of Steel...all classics on the NES IMO. Wish I had a NES.
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I'm still playing through SCARFACE and the GTA TRILOGY BOX SET for the original XBOX...does that count?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I am still playing several games such as QBert and Zaxxon on my ColecoVision and Myst and Riven on an old Windows 95 machine.
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I picked up a N64 a year or two ago. I never actually tested it and have misplaced it since. I just recently nabbed Goldeneye 007 and Starfox 64 for the N64 again, but haven't tested them because I can't find the console!:bhd I also picked up SFII for the SNS and SM3 with the box, inserts, and all, but don't have the consoles for them.
I just got the 3DS, which is pretty slick, and have been playing Starfox 64 on it. I played through once. The controls are not the same, but the graphics are beautiful, and they left the spirit of the game intact. It is a blast! Anyone have it so we can get in on some multiplayer? That was my favorite part of this game! I also garabbed Zelda:OoT, but haven't cracked it open yet. |
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
How could I have forgotten 007! Classic...need to find more games for the 64
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Throwing knives were great. So were explosives and the Magnum. My favorite was running in circles strafing. No game comes close to the strafing ability of this one. Quote:
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Just bought Contra: Rebirth for WiiWare, and picked up 6 classic NES games at a flea market this weekend: Ice Hockey, Blades of Steel, Hogan's Alley, Captain Sky Hawk, Tiger Heli, and Rush'n Attack.
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
ill challenge any person alive to a N64 007 GoldenEye deathmatch.. and i will put my money where my mouth is.. lol
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Sega Micro Machines
:D |
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Wow, Rush'n Attack. As a kid that game ate many of the quarters I dug up out of the couch.
This thread is good timing. I was just thinking about building myself a MAME machine as a winter project. Right out of high school, I had three kick ass jobs. I worked sales/tech in a bike shop, clerk at a Laser Disc store (showing my age, right?), and managed a small arcade in the Chicago suburbs that got to "field test" Midway and Capcom games before they were public release. Now, with the power of PCs and emulators, I can have 10,000 original, classic games on a laptop, and build a nice arcade grade USB joystick that will play them all! |
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I beat Contra Rebirth yesterday and picked up Contra III: The Alien Wars for the Virtual Console. I don't remember III being that hard. I haven't made it past level three yet.
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
On PS3, I've been playing the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection; basically the older games but in remastered HD. I like Snake Eater the best.
On Wii, I have GoldenEye, but have not played it much. I'm looking to purchase the new Zelda and Punch Out; unfortunately, the career has gotten in the way of my gaming lately. :tu |
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I played "LION" the other day again, that game is cool. It is as hard to hunt and catch prey as it must be for a
real lion. What I need to find a way to make work is Crusader: No Remorse, but I need to access areas of my brain that I haven't used in over ten years, in order to make a boot disc that will work. I can't just pop it in and play it. I used to be able to work MSDOS with no trouble, navigating directories, typing in commands, making boot discs. Now, pfft. Forget it. I also need to break out Nascar Racing. Wow, what a game that was. As was Falcon 4.0 (F-16 sim) I would spend entire weekends just trying to master landing without crashing. Not easy at all. I also would spend equal amount's of time with F-14 Tomcat II trying to land it on a carrier. I am just not good at adding power and taking away power to maintain that glide path. |
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Anyone have the Mortal Kombat collection from PSN or XboxLive? Been debating on getting it. It's only $10 but I hear it's the arcade versions which are pretty hard.
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Been playing DOOM on my real crappy XP laptop as it refuses to work for love nor threats of deleting win32 on my windows 7 pc
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I play Minecraft on occasion, although not retro it kinda has that feel to it.
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Another retro-game I would love to get to work is the original X-com. I can't tell you how many hours I played on that when it came out. Man, that was almost 20 years ago, holy crap. |
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
I just revisited Diablo and Diablo 2 for shits and gigs, it was decent but not nearly as great as I remember lol. Can't wait for D3 to hit the shelves!
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
My goto retro games are The Castlevania and Final Fantasy Series. I can play those til the world ends.
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
Joust on a stand up... now that's where it's at!
Re: Old School/Retro Gaming: What are You Playing?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uHHmTSDCvA |
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