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elderboy02 07-19-2011 08:45 AM

Wish me luck...
I took 2 years of Spainish back in High School, but don't remember a whole lot of it. I decided that I want to be able to speak Spanish. I figured it can't hurt on a resume to be able to list that you can speak another language.

I bought a copy of Rosetta Stone off of Craigs list and started some lessons last night. A lot of what I learned in High School is coming back to me :)

Anyone here had luck with Rosetta Stone?

GreekGodX 07-19-2011 08:46 AM

Re: Wish me luck...
Nice Dan :tu I want to learn more languages too. I have lots of cousins in Greece that speak 3, 4 and 5 languages..

I have Rosetta stone but haven't used it yet.

Ogre 07-19-2011 09:17 AM

Re: Wish me luck...
Good luck bro. Education never hurts!!

Patrick B 07-19-2011 09:22 AM

Re: Wish me luck...
Muy bien, Dan. I've been kicking around the same idea.

TXRebel 07-19-2011 09:25 AM

Re: Wish me luck...
Buena suerte, hermano!

shilala 07-19-2011 09:32 AM

Re: Wish me luck...
An old gf was learning Chinese with Rosetta Stone. I learned just by osmosis, but she quit and I immediately forgot everything. It works by assosiation, visual and hearing and intuition. It's really a brilliant way to teach, but it requires your butt in a chair for lots of hours and commands full attention.
You'll like it, Dan. It works good and it's fun. :tu

DPD6030 07-19-2011 09:56 AM

Re: Wish me luck...
:gl Dan, I wish I had the $ to get the Spanish version. Down here in SW MI with all the migrants it would help tremendously. What I need to do is immerse myself in a Spanish speaking country for years and then I'll be fluent :D

Emjaysmash 07-19-2011 10:03 AM

Re: Wish me luck...
Buena Suerte!

elderboy02 07-19-2011 10:17 AM

Re: Wish me luck...

Originally Posted by DPD6030 (Post 1342200)
:gl Dan, I wish I had the $ to get the Spanish version. Down here in SW MI with all the migrants it would help tremendously. What I need to do is immerse myself in a Spanish speaking country for years and then I'll be fluent :D

I got all 5 Volumes for $50 shipped. I didn't know it at the time, but when I got the discs yesterday, they were burned :r

N2 GOLD 07-19-2011 10:23 AM

Re: Wish me luck...
BEST of luck Dan. While learning from the disk you should also hang out with Spanish speakers you will pick it up alot faster... -(P

floydpink 07-19-2011 10:24 AM

Re: Wish me luck...
I flunked Spanish in HS which probably was in part to my lack of desire to learn.

I am able to now hold a fairly decent conversation in Spanish which arose from necessity.

Working in sales in Florida and not speaking some Spanish is career suicide.

I learned the majority of my Spanish from travelling to South and Central America numerous times and found that a few words gradually progresses into a broken conversation and have found across the board, people appreciate you at least trying instead of assuming everyone should speak English.

I never used a cd but have heard of some who have done well with them.

If I was advising you, I'd suggest finding a Spanish speaking friend and dedicating some time to practicing, or another option would be to take a week vacation, head down to Costa Rica, head to the bar and realize that asking a girl if she would like a cervesa could lead to a very fun and educational cross cultural experience.

elderboy02 07-19-2011 10:24 AM

Re: Wish me luck...

Originally Posted by N2 GOLD (Post 1342228)
BEST of luck Dan. While learning from the disk you should also hang out with Spanish speakers you will pick it up alot faster... -(P

Unfortunately, I don't live in Southern California :r

cort 07-19-2011 10:30 AM

Re: Wish me luck...

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1342231)
Unfortunately, I don't live in Southern California :r


If you did you would be speaking Spanish already.

Aero95 07-19-2011 10:51 AM

Re: Wish me luck...
Good luck man!!

BeerAdvocate 07-19-2011 11:05 AM

Re: Wish me luck...
I want to learn German!

Apoco 07-19-2011 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by BeerAdvocate (Post 1342289)
I want to learn German!

I'm actually studying German now for my job. Interesting fact - Germans have no idea how to count. Let me explain:

When a German sees the number 23 the way they will read it is "three twenty". 123 becomes "One Hundred Three Twenty". VERY confusing when you work in accounting.

Anyway - back on topic. Being around a native speaker will absolutely help. And remember to not be afraid to try. Most native speakers are very forgiving of foreign speakers attempting to speak their language. The fact that you are putting in the effort is enough to earn their respect :tu
Posted via Mobile Device

OLS 07-19-2011 12:18 PM

Re: Wish me luck...
Getting someone to speak perfect spanish for you is also good. They are into slang just like us and that is something
you can only pick up living immersed or conversing with a very patient native speaker. Mandarin Chinese would be
smarter, since we will all be working for them next month anyway.

N2 GOLD 07-19-2011 12:32 PM

Re: Wish me luck...

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1342231)
Unfortunately, I don't live in Southern California :r

You have enough in Cin, Ohio

Hispanic - 8,170 (2.4%)

elderboy02 07-19-2011 12:44 PM

Re: Wish me luck...

Originally Posted by N2 GOLD (Post 1342364)
You have enough in Cin, Ohio

Hispanic - 8,170 (2.4%)

Yeah, but I live in the suburbs. Maybe I need to head into the neighborhood where I went to high school.

e-man67 07-19-2011 12:48 PM

Re: Wish me luck...
this is funny...I was in Mexico a few weeks ago and I got to talking to a cabbie..he said he spoke more spanish when he lived in California than he does now living in Mexico!

Drez 07-19-2011 12:56 PM

Re: Wish me luck...
Best of luck brother!!!!

elderboy02 07-19-2011 02:50 PM

Re: Wish me luck...

Originally Posted by Drez (Post 1342384)
Best of luck brother!!!!

Gracias! :tu

kelmac07 07-19-2011 04:02 PM

Re: Wish me luck...
Best of luck habla espanol. :r :r

forgop 07-19-2011 04:21 PM

Re: Wish me luck...
Ugh...this reminds me that I have to take Spanish this fall or in the spring.

elderboy02 07-19-2011 06:44 PM

Re: Wish me luck...
I went out and bought a headset. It really helps to speak the words instead of clicking on the images.

pnoon 07-19-2011 06:45 PM

Re: Wish me luck...
Vaya con Dios.

elderboy02 07-19-2011 07:13 PM

Re: Wish me luck...

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1342816)
Vaya con Dios.

I had to look that one up on google translate "Go with God"

Thanks Mr. Noon :tu

pnoon 07-19-2011 07:27 PM

Re: Wish me luck...

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1342842)
I had to look that one up on google translate "Go with God"

Thanks Mr. Noon :tu


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