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Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
As a guy with 3 beautiful grand-daughters I'm feeling sick to my stomach.
Where's the justice for Caylee? |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
I think this is BS but I don't see this thread lasting long....just saying
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
If everyone can keep it civil it will last.
I can't say the verdict was unexpected. While I do think that she is guilty, the prosecution did not provide enough conclusive evidence to convict. :2 |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
I still wanna know what was up with the baby being duct taped...
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
While I believe she is guilty...there was never any HARD evidence to convict here. Here's where ya hope karma catches up to her.
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Like my wife just said, It doesn't matter, her life is ruined. He parents obviously dislike/hate her. I bet she has a hell of a time finding any kind of employment at this point.
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
She will be judged by a higher power!
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
I bet she's glad that silly trial is over, now she can get back to partying :td ;s
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
This is one case where the jury did the right thing.
A.) not enough solid evidence to convict. B.) Where does she GO from here? You can't even hardly STRIP to make money anymore. Honestly. What can she now DO? That Lindey Englund that stacked those naked Iraquis?? SHE can't get a job. What do you think Casey Anthony is gonna do? Whoever killed that girl, they got away with murder, that's for sure. Personally, there are far too many young women today that have no way to survive in this new world. They are spending their formative years taking nude self-pics in the mirror and burning out their thumbs texting one another and giving themselves brain cancer with their cell phones. Life is gonna bit&h slap them so hard. Sad. Except the nude self-pics part...carry on. ;) |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Lesson to all, if ever accused of a crime, deny, deny deny, take your chances with a jury always!!! Apparently a jury of her "peers" was totally correct.
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
What a CROCK!!! :td :td
As a father I say give her the chair... :tu |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
The verdict bro. I'm just saying people have issues being civil around here so we'll see how long the thread lasts. |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
The prosecution really blew this one. As a granddad 31 days of lies would make me insane. I feel terrible for her parents. It's heartbreaking. |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Wow, I feel like she is quilty as well....But I dont think she will have any problems getting a job. She will just write a book talking about "If she did how she would have done it" LOL
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
I personally believe she was guilty, but a good lawyer got her off. That's what lawyers do. I guess I'd rather see someone who is guilty get off rather than someone who is innocent get thrown in jail for years or worse. That seems to happen all too often in our society. The system isn't perfect but it's all we have. Better than lynch mobs our forefathers had to deal with.
In the end, she will have to live with this for the rest of her life. IF she has any conscience, that should be a difficult cross to bear. Larry |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
the little evidence they had to work with. As was said many times in the lead up to the verdict, after closing arguments, they had a LOT of evidence to present, but nothing at all that was all that damning. NO confession, no weapon, no real physical evidence on the "body"...They lost, but I am not sure they blew it per se. |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
I am so glad this trial is over. I am tired of hearing about it. I didn't follow it from day one. I wish all the people following this trial cared 1/10 as much about our country.
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
:2 |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Sad state of affairs. Sometimes the need to protect everyones rights gets in the way of justice for the victims.
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
She'll go into "adult entertainment". If they got Aileen Wuornos' daughter, she'll be easy pickin's.
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
A local cop here I chat with often stopped to talk to me about this verdict. Though he thought she was guilty, he said it was further evidence that "the system works". Reasonable doubt existed with no hard forensic proof, and maybe "CSI" thus holds some blame for teaching jurors to expect it. The only thing that shocked this officer was the fact that they deliberated only 7 hours, so when he heard they were finished he figured it was a guilty verdict.
(No offense intended to those "on the job" around here, but this is one reason I've lived in this town for over 30 years . . . we have one damn good police department, and damn few problems.) As for the woman herself, it's been said already . . . she'll get hers if she's guilty, some day. Karma's a beech which does not spare the rod. |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
I suspect at least some members of the jury aren't happy either, but they went with the law rather than their emotions. Tough call, but even though I think she's guilty as hell, I can't fault their verdict based on the evidence presented to them.
However, there's always the chance she'll come here for a visit, pull some stunt in keeping with her nature, and end up in front of a Nevada judge and jury like O.J. did. We're a little short on sympathy and understanding out here. ;) |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
One thing is for sure-Baez is a jack@ss for the claims made against George Anthony and literally trying to make him the focus of the trial more so than Casey. He already lost his granddaughter and is accused of molesting his own daughter on day 1 :sl |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
She could still be sentenced to jail for being found guilty on 4 counts or so of lying to the cops. Each one carries a sentence of 4 years I think? I heard the judge *could* sentence her to serve them consecutively if he wanted.
Or he could just say "time served" and out she goes. |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
The prosecution could not dazzle the jurors nor the judge with facts, cause they didn't have any and the defense baffled the **** out of the jurors and the judge with so much bullshit, because the judge, with his petty fits of anger, allowed the defense to go way too far off track! They muddied the waters and the judge allowed it all to happen, because in reality, he didn't know what the **** was going on! Great Defense, Weak Prosecution and a weak Judge that has no clue about what happened! But hey guys, that's just my thoughts!
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
I firmly believe that Casey was responsible for her daughter at the time of death and that she knows what happened. That being said... I don't think they had enough evidence to link her to the death. As a result, I think the jury did exactly what they should have done. YMMV |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
7 hours for this trial.... OJ's trial... The jury deliberated for a total of 4 hours. And his trial was MUCH longer. |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
It sucks. I really think she did it, but the evidence is not there. The duct tape cannot be tied to the body, the blood stain in the trunk could not be proven as human, nevermind as Caylee. The death odor evidence is from a new technology and could be produced from an infinite number of things. Searching for chloroform is circumstantial. None was found in the home or on the body. Murder 1 was a reach in this one by a prosecutor looking to make a name. Nothing in the case indicates child abuse. They should have included neglect in the charges as she would have been convicted on that for not reporting her daughter missing. I am glad the system worked this time. What if Caylee had S.I.D.S. and died naturally and Casey freaked out and lost her mind. Although it is a reach, it is a possibility. |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
"Will Casey Cash In..??" The same media blitz that put this trial in our face 24 / 7 is about to make this worthless piece of garbage rich. As a new grandparent of a beautiful little girl, this whole thing just disgusts me.... As far as the verdict, painful as it is, it's how the system works. As I've heard it said, "...it isn't what you know, it's what you can prove....". |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
With that said, the problem in my mind was that with all the evidence there was nothing at all, nada, zero, evidence that liked Casey exclusively to any piece of evidence. You could put any other players name in the theory and twist it a little and creat the same circumstantial case against them..... The whole family is messed up. Her dad is hiding something, here brother was upset because he was not involved in her life, her mother lied to cover the search up. The prosecution also messed up with tome key evidence like the searches for chloroform that later were proven to not be the 84 times as initially suggested. The duct tape was Georges. The sticker on the tape was never there.... There are some many things wrong with it I can see why they came to the verdict they did. I believe she was involved in the death of her daughter, and I also believe others may have been involved in some way. I cannot say given the evidence that she killed her although I believe in my heart that she did..... |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
:) |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
I was riding with some friends today who wanted to pay respects to little Caylee today and we rode by the horrific place she was discarded.
As a father of a little girl, it's hard to wrap my head around this. We all felt shook up actually standing in the dirt and stopped by a local honkey tonk biker bar for a cold beer and can tell you there are some locals in Orlando who she (Casey the killer) might not want to find her if she's broken down off Chickasaw Trail where she lives. I had a chance to talk briefly to a local deputy at the scene who put it in perspective when he said, "we all know who did it, but the jury didn't come through for us." http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/c...e69/caylee.jpg |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
and the outrage for every other kid that the media hasn't latched onto is where?
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
The jury made the decision outside of all the media hype and their judgement was not altered by it. I think that every one of them went into that room, wanting to convict, but not convinced. They spent those eleven hours trying to find something to link to her in any way. They could not. Had even one juror been convinced she was guilty the jury would have been out much longer. This is all speculation. I would rather a guilty person go free (they will screw up again and we will get another bite) that have an innocent person be put away for life ( having no chance at release) I know deep down she was involved in whatever this is and so are her parents. One day, the person responsible will pay... For those that think the jury was wrong, please, let's have a polite discussion of points: What, other than her behavior after the fact, do you feel you could point to as a reason to convict of murder. I want to Learn something here, not bash, berate, be not civil, etc. |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
This |
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Re: Casey Anthony not guilty on major charges
Frack i missed that it was already posted :td
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