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Apoco 06-13-2011 12:53 PM

Board games / table top RPGs?
Anyone in here a fan?

I've been playing 7 Wonders - a German card/board game - with a group of friends every couple of weeks. It is a lot of fun - and we find ourselves doing 10 games back-to-back at 30 minutes a game. Just don't seem to get tired of it. I am really trying to pressure one of the other guys in the group to pick up Settlers of Catan so we can start playing that, too :banger

I am also playing in my first D&D game in probably 7 years on Friday night. So stoked to get back into it! Gonna be playing a Halfling Bard/Detective ine the game with 4 people, and then playing a (bearded) Female Dwarf Open-Handed Fighter in the 3 person game.
Posted via Mobile Device

kaisersozei 06-13-2011 01:03 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
My "gaming group" is pretty much my mid 1980's college buddies. We get together once or twice a year at various places for long weekends--invariably spend some of that time with a board game or other diversion. Settlers of Catan, Talisman, Diplomacy. Haven't run through any RPG campaigns in a long, long time, however.

Apoco 06-13-2011 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 1295042)
My "gaming group" is pretty much my mid 1980's college buddies. We get together once or twice a year at various places for long weekends--invariably spend some of that time with a board game or other diversion. Settlers of Catan, Talisman, Diplomacy. Haven't run through any RPG campaigns in a long, long time, however.

I've never heard of Talisman or Diplomacy. I'll have to look into them.

RPGs don't lend themselves very well to infrequent play. Too easy to forget the details and lose the ability to get into it. There I've heard of that can be short.

It is a game called "pull" - and it involves a Jenga tower. There's no stats, no equipment, no character sheets. It plays just like D&D. "My character performs ____" "My character looks for ____" "My character tries to pick up chicks in a bar" etc. etc. And the Game Master will select particularly important, difficult, etc. actions to ask you to pull a Jenga block from the bottom and put it on the top. It can get tense, because it actually depends upon player skill and the maliciousness of the game master. It is a dumbed down D&D so that you don't have to spend 3 hours picking out your character, their feats, their traits, roll for their skills, buy their gear, etc.
Posted via Mobile Device

McSmokey 06-13-2011 01:46 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
If me and my gaming buddies are together more than an hour settlers of catan always comes out

kaisersozei 06-13-2011 03:09 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
Talisman goes in an out of print, not sure if it's still in production. We have a second edition set with expansions, I think it dates back to the late 80s. Diplomacy is still around, at one point it was published by Avalon Hill.

Emjaysmash 06-13-2011 03:50 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
I've played 2nd Ed, 3rd ed. 3.5 ed and 4th ed D&D. No actual tabletop group at the moment, but I play online.

Been really wanting to play Settlers, but haven't had the chance yet.

PeteSB75 06-14-2011 06:51 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
Carcasonne is also really good. Or Twilight Imperium if you want a longer game. I'm currently in a D&D 3.5 campaign that has been going on for about 4 years. I think we're planning to play Pathfinder in the next one.

Apoco 06-14-2011 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by PeteSB75 (Post 1296460)
Carcasonne is also really good. Or Twilight Imperium if you want a longer game. I'm currently in a D&D 3.5 campaign that has been going on for about 4 years. I think we're planning to play Pathfinder in the next one.

Pathfinder seems to be a pretty robust system. I really like what I've seen so far in developing my 2 characters. Still having to read up on combat movements, though.
Posted via Mobile Device

madwilliamflint 06-14-2011 12:19 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
Yep. Played from Blue Book straight up through 2nd ed, "back in the day." Burnt out on it.

I highly recommend Diplomacy. It's delicious to waste your friends and "allies."

mariogolbee 06-14-2011 12:28 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
I've been playing a lot of Fluxx games since my daughter agreed to play Zombie Fluxx with me last year. I fell in love with the style of play and we now own I think 6 version of it and several promos.

After Zombie Fluxx I was able to get her into Zombies!!! She loves it and we now own 3 expansions for it.

I found the minis to Heroquest and Battle Masters in my garage, so I found the HTF components for both games, along with extra pieces. We played Battle Masters 3 times in a row when it cam in. Fun games. I'm hoping it prepares her for war games. So I ordered Battlelore (repurposed) and 4 of the 6 repurposed expansions. It looks and sounds like a great game and if any of you are interested you'd better move fast before it sells out like it did last time.

I used to play D&D and I'd love to again. I do occasionally play Castle Ravenloft with a small group. We've spoken of Talisman too, which is currently in print.

Now I want to play Settlers of Catan. I'm a sucker for a good game. I thought of starting a thread like this. Well done Alex.

P.S. I really want to get my hands on Small World and some Heroscape sets as well. They both look like loads of fun. After checking out I want everything.

BeerAdvocate 06-14-2011 01:23 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
I miss playing Hero Quest!

mariogolbee 06-14-2011 01:45 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by BeerAdvocate (Post 1296867)
I miss playing Hero Quest!

As it were to turn out I actually once had the core set along with both Kellar's Keep AND the Return of the Witchlord expansions. Like I said, I had the figures, and I noticed a crystal ball tile. When I received my copy of Heroquest from fleabay with everything BUT the figures it had the figureless Kellar's Keep expansion in it too! The same expansion that's going for $50+ on fleabay right now! What a treat! I can download the rest of the tiles for the Return of the Witchlord and I already have the extra figures.

I found this site where I can download all of the tiles ever made for Heroquest. It seems that there is such a following that there are hundreds of quality fan-made cards, tiles, and quests for this game system. I never thought it would get huge like this! There are many other sites and forums dedicated to Heroquest.

Now I just need some people to play with...:sad

Apoco 06-14-2011 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 1296828)
I've been playing a lot of Fluxx games since my daughter agreed to play Zombie Fluxx with me last year. I fell in love with the style of play and we now own I think 6 version of it and several promos.

After Zombie Fluxx I was able to get her into Zombies!!! She loves it and we now own 3 expansions for it.

I found the minis to Heroquest and Battle Masters in my garage, so I found the HTF components for both games, along with extra pieces. We played Battle Masters 3 times in a row when it cam in. Fun games. I'm hoping it prepares her for war games. So I ordered Battlelore (repurposed) and 4 of the 6 repurposed expansions. It looks and sounds like a great game and if any of you are interested you'd better move fast before it sells out like it did last time.

I used to play D&D and I'd love to again. I do occasionally play Castle Ravenloft with a small group. We've spoken of Talisman too, which is currently in print.

Now I want to play Settlers of Catan. I'm a sucker for a good game. I thought of starting a thread like this. Well done Alex.

P.S. I really want to get my hands on Small World and some Heroscape sets as well. They both look like loads of fun. After checking out I want everything.

Fluxx...fluxx....that name is so familiar. That's the card game with random images on the cards and they all match some how, right?

All that is popping into my head about it is "spider-bear" from a previous playing.
Posted via Mobile Device

mariogolbee 06-14-2011 02:28 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1296933)
Fluxx...fluxx....that name is so familiar. That's the card game with random images on the cards and they all match some how, right?

All that is popping into my head about it is "spider-bear" from a previous playing.
Posted via Mobile Device

A very short video review on Zombie Fluxx.

The games can get crazy, fast.

mariogolbee 06-14-2011 02:38 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
And one on Monty Python Fluxx which I own but have not yet played.

Apoco 06-16-2011 07:05 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
I got everything put together for my game on Friday :banger

My DM is gonna be a fun one. He let me design my own weapon so long as I used the "Heirloom Weapon" trait - it declares me proficient in any weapon as it is one that has been handed down from generation to generation. My bard now carries a Bowitar (a bow and guitar mixed together) :). I'm going to draw it out tonight so I can explain it sufficiently to everyone.

I will still take a -4 penalty on it until I hit level 2 and can get the Exotic Weapon Proficienty (whatever it is officially called) feat...but it should be pretty awesome. My character is there for support buff/debuff/pick lock/whatever anyway, not all that worried about combat efficiency with this one.

What is interesting to me is that I am joining in on their campaign after they have played 2 games. I have to call the DM tonight to talk to him (essentially doing a Solo RP session) about how my character joins up with their party. As he put it "They are in a delicate situation. Your actions could have dire (and hilarious) effects." God I hope I accidentally kill someone. I haven't been this excited about a game in months :)
Posted via Mobile Device

Wanger 06-16-2011 07:54 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
I've played Space Cataan before. Cool game.

Some good friends of ours are into good board games. We've played with them when we have time for the last couple years (they have Space Cataan). A couple of the favorites have been Carcassone and Small World. We like Small World so much that we bought our own a bit ago. And you can get expansion pack for it, too. :p There is even a Small World for the iPad (which I've played, as well).

Emjaysmash 06-16-2011 07:55 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1299184)
I got everything put together for my game on Friday :banger

My DM is gonna be a fun one. He let me design my own weapon so long as I used the "Heirloom Weapon" trait - it declares me proficient in any weapon as it is one that has been handed down from generation to generation. My bard now carries a Bowitar (a bow and guitar mixed together) :). I'm going to draw it out tonight so I can explain it sufficiently to everyone.

I will still take a -4 penalty on it until I hit level 2 and can get the Exotic Weapon Proficienty (whatever it is officially called) feat...but it should be pretty awesome. My character is there for support buff/debuff/pick lock/whatever anyway, not all that worried about combat efficiency with this one.

What is interesting to me is that I am joining in on their campaign after they have played 2 games. I have to call the DM tonight to talk to him (essentially doing a Solo RP session) about how my character joins up with their party. As he put it "They are in a delicate situation. Your actions could have dire (and hilarious) effects." God I hope I accidentally kill someone. I haven't been this excited about a game in months :)
Posted via Mobile Device

Sounds awesome! Hope it goes well!

Apoco 09-09-2011 10:53 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
This last Friday was I'm going to revive this thread and talk about it :tu. PS - wall of text incoming.

Setting: Our characters are in a prison. This prison burned down quite a few years ago, and has been left alone since. This prison burned down as a way to stop a prison break from occuring. The fire killed all of the guards and prisoners within.

We have already ventured through the first level (encountering many skeletons, skulls, ghosts and ghouls, etc). We decided to go up first, as it is known the the majority of the truely evil criminals were harbored in the basement. [Meta-gaming - we needed to level before going to the tougher monsters]

As we are exploring the top floor; we began to hear a song. A dirge, really. Its sad and sullen melodies called out to us. We continued exploring and eventually discovered the cause of this sound - it was a slender and shadowy figure [We deemed him "Slender man"]. He was quite some distance - approximately 30 yards - in a poorly lit room. We were standing in the middle of a row of holding cells and all of the doors were locked.

[Roll for perception] My fighter could barely make out a flute and a birdcage. Clearly the flute was the base of the dirge that we had been hearing...however it was now targeted. I could see the slender man point with the bird cage. [Roll for will save] I could not resist the dirge's melody any more. It was saddening, depressing, and demoralizing. As I stood in fear everything around me faded away. With the dirge still playing, I was in a dark room. I could hear, and then see, large mosquitos flying twards me.

The other adventurers that I am with are horrified to see the cell doors open and skeletons begin to exit them. The skeletons approach the group with the catatonic dwarf still in front.

[Note: the catatonic state has left my character defenseless. All attacks against me are considered a coup de grace opportunity and all attacks are criticals. For each hit against my character from here on I am required to roll DC10 + damage to avoid instant death. Not unconciousness, death. We are early enough in the game that no one would have the money to afford a resurrection - a death would result in a re-roll. The skeletons critical dice damage is 1d4 x2. This means that in any given roll I may need to roll an 18 or higher to survive. Through various bonuses (good and bad), all of my fortitude save rolls are +2, bringing the max down to 16.]

The alchemist in the group grabs a haunt siphon and tosses it at the slender man. [Roll d20 for hit - 17. Roll d20 for damage - 11]. He squirms and cries out in pain, while maintaining his dirge to paralyze the dwarf.

Two of the skeletons approach and attack the dwarf. Each skeleton deals 7 damage, leaving the 2nd level fighter with 11 HP. [Roll d20 to prevent coup de grace from the first skeleton - 15. Roll d20 to prevent coup de grace form the second skeleton - 15. The dwarf has survived the first round of attacks.]

The other character [I can't remember her class] approaches the dwarf and grants armor class...for some reason that no one has yet to figure out. For armor class is only used in not being hit up front and all attacks against my character automatically crit and cannot miss.

The human alchemist [I think that is the name of the class. Not 100% positive] throws a fire bomb into the group of skeletons [Roll d20 to hit - 20. Roll d20 to confirm critical - 20] The fire bomb lands precisely in the middle of the skeletons and turns them all (5 of them) to ash.

The slender man begins approaching the dwarf for the final kill. He gets to the dwarf lays down his bird cage to draw his dagger. He attacks the dwarf, dealing 3 damage. [Note: a coup de grace takes a full turn. By having to move to me he could not attempt a coup de grace.] The dwarf is left with 8 HP.

The alchemist throws a fire bomb at the slender man and does 5 damage, while the other character in the group uses a healing spell on the dwarf. The dwarf is now at 9 hp [Yay for a 1 roll].

The slender man rears back with his dagger to place the final blow on the dwarf. The slender man attacks [Roll 2d6 for damage - 6. This means that my character must roll a 16 before fort save, 15 after] and deals 6 damage to the dwarf leaving him at 3 hp. [Roll d20 for coup de grace avoidance - 20.]

The human alchemist again throws a fire bomb at the slender man and hits him for 7 damage. The slender man begins convulsing while on fire and screaming out in pain. As the dirge ends, the dwarf returns from her catatonic state. The group members notice holes appearing in the dwarf [due to the mosquitos]. The dwarf takes 2 damage, leaving him with 1 hp. The party hastily makes a bee-line for the exit to go back to the base and rest.

SUMMARY: My character spent 4 full rounds in imminent death. Through rolls of 15, 15, 20 my dwarven fighter managed to live to see another day. My hands were sweaty by the end of the fight, and I felt drained. Our group had been going at a really good pace all night and this just took the wind out of our sails. We did a few other small tasks before calling it quits for the night.

...pretty sure I get nerdier by the day haha
Posted via Mobile Device

Emjaysmash 09-09-2011 11:15 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
LOL! sounds intense! its get really tense when you know all you can do is wait for a roll do go wrong and that's the end. haha keep us updated on how it ends (especially what is in the basement!)

Apoco 09-09-2011 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 1403083)
LOL! sounds intense! its get really tense when you know all you can do is wait for a roll do go wrong and that's the end. haha keep us updated on how it ends (especially what is in the basement!)

I'm scared as hell of that basement. We've had a couple of rough nights in a row. We've had 3 fights with very near player deaths in the last 2 games. We keep calling it early because it really is taxing. The only other boss we've encountered in the prison smacked us around hardcore. 1 character dragged the 2 unconcious ones out >.<

Also - our DM gets to the level of drunk where he can't describe stuff anymore :r
Posted via Mobile Device

mariogolbee 09-24-2011 02:09 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
Hey Alex, are you on BGG?

Apoco 09-24-2011 03:48 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 1419668)
Hey Alex, are you on BGG?

Don't believe I've ever heard of it. :r

What is it?

Jbailey 09-24-2011 04:20 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
I work at a warehouse that supplies all kind of shops around the country with board games/tabletop games/card games etc. I agree 7 Wonders is a great game. I have been a big fan of Talisman for a long time. Fantasy Flight games took over for it and has redone the 4th edition. There are a bunch of expansions they have also added.

mariogolbee 09-24-2011 04:43 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1419744)
Don't believe I've ever heard of it. :r

What is it?

It's an uber game forum. If you are into games then the site is amazing. It's a plethora of game knowledge. From Board games to RPG's to video games, kind of like Toys'R'Us. I'm on there with the same user name. Look me up.;)


Originally Posted by Jbailey (Post 1419778)
I work at a warehouse that supplies all kind of shops around the country with board games/tabletop games/card games etc. I agree 7 Wonders is a great game. I have been a big fan of Talisman for a long time. Fantasy Flight games took over for it and has redone the 4th edition. There are a bunch of expansions they have also added.

:dr That job must be like HEAVEN! I own Talisman, but have not yet played it. Haven't played 7 Wonders yet, but I have heard great things about it. FFG makes some superb games, several of which I own and do play. I am especially glad that FFG took over Battlelore from Days of Wonder. This enabled me to get the French re-purposed edition. :tu:tu for FFG!

Starscream 09-24-2011 11:20 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
I've still got the old DC Heroes that I bought in the early 90s. I never played it b/c I didn't have any friends that were interested enough in that sort of thing to come over to play it. therefore, I never got into rpg board games.

Tredegar 10-06-2011 06:40 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
I used to play tons of war games, now I never even crack a box open. I started with some SPI games, moved to AD & D, picked up Napoleonic miniatures and eventually became an Advanced Squad Leader addict. I still have most of my games, but sadly, I never play any more. I have put some of my older games up for sale on flebay in the past couple of years and have made a little bit of cash on it.

Lonely Raven 10-06-2011 06:56 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1295030)
Anyone in here a fan?

I've been playing 7 Wonders - a German card/board game - with a group of friends every couple of weeks. It is a lot of fun - and we find ourselves doing 10 games back-to-back at 30 minutes a game. Just don't seem to get tired of it. I am really trying to pressure one of the other guys in the group to pick up Settlers of Catan so we can start playing that, too :banger

I am also playing in my first D&D game in probably 7 years on Friday night. So stoked to get back into it! Gonna be playing a Halfling Bard/Detective ine the game with 4 people, and then playing a (bearded) Female Dwarf Open-Handed Fighter in the 3 person game.
Posted via Mobile Device

I'm so old, I played D&D and Battletech with the guys from FASA. LOL

This 7 Wonders card many people can play? I'm trying to find some fun, faster paced games that more than 6 people can play, so we can get my whole group in on the game and not sit people out.

Lately we've been playing Warewolf (google it, it's basically a game about lying.) But I'm just not getting into it. I've heard large groups love this game...but we must be missing something.

Jbailey 10-06-2011 08:21 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by Lonely Raven (Post 1431079)
I'm so old, I played D&D and Battletech with the guys from FASA. LOL

This 7 Wonders card many people can play? I'm trying to find some fun, faster paced games that more than 6 people can play, so we can get my whole group in on the game and not sit people out. Up to 7 players and the games run 30-45min.

Lately we've been playing Warewolf (google it, it's basically a game about lying.) But I'm just not getting into it. I've heard large groups love this game...but we must be missing something.

In large groups a short fun game is The Resistance.

ktblunden 10-06-2011 09:14 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
Wow, this thread brings back a lot of memories. Back in Jr. High I used to play AD&D and Shadowrun. I love the world of Shadowrun, there's times I miss it. These days I don't have the patience (or the people to play with) for pen & paper, but I keep looking at some of the boardgame stuff out there right now like Settlers of Cataan. There's also a bunch of zombie games and a Cthulu game that look pretty cool, but the price tags are a little high.

Emjaysmash 10-06-2011 09:19 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by ktblunden (Post 1431209)
Wow, this thread brings back a lot of memories. Back in Jr. High I used to play AD&D and Shadowrun. I love the world of Shadowrun, there's times I miss it. These days I don't have the patience (or the people to play with) for pen & paper, but I keep looking at some of the boardgame stuff out there right now like Settlers of Cataan. There's also a bunch of zombie games and a Cthulu game that look pretty cool, but the price tags are a little high.

Unfortunately those RPG Board games are super expensive. Ive seen most of them upwards of $60

ktblunden 10-06-2011 09:32 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 1431216)
Unfortunately those RPG Board games are super expensive. Ive seen most of them upwards of $60

That's the only reason I don't own any of them. I've seen them slightly cheaper on Amazon, but still over $50. Maybe I need to convince some of my friends to pool some money together to get one.

mariogolbee 10-06-2011 09:39 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 1431216)
Unfortunately those RPG Board games are super expensive. Ive seen most of them upwards of $60


Originally Posted by ktblunden (Post 1431238)
That's the only reason I don't own any of them. I've seen them slightly cheaper on Amazon, but still over $50. Maybe I need to convince some of my friends to pool some money together to get one.
This is the site I use. They beat most anybody else for new games by a long shot. Plus they give free shipping with orders over $100 and offer rewards discounts which accumulate at every $100 mark. They are awesome!

Apoco 10-06-2011 09:39 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
I've been going through D&D withdrawls. I haven't played in 4 weeks now. :(
Posted via Mobile Device

ktblunden 10-06-2011 09:51 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 1431249)
This is the site I use. They beat most anybody else for new games by a long shot. Plus they give free shipping with orders over $100 and offer rewards discounts which accumulate at every $100 mark. They are awesome!

Bookmarked. Many thanks! Their site navigation is a little wacky, but the prices are great!

mariogolbee 10-06-2011 09:58 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by ktblunden (Post 1431261)
Bookmarked. Many thanks! Their site navigation is a little wacky, but the prices are great!

Ya, their prices and service are great. They will sometimes buy OOP and HTF items and sell them for a little more, but at least they'll get them. After spending $300+ now I get an automatic 2% discount. 2% isn't much, but it's on top of already low prices if I'm already going to order $100 in product for free shipping, then $2 off isn't so bad. Enjoy!

Jbailey 10-08-2011 02:12 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 1431216)
Unfortunately those RPG Board games are super expensive. Ive seen most of them upwards of $60

What games were you looking at MJ?

Adriftpanda 10-08-2011 02:40 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
I like monopoly and sorry.

Emjaysmash 10-08-2011 12:31 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by Jbailey (Post 1433319)
What games were you looking at MJ?

Castle Ravenloft, Mystery at the House on the Hill... basically the things put out by Wizards of The Coast. They tend to milk every penny out of ya.

Apoco 10-14-2011 07:53 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
D&D night...freaking finally! Our group hasn't played since the middle of September :(. My work schedule ruined it.

However, the rest of the group plays Warhammer 40K, so they kept themselves entertained without me :)
Posted via Mobile Device

Emjaysmash 10-14-2011 11:24 AM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1440271)
D&D night...freaking finally! Our group hasn't played since the middle of September :(. My work schedule ruined it.

However, the rest of the group plays Warhammer 40K, so they kept themselves entertained without me :)
Posted via Mobile Device


have fun!

Apoco 02-14-2012 08:49 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
So - I'm going to roll a new character and hope that one of my current characters gets killed off :r

Ive been given the OK by the DM to make a druid who's weapon is...

A bag of 4 badgers given to him by his diety. My characters sole goal would be to not let the badgers die and would not be allowed to have any other companions. Should be a real riot if I ever get to play him :banger
Posted via Mobile Device

Emjaysmash 02-14-2012 08:51 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
... A bag full of badgers? Are you going to let them loose or hit someone with it?
I feel like the Druid version of PETA would crack down on that. LOL

kaisersozei 02-15-2012 01:55 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
Badgers. :hm That reminds me of a monk character I played way back in college, about the same time I discovered a new girlfriend. My roommate/DM got tired of me always being absent for our group's weekly gaming sessions, so he eventually had the party raided one night by a pack of wandering, giant badgers. With a taste for monkflesh, apparently. Poor dead Bwana.

Apoco 02-15-2012 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 1560367)
... A bag full of badgers? Are you going to let them loose or hit someone with it?
I feel like the Druid version of PETA would crack down on that. LOL

They'll be like my attack badgers :)
Posted via Mobile Device

Emjaysmash 02-15-2012 08:13 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 1560981)
Badgers. :hm That reminds me of a monk character I played way back in college, about the same time I discovered a new girlfriend. My roommate/DM got tired of me always being absent for our group's weekly gaming sessions, so he eventually had the party raided one night by a pack of wandering, giant badgers. With a taste for monkflesh, apparently. Poor dead Bwana.

Pesky girlfriends always getting in the way of whats important! :r


Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1561345)
They'll be like my attack badgers :)
Posted via Mobile Device

Let us know how the attack badgers work out!

Apoco 06-05-2012 03:07 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
My group hasn't played a single game of D&D since I made my new character :(.

We've been playing table top games lately. Last Night on Earth, Super Dungeon Explore, Settlers of Catan, etc.

I hopped on Amazon today and ordered a couple of single player tabletops just for fun. Ordered "Friday" and "Onirim". Both come highly recommended from reddit's "Boardgames" subreddit (Link). Hopefully they'll be some fun.
Posted via Mobile Device

Emjaysmash 06-05-2012 03:23 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?
The D&D I've been playing is on In 4 games as well as DMing one. Its the only way I can play nowadays.

Apoco 06-06-2012 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 1649893)
The D&D I've been playing is on In 4 games as well as DMing one. Its the only way I can play nowadays.

Oh yeah - you had told me about that forever ago. Maybe I need to look into it again.

After making this post - I called our DM and told him that it was time to play some D&D again. He agreed. When I called the rest of our group their response was essentially "I've been thinking that - but everyone has seemed so content to play board games". Funny...we've all been wanting to play but just assumed no one else did :r
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mariogolbee 06-13-2012 10:50 PM

Re: Board games / table top RPGs?

Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1649881)
We've been playing table top games lately. Last Night on Earth, Super Dungeon Explore, Settlers of Catan, etc.

I finally got a chance to break out Last Night on Earth about a month back. Finally got into Catan as well.

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