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cobra03 06-02-2011 03:41 PM

Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
I dont know if anyone has tried these, but i fired one up today that i got in a sampler. This cigar is interesting to say the least. It tastes like the exact opposite of a sweetened tip cigar. The minute i put the cigar in my mouth and lit it up my lips started burning and went numb. This lasted for about half of the cigar. The taste of the cigar itself wasnt bad but i couldnt get past the fact that my lips felt like they had been sprayed with pepper spray.It would seem they definitly coated the tip in something as a gimic maybe i dont know but i dont think i would buy many more of these. Very interesting just to try though.

Drez 06-02-2011 03:45 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Sounds interesting to say the least lol.

Remo 06-02-2011 03:45 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Thanks for the heads up Scott, was looking at those but I think i'll pass!!! Had my share of pepper spray.

icehog3 06-02-2011 03:49 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

dannysguitar 06-02-2011 04:08 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
I've heard the same thing from a guy on another board. Any other experiences?

kelmac07 06-02-2011 07:06 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Waiting on a box of these. Hmmmmm...wonder if I f@#*ed up. :confused:

Remo 06-02-2011 07:09 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1282567)
Waiting on a box of these. Hmmmmm...wonder if I f@#*ed up. :confused:

:sl :sl :sl, bomb fodder Mac!!!

Remo 06-02-2011 07:10 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Poor basatages won't know what hit em :r

hammondc 06-02-2011 07:13 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Quick reading on the intewwebz leads me to believe the wrapper is infused with a chili of some sort. Maybe just capsaicin for the heat?

Sherlockholms 06-02-2011 07:19 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by cobra03 (Post 1282393)
I dont know if anyone has tried these, but i fired one up today that i got in a sampler. This cigar is interesting to say the least. It tastes like the exact opposite of a sweetened tip cigar. The minute i put the cigar in my mouth and lit it up my lips started burning and went numb. This lasted for about half of the cigar. The taste of the cigar itself wasnt bad but i couldnt get past the fact that my lips felt like they had been sprayed with pepper spray.It would seem they definitly coated the tip in something as a gimic maybe i dont know but i dont think i would buy many more of these. Very interesting just to try though.

Lol, I guess that is why it's called the Punisher! Sound like a very interesting cigar. I might have to give it a try sometime.:)

MurphysLaw 06-02-2011 07:22 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

TBone 06-02-2011 08:08 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
I luv some heat might be interesting to try...

Tio Gato 06-03-2011 03:13 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Monica Lewinsky Seconds?;s

maninblack 06-03-2011 03:18 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Sounds nasty to me. I gave the regular intenso's and don't care for them either. Sounds like something to avoid.

Homebrewer 06-04-2011 07:43 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Same thing happened to me. 10 seconds after I put it in my mouth, my lips started to burn. Knowing nothing about this cigar, I thought that there must be chemicals on the wrapper. I put it out instantly and my lips continued to burn for 5 more minutes. I felt punished to say the least...

cobra03 06-04-2011 02:43 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by Tio Gato (Post 1283856)
Monica Lewinsky Seconds?;s

lol i would feel sorry for any woman who decided to get frisky with this cigar.

benedic08 06-04-2011 02:52 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by cobra03 (Post 1284785)
lol i would feel sorry for any woman who decided to get frisky with this cigar.

Hahhaha :r:r

You my friend just made my day!

whodeeni 06-05-2011 08:55 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by Remo_5_0 (Post 1282577)
Poor basatages won't know what hit em :r

Haha! Very funny!

d'am 06-05-2011 08:32 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by maninblack (Post 1283860)
Sounds nasty to me. I gave the regular intenso's and don't care for them either. Sounds like something to avoid.

I picked up some Intensos off cbid for just over $2 a pop. I wouldn't pay CIs regular prices, but I got my money's worth. Good, strong earthy flavors with a hefty spice and light sweetness on the finish. No real development and not much complexity, but a good solid smoke otherwise.

I had planned on trying the Punisher, but I'm with the majority here. Sounds like a gimmick, so I'll pass.

kelmac07 06-06-2011 06:38 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Wife says my box arrived today. Funny thing is that I ordered these three months ago.

maninblack 06-06-2011 07:30 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Good luck with those Mac and let us know your thoughts.

Starscream 06-08-2011 08:29 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1286900)
Wife says my box arrived today. Funny thing is that I ordered these three months ago.

Where'd you order them from, Mac?

Three months:sl

kaisersozei 06-08-2011 09:01 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1288472)
Where'd you order them from, Mac?

Three months:sl

Switzerland :r

The regular Cu-avana maduro & natural are decent budget smokes, and I always thought they had a nice underlying sweetness to them. Not sure why they would screw around with a wrapper like that. I won't be trying them, but I'm interested in Mac's review :tu

cobra03 06-08-2011 02:14 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
I have one of these left and i really have no intrest in smoking it. So im going to share the experience with another unsuspecting victim ... im mean upstanding BOTL. First come first serve. If you want to try one shoot me a PM and we'll set something up. I only have one so who ever gets to me first gets it.

kelmac07 06-08-2011 02:21 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1288472)
Where'd you order them from, Mac?

Three months:sl

Cigar International...they were shown in the catalog, but kept saying they had not come in yet. This was the case for three months. They were only available in the sampler that Scott picked up. Their communication was for crap too. :td :td

maninblack 06-08-2011 04:34 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by cobra03 (Post 1288907)
I have one of these left and i really have no intrest in smoking it. So im going to share the experience with another unsuspecting victim ... im mean upstanding BOTL. First come first serve. If you want to try one shoot me a PM and we'll set something up. I only have one so who ever gets to me first gets it.

Nice offer but the thought of burning lips warns me to stay away. Good luck to whomever jumps on this.

shilala 06-08-2011 05:25 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1288915)
Cigar International...they were shown in the catalog, but kept saying they had not come in yet. This was the case for three months. They were only available in the sampler that Scott picked up. Their communication was for crap too. :td :td

I thought you'd have learned better than to deal with those douches by now. :D

cobra03 06-08-2011 10:22 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Really . No takers yet. This is a free cigar no stings attached. Other than the burning that is. Is everyone that scared. Do i have to start making fun of people, you bunch of nancies. :tg

cobra03 06-08-2011 11:05 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Zeuceone has jumped on this grenade.

strife 06-09-2011 11:54 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Doesn't sound like a cigar I'd care for, thanks for the heads up.

Zeuceone 06-17-2011 07:41 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Well I will thank cobra03 for the bodyguards he sent. I'm glad I was able to save one of you botl from this disaster.

Well first and fore most, I have to say that this was the worst cigar experience I have had to date. This cigar has I very strong burning sensation when smoking, thought it only lasted for about four puffs. The burning was just the beginning of the punishement. With first ten minutes of smoking this you will realize why its called the punisher. For about ten minutes I suffered from headache, sharp stomach pains, and the burning of the lips/mouth. I highly regret being the test dummy for this.

I was able to smoke this to the half way point before I had enough of the headache it was giving me. Its not to bad if you are able to get past the first then minutes. I gives this stick a 98.7 and recommend you guys try this:r

icehog3 06-17-2011 07:43 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Send him a fiver!! :D

Bill86 06-17-2011 07:45 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Sounds like something for the PPP.

kelmac07 06-18-2011 12:10 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Looks like I have some "fun" ahead...

emopunker2004 06-18-2011 12:28 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1301903)
Looks like I have some "fun" ahead...

you throw one of those in our trade? :r I'm down to try one...not sure i should though...:tf

kelmac07 06-18-2011 12:29 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1301929)
you throw one of those in our trade? :r I'm down to try one...not sure i should though...:tf

Nope...I have to smoke one first. :D

Zeuceone 06-18-2011 12:42 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1301931)
Nope...I have to smoke one first. :D

you havent lived till you tried a punisher.:banger:banger:banger

Bad Finger 06-18-2011 01:21 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1301903)
Looks like I have some "fun" ahead...


longknocker 06-18-2011 03:58 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Glad I Didn't Try "The Punisher"! At My Age, I'd Probably Have An M.I.!:r

cobra03 06-20-2011 03:50 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Lol First off im glad you got the package. Secondly I figured a couple of tried and true smokes would soften the blow of the Punisher. lol now you know why i wouldnt even smoke the second one. Im sorry you had to go through that but you did volunteer for that one. :r

neoflex 06-20-2011 08:36 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Funny I was just looking at these in the new catalog and thought, "What a dumb F'in name and the v as a u is even more ridiculous." From the sounds of it I might as well try smoking the pepper shaker in the kitchen to get the same experience. Big pass from this guy right here.:D

Vith 06-21-2011 06:30 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Sounds like a great cigar to discourage kids to start smoking. :D

RevSmoke 06-21-2011 07:32 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
They do call it the Punisher...

Blak Smyth 08-16-2011 08:10 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Mac, Well?
Smoke any yet?

I smoked on last night it must be infused with habeneros or something.
The construction was flawless and the prelight smell was inviting.
I licked the tip of the cigar and felt the burn. After about 15 minutes the pepper faded or my tastebuds went numb. I actually enjoyed this cigar, it was soo different. I wouldn't buy anymore but if somebody handed me one I would smoke it. Might be a good smoke in the snow. If you don't like hot sauce don't try this cigar!

kelmac07 08-16-2011 09:30 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1376721)
Mac, Well?
Smoke any yet?

I smoked on last night it must be infused with habeneros or something.
The construction was flawless and the prelight smell was inviting.
I licked the tip of the cigar and felt the burn. After about 15 minutes the pepper faded or my tastebuds went numb. I actually enjoyed this cigar, it was soo different. I wouldn't buy anymore but if somebody handed me one I would smoke it. Might be a good smoke in the snow. If you don't like hot sauce don't try this cigar!

Smoked gimmick stick. Pepper and tingling went away after the first third and never came back. Total BS...but I had fun. I only have 5 left for the original box. (gifted them out) :D Shane...might have one for ya at Doms.

Blak Smyth 08-16-2011 09:39 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1376828)
Smoked gimmick stick. Pepper and tingling went away after the first third and never came back. Total BS...but I had fun. I only have 5 left for the original box. (gifted them out) :D Shane...might have one for ya at Doms.

Haha okay. I'm gonna "embrace the pvnisher".

kaisersozei 08-16-2011 09:56 AM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1376828)
I only have 5 left for the original box. (gifted them out)

Yes, thank you. Or not. :D

I'm gonna see what this does with some age. Like, 10 years, maybe :r

celtic250 08-16-2011 01:25 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
I had received one of these from a buddy that got one in a sample pack and without knowing anything previously about this smoke it is safe to say it was a smack to the face. Very intense burning sensation for the first half of the stick. The flavors are very different than any other cigar I had smoked disregarding the pepper spray effect. I would not seek these out again but I did not mind the overall cigar. It was worth trying once. Just my .02

RevSmoke 08-16-2011 01:44 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
Interesting that the places that have these now suddenly have deals on them. :D

Ogre 10-31-2011 05:02 PM

Re: Cu-Avana Punisher... It tastes like burning
I am getting ready to light this up. Figured I would post as the smoke went along.


This is the first cigar I have ever had that burnt my lips before even being lit!!!!!!!

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