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Dunkel 05-28-2011 07:08 AM

LHC Core

I saw these in the new catalog I got in the mail the other day. While I would like to try one as I'm a fan of the LHC Oscuro Fuerte, I'm not a fan of the price of the Core. $159.95 a box for 20 Robustos? $100 a box more than the Oscuro Fuerte Robusto and it's a smaller Robusto than the LHCOF. I think I'll wait until a few trusted BOTL post a few reviews.

kelmac07 05-28-2011 08:07 AM

Re: LHC Core
I'm gonna be waiting right there with ya Doug. $ 12.00 a stick for an LHC??? :bh :bh

Sherlockholms 05-28-2011 05:05 PM

Re: LHC Core
They sound and look nice, but too pricy for my empty wallet.

thebayratt 05-28-2011 06:58 PM

Re: LHC Core
I think I'll stick with the MOW Puros.... At half the cost, they are good in my book!

cobra03 05-28-2011 11:26 PM

Re: LHC Core
Yeah i saw those in the catalog myself. They do look pretty good but not at those prices.

Bad Finger 06-18-2011 01:05 AM

Re: LHC Core
I just got a couple of them in a sampler from I'll let ya know by weeks end how they are.

Remo 06-18-2011 01:08 AM

Re: LHC Core
Sweet, I have been waiting for a review of these :tu

d'am 06-18-2011 10:10 AM

Re: LHC Core
As usual, they've been going for less than half of the regular price on cbid. Of course, cbid gets very expensive in other ways :D

The regular LHCs are pretty good deals, but I'm also going to wait for a couple of reviews before trying these. AJ has enough of a reputation to keep me interested. I just hope the guy isn't wasting his hard-earned capital on overpriced CI exclusives.

lyle23 06-18-2011 01:39 PM

Re: LHC Core
I agree with everyone else on this one. Im gonna wait on these. Im a big fan of the oscuro fuertes, would love to try one of these but, as everyone else said they are a bit too pricy.

Bad Finger 06-18-2011 03:45 PM

Re: LHC Core
I would have reviewed one this afternoon, however I smoked a LHC Toro after a morning round of golf on an empty stomach, and I still have jelly knees. lol

dwoodward 06-20-2011 12:27 PM

Re: LHC Core
Saw them posted to facebook. I'd be tempted to try some samples, but I would never pay 12 bucks any stick no matter who makes it.

BlackIrish 06-20-2011 05:31 PM

Re: LHC Core
It's the same drill they've done so many times before. Wait 6 months and you'll be able to get them for a sensible price, I suspect.

Dunkel 06-20-2011 06:51 PM

Re: LHC Core
I picked up a fiver for under $26 on C bid the other day. I'll try one ROTT and post here with my thoughts.

Fordman4ever 06-20-2011 08:20 PM

Re: LHC Core
they are on cbid's free fall auction right now.

Bad Finger 06-21-2011 01:33 PM

Re: LHC Core

maninblack 06-21-2011 02:15 PM

Re: LHC Core
Thanks for the review. Intrigued now.

Remo 06-21-2011 02:16 PM

Re: LHC Core
Thanks Clancy, great review

Skywalker 06-21-2011 03:57 PM

Re: LHC Core
Sweet review Clancy!:tu

Dunkel 06-25-2011 07:10 PM

Re: LHC Core
I smoked one while fishing this morning. It was nothing special. The wrapper is very thin. The cap basically self destructed when I cut it with my Palio. While smoking it several small cracks appeared in the wrapper. It tasted good but wasn't amazing or anything. I liked it better than the regular LHC, but not nearly as much as I like the LHCOF.

Drez 06-25-2011 07:11 PM

Re: LHC Core

Originally Posted by Dunkel (Post 1311404)
I smoked one while fishing this morning. It was nothing special. The wrapper is very thin. The cap basically self destructed when I cut it with my Palio. While smoking it several small cracks appeared in the wrapper. It tasted good but wasn't amazing or anything. I liked it better than the regular LHC, but not nearly as much as I like the LHCOF.

thanks for the info doug. glad i held out.

Oscuro Fuerte are :tu in my book and nice and cheap.

Remo 06-25-2011 07:35 PM

Re: LHC Core

Originally Posted by Dunkel (Post 1311404)
I smoked one while fishing this morning. It was nothing special. The wrapper is very thin. The cap basically self destructed when I cut it with my Palio. While smoking it several small cracks appeared in the wrapper. It tasted good but wasn't amazing or anything. I liked it better than the regular LHC, but not nearly as much as I like the LHCOF.

Thanks Doug, goona grab a box of LHCOF instead :tu

kelmac07 06-25-2011 07:36 PM

Re: LHC Core
Glad I held out. Thanks Doug. :tu

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