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Skywalker 11-20-2008 05:25 PM

Who Is Your Hero?
A couple of weeks ago people were saying what fictional or nonfictional person they wanted to be! We also had a thread about superpowers!

But who are the real heroes in our lives? The people we emulate and gain strength from?

Who is your hero and why?

LasciviousXXX 11-20-2008 05:44 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
Who is my hero????

Poker. seriously :salute:

Genetic Defect 11-20-2008 05:45 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 79084)
Who is my hero????

Poker. seriously :salute:

:hm..... I would have to agree :) and yes I too am serious

Darrell 11-20-2008 05:52 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
My deceased "Papa" Darrell Tow, he was an Army SSG and Drill Sergeant, he once jumped out of a tree and killed a wild boar with a ka-bar (true story, my aunt has the head to prove it and photos), he was also the most hard working man, I knew. I sure do miss him. R.I.P.

DavenportESQ 11-20-2008 05:55 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
Pat Tillman - Everything about him from when he was a walk on at ASU. To Leaving the NFL to serve his country. Someone I admire from so many different perspectives

smitdavi 11-20-2008 06:07 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
My Dad....he's been through some tough times and yet he has provided for me and my sister. He's a good man with the best intentions and I admire him for that. He always has the best attitude no matter what the circumstances. I'd love to be half the man he is

Starscream 11-20-2008 06:37 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
My parents, my wife, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemmingway, Pete Rose, and Roscoe P. Coltrane. My CA hero is Tom (Icehog3), even though I've never met him in person (Perry comes in a close second :D).

jcarlton 11-20-2008 06:43 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
Ron Jeremy

KidRock 11-20-2008 07:32 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
My Dad. Lived a short yet fufilling life. Sure miss him.

Darrell 11-20-2008 07:34 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?

Originally Posted by jcarlton (Post 79201)
Ron Jeremy

Did someone mention "The Hedgehog"?

Circa 2002.

Tombstone 11-20-2008 07:54 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
Jesus Christ

Da Klugs 11-20-2008 07:58 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
Personally, my Mom and Dad. They set a standard that to this day I look up to trying to honor them with my pale efforts.

Globally, every single person in uniform that stands and protects our way of life. Easy to take for granted hard to have a way of life without.

smitdavi 11-20-2008 08:02 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 79433)
Personally, my Mom and Dad. They set a standard that to this day I look up to trying to honor them with my pale efforts.

Globally, every single person in uniform that stands and protects our way of life. Easy to take for granted hard to have a way of life without.

Very well said sir, couldn't agree more

ahc4353 11-20-2008 08:07 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
My wife, Alina.

Brought three fantastic young men into this world.

Raised them to be good humans.

Works tirelessly.

Always sees the best in each person.

Never to judge.

The glass is always half full.

Loves unconditionally.

She will make an unbelievable Angle one day, if shes not already.

skyhigh340 11-20-2008 08:12 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?

Originally Posted by smitdavi (Post 79448)
Very well said sir, couldn't agree more

This says it very well!

AAlmeter 11-20-2008 08:45 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 79433)
Personally, my Mom and Dad. They set a standard that to this day I look up to trying to honor them with my pale efforts.

Globally, every single person in uniform that stands and protects our way of life. Easy to take for granted hard to have a way of life without.


Nuff said on both accounts. :usa:(

Bruzee 11-20-2008 08:48 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
My wife.....

Ace$nyper 11-20-2008 08:49 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
Ben Franklin, for real.

He barely worked 4 hours a day and look what he did, he was a gentleman, a genius a patriot, a leader, a player, and from all accounts just a swell guy to have a drink with.

smokin5 11-20-2008 09:08 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
Benjamin Franklin x 2!
Genius, statesman & party animal!!
This is one person I would have loved to
meet & have a drink (& a smoke) with.

cigarwife 11-20-2008 09:39 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?

Darrell 11-20-2008 09:42 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?

Originally Posted by cigarwife (Post 79660)

I see you settle for mediocrity. ;)

AAlmeter 11-20-2008 09:44 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 79664)
I see you settle for mediocrity. ;)


Hell, depending on who she directed that at, the mediocrity statement could be a compliment! God knows I'd be thrilled with it.

MithShrike 11-20-2008 09:58 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
My mom. Single, she raised my sister and me and went to school. She worked her ass off. I didn't see her much when I was younger but now that I'm out on my own I realize how hard it must have been for her. Between my medical problems as a child, my sister struggling with her school work, my mom's own schooling, providing for us, and trying to have a social life she did what I can't imagine doing. How hard she worked astounds me now that I'm able to think about it from an adult perspective. Yeah, she's nuts but I love her.

jjirons69 11-20-2008 10:22 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
Dad...too many reasons to mention. It's why I'm who I am, plain and simple. I can only strive to be the same for my kids.

Mom...very close second!

jjirons69 11-20-2008 10:23 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 79343)
Did someone mention "The Hedgehog"?

Circa 2002.

Sweet Bajeegbuz! F'ing Ron Jeremy. You are too much, Darrell!!! :salute:

Skywalker 11-21-2008 08:00 AM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?

Originally Posted by cigarwife (Post 79660)

For those who said Parents or Spouses, I think there is no higher privilege or honor than to be seen as a hero in the eyes of our sons', daughters', or spouses'!

With great power comes great responsibility!
- As stated by Peter Parker and his uncle Ben

gettysburgfreak 11-21-2008 09:10 AM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
My parents for helping me be the person I am today. They mean the world to me.

-Abraham Lincoln
-Robert E. Lee
-Josh Beckett
-Pedro Martinez
-Author/historian and great friend Gregory A. Coco
-Author and good friend William Frassanito

icehog3 11-21-2008 09:21 AM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
My parents for all they taught me.

My Grandfather for helping me become the first college graduate in my family.

The Troops who put "Freedom Ain't Free" on the line every day.

Chris Chelios for proving that sometimes the old guys can still play.

theycallmedan'lboone 11-21-2008 10:17 AM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
Sgt Alvin York

MSgt Gary Gordon & SFC Randy Shughart

David Crockett

My Dad

RPB67 11-21-2008 11:05 AM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
Dad amd Mom,

When I was young I never listened but now I definately relized they know much more than me.

They are definately the reason I am who I am today.

VirtualSmitty 11-21-2008 10:43 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
My parents
James K Polk
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Albert Sydney Johnston
Teddy Roosevelt

SonsofClubDeck 11-21-2008 10:50 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
My father, BarneyBandMan, who makes it harder for me to become half the man he is by being more awesome every day.

icehog3 11-22-2008 01:36 AM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?

Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty (Post 81401)
My parents
James K Polk
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Albert Sydney Johnston
Teddy Roosevelt

Now cut that out, Joe! :r

macms 11-22-2008 06:06 AM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
My Uncle Bob and those who live in my memories.

Cigarcop 11-22-2008 08:03 AM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
I thought about this post for awhile before actually posting but its clear to me that my son "Cole" is becoming my hero.
While as a parent it was my job to influence right and wrong, every day he clearly shows that he was listening and that kid has the kindest heart that I know of. :)

CBI_2 11-22-2008 08:05 AM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
My mom. Had me as an unwed mother in 1959 and my sister several years after that. Had to be hard to deal with especially back then. Sure do miss her sometimes.
Her parents. For loving her enough to give us a place to live with love. Miss them too.

All of those who have served our country. Their heroic actions over many battles I find inspiring and humbling at the same time.

TripleF 11-22-2008 08:08 AM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
My Mom, Dad, youngest brother and my step-son currently serving in the Army.

gettysburgfreak 11-22-2008 08:13 AM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?

Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty (Post 81401)
My parents
James K Polk
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Albert Sydney Johnston
Teddy Roosevelt

Nice choice with Giuseppe Garibalidi. The 39th NY regiment in the Civil War was nicknamed the Garibalidi guards because they were comprised of Hungarian and Italian men. Most of the Italians had fought under Giuseppe in Italy.

forgop 11-22-2008 09:51 AM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
My dad hands down...

About 7 years ago, his appendix ruptured and he went a full month before he knew what happened. He was deathly ill and finally got him to the hospital as he thought he was just having back pain. It took them 4 days to realize what happened and he made it through that. During surgery to clean that mess out, they found a tumor and removed what they could. In Jan 2007, doctors gave him just 2 days to live because of an obstruction and failing kidneys, but he pulled through. My wife was pregnant at the time with his only grandson and we shared with him that my son would be named after him and it brought him to tears.

He battled cancer for more than 6 years before he passed away on January 20, 2008. He never complained and he never gave up the fight until 2 days before he died. It was painful to watch the person you looked up to the most spend his final 6 months losing over 150# and how he lived the last few months. I hated to see him suffer any longer though.

Over the past five years, I spent a lot of time working 2nd or 3rd shift, so I'd call him late at night quite often and just talk for a while. I miss being able to just pick up the phone and hear his voice more than anything. This will be my first Christmas without my dad, mom, and one of my grandmothers as I've lost all 3 of them this year, so it's going to be a rough month for me.

dcamacho 11-22-2008 10:34 AM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
besides my mom and dad

.... i think its pretty obvious who's mine :D

CBI_2 11-22-2008 10:45 AM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?

Originally Posted by dcamacho (Post 81880)
besides my mom and dad

.... i think its pretty obvious who's mine :D

:hm Superman?! :r

:eevis 11-22-2008 04:35 PM

Re: Who Is Your Hero?
I would have to say my Wife, and no I am not looking for brownie points here. She has helped me through battles with depression, kicks my butt and keeps me in line.
Also, she is about to get her degree in medical transcription in school, all while working full time ( at Circuit City until she was laid off 2 years ago due to "restructuring, and Part-time at nights currently), Staying at home during the days and raising our wonderful Son.
I owe her more than I can possibly give her.
She truly is my hero

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