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loki 04-03-2011 09:22 PM

not doing my research bit me in the butt
i got a new phone today and without doing as much research as i should have I ended up with the iphone 3gs. well after fighting with it all day i've had enough of it. I'm going back to blackberry, I can't stand this toy with a phone built into it. can't change this, can't change that, can't get service, can't find a wifi connection that i know is there. screw this :sl

just needed to vent carry on with your night

edit: forgot it won't push email!

Silound 04-03-2011 09:26 PM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
May I suggest Android based phones? I've yet to find any reason to dislike mine.

loki 04-03-2011 09:27 PM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
i like the android os
i don't like the android hardwear

forgop 04-03-2011 09:30 PM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
I thought the 3G was a good phone...I upgraded to the 4, but it's still nice. Obviously missing video (3G) and high quality pics. What were you expecting it to do that it couldn't do?

Zeuceone 04-03-2011 09:39 PM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
To many people jump on the hype of those phones.

loki 04-03-2011 09:45 PM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1225880)
I thought the 3G was a good phone...I upgraded to the 4, but it's still nice. Obviously missing video (3G) and high quality pics. What were you expecting it to do that it couldn't do?

works as a phone, not a toy that someone shoe horned a phone into as an after thought. this thing would be awesome as an ipod touch. as a phone, it just feels like someone showed up on a tuesday and went...yeah that's good...lets go get a beer

av8tor152d 04-03-2011 09:47 PM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
Being a previous BB owner now IPhone user, it took some getting used to but I prefer my IPhone over the BB for sure. Then again its not for everyone.

loki 04-03-2011 09:49 PM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt

Originally Posted by av8tor152d (Post 1225890)
Being a previous BB owner now IPhone user, it took some getting used to but I prefer my IPhone over the BB for sure. Then again its not for everyone.

i want to like it, i really really do...i just can't

forgop 04-03-2011 09:53 PM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt

Originally Posted by loki (Post 1225893)
i want to like it, i really really do...i just can't

Kinda sums up my experience trying out a MacBook.

loki 04-03-2011 09:53 PM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1225896)
Kinda sums up my experience trying out a MacBook.

i love my macbook, and my wifes mbp

forgop 04-03-2011 09:56 PM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt

Originally Posted by loki (Post 1225897)
i love my macbook, and my wifes mbp

Hated it...sold mine after using it one semester...sold a 4 year old 13" MacBook for what I paid ($400) and bought a new/refurbished Dell for less than $50 more. This thing is twice the computer than the MacBook.

Bill86 04-03-2011 10:20 PM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
I hate Apple with a passion, I really do. Mac computers are beyond awful. But I have to hand it to them, I love the Iphone. It's pretty stupid simple and I have mine in an otterbox so it might be the first phone that makes it through 1 year without being FUBAR'd.

neoflex 04-03-2011 10:29 PM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
I was a Blackberry guy but switched over to the Android Thunderbolt. So far I am loving it and the 4G LTE is blazingly fast. It was tough at first to no longer have the simplicity of the Blackberry but the Droid is far more capable in many other aspects that the learning curve is well worth it. For what it's worth I am a Mac guy through and through but the iPhone just never impressed me.

Humpdebump 04-03-2011 11:47 PM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
I love my iPhone, but everyone has their prefrences

Coach Deg 04-04-2011 04:20 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
Did you by a refurbished 3GS? I had the 3G now the 4 and I get reception where other ATT users do not. Maybe if it's refurb the just didn't fix right.

Blueface 04-04-2011 06:01 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
This subject is no different than cigars.
Lots and lots to choose.
What one likes may not be what the other likes.
Glad there are so many choices.

Me? Love my iPhone4. Love my MacBook and will never own a PC again. Love my iPods. Love my Apple TV and Airport Extreme. Love my iPad2.
Well, I am just a "loving" guy I guess.

WhoDeySchenk 04-04-2011 06:16 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
I've had the EVO 4G for a while now & have loved every minute of it. Android is the way to go.

MurphysLaw 04-04-2011 06:47 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
Sounds like a defective unit to me, I've had every iPhone since the 3G and haven't had any issues. As far as being able to "change" this or that, iOS does limit that, but usually a jailbreak can solve any of those issues. After using an iPhone for so long, I just don't like Android or RIM's OS. Every time I play with another phone, it makes me glad that I've stuck with the iPhone

newcigarz 04-04-2011 06:52 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1225982)

Me? Love my iPhone4. Love my MacBook and will never own a PC again. Love my iPods. Love my Apple TV and Airport Extreme. Love my iPad2.
Well, I am just a "loving" guy I guess.

sums it up for me. I will never own a PC. My wife has a Toshiba laptop that she uses for work, and every time I have to do anything on it for her(update the software, fix connection problems, etc.) I want to pull my hair out.

loki 04-04-2011 07:11 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt

Originally Posted by Coach Deg (Post 1225967)
Did you by a refurbished 3GS? I had the 3G now the 4 and I get reception where other ATT users do not. Maybe if it's refurb the just didn't fix right.

not that i know of. I walked into the local att store went "my wife wants a blackberry i want the 3gs" and we went from there, no one said anything about referb. If I had wanted to spend $150 on a cell phone i'd have stuck with verizon...kinda wish i'd done that anyway...but i didn't want to spend $150 on a cell phone.

loki 04-04-2011 07:13 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1225982)
This subject is no different than cigars.
Lots and lots to choose.
What one likes may not be what the other likes.
Glad there are so many choices.

Me? Love my iPhone4. Love my MacBook and will never own a PC again. Love my iPods. Love my Apple TV and Airport Extreme. Love my iPad2.
Well, I am just a "loving" guy I guess.

and we have mondays beacon of reality award.

I love my ipod, macbook, and macbook pro. Just hate the iphone that I have. I'd love it as an ipod touch.

Blueface 04-04-2011 07:30 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
Some people may be fanatics about one brand of cigars yet not like a particular line or vitola.
Different strokes for different folks.
Again, feel lucky there are so, so many choices.

Wanger 04-04-2011 07:38 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
I'll agree with previous posters when they say "To each, their own". I've had my iPhone 4 since August last year, and still love it. I've had no reception issues (other than in my seemingly lead lined office, wheere nothing seems to get reception), and have not had call dropping issues like many others have. I've taken a ton of great pictures with it (including all the vacation pictures on my facebook page from Greece), and use the other functions of it almost daily. Got a few apps that work well for me, too.

I also have had great luck with other Apple products, as well. A couple years ago, we bought a used Mac off a friend who had upgraded (this was a business machine, and he's in medical animation), and it's still working SMOOTHLY with nary a hiccup. We also have a MacBook that the wife got a couple years ago that still screams along very smoothly. The PC based machines we've had have been collecting dust while we use the other Macs a LOT more. We'll have to replace them less often than we would the PCs, and not have to add on all the antivirus/spykiller/etc. software that it seems is necessary with PCs (Yes, I do know that Macs are vulnerable, as well). That is one thing that I think makes Macs woth the cost for me, is the seemingly longer life on them.

Everyone in the family (kids and grandpa, included) has iPods, and are happy with them, and the wifey and I just got an iPad 2, as well. My iPod is a staple for the car, at the office, while running or biking, travelling, etc.

Obviously, not everyone likes their products (and same may want a plane to drop on Steve Jobs head), but they work well for what we need them to, and everyone in our family finds them easy to use. I'm not going to say that everyone should use them, but just give different products a try and see if they work for you (and this applies to just about anything of significance that you may purchase, too).

kaisersozei 04-04-2011 07:45 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt

Originally Posted by loki (Post 1225870)
edit: forgot it won't push email!

Kevin, I got my iphone 3G from work, so our IT guys set it up for me, but mine is configured to have all my Outlook mail from my work servers pushed to the phone, so it does allow that. It's in Settings > Mail/Contacts/Calendar > Accounts, and > Fetch New Data. Not sure I'm guessing the 3GS is still the same?

poker 04-04-2011 08:05 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
I have the iPhone4 and very happy with it, but like so many things its all boils down to personal preference.

aich75013 04-04-2011 08:43 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt

Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 1226023)
Kevin, I got my iphone 3G from work, so our IT guys set it up for me, but mine is configured to have all my Outlook mail from my work servers pushed to the phone, so it does allow that. It's in Settings > Mail/Contacts/Calendar > Accounts, and > Fetch New Data. Not sure I'm guessing the 3GS is still the same?

Settings should be the same. GMail didn't use to push.
I have GMail and my work e-mail set up through exchange accounts and my work e-mail definately pushes. I'm pretty sure GMail does too now. In fact several times I get it on my phone before the web version sees it.

Sauer Grapes 04-04-2011 08:47 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1225899)
Hated it...sold mine after using it one semester...sold a 4 year old 13" MacBook for what I paid ($400) and bought a new/refurbished Dell for less than $50 more. This thing is twice the computer than the MacBook.

I'd suggest comparing a new MacBook to a new Dell. Your opinion may change.

junkinduck 04-04-2011 10:22 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
Love my 3gs. I am now waiting on the 5. Skipped the four.

BeerAdvocate 04-04-2011 11:04 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt

Originally Posted by WhoDeySchenk (Post 1225986)
I've had the EVO 4G for a while now & have loved every minute of it. Android is the way to go.


N2 GOLD 04-04-2011 11:09 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
Black Berry is a much better choice. Iphone is all hype with a BIG price tag

newcigarz 04-04-2011 11:19 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt

Originally Posted by N2 GOLD (Post 1226189)
Iphone is all hype with a BIG price tag

So true, and apparently they are dangerous to your health also.

**Edit- forgot to include one of these.:rolleyes:**

Blueface 04-04-2011 11:28 AM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt

Originally Posted by N2 GOLD (Post 1226189)
Black Berry is a much better choice. Iphone is all hype with a BIG price tag

And to think all those millions of idiots willing to stand in line for hours to upgrade their existing one to a newer version (myself included).
I guess we can't tell hype when we see it.:rolleyes:

loki 04-04-2011 04:11 PM

Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt
now that i'm not raging at the phone I want to say this. It's not that i didn't like the device as an entertainment device, i didn't like it as a phone. as an ipod touch it'd have been awesome but going from a bb to the iphone was a bit of a shock. If you like the iphone i can see why, if you don't I can see why, and in two years when the 4 goes on sale for $50 I'll give it a shot and then I'll probably go back to the BB curve...which is what i swapped it out for....I want to like the iphone I do...but the 3gs isn't for me

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