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forgop 03-16-2011 08:03 PM

What do you hate doing?
You know those easy tasks that seem so simple that you just hate doing? For me, I hate opening the mail. It's no bother for me to throw out the obvious junk mail. I just hate all of the "official" stuff and have about 25 pieces just sitting on my desk to tend to. :bh

SteveH 03-16-2011 08:10 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Folding laundry. I have no issues sorting/washing/drying...The folding part though...

forgop 03-16-2011 08:16 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by SteveH (Post 1207933)
Folding laundry. I have no issues sorting/washing/drying...The folding part though...

That's what wives are for! :r:r:r

I share on the dish duty, I load the DW, but I refuse to unload. Not gonna deal with the "you didn't put the X in the right place". :D

bscottskangum 03-16-2011 08:16 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
I hate doing anything that happens before 9:00 am. :r

But all kidding aside, for some reason I hate getting out of my chair to plug in my laptop charger/video game controller/cell phone charger/Nook charger. Surely there must be a better way to go about it.

Oh and finding new batteries for things and then replacing the old batteries, I hate it.

...apparently I have an internal power struggle :r

Thammy 03-16-2011 08:17 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
I also hate plugging in game things like controllers and such. Also vacuuming. I am kind of lazy though in simple tasks.

pektel 03-16-2011 08:18 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
I don't do laundry or dishes. What I do hate doing is shoveling snow. Although of I have 2 beers first, and grab the iPod, it can be the highlight of my day.
Posted via Mobile Device

pektel 03-16-2011 08:20 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
I also effing HATE the drive home from work. I need a driver. And a Bentley to sit in the back of.
Posted via Mobile Device

kelmac07 03-16-2011 08:23 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Fixed it Barry...

Having to explain everything to Tbone. :D :D

bscottskangum 03-16-2011 08:24 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1207961)
Keeping Tbone in check. :D :D

Your telling me this: :sl is what you hate?

JaKaacH 03-16-2011 08:36 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by SteveH (Post 1207933)
Folding laundry. I have no issues sorting/washing/drying...The folding part though...

Maybe you need some t-shirt folding lessons.

emopunker2004 03-16-2011 08:42 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by SteveH (Post 1207933)
Folding laundry. I have no issues sorting/washing/drying...The folding part though...

Salvelinus 03-16-2011 08:50 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
I hate dealing with firewood all winter. Perhaps I should leave Vermont...

loki 03-16-2011 08:52 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by bscottskangum (Post 1207943)
I hate doing anything that happens before 9:00 am. :r

anything before 11 is unamerican

Stephen 03-16-2011 08:56 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Simple task that I hate doing? Clipping my toenails. Don't get me wrong, I do it every couple of weeks, but I just don't like doing it.

benedic08 03-16-2011 08:56 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Washing dishes......

emopunker2004 03-16-2011 08:59 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 1207989)
Simple task that I hate doing? Clipping my toenails. Don't get me wrong, I do it every couple of weeks, but I just don't like doing it.


Christiel49 03-16-2011 09:02 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Cleaning out the drain in my shower / tub!! Damn long hair. I should have people for this sh$t.
Posted via Mobile Device

BC-Axeman 03-16-2011 09:03 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Volusianator 03-16-2011 09:15 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
What do I hate doing...putting gas in my truck.

Volusianator 03-16-2011 09:15 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 1207989)
Simple task that I hate doing? Clipping my toenails. Don't get me wrong, I do it every couple of weeks, but I just don't like doing it.

My wife has clipped my toenails for the last ten years, not sure why, but she asked me once if I wanted her to, I said yes, and she's done it ever since.

yourchoice 03-16-2011 09:24 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by JaKaacH (Post 1207975)
Maybe you need some t-shirt folding lessons.

After about the :04 second mark, I didn't see a t-shirt on the video!

Humpdebump 03-16-2011 09:34 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
I hate picking up dog s@$t

cobra03 03-16-2011 10:18 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Any sort of shopping unless it involves cigars. Just walking into a store like wal-mart makes my blood pressure rise:2. Its even worse if im with my wife. Who needs 15 mins to pick out a tooth brush! ..... seriously.

BC-Axeman 03-16-2011 10:29 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by cobra03 (Post 1208051)
Any sort of shopping unless it involves cigars. Just walking into a store like wal-mart makes my blood pressure rise:2. Its even worse if im with my wife. Who needs 15 mins to pick out a tooth brush! ..... seriously.

+1 on this, for sure.

Devanmc 03-16-2011 10:34 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?

redoing something becuase it doesnt look right, to have the right version look like what you had in the first place. :sh probly doesnt even make sense.

getting in-trouble for using the right tools for a job because ur boss has a different way

smelly4tay 03-17-2011 02:17 AM

Re: What do you hate doing?
-The drive to work during rush-hour
-Caving in to the demands of people who naturally "expect" things.
-watching soap operas, infomercials, game shows, many reality shows. I get sucked in then realize 25 minutes later how lame I am.
-Finding XL tall stuff that isn't Phat Farm or something that makes me look like Anthony Bourdain (v-neck big n tall).
-getting serious about cooking when my wife doesn't.

----Throwing stuff away if I haven't touched, used, seen, worn, or talked about owning in the last 8 months!

Patrick B 03-17-2011 02:30 AM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Folding shirts. I have racks and every shirt I own gets hung up. Tshirts and all.

Painting. Can't stand it.

Cleaning the garage. Mine is in tatters right now. I'm going to break down soon and do a "move everything out and put back what I need" cleaning day and get rid of half the **** out there.

Tio Gato 03-17-2011 05:11 AM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by Humpdebump (Post 1208027)
I hate picking up dog s@$t

Imagine how bad it would be if you actually had a dog!:rolleyes: Tee hee.

I hate taking down Christmas decorations. For years the bride and I have had a deal that I help put them up, but she takes them down when I'm not home. Works out well.

forgop 03-17-2011 05:13 AM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by Patrick B (Post 1208100)
Cleaning the garage. Mine is in tatters right now. I'm going to break down soon and do a "move everything out and put back what I need" cleaning day and get rid of half the **** out there.

I did this over the past 2 weeks...Not 100% done, but both cars are back in now. It's sad when I literally have a 4 car garage that was twice the square footage as my last 3 car garage and had both vehicles in the drive. I felt bad for the trash man last week. ;)

Apoco 03-17-2011 06:06 AM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Physical therapy :td

Talking on the phone. Meeting in person, texting, emailing, video chatting, Xbox live chat are all fine...but I HATE phone calls!
Posted via Mobile Device

E.J. 03-17-2011 06:18 AM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Cleaning up the dog chit... Summer is not so bad, twice a week when I mow the lawn, it just doesn't bother me... But during the Winter....ugh.

Fordman4ever 03-17-2011 06:29 AM

Re: What do you hate doing?
I think it really depends on what kind of mood i'm in. Some days I dont mind doing things like dishes or laundry or taking the dog out, other days though, the thought of having to do those things makes me furious. :c

Don't know why, just does. I usually end up doing them anyways to keep the wife happy.

But the one thing I absolutely hate doing is having to put out a really good cigar.

Lumpold 03-17-2011 06:33 AM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by Humpdebump (Post 1208027)
I hate picking up dog s@$t

Depending on where I am, I agree with you. If my dog takes a dump on the street, or on a path somewhere round a lake, fine. I've discovered that looking where you are going and avoiding dog mess isn't always possible.

I've had to argue that, in the middle of the woods, if your kid picks up dog cr@p and eats it, maybe it's your fault for not teaching your kid that picking up things in the middle of a wood, and eating them, isn't a good idea. I firmly believe it's not my fault for letting my dog sh!t in the woods.

Starscream 03-17-2011 06:38 AM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Doing laundry and cleaning up behind the kids.

e-man67 03-17-2011 06:47 AM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Working out (but I do it), dieting, and pairing up socks for 4 people...oh and ironing.

zappaFREAK 03-17-2011 07:35 AM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Unclogging the toilet after my son has been in there!

wayner123 03-17-2011 07:36 AM

Re: What do you hate doing?
I hate to complain.

shilala 03-17-2011 07:43 AM

Re: What do you hate doing?
I don't like talking on the phone. I avoid it like the plague and seldom answer it. I'll let calls pile up for days, then return them all at once.

ucla695 03-17-2011 08:58 AM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by cobra03 (Post 1208051)
Any sort of shopping unless it involves cigars. Just walking into a store like wal-mart makes my blood pressure rise:2. Its even worse if im with my wife. Who needs 15 mins to pick out a tooth brush! ..... seriously.


JaKaacH 03-17-2011 09:03 AM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Buying a car, dealing with the salesman's games...:sl

icehog3 03-17-2011 12:28 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Listening to whining.

wayner123 03-17-2011 12:38 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1208629)
Listening to whining.

Being in Law Enforcement and a Mod you must be in a constant state of hostility :bh

icehog3 03-17-2011 12:45 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by wayner123 (Post 1208653)
Being in Law Enforcement and a Mod you must be in a constant state of hostility :bh

Not usually, but today is a particularly bad one.

Crap!! Now I'm whining!! :r

JaKaacH 03-17-2011 01:14 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1208669)
Crap!! Now I'm whining!! :r

Are you Doug or Wendy..?:D

kaisersozei 03-17-2011 01:43 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Raking up acorns. It's may only be once a year, but it takes freaking weeks and you STILL can't get them all up.

N2 GOLD 03-17-2011 01:49 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Paying TAXES & paying for GAS... $83 for $3/4 of a tank... WTF!!! -(P

rgrecco 03-17-2011 01:53 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
WEEDING... Can't Stand It and will Procrastinate As Long As Possible!!!

JaKaacH 03-17-2011 02:45 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?

Originally Posted by rgrecco (Post 1208764)
WEEDING... Can't Stand It and will Procrastinate As Long As Possible!!!

Yes, getting married is a big decision!!


OHRD 03-17-2011 02:49 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Feeding my dog - it takes like 5 minutes but it drives me nuts. I'll play w/ him all day, but going to get the food from the garage, etc...

shark 03-17-2011 05:10 PM

Re: What do you hate doing?
Raking leaves in the fall, and raking the lawn in the spring. Getting under the house into the crawlspace to turn on the water for the outside hose bibs in the spring. I really should look into re-routing that somehow so I have the water shutoff inside of the house. Grocery shopping. Driving in rush hour traffic.

OK, I'm done. :D

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