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Tyler 02-14-2011 03:04 PM

UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
I was supposed to get my shipment from Cigar Auctioneer in today but it is stuck in Little Rock, Arkansas due to what it labels "Adverse Weather Conditions". The weather says it is 70F and partly cloudy with 0 precipitation in the past 24 hours. I don't mind if its a day or two late but there has to be some other explanation than weather. From what I can tell they have had nice weather there recently? Anyone live there and can give me an insiders scoop as to if the weather is bad or something else is going on? I am not complaining or nagging I just am confused as to why it would say Adverse Weather Conditions. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Zeuceone 02-14-2011 03:07 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
was that todays update on the package?

pnoon 02-14-2011 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Zeuceone (Post 1172489)
was that todays update on the package?

I think it was from last week. :rolleyes:
Posted via Mobile Device

Tyler 02-14-2011 03:23 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
Yes it was updated today.

"Little Rock, AR, United States 02/14/2011 4:00 A.M. Adverse weather conditions. "

I was thinking though it may be because there was bad weather over the weekend and they don't update on the weekend?

*edit* I think this is what you guys were hinting at above.

Zeuceone 02-14-2011 03:26 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
yea i looked at the weather from the previous week and it was bad. they dont work weekends so that could be the reason.

JaKaacH 02-14-2011 05:51 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?

Pat1075 02-14-2011 06:05 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
maybe backup from last weeks bad weather and they don't have the capacity to deliver this week and last at the same time due the uptick in deliveries b/c of valentines day so they are working on a first come first serve

Tyler 02-14-2011 07:23 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?

Originally Posted by JaKaacH (Post 1172658)

I am very chill. You would know if I wasn't haha but thank you for the concern.


Originally Posted by Pat1075 (Post 1172668)
maybe backup from last weeks bad weather and they don't have the capacity to deliver this week and last at the same time due the uptick in deliveries b/c of valentines day so they are working on a first come first serve

Thanks Patrick. I guess that is what is going on. I live in Arkansas and I know that some parts got a lot of snow. My town got the most at just a little over 26 inches. I am not upset or anything I just had heard that they sometimes put Adverse Weather Conditions when they lose a package or when it misses a scanning. I am relieved it actually was the weather.

Eleven 02-14-2011 08:57 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
I think *all* UPS packages go through Louisville. Maybe the bad weather was there?

Also, due to the weather throughout the midwest, UPS was backed up for days. My regular business supplier had an announcement on their website about it.

One of my accounts said their UPS delivery guy told them they were 1 week behind due to that huge snow storm.

Tyler 02-15-2011 05:38 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
It now says:

"Emergency conditions beyond UPS' control. "

My girlfriend has been praying that I quit smoking so maybe her prayers have been answered and God smote the package haha. I don't know what happened to but its only 2 days late now so I am not too worried. I know that Famous Smoke has pretty good customer service anyways if something did go wrong. It is about 45 minutes away so hopefully they have it and if all else fails I can drive out there Thursday and get it.

Brutus2600 02-15-2011 05:47 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
I know that the UPS guy who delivered a package here at work last week told us that because of the storms they were backed up worse than around Christmas. That's pretty bad!

Zeuceone 02-15-2011 06:03 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
sounds more like they are trying to catch up with the backed up packages.

Tyler 02-15-2011 07:33 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
I hope that it is just them getting caught back up. My only concern is how the cigars are doing changing temperature and getting beat up for 8 days now. From what I hear from you guys though they should be fine after a little rehab in the humidor. I just am eager to get my package of goodies haha.

ninjavanish 02-15-2011 07:38 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
I ship a lot of stuff via UPS... and I can tell you that the recent weather conditions across the US (all the snow and ice early in Feb.) has wreaked havoc on my shipments. Some stuff made to it's destination after short delays... some stuff I sent in the end of January is literally JUST being delivered. It's a tough business to deal with mother nature. Just be patient and realize that you're not the only one in this boat.

bishjd123 02-15-2011 07:47 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
Same here. I've had some stuff with UPS since the 2nd of Feb. Due to be delivered tomorrow. Hoping they survived the trip.

Tyler 02-15-2011 07:50 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?

Originally Posted by ninjavanish (Post 1174059)
I ship a lot of stuff via UPS... and I can tell you that the recent weather conditions across the US (all the snow and ice early in Feb.) has wreaked havoc on my shipments. Some stuff made to it's destination after short delays... some stuff I sent in the end of January is literally JUST being delivered. It's a tough business to deal with mother nature. Just be patient and realize that you're not the only one in this boat.

What??? I am not special???? :confused: :sh

Haha just kidding. That is why I am not too worried as I know they have a system for this kind of thing and I will get my package eventually. :tu


Originally Posted by bishjd123 (Post 1174070)
Same here. I've had some stuff with UPS since the 2nd of Feb. Due to be delivered tomorrow. Hoping they survived the trip.

Let me know how they did on their trip. The funny thing is that I have another package due to be delivered tomorrow that is perfectly on schedule :sh. I live in a small town so they get delivered to the UPS place 45 minutes away and have to be driven here as we don't have a local place. I am hoping the first package arrives with the second.

Eleven 02-15-2011 08:44 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
FYI I have had 2 packages shipped overnight, A.M. delivery to me in Ohio, from Louisiana since that last big storm with no issues whatsoever.

I also had 1 package come next day, P.M. delivery from New Jersey with no issue.

Tyler 02-15-2011 09:48 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
I think the issue is the old packages that got stuck during the storm and trying to incorporate those back into the mix of things. I know that new packages are on schedule but it seems like the ones sent before are held up in various locations. Just my thoughts though and nothing is confirmed.

icehog3 02-15-2011 11:44 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?

Krish the Fish 02-16-2011 12:00 AM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
I have a similar issue with USPS. I ordered a carry-on bag from germany, and it shipped DHL from there. It cleared customs on Feb. 4th, but I haven't heard anything about it since then. I'm hoping it just got delayed because of the crappy weather, and it will make it here eventually, but I spend a lot of money on that bag and am hoping that it makes it here before I go on spring break.

Tyler 02-16-2011 10:09 AM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
Both packages are said to be on the delivery truck and scheduled to be delivered today. :tu

Tyler 02-16-2011 07:28 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
Both packages made it.

Stephen 02-17-2011 05:20 AM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?

Originally Posted by Wallbright (Post 1175378)
Both packages made it.

Thank God! I can finally get some sleep tonight...;)

emopunker2004 02-17-2011 05:31 AM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?

Originally Posted by Wallbright (Post 1175378)
Both packages made it.



Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 1175725)
Thank God! I can finally get some sleep tonight...;)


Barcode 02-17-2011 05:31 AM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 1175725)
Thank God! I can finally get some sleep tonight...;)

Nope not tonight I got a package stuck in Spokane WA due to a late train AND adverse weather conditions. :confused:

mpd340 02-17-2011 07:02 AM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
My brother in law works for UPS and said the Oklahoma City sort facility had something like 30-40 semi trailers full of back log packages. He said they had employees coming from the DFW area in order to get the back log stuff moving. So if you had a package that transited through the OKC facility it may still be coming just a little (real) late. He said it could take several weeks to sort through.:D

Stephen 02-17-2011 08:11 AM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?

Originally Posted by Barcode (Post 1175734)
Nope not tonight I got a package stuck in Spokane WA due to a late train AND adverse weather conditions. :confused:

Denzel Washington is on top of the situation.

sammyboy405 03-05-2011 03:16 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
I had the Same Issue.. here in Oklahoma.. was waiting on my Humidors to show up. And It said Adverse weather Conditions. Apparently After I called I found out that here in Oklahoma City they where a week behind since the First Snow storm in January. Then the 2nd one came though and got even more behind.. They brought in drivers from Dallas to help get caught up. I ended up getting my packages about 4 days later than expected.

JaKaacH 03-05-2011 04:43 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?

TBone 03-05-2011 06:36 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
Wow with reading about all your worrying, I've been put on blood pressure pills...glad to hear they made it...worry wart

HollywoodQue 03-05-2011 07:17 PM

Re: UPS - Adverse Weather Conditions? Its Partly Cloudy and Sunny?
I had the same message for two package that I was waiting for, however, both were delievered on time as promised. Hopefully, your order will arrive shortly.

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