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Tyler 01-23-2011 11:53 PM

New Crap Cigar Review Site
I recently stumbled upon a website called Crap Cigar. Basically, they smoke budget sticks, priced $3 and below, and do a video review of them everyweek. These guys motto is "We smoke the sh** so you don't have to!" and they mean it. They are not your typical cigar reviews either. Here is what is on the about crap cigar page on their website.

"Have you ever wanted to purchase a bundle of cigars for a cheap everyday smoke, but were a little afraid to take the plunge? Afraid the cigars would taste like sh**? I have done this over and over and have never found any good reviews online regarding these sticks. There are tons of cigar review sites out there, but everyone focuses on the premium smokes and for good reasons.

Everyone wonders “amongst all the crap out there to purchase there must be a few diamond in the roughs, right?”. I’m here to fill the gap between the complete and utter sh** and the hidden jewels of the discount cigar world."

Anyways, if you guys have some time to kill or enjoy watching down to earth cigar reviews then hit up the website. I liked it so much I am sending them some crap cigars to review. I don't know if anyone has posted this on here so I apologize if this is a repost. Also, let me know if the curse word in their logo is offensive and I can delete or a mod can.

Cornrow_Wallis 01-24-2011 09:50 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
I watched a couple of the videos and they're pretty entertaining. They need to cut them all down to about five minutes a pop. The ones I watched were all around 12-17 minutes long and I didn't finish any of them.

RustyShackleford 01-24-2011 10:03 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
I watched a few of them and they are pretty good but like Cornrow said they need to cut them down a little.

Thanks for the link,

OLS 01-24-2011 10:10 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
I agree that people who do reviews of cigars online tend to say way too much. If a cigar is already crap,
it's hard to imagine needing to go on and on. :D But as a "reviewer" myself, far be it for me to criticize others.
I need to check this out. I DO know one thing. I checked out the worlds worst cigar blog this weekend. PU.

elderboy02 01-24-2011 10:10 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
I am in Newscast #1 at 9:17 into the video

Tyler 01-24-2011 10:22 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
I agree with you guys that the reviews go a little too long. I think they would benefit from a closer camera angle and then editing it down but they are still learning. I think they have only done 32 reviews which sounds like alot but as far as reviews go they still have time to improve in my opinion.

Eleven 01-24-2011 10:26 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
Dan: "You get purple smoke coming out your mouth, its f*#&ing awesome!"

Tyler 01-24-2011 10:34 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 1146301)
Dan: "You get purple smoke coming out your mouth, its f*#&ing awesome!"

Lol they need a better camera with a light on it but that was hilarious.

OLS 01-24-2011 10:36 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
As a video professional, I can assert that it does not take 32 reviews to realize a flaw here or there.
BUT I can also state categorically that when a person is too close to the work, the flaws do tend to
fade into the background, cause you are so jazzed by seeing yourself on TV, or web video as the case may be.
If they were reading this, a few tips.

A.) Cut your open down to 15 secs or less. Cute and clever the first time, it's old hat and resembles a
class project.
B.) LIGHTING, LIGHTING, LIGHTING. You should be uncomfortable with the light level and the heat it generates.
Light is there to make your colors POP and make your video tolerable, as well as helping the camera FOCUS.
More light allows auto-setting cameras to settle in on a HQ setting. If you make it work in the dark, grainy
is what you will always get. A few hundred watt light bulbs in unshaded lamp sockets, behind the camera,
high up and bouncing off the walls and ceiling will do it.
C.) Edit your video like some kind of Darfur attack, slicing off whole sections ruthlessly. If it doesn't have to be
in there, cut it. Re-shoot sections of stuttering and stumbling.

I think this site has huge potential, but needs to bring itself out of the middle ages content-wise.
These criticisms are strictly in the best interest of the end product and are in no way designed to embarass.
It's not like they will read it. (they will). hehe.

pnoon 01-24-2011 10:39 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
When I read the thread title I could only think of what Craputo did to Top25.
Posted via Mobile Device

elderboy02 01-24-2011 10:42 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 1146301)
Dan: "You get purple smoke coming out your mouth, its f*#&ing awesome!"

Yeah, at 1st I was going to say a Cremosa, but waffle was sitting right next to me and he said the Purple Cigar. I need to clean up my language, but I had a Bourbon Barrel Ale or 2 in me at the time of the interview.

Tyler 01-24-2011 10:43 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1146314)
As a video professional, I can assert that it does not take 32 reviews to realize a flaw here or there.
BUT I can also state categorically that when a person is too close to the work, the flaws do tend to
fade into the background, cause you are so jazzed by seeing yourself on TV, or web video as the case may be.
If they were reading this, a few tips.

A.) Cut your open down to 15 secs or less. Cute and clever the first time, it's old hat and resembles a
class project.
B.) LIGHTING, LIGHTING, LIGHTING. You should be uncomfortable with the light level and the heat it generates.
Light is there to make your colors POP and make your video tolerable, as well as helping the camera FOCUS.
More light allows auto-setting cameras to settle in on a HQ setting. If you make it work in the dark, grainy
is what you will always get. A few hundred watt light bulbs in unshaded lamp sockets, behind the camera,
high up and bouncing off the walls and ceiling will do it.
C.) Edit your video like some kind of Darfur attack, slicing off whole sections ruthlessly. If it doesn't have to be
in there, cut it. Re-shoot sections of stuttering and stumbling.

I think this site has huge potential, but needs to bring itself out of the middle ages content-wise.
These criticisms are strictly in the best interest of the end product and are in no way designed to embarass.
It's not like they will read it. (they will). hehe.

I will be sure to link this thread to Justin next time I email him as I am sending him some cigars to review. I definitely don't want him to take the wrong message from this and I think that you worded it in a way that would not be offensive. I agree with you that if they cut down the videos and did some editing that their site would really benefit from it. Hell, he might even start making a nice profit off the ad space if it gets enough traffic.

stitch 01-25-2011 07:02 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1146321)
When I read the thread title I could only think of what Craputo did to Top25.
Posted via Mobile Device

Hell, Craputto Craputed an entire community.

long_ashes 01-30-2011 08:06 PM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
Hey this is the author of Thanks for the interest. I started this myself back in June after some talk on twitter about the idea of a cigar review site that reviewed the cheap sticks. There are so many cheap cigars out there and sifting through the crap can be difficult and costly over time (you usually have to buy bundles of the crap to even find out if they are good).

Any feedback is good feedback in my opinion. I know we have some major problems with video quality, though they have gotten a lot better since day one. We are continuing to try and get better production quality. I don't have a very good camera for one, and lighting in my smoking room is very difficult due to the dark nature of the room already (dim lights and brown walls). We've brought some lamps into the room but it only helped a little. Once I get my income tax I'm laying down a decent amount of cash to make it better because the site is something we've invested a lot of time into and are going to continue to try and make it better. Whether people love or hate the site, we aren't going anywhere. :) Thanks for the feedback and we'll keep smoking the **** so you don't have to.

chand 01-30-2011 08:21 PM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site

Originally Posted by long_ashes (Post 1155201)
Hey this is the author of Thanks for the interest. I started this myself back in June after some talk on twitter about the idea of a cigar review site that reviewed the cheap sticks. There are so many cheap cigars out there and sifting through the crap can be difficult and costly over time (you usually have to buy bundles of the crap to even find out if they are good).

Any feedback is good feedback in my opinion. I know we have some major problems with video quality, though they have gotten a lot better since day one. We are continuing to try and get better production quality. I don't have a very good camera for one, and lighting in my smoking room is very difficult due to the dark nature of the room already (dim lights and brown walls). We've brought some lamps into the room but it only helped a little. Once I get my income tax I'm laying down a decent amount of cash to make it better because the site is something we've invested a lot of time into and are going to continue to try and make it better. Whether people love or hate the site, we aren't going anywhere. :) Thanks for the feedback and we'll keep smoking the **** so you don't have to.

Count me as a fan.

mscales 01-30-2011 08:23 PM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
I have found some great smokes for under $3 and I have found some really crappy smokes for around $10 and up. I smoke what I like and I don't care what I pay for it.

Now, I watched one, well almost part of one video and was bored to tears. I don't care if the cigar is good or bad but that video was TORTURE!

emopunker2004 01-30-2011 09:08 PM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
definately have to check it out when i get some down time.

kaisersozei 01-31-2011 08:34 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1146321)
When I read the thread title I could only think of what Craputo did to Top25.
Posted via Mobile Device


Used to go all the time and submitted dozens of reviews. Now I can't remember the last time I logged in--probably.... October 2008. :D

OT: I'll be visiting this site to watch its progress--good luck, long_ashes!

JDTexan 01-31-2011 08:48 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
The audio and video problems make it very hard to watch, impossible for me to enjoy.

OLS 01-31-2011 08:52 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
I made all the same points I made here to Long_Ashes in a email to his contact page, only a few minutes
after I wrote it here. He graciously refrained from coming down too hard on me. However I have had no
luck in convincing him he doesn't need a new camera. I guess some folks just gots to spend money, lol.
It is clear to me, a professional, that all they need is lights, and I told them as much. We'll see how it goes.

On an encouraging note, his camera work is better than that of James Suckling's cameraman, whom he
describes as a top filmmaker in Canada. Maybe he works with Count Floyd or Wayne and Garth, complete
with unneccessary zoom.

long_ashes 01-31-2011 08:47 PM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site

Originally Posted by mscales (Post 1155212)
I have found some great smokes for under $3 and I have found some really crappy smokes for around $10 and up. I smoke what I like and I don't care what I pay for it.

Now, I watched one, well almost part of one video and was bored to tears. I don't care if the cigar is good or bad but that video was TORTURE!

That's cool you're entitled to your opinion. Have any ideas on what we could do to make it more interesting? We did some sketch type episodes before like a star trek theme, pirate theme, man vs. cigar, etc. We plan to do more of that here soon. Let me know what the videos need and I can definitely add to it to make it enjoyable for all. Thanks for taking a look. Also, if the videos are painful, we do a written review along with the video for those that don't want to watch.

The point of the site is to find a good cigar that you can smoke on a regular basis (everyday cigar) that won't break the bank. I'm definitely in the category that can't pay for the more expensive smokes because I can't "break the bank". I have 4 kids and the family takes up most of my funds. :r

Tyler 01-31-2011 09:12 PM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site

Originally Posted by long_ashes (Post 1156614)
That's cool you're entitled to your opinion. Have any ideas on what we could do to make it more interesting? We did some sketch type episodes before like a star trek theme, pirate theme, man vs. cigar, etc. We plan to do more of that here soon. Let me know what the videos need and I can definitely add to it to make it enjoyable for all. Thanks for taking a look. Also, if the videos are painful, we do a written review along with the video for those that don't want to watch.

The point of the site is to find a good cigar that you can smoke on a regular basis (everyday cigar) that won't break the bank. I'm definitely in the category that can't pay for the more expensive smokes because I can't "break the bank". I have 4 kids and the family takes up most of my funds. :r

Only suggestions I would make are to get a better microphone like a boom mic or something and then the video quality. The rest is pretty good. I think people are expecting some high budget ordeal but its a cigar review site. If you look at the numerous youtube video reviews you guys are already light years ahead of them. Keep doing what you do and I for one appreciate you and your reviews. I have purchased some good smokes for dirt cheap. They don't taste like $14 cigars but for $1-$2 they can't be beat.

long_ashes 01-31-2011 09:20 PM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site

Originally Posted by Wallbright (Post 1156665)
Only suggestions I would make are to get a better microphone like a boom mic or something and then the video quality. The rest is pretty good. I think people are expecting some high budget ordeal but its a cigar review site. If you look at the numerous youtube video reviews you guys are already light years ahead of them. Keep doing what you do and I for one appreciate you and your reviews. I have purchased some good smokes for dirt cheap. They don't taste like $14 cigars but for $1-$2 they can't be beat.

We actually got a boom mic but that introduced even more hiss than the internal mic. I think it's because my smoking room used to be my garage where the breaker switch is so there is tons of electrical interference in this room. I can't wait until it gets warmer outside so we can do some more reviews outside again.

Matt1951 02-01-2011 09:58 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
I like the website. The reviews are accurate. Most of my cigars are under $3, it took me a long time to find the good ones.

chand 02-01-2011 02:23 PM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
I watched their 'diamond in the rough' review of the Gran Habano Corojo Vintage 2002 and then found one in in the back of the humi from a sampler. Good call. :tu

sboyajian 02-01-2011 03:09 PM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1146321)
When I read the thread title I could only think of what Craputo did to Top25.
Posted via Mobile Device

This is my new favorite quote of the century.

Tyler 03-06-2011 10:33 PM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
Hey guys I just wanted to draw your attention to the shout out to the website in the most recent Crap Cigar video on their website. I get a shout out too but I told him it was more important that the sites, this one and then Pipe Chat, get a shout out. I don't know how to embed the video here so here is a link to the page with the short article/review.

T.G 03-06-2011 10:42 PM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site

Originally Posted by Wallbright (Post 1196531)
Hey guys I just wanted to draw your attention to the shout out to the website in the most recent Crap Cigar video on their website. I get a shout out too but I told him it was more important that the sites, this one and then Pipe Chat, get a shout out.

That's a cool thing that was done by both them and you. Thanks. :tu


Originally Posted by Wallbright (Post 1196531)
I don't know how to embed the video here...

I'm fairly certain that video embedding is disabled here.

Bill86 03-06-2011 10:46 PM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
Yeah it's disabled. These guys could do some good with reviews, they just need to cut the joking and laughing down a bit. As well as the intro. Do 7-8 minute videos, throw in a few jokes here and there that would be much better.

Tyler 03-07-2011 10:29 AM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1196537)
That's a cool thing that was done by both them and you. Thanks. :tu

No problem and thank you and everyone else for watching the video. I hope it atleast brings a few more guys here.


Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1196537)
I'm fairly certain that video embedding is disabled here.

That would make sense because I was able to embed it in other forums but not this one. Thanks.


Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1196542)
Yeah it's disabled. These guys could do some good with reviews, they just need to cut the joking and laughing down a bit. As well as the intro. Do 7-8 minute videos, throw in a few jokes here and there that would be much better.

I tend to disagree. I like the laid back style and joke filled reviews. It makes it more watchable. If I wanted to watch boring cigar smokers review cigars I would watch ever other video out there. I like watching these guys for the banter back and forth and the reviews. Maybe I am just crazy though, after all this is the asylum. :tf

Neens 03-07-2011 01:37 PM

Re: New Crap Cigar Review Site
I like the back and forth of the videos but the intro to the videos is just way to long.

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