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CapeCarpenter 01-15-2011 06:25 AM

Acid cigars
Just got a tin sampler of Acids. SHould I keep them away from the non-flavored cigars in the humi?:sh

joeobx 01-15-2011 06:30 AM

Re: Acid cigars

CapeCarpenter 01-15-2011 06:32 AM

Re: Acid cigars
Thank you sir.

ylo2na 01-15-2011 06:32 AM

Re: Acid cigars
yes... do not mix them with other smokes or the acid flavors will infuse them for sure.

VirtualSmitty 01-15-2011 07:31 AM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by ylo2na (Post 1133525)
yes... do not mix them with other smokes or the acid flavors will infuse them for sure.

:tpd: This. And your humi too.

jesseboston81 01-15-2011 07:54 AM

Re: Acid cigars
It's not clear from your question, but don't even keep the Acids in the same humidor as your other cigars. If you don't have another humidor, make up a quick tupperdor and stick them in there.

STEVE S 01-15-2011 08:03 AM

Re: Acid cigars
Keep your Acid cigars away from your other cigars, and out of your humidor!!!

kelmac07 01-15-2011 08:47 AM

Re: Acid cigars
Buy a tupperware container at Walmart and throw 'em in there. :2

klipsch 01-15-2011 08:58 AM

Re: Acid cigars
When I was buying those sampler tins, I'd just pick up a Boveda Pak and throw it in the tin with the cigars. Worked fine. So well in fact, that I once had 4 tins that I was using as my only humidors. My how things change... :)

Emjaysmash 01-15-2011 09:00 AM

Re: Acid cigars
Whats kinda weird is after seeing this thread, I kinda want to smoke one... :confused:

hammondc 01-15-2011 09:05 AM

Re: Acid cigars
I think they'd be fine if you left them in the tin. I have always heard to keep flavored cigars separate, but I always have a handful in my humidor for folks that like em. They have never rubbed their flavor off.

CasaDooley 01-15-2011 10:45 AM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1133648)
I think they'd be fine if you left them in the tin. I have always heard to keep flavored cigars separate, but I always have a handful in my humidor for folks that like em. They have never rubbed their flavor off.

:tpd:Yep. My wife likes the CAO flavored stuff every now and then. If you keep em in the tin they won't affect your other cigars.

kaisersozei 01-15-2011 10:49 AM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 1133642)
Whats kinda weird is after seeing this thread, I kinda want to smoke one... :confused:

Having smoked a fair number of Acids, the only one I would recommend is the Opulence 3.

Not hatin', just warnin' :)

CapeCarpenter 01-15-2011 11:01 AM

Re: Acid cigars
Thanks, one and all. I got a Xikar pack and now they're in a plastic container. I did try the KUBA KUBA last night not too bad. Very mild.-(P

Emjaysmash 01-15-2011 11:05 AM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 1133758)
Having smoked a fair number of Acids, the only one I would recommend is the Opulence 3.

Not hatin', just warnin' :)

Oh trust me, I've had a few as well... I dont generally smoke them or like them but I felt like having one after this thread...

"My minds telling me no.... but my body... my BODY IS TELLIN ME YEEEEAAASSSS." LOL

Volusianator 01-15-2011 11:09 AM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 1133758)
Having smoked a fair number of Acids, the only one I would recommend is the Opulence 3.

Not hatin', just warnin' :)

That's because the only one that YOU liked was that particular cigar, when truth of the matter is, they're all great someone. If the Opulence is the only one you'd recommend, it surprises me that Drew Estate sells the Kuba Kuba and Blondie 3/1 over anything else in the Acid line.

shilala 01-15-2011 11:09 AM

Re: Acid cigars
You can keep your flavored cigars in their own humidor, a ziplock bag, or a bail jar (or cigar jar). The bail jars look nice, they're about ten bucks at walmart. They have plastic ones or glass ones.
My wife keeps her flavored cigars in cigar jars like that. Keeps them great. :tu

kelmac07 01-15-2011 11:10 AM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1133771)
My wife keeps her flavored cigars in cigar jars like that. Keeps them great. :tu

Has a nice ring to it Scott!! :tu :tu

shilala 01-15-2011 11:17 AM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by Volusianator (Post 1133770)
...when truth of the matter is, they're all great someone.

Ya know, Wade, there's a lot of stuff put on the dinner table that I eat, but it doesn't necessarily make it great.

shilala 01-15-2011 11:17 AM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1133773)
Has a nice ring to it Scott!! :tu :tu

It sure does, Mac. :D

Volusianator 01-15-2011 11:21 AM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1133777)
Ya know, Wade, there's a lot of stuff put on the dinner table that I eat, but it doesn't necessarily make it great.

To you, but to someone else, it may be their favorite dish. Just sayin', I've said a thousand times in the humidor at work, "every cigar in here is terrible, every cigar in here is someone." Just no disputing that.

kaisersozei 01-15-2011 11:55 AM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by Volusianator (Post 1133770)
That's because the only one that YOU liked was that particular cigar, when truth of the matter is, they're all great someone. If the Opulence is the only one you'd recommend, it surprises me that Drew Estate sells the Kuba Kuba and Blondie 3/1 over anything else in the Acid line.

What does my recommendation have to do with the sales figures of Drew Estate's product line? It was just a recommendation. Others who have smoked Acids are welcome to recommend their favorites, but I don't see them posting in here.

Just trying to help a brother out--a brother who I've shared sticks with before.

Volusianator 01-15-2011 03:44 PM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 1133758)
just warnin' :)

Just an implication that the others are bad.

icehog3 01-15-2011 03:49 PM

Re: Acid cigars
Smoke what you like, like what you smoke. ;)

HollywoodQue 01-15-2011 06:08 PM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1133622)
Buy a tupperware container at Walmart and throw 'em in there. :2

Yes, what he said...lmao:noon

sammyboy405 01-16-2011 11:05 AM

Re: Acid cigars
Would this Apply basically to any "Flavored" Cigar? The only Flavored Cigar I Smoke really is the Drew Estate Tubak Especial I love those, and are my #1 Favorite Infused Cigar.

Ive kept them in General Cigar Population in my Humidors, But They usually dont last long because I end up smoking them.

bobarian 01-16-2011 11:15 AM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by sammyboy405 (Post 1134895)
Would this Apply basically to any "Flavored" Cigar? The only Flavored Cigar I Smoke really is the Drew Estate Tubak Especial I love those, and are my #1 Favorite Infused Cigar.

Ive kept them in General Cigar Population in my Humidors, But They usually dont last long because I end up smoking them.

It will take many weeks if not months for flavors to meld between cigars. Over the short term storing any infused cigar will not likely have any negative affect. Just because you can smell some of the flavors does not mean it has penetrated the cigar enough to notice any difference in taste. Most of us are very paranoid about our cigar storage but in reality cigars are much more durable than we think. :2

jesseboston81 01-16-2011 11:18 AM

Re: Acid cigars
Paranoid is probably the best way to describe things, but I'd rather just not take any chance of flavors melding. I don't smoke flavored/infused cigars, but I've got a CAO vanilla that my fiancee wanted me to grab for her so that she can smoke with me sometime, and it's patiently waiting in its own small tupperware until she wants it.

sammyboy405 01-16-2011 11:28 AM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1134904)
It will take many weeks if not months for flavors to meld between cigars. Over the short term storing any infused cigar will not likely have any negative affect. Just because you can smell some of the flavors does not mean it has penetrated the cigar enough to notice any difference in taste. Most of us are very paranoid about our cigar storage but in reality cigars are much more durable than we think. :2

Sounds Reasonable enough.

icehog3 01-16-2011 04:27 PM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1134904)
It will take many weeks if not months for flavors to meld between cigars. Over the short term storing any infused cigar will not likely have any negative affect. Just because you can smell some of the flavors does not mean it has penetrated the cigar enough to notice any difference in taste. Most of us are very paranoid about our cigar storage but in reality cigars are much more durable than we think. :2

Bob, what about the humidor itself? Any chance that the wood might hold some of that infused smell for a period of time extending past removing the cigars?

GHC_Hambone 01-16-2011 05:18 PM

Re: Acid cigars
I have stored flavored cigars in a bag in my humidor before. They only stayed in there maybe a week, but the bag did a good job of holding it in and not spreading to the rest of the humi.

bobarian 01-16-2011 06:15 PM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1135147)
Bob, what about the humidor itself? Any chance that the wood might hold some of that infused smell for a period of time extending past removing the cigars?

I've only dealt specifically with the Tabak Especial's Sammy asked about in his post. Given the short amount of time(a few weeks) I dont see how they could affect the wood. Month's at a time or with large quantity of more strongly infused cigars, then alternate storage is probably best. But you will find most B&M's store many, many boxes of Acid's in very close proximity to their regular stock.

Also, if you consider the amount of exposed surface area and the cello wrappers on both the infused and regular cigars, the amount of oil transference seems like it would be very minimal. When tobacco is infused at the factory it is done before rolling the leaves, a much larger surface area is exposed than you have with a rolled cigar. :2

icehog3 01-16-2011 06:34 PM

Re: Acid cigars
Thanks Bob. :)

W.B. 01-16-2011 07:31 PM

Re: Acid cigars
Put them in the potpourri bowl in the washroom, imo the best use for them.

sparkboss 01-17-2011 05:33 AM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1134904)
It will take many weeks if not months for flavors to meld between cigars. Over the short term storing any infused cigar will not likely have any negative affect. Just because you can smell some of the flavors does not mean it has penetrated the cigar enough to notice any difference in taste. Most of us are very paranoid about our cigar storage but in reality cigars are much more durable than we think. :2

before i go right into what i wanted to say i would like to introduce myself!! names micah sparks - and as odd as it may sound (to some) i am a male, some just comment its a female name regularly but i beg to differ seeing as how i recieved the name via the bible and micah was a man as well!

anywho, i was just surfing the web about cigars and i wound up here on the cigar asylum forums. and i know there's no better way to get to be educated in cigars and cigar smoking but to spend time on furms with professionals and true connoisuers! i've only been smoking cigars for about three quarters of a year but havent been able to smoke cigars on a regular basis and get more acquainted to tasting the wide variety of great tastes. so with my new found hobby i learned some smoking techniques on youtube with smoke rings pipe dreams' videos and was easily fascinated with infused cigars such as the tabak especial.

but just the other day i was shopping online for some cigars since i cant find any cigar shops where i'm currently stationed in japan. on this website i found the tabak especial line and ordered a smaller box of both the dulce and the negra line within tabak especial. but since i'm in the military i can only (and barely) afford space for one travel size humidor that fits roughly 20 cigars. if i store both these cigars in the humidor how bad do you think storing the two together would effect the taste of one another? and if i were to store some in a bag, are plastic bags like ziplocks qualifiable?

i apologize for the long paragraphs, i've always got a lot to say! but thanks in advance for any replies :)

CoreyD 01-17-2011 06:35 AM

Re: Acid cigars
I keep a tin on hand on my top shelf after My pallet walked away from them it doesn't concern me how fresh I keep em.

CoreyD 01-17-2011 06:37 AM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by sparkboss (Post 1135752)
if i store both these cigars in the humidor how bad do you think storing the two together would effect the taste of one another? and if i were to store some in a bag, are plastic bags like ziplocks qualifiable?

i apologize for the long paragraphs, i've always got a lot to say! but thanks in advance for any replies :)

I have 1 red eye in my humi that hasn't effected the other sticks yet and its been in my traveldor for a long while. The Tabak red eye is more a cigar than infused though, at least to me.

OLS 01-17-2011 06:53 AM

Re: Acid cigars
I would even keep them away from your mouth. I can't think of anything good that could come from it.

I kid, hell I have a few. Same amount I had 2 years ago.

bobarian 01-17-2011 09:44 AM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by sparkboss (Post 1135752)
before i go right into what i wanted to say i would like to introduce myself!! names micah sparks - and as odd as it may sound (to some) i am a male, some just comment its a female name regularly but i beg to differ seeing as how i recieved the name via the bible and micah was a man as well!

anywho, i was just surfing the web about cigars and i wound up here on the cigar asylum forums. and i know there's no better way to get to be educated in cigars and cigar smoking but to spend time on furms with professionals and true connoisuers! i've only been smoking cigars for about three quarters of a year but havent been able to smoke cigars on a regular basis and get more acquainted to tasting the wide variety of great tastes. so with my new found hobby i learned some smoking techniques on youtube with smoke rings pipe dreams' videos and was easily fascinated with infused cigars such as the tabak especial.

but just the other day i was shopping online for some cigars since i cant find any cigar shops where i'm currently stationed in japan. on this website i found the tabak especial line and ordered a smaller box of both the dulce and the negra line within tabak especial. but since i'm in the military i can only (and barely) afford space for one travel size humidor that fits roughly 20 cigars. if i store both these cigars in the humidor how bad do you think storing the two together would effect the taste of one another? and if i were to store some in a bag, are plastic bags like ziplocks qualifiable?

i apologize for the long paragraphs, i've always got a lot to say! but thanks in advance for any replies :)

Welcome aboard. Please take a moment to introduce yourself here:

You will also find a ton of information located in the stickies at the top of each forum section.

To your question, there is no problem storing these cigars together as both the only difference is the wrapper. The Dulce being a natural wrapper and the Negra a maduro. Plastic ziplocks or tupperware make great short term storage. :2

sparkboss 01-18-2011 04:22 AM

Re: Acid cigars
thats why i was wondering, they are essentially the same cigar but i've still got much to learn!

OLS 05-25-2011 08:02 PM

Re: Acid cigars
This won't be the first time I have made a comment at one end of the spectrum in a thread and then gone full on the other way. In this case,
not Full On, but over there some. My troop support buys often have me buying Acids, but I have a lot of Havanas, so there is no reason to
worry about Acids. But the last order I made from JR, I felt like getting some Acids and this time, FOR ME. I always give em all away, and
the last time i kept a KubaKuba for me. That was years ago, and it is still unsmoked. But like EMJAY said above, I am getting a jones for a
Blondie. I have pulled it out for tomorrow. This will be my first Acid, and I can guarantee it will not make me a Acid buyer, but I had one of
the C-Notes, and while it reeked of gank, it also TASTED of tobacco, which I like to smoke, lol. So I am going to sample the sampler.
My God, if I blog on this thing I will never hear the end of it. But it ought to make a pretty unique entry, that's for sure.

Average Joe 05-25-2011 08:09 PM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1274826)
This won't be the first time I have made a comment at one end of the spectrum in a thread and then gone full on the other way. In this case,
not Full On, but over there some. My troop support buys often have me buying Acids, but I have a lot of Havanas, so there is no reason to
worry about Acids. But the last order I made from JR, I felt like getting some Acids and this time, FOR ME. I always give em all away, and
the last time i kept a KubaKuba for me. That was years ago, and it is still unsmoked. But like EMJAY said above, I am getting a jones for a
Blondie. I have pulled it out for tomorrow. This will be my first Acid, and I can guarantee it will not make me a Acid buyer, but I had one of
the C-Notes, and while it reeked of gank, it also TASTED of tobacco, which I like to smoke, lol. So I am going to sample the sampler.
My God, if I blog on this thing I will never hear the end of it. But it ought to make a pretty unique entry, that's for sure.

Eh, I don't see why everyone hates on them. I have a small humi just for them. Usually has 10-30 sticks in it. They're a nice change of pace. They're also good for newbies who come to herfs. Ask for a stick, give them something most newbies like.

NCRadioMan 05-25-2011 08:15 PM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by Average Joe (Post 1274837)
Eh, I don't see why everyone hates on them.

Maybe because they smell like cheap, French hoowah's at a purfume counter. Or Patchouli. Take your pick. :r

Shame on you, Brad! :sl :D

Emjaysmash 05-25-2011 08:43 PM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1274826)
This won't be the first time I have made a comment at one end of the spectrum in a thread and then gone full on the other way. In this case,
not Full On, but over there some. My troop support buys often have me buying Acids, but I have a lot of Havanas, so there is no reason to
worry about Acids. But the last order I made from JR, I felt like getting some Acids and this time, FOR ME. I always give em all away, and
the last time i kept a KubaKuba for me. That was years ago, and it is still unsmoked. But like EMJAY said above, I am getting a jones for a
Blondie. I have pulled it out for tomorrow. This will be my first Acid, and I can guarantee it will not make me a Acid buyer, but I had one of
the C-Notes, and while it reeked of gank, it also TASTED of tobacco, which I like to smoke, lol. So I am going to sample the sampler.
My God, if I blog on this thing I will never hear the end of it. But it ought to make a pretty unique entry, that's for sure.

Haha Well I commend you for taking a crack at it! Be sure to give us your thoughts!
I'm sort of in the mood for one as well. I smoked a Nasty a while back, and have been hankerin' for another. I just can't justify buying one.

flat6nut 05-27-2011 05:35 PM

Re: Acid cigars
They still make these things? I heard that they had been the cause of many deaths due to beatings...apparently they turn your hair the color of the happy rainbow.

cmitch 05-28-2011 07:58 AM

Re: Acid cigars
I got a needle and strung some fishing line through an Acid Deep Dish and Acid Liquid, hung them up outside to keep the mosquitos away.

Volusianator 05-29-2011 12:50 PM

Re: Acid cigars

Originally Posted by cmitch (Post 1277636)
I got a needle and strung some fishing line through an Acid Deep Dish and Acid Liquid, hung them up outside to keep the mosquitos away.

What's your favorite go-to cigar Clayton?

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