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Ranger_B 01-03-2011 06:58 PM

Ok whos done it?
Hot Cocoa with their cigar? With all my medications it is very rare that I can enjoy a good bourbon or wine with my cigar anymore. Well I love coffee and normally do that however, with the Keurig I picked up so Hot Cocoa for the kids and just made one to try with my Padron 45th. Let me tell you what all I taste is chocolate. Not bad but I miss the leather and spice I normally find. I may had to have more Hot Cocoa with other smokes. Let the Jibs and Jabs fly I know I am walking into it with this one.

jsnake 01-03-2011 07:00 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Never tried that. I like Dr. Pepper with my cigars. Never had a hot drink with a cigar.

Devanmc 01-03-2011 07:01 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
same here, to many meds to drink with a cigar most nights. unless i want to be in alot of pain during it. tea with a cigar is quiet awesome, no lack of flavors from either end.

I had a viaje exclusivo and some oolong tea, perfect combo.

Springsman 01-03-2011 07:02 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
I had a hot apple cider with a Connecticut wrapper-perdomo lot 23 the other night....surprisingly good pair...good on ya for trying it.

Ogre 01-03-2011 07:10 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Hot Coco is a wonderful thing!!! Love it with medium strength Maddie!!!!!

thebayratt 01-03-2011 07:11 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
I drink it alot.
The B&M I go to has a one cup coffee machine that makes a "Milky Way Swirl" it add the milky way flavor to any cup of coffee. I like it with Sumatra or Costa Rican.

smokin5 01-03-2011 07:17 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Next time, try it with Ovaltine!!!
Better you than me......:ss

Ranger_B 01-03-2011 07:18 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Sumatra or Costa Rican wrapper or coffee. Im so confused LOL. Glad to see I am not the only one. I am really looking forward to trying more with this. Next is the pipe with a good english blend. Next cigar maybe an anejo.

T.G 01-03-2011 07:22 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?

Originally Posted by Ranger_B (Post 1117753)
Hot Cocoa with their cigar?

I tried it.

My cigar got soggy when I used it to stir the marshmallows, and my hot cocoa tasted like ash. :sad

big a 01-03-2011 07:40 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?

Originally Posted by jsnake (Post 1117757)
Never tried that. I like Dr. Pepper with my cigars. Never had a hot drink with a cigar.

:tpd: If I don't have any than I got for another dark pop. Will have to give the hot cocoa a try.

tobii3 01-03-2011 08:39 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
okay...try steamed milk with a dollop of Nestle Quik.

kelmac07 01-03-2011 09:49 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Gotta try that. :tu Usually always go with Diet Pepsi, Cream Soda, or Root Beer.

markem 01-03-2011 09:52 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Drink what you like and smoke what you like. Anyone who says it isn't right is just jealous.

Cocoa sounds killer, especially with something like a short story or punch punch.

Chingas 01-03-2011 09:52 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
If there are coco notes in your stick then this would be recommended to enhance picking out some of the flavors. I've done it. No complaints here.

Bill86 01-03-2011 09:58 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1117828)
I tried it.

My cigar got soggy when I used it to stir the marshmallows, and my hot cocoa tasted like ash. :sad

You're supposed to use the cap end......try it again it should work much better.

I agree tea works great with cigars. Dunno about cocoa with cigars.

Neens 01-03-2011 10:01 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
I have done warm brandy but never hot coco. I'm going to have to try that one.

Drez 01-03-2011 10:37 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Sounds very nice. Most of the time I just pair my smokes up with a coffee or coke. I'm gonna have to try that soon.

Ranger_B 01-03-2011 10:45 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1118135)
Gotta try that. :tu Usually always go with Diet Pepsi, Cream Soda, or Root Beer.

Virgils Root beer is my go to drink lately with my smokes. But with this weather I may be looking more into this Hot cocoa stuff. I got a gift of some kind of fancy hot cocoa that you have to simmer and what not may have to try that.

yakman 01-03-2011 10:47 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
I do mine with Glühwein in the winter.

jet66 01-04-2011 05:02 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Hot cocoa + cigar actually sounds kinda good... I might have to try that tonight.

68TriShield 01-04-2011 05:36 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Sure have and enjoyed it.

Knip23 01-04-2011 06:15 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Never had hot coco with a cigar. Really I just drink a lot I mean A LOT of jack and rootbeer or something along those lines. And devan did you know Oo Long tea is a natural fat burner? Anyways next christmas try breaking 2 cinnomon sticks into your coffee grounds and try that my wife makes it for me she calles it her Christmas Blend. (Sorry I can't spell)


Subvet642 01-04-2011 06:36 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?

Originally Posted by yakman (Post 1118199)
I do mine with Glühwein in the winter.

I haven't had Glühwein in years. I physician friend of mine, from Germany, used to make it for a holiday party he used to have on Boston Common every year. His mother would send him tons of German Christmas cookies and other snacks for us.

jjmitchem 01-04-2011 06:48 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?
All the time here on the FOB since it has gotten cold. On our Cigar Night especially

Our coffee shop will make it with steamed milk - goes really good with a full body cigar

RatherUneek 01-04-2011 07:38 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Surprised to hear you tasted so much chocolate. I ran one of those hot chocolate cups through my keurig the other day and was disappointed with how watery and lacking in flavor it was. And I agree with others Dr. Pepper is great with a smoke.

kaisersozei 01-04-2011 07:50 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?
I'll do coffee mocha with a morning cigar, but haven't gone "full mocha" before, might have to try that.

Someone posted once about chocolate milkshake + cigar. Your option sounds better... :tu

htown 01-04-2011 08:04 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?
I had a peppermint hot chocolate from Starbucks the other day with a RyJ Belvedere. It was pretty good.

sobranie10 01-04-2011 08:29 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Hot chocolate and a shot if baileys Irish Cream with a Cohiba Maduro very yummy! :tu

staminator 01-04-2011 09:24 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Coffee or ginger ale is what I tend to stick with.

guitar4001 01-04-2011 09:44 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?
i like to add sprinkles and peppermint to my cocoa.

justonemorestick 01-04-2011 09:47 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?
I havent tried that but I did discover that switching from scotch to dr pepper during a cigar didnt set right with me.

Lucky_Hippo 01-04-2011 11:00 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Made some hot cocoa a few weeks ago and added a dash of vanilla. It was pretty tasty.

kaisersozei 01-04-2011 11:49 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?

Originally Posted by justonemorestick (Post 1118621)
I havent tried that but I did discover that switching from scotch to dr pepper during a cigar didnt set right with me.

Pepper on liquor, never sicker. Or something like that :D

srduggins 01-04-2011 12:20 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Sounds interesting. Just bought the wife a Keurig for Christmas and we have some of the dark chocolate hot cocoa Kcups, so I'll be trying that soon. Had a cup of Timothy's decaf Columbian with a RASS yesterday and enjoyed that, and I don't usually drink coffee.

jjmitchem 01-05-2011 05:23 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?
on the Keurig - make sure you use the smallest cup setting or it does get too watery

jsd 01-05-2011 09:37 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?
RC is my regular cigar beverage. Weinhard's Root Beer or Cream Soda are good as well. I might have to try hot cocoa sometime this winter.

srduggins 01-05-2011 01:34 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Tried it last night (I used the medium cup setting) with a T-Rex. It was OK, but I thought drinking the hot chocolate masked the cocoa flavors in the cigar and replaced it with a sweet cocoa flavor overlaying all the flavors in the cigar, rather than just being an identifiable component. I think I'll stick with green tea.

fhrblig 01-05-2011 01:39 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Never tried it with cocoa, but that sounds like it'd be good. I nearly always have coffee with my gars and absolutely love it.
Posted via Mobile Device

Volusianator 01-05-2011 01:51 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?

Originally Posted by Ranger_B (Post 1117753)
Hot Cocoa with their cigar?

I have several times and enjoyed it each and every one, yet, I still prefer Coke Zero or water with my cigars.

RevSmoke 01-05-2011 01:51 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Why do you think that jabs would fly at you for drinking Hot Cocoa with your cigar? Been their done that. In fact, love to do it, but there is a knack for matching the best cigars to the hot cocoa.

So, all you taste is chocolate? Hmmm, sounds like only a minor problem.
Cure 1 - Take a sip of water to cleans palate after the hot cocoa, then cigar.
Cure 2 - What's the matter, you don't like chocolate? Just enjoy it. (OK, that was a smart aleck answer)
Cure 3 - Get some other flavors of hot cocoa (white chocolate, caramel flavored, etc...) Here's a link to some different flavors that mix with H2O. These are high quality mixes.
Cure 4 - try teas.

You know what, my favorite is a white chocolate hot cocoa and now I have a craving for that and a AF Anejo, yuuuummmmmmm.

Enjoy brother.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

RevSmoke 01-05-2011 02:01 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 1120406)
Why do you think that jabs would fly at you for drinking Hot Cocoa with your cigar? Been their done that. In fact, love to do it, but there is a knack for matching the best cigars to the hot cocoa.

So, all you taste is chocolate? Hmmm, sounds like only a minor problem.
Cure 1 - Take a sip of water to cleans palate after the hot cocoa, then cigar.
Cure 2 - What's the matter, you don't like chocolate? Just enjoy it. (OK, that was a smart aleck answer)
Cure 3 - Get some other flavors of hot cocoa (white chocolate, caramel flavored, etc...) Here's a link to some different flavors that mix with H2O. These are high quality mixes.
Cure 4 - try teas.

You know what, my favorite is a white chocolate hot cocoa and now I have a craving for that and a AF Anejo, yuuuummmmmmm.

Enjoy brother.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

Oh yeah, if you want to buy in bulk, try this.

Krish the Fish 01-05-2011 02:40 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?

Originally Posted by Ranger_B (Post 1118196)
Virgils Root beer is my go to drink lately with my smokes. But with this weather I may be looking more into this Hot cocoa stuff. I got a gift of some kind of fancy hot cocoa that you have to simmer and what not may have to try that.

I love Virgil's, but it never seems to last long enough to make it out with me while I'm smoking.

I do want to try Hot cocoa with a stick that has cocoa flavor notes though.

Ranger_B 01-05-2011 06:16 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
I tried an ECCJ with some Hot Cocoa yesterday and it went much better. I had the Dark woodsy flavors I get with the ECCJ. Leather, spice, plus the chocolate flavors from the cocoa and I think it did make a good cigar better. I totally made the most of the drink with whip cream (the real kind you actually whip) and some caramel. I am going to have to try one of the salted cocoas from that coffee chain that charges 5 bucks a cup soon.

Rev thanks for the heads up I picked up some white hot chocolate to try.

neoflex 01-05-2011 06:51 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Sounds like it could be a good combo. I may just have to add cocoa to this weeks shopping list.

nick2021 01-05-2011 07:58 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?

Originally Posted by Ranger_B (Post 1117753)
Hot Cocoa with their cigar? With all my medications it is very rare that I can enjoy a good bourbon or wine with my cigar anymore. Well I love coffee and normally do that however, with the Keurig I picked up so Hot Cocoa for the kids and just made one to try with my Padron 45th. Let me tell you what all I taste is chocolate. Not bad but I miss the leather and spice I normally find. I may had to have more Hot Cocoa with other smokes. Let the Jibs and Jabs fly I know I am walking into it with this one.

All the time, however, I'm back on my diet so no hot cocoa for now :( I do have hot cocoa quite a bit though...dunno what it is, just enjoy it a lot!

bigmanfromou 01-05-2011 10:07 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
I rather enjoy some Big Tuba Spicy Hot Chocolate with a cigar, on occasion.

Tank 01-06-2011 12:45 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?

Originally Posted by Ranger_B (Post 1117753)
Hot Cocoa with their cigar? With all my medications it is very rare that I can enjoy a good bourbon or wine with my cigar anymore. Well I love coffee and normally do that however, with the Keurig I picked up so Hot Cocoa for the kids and just made one to try with my Padron 45th. Let me tell you what all I taste is chocolate. Not bad but I miss the leather and spice I normally find. I may had to have more Hot Cocoa with other smokes. Let the Jibs and Jabs fly I know I am walking into it with this one.

Never tried it! I am not a morning smoker at all. Occasional daytime cigar smoker when there are other fellas to herf with during football, lakes, etc. But for me coffee is darn good with a cigar. As is root beer, Coke, and even diet root beer and diet Dew! I have friends who drink water while they smoke. I guess whatever brings compliments your cigar pallet is okay as long as you like it.

Ranger_B 01-12-2011 08:30 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
cabaiguan guapo with some bittersweet hot cocoa. This is the best mix I have come up with yet.

sammyboy405 01-16-2011 11:13 AM

Re: Ok whos done it?
I Drink alot of "Irish Coffee" with mine.. And you can maybe do the same. Just dont put as much liquor in it. Im on alot of med too and have to be careful. but I do 1/4 shot of Jameson, and a Shot of Baileys in a Regular 10oz cup of Coffee. And With a Tubac Especial Cigar that rocks!

Ranger_B 01-16-2011 03:04 PM

Re: Ok whos done it?
Sammy thanks. I have not tried a coffee in a while. I was looking at one last night as a matter of fact in a restaurant we where eating at. I may have to mix one up and give it a shot.

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