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Bill86 12-17-2010 04:53 PM

Cigars International
I'm pretty sure this thread is allowed as I've seen other much like it.

About a month ago I ordered a Hygrometer, it didn't work worth a crap salt tested it at 10-15 points off. Paid like $23 for it so I found that completely unacceptable.

So I call their store for a return, they tell me they'll send me the round humi-care one that you can calibrate it and adjust it accordingly. I say great sure, even though I'd have to send my non working one first and wait the 10-12 days to receive a new one.

Yesterday I received the new's the same non working POS model they told me they wouldn't send. I salt test this one it won't read over 55 RH and it is 10 degrees off on the temperature. It just doesn't work. I told them I'm frustrated and I let the first order I ever did with them (my desktop) go unmentioned. That order the humi-care jar was spilled all over my shipment and the crappy analog hygrometer had cracked glass. Not a big deal because I was going with beads and a digital anyways. But still 2/3 orders and a return they failed at.

I told the lady on the phone that I'm not mad at her and I understand she has to hear people b!tch and complain and I'm not blaming any of this on her. However I really see no reason to order from CI ever again. I've ordered from probably 10-12 different cigar vendors with lets say 95%+ service.

She then tells me she's going to talk to her supervisor....fine. I wait about 5-8 minutes. She comes back and tells me that this time they'll send me the correct one and even send it first! :r I'm thinking really needed a supervisor for that? Couldn't even have told me you would mail it 2nd day or something? Maybe a refund and mail it out? You've left me 6 weeks without a hygrometer what is $22-23 bucks to at least attempt to keep my business.

It is noted that I've given them somewhere around $400-$500 in the past 3-4 months.

Am I asking too much?

/end call
/end rant
/end my business with CI/CBID

T.G 12-17-2010 05:05 PM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1097747)
Am I asking too much?

Yeah. You got a lot of nerve there bucko.

Ordering a hygrometer online from a cigar company. Sheez. That takes some ballz.

You could have just gone to walmart and gotten an Accurite 00613 for $8 like the rest of us.

Bill86 12-17-2010 05:12 PM

Re: Cigars International
What can I say, I was probably loaded and feeling really good and decided to order a hygrometer from an online cigar company. Ballsy move, what was I thinking? That wasn't the only thing on my order so ordering a hygrometer was convenient. Also Walmart is ~30-35 miles away. Didn't feel like driving 60-70 round trip for $8. After that it's more like $18 anyways.

J0eybb 12-17-2010 05:15 PM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1097767)
What can I say, I was probably loaded and feeling really good and decided to order a hygrometer from an online cigar company. Ballsy move, what was I thinking? That wasn't the only thing on my order so ordering a hygrometer was convenient. Also Walmart is ~30-35 miles away. Didn't feel like driving 60-70 round trip for $8. After that it's more like $18 anyways.

there's always

T.G 12-17-2010 05:18 PM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1097767)
What can I say, I was probably loaded and feeling really good .

Bill86 12-17-2010 05:20 PM

Re: Cigars International
I hear ya, but like I said I was ordering cigars as well. err Well I said other stuff on my order but yeah it was cigars so again this was out of convenience.

All is good, they lose my business and I get to crack a DFH 2010 WWS. So who wins now! :r :chr

T.G 12-17-2010 05:30 PM

Re: Cigars International
I hear ya bro.

Yeah, it sucks that the hygrometer you initially ordered was defective, and then the replacement was accidentally sent out as the same thing rather than the upgrade, but if you think about it, they didn't have to upgrade you. They could have just said sorry, send it back. Instead they tried to do the right thing, then something happened in the order pulling dept or shipping dept.

**** happens sometimes.

Bill86 12-17-2010 05:33 PM

Re: Cigars International
Actually the irony is they said the Humi-care one was cheaper and they would have to send me back the $2! I personally don't care about the $2. I just want a working Hygrometer.

But yes $hit happens. Either way, beer saves the day ...again.

Springsman 12-17-2010 05:36 PM

Re: Cigars International
That .02 is that they are big enough now that their customer service has become complacent and negligible...they do enough volume that they likely don't care as right now they don't have to.

T.G 12-17-2010 05:44 PM

Re: Cigars International
LOL. My bad, I misread. I thought they upgraded you rather than an exchange a defective for a different model.

Death! Death to all those who oppose us!
(and don't comp us free products)

Meh. CI has always been good to me in the past when I've had problems. But then again, that's probably because _I_ drive a Volvo.

Bill86 12-17-2010 05:48 PM

Re: Cigars International
Kinda misleading in general, no real way to quickly word it. Apparently the hygro is an upgrade in quality but less costing :confused:

But that is just what they tell me.....I'm not sure how much their word is worth.

T.G 12-17-2010 06:01 PM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1097789)
Kinda misleading in general, no real way to quickly word it. Apparently the hygro is an upgrade in quality but less costing :confused:

But that is just what they tell me.....I'm not sure how much their word is worth.

Without knowing which one the original defective one was that you bought, they are probably right about the humi-care being a better product at a lower price point. Think of "Humi-Care" like "Kirkland". Humi-Care is CI's brand, yet they don't manufacture anything, just like Kirkland and Costco. They go to whomever can meet their standards and give them the best price on something and is willing to slap the Humi-Care (Kirkland) logo on it and just take a check rather than putting their name on it. This allows them to sell the identical product at a lower cost to the consumer.

Can we go back to talking about raping and pillaging the CI offices though?

I wanna pillage their Padron and Liga Privada section of the warehouse...

Bill86 12-17-2010 06:09 PM

Re: Cigars International
Yes definitely, I always wanted to try Davidoff NC's so consider those raped. Also I think I'd have a going at those ridiculously priced Man O' War Armadas. Probably on the way out grab the equally ridiculous priced Graycliffs, they are good but way too pricey.

That and I'd love to rape some accessories I'm quite the whore for them. Maybe snag me 10 or so different Xikar lighters.

Then after that is all said and done I'd throw a molotov cocktail at their Gurkha supply and do the world a favor.

T.G 12-17-2010 06:24 PM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1097806)
Then after that is all said and done I'd throw a molotov cocktail at their Gurkha supply and do the world a favor.

...and slowly Icehog turned...step by step...inch by inch...

Bill86 12-17-2010 06:27 PM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1097825)
...and slowly Icehog turned...step by step...inch by inch...


Seriously If I had $5 for every time they sent me an email for like 80%-90% off Gurkhas...I'd own half the company. Which reminds me I need to get them to stop sending me annoying emails.

dwoodward 12-17-2010 08:58 PM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1097779)
Either way, beer saves the day


lyle23 12-17-2010 10:05 PM

Re: Cigars International
Ok im as much of a molotov cocktail fan as the next man, but dont toss it at the gurkhas please. I had a good laugh at that line though, soo props on it. But, I have enjoyed each of gurkhas i have had.

Bill86 12-17-2010 10:19 PM

Re: Cigars International
Well what can I say T.G. and myself turned a poor experience with a lousy vendor into a joke thread. :tu :tu

At least everyone can get a few laughs.

CoreyD 12-17-2010 10:56 PM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1097761)
Yeah. You got a lot of nerve there bucko.

Ordering a hygrometer online from a cigar company. Sheez. That takes some ballz.

You could have just gone to walmart and gotten an Accurite 00613 for $8 like the rest of us.

Ooops then I made another noob mistake, I went and looked at these at same place, why'd I just learn now I can get it at wal-mart, what section is it in and what else can I get there for less than a cigar company.

T.G 12-18-2010 12:04 AM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by CoreyD (Post 1097995)
Ooops then I made another noob mistake, I went and looked at these at same place, why'd I just learn now I can get it at wal-mart, what section is it in and what else can I get there for less than a cigar company.

You will find the 00613s wherever you find the rest of the outooor thermometers, hygometers, both direct and remote reading. At the wal-marts around here, they can be found somewhere around the paint, hardware and garden sections.

This is what the one I'm talking about looks like:

Runs $7.98 or $8.98 out here - I forget.

There is also an all white one that looks like a kitchen timer and sells for a buck less. It's a piece of ****. Don't waste your time or money.

jesseboston81 12-18-2010 09:15 AM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by CoreyD (Post 1097995)
Ooops then I made another noob mistake...

Don't worry, you're not alone in your noob-ness. :( Oh well, fingers crossed that when my package arrives today everything turns out OK!

Bill86 12-18-2010 10:17 AM

Re: Cigars International
If you just ordered cigars, you'll be fine. Any Humidor/accessory...well no promises. Their shipping people are incompetent and pack the wrong items....poorly.

Old Sailor 12-18-2010 10:44 AM

Re: Cigars International
Niagara Falls....


Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1097825)
...and slowly Icehog turned...step by step...inch by inch...


Bill86 12-24-2010 08:35 PM

Re: Cigars International
As an update to this now they sent me some F**King keychain sized humi-care thing. This thing is ridiculously small. Feels cheap, not even sure how it works's another POS for sure. It's somewhat accurate and I'm too lazy to deal with this crap anymore. I'll keep this stupid thing because I don't want to waste my time with them anymore :td I thought I would get a round maybe hockey puck sized hygro. Nope this thing is barely bigger than a half dollar and apparently costs $20.

My initial statement stands, F**K CI and their crappy service and even crappier half broken or completely broken products.

Devanmc 12-24-2010 08:38 PM

Re: Cigars International
ive got 2 of them, they are ok, but yeah they feel pretty cheap

Bill86 12-24-2010 08:46 PM

Re: Cigars International
Eh I should post a picture of the one I bought at a B&M, it was $40 but this things GREAT. I figured for half the price it should just need calibration and adjusting, I had no idea I would get this tiny piece of ****. I wish I would have just bought another one at the B&M. Instead I chose to deal with the incompetent powerless CI employees.

What really frustrates me though is the fact that it took 8 minutes on hold to get an OKAY from the "manager" to send me a hygro first. That's pretty lousy, they don't even empower their employees THAT much.....SAD!

I use to be a fast casual restaurant manager and my boss let me replace entire orders at my judgment. I could give away $50-$60 worth of food if I was bored and even throw in free dessert. These guys can't even mail a hygrometer to me first? GTFO

Devanmc 12-24-2010 08:49 PM

Re: Cigars International
yeah that is pretty D*** lame, post up a picture of the big hygro you got at the B&M. I might have you pick one up for me.

Bill86 12-24-2010 09:02 PM

Re: Cigars International
Seems my good one is a Diamond Crown, it always reads 64RH on my 65 RH heartfelt beads. So IMHO it's 1 point off at most, that's more than accurate enough. This turd crap one is off by 1 point now that I adjusted it a few times. Seems the temperature is off, guess you cannot adjust that. IMHO if I ever buy another hygro I'll go buy another baller one at $40+. Saves you huge hassle I never calibrated my nice one either. it's accurate and my sticks smoke great.

ninjavanish 12-24-2010 09:13 PM

Re: Cigars International

I will just tell you this:

If I worked for that company... Things would change. For the better.


A year or so ago I did a test with digital hyrgos...

And the results were shocking.

I took 6 of the exact same... Exact... Same. Hygro and salt tested them together.

Set them all at the same time to 70%.

Allowed them all sit in the same 40-50ct humidor fillec with a 20ct box of fuente chateau fuente naturals... Overnight.

When I checked in the morning... The range of readings was so far off between the lowest and the highest... I lost all confidence in digital hygrometers. And really all hygrometers for that matter.

The discrepancy was more tha 20% from the lowest to the highest... Mind you this was the same exact hygro tested at the same time... Set in the same conditions...

And a high quality brand at that.

So my advice to you is... Don't trust your hygro.

Bill86 12-24-2010 09:19 PM

Re: Cigars International
No doubt, If I worked their too things would change. I don't care what my bosses tell me I don't BS anyone and I handle business QUICK! No one I've ever talked to wasn't satisfied when I resolved their situation in ANY job I've ever worked. I'm a no $hit kind of guy, brutally honest and I take care of business.

WOW Jeremy that's ridiculous! The only reason I honestly own hygrometers is to tell me when my beads need re-watering. If I see the thing dip a few points I spray the beads....climbs back up and life is great. It seems I got a GOOD hygro in this Diamond Crown and I'm keeping it in my cooler for now. My desktop holds all the singles I get in trades and whatnot so if it's around 60-62RH I'm fine with especially since I've caught up and smoked most of them. So now I finally get to smoke my own stash. I hate wooden humidors with a passion. I'm a cooler guy for life after I see the performance difference. I may try a nice Vino this summer though we'll see how life treats me this new year.

ninjavanish 12-24-2010 09:31 PM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1106409)
No doubt, If I worked their too things would change. I don't care what my bosses tell me I don't BS anyone and I handle business QUICK! No one I've ever talked to wasn't satisfied when I resolved their situation in ANY job I've ever worked. I'm a no $hit kind of guy, brutally honest and I take care of business.

WOW Jeremy that's ridiculous! The only reason I honestly own hygrometers is to tell me when my beads need re-watering. If I see the thing dip a few points I spray the beads....climbs back up and life is great. It seems I got a GOOD hygro in this Diamond Crown and I'm keeping it in my cooler for now. My desktop holds all the singles I get in trades and whatnot so if it's around 60-62RH I'm fine with especially since I've caught up and smoked most of them. So now I finally get to smoke my own stash. I hate wooden humidors with a passion. I'm a cooler guy for life after I see the performance difference. I may try a nice Vino this summer though we'll see how life treats me this new year.

Diamond crown was in fact one of the most reliable hygros we tested.

I will not dog any hygros openly on the board... But will say simply... You get what you pay for.

Devanmc 12-24-2010 09:32 PM

Re: Cigars International
Learning so much. I need to get a cooler now, well soon

Bill86 12-24-2010 09:51 PM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by ninjavanish (Post 1106415)
Diamond crown was in fact one of the most reliable hygros we tested.

I will not dog any hygros openly on the board... But will say simply... You get what you pay for.

Yeah, that was my first hygro and I'm pissed that I didn't just buy another one.

I completely agree and it fit my situation, I got what I paid for....except they messed up the shipping and shipped me completely broken products. But with the two working ones I have....definitely got what I paid for.

nick2021 12-25-2010 03:54 PM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by Springsman (Post 1097784)
That .02 is that they are big enough now that their customer service has become complacent and negligible...they do enough volume that they likely don't care as right now they don't have to.

seems like this is true for most businesses, it's a shame too because good customer service goes a long way. I'll pay more at some places for this reason alone...saves a lot of headaches (as I've experienced with premium humidors recently).

Devanmc 12-25-2010 06:16 PM

Re: Cigars International
same here, i shop(for the most part) where im treated well, even if the price is a bit higher. this goes for my cycling shops, hair cuts, cigars so far

neoflex 12-26-2010 12:47 PM

Re: Cigars International
I have a Diamond Crown and the thing is usually rock solid unless the battery is dieing. I do try to get a Boveda Calibration kit from time to time to see where my collection of hygrometers stand. That Humi Care round looks to be the same as the Xikar adjustable round so I woun't be surprised if they were manufactured by the same manufacturer and just labeled for each vendor.

Miket156 01-21-2011 07:41 AM

Re: Cigars International
I read through this thread and I have to say, I haven't had a positive experience with C.I. either. I live in central PA and C.I. is in eastern PA, so I thought I would give them a shot at my business provided they were competitive. I contacted their Customer Service via email and gave them the price I could get at in Kingston, NY and they told me I would have to CALL them and then they would call the competitor while I was on the phone so they could verify the price. Right. I told them that the price was published right on their competitors web site so why should I HAVE to call them and go through their dog and pony show to get a price? Total B.S.

They wouldn't match the price, their shipping charges were out of line, and of course they have to collect PA state sales tax because I am a PA resident. I also inquired about a desktop humidor they had on their website. They told me that they charged $20.00 to ship a humidor, a flat rate. Say what? Yeah, they said it was considered "Freight". Yeah sure. I do shipping were work and is total BS. Cigar International is bush league. I won't give them my hard earned money.

Whoever runs that 2nd rate outfit must be smoking something other than cigars. :bhd

Miket156 01-21-2011 07:48 AM

Re: Cigars International
I read through this thread and I have to say, I haven't had a positive experience with C.I. either. I live in central PA and C.I. is in eastern PA, so I thought I would give them a shot at my business provided they were competitive. I contacted their Customer Service via email and gave them the price I could get for a box of La Flor Dominicana Cigars at a competitor in NY State. They told me I would have to CALL them and then they would call the competitor while I was on the phone so they could verify the price. Right. I told them that the price was published right on their competitors web site so why should I HAVE to call them and go through their dog and pony show to get a price?

They wouldn't match the price, their shipping charges were out of line, and of course they have to collect PA state sales tax because I am a PA resident. I also inquired about a desktop humidor they had on their website. They told me that they charged $20.00 to ship a humidor, a flat rate. They said it was considered "Freight". Yeah sure. I do shipping were I work and that is total BS. I bought a similar DT humidor at a lower price from a "well known" company in Florida and got free shipping. CI is less than 150 miles from me and they wanted 20 bucks to ship me a humidor? :sw

Cigar International is bush league. I won't give them my hard earned money.

Whoever runs that 2nd rate outfit must be smoking something other than cigars. :bhd


pektel 01-21-2011 07:58 AM

Re: Cigars International
Simple solution for you. Use this URL for free shipping:

I don't see the point in complaining about the sales tax. That's not something they can just waive.

As far as shipping a humidor, I would think part of that cost goes to overhead like packaging materials. I mean, a large flat rate box through USPS is 15 bucks.

The only gripe I have with CI right now is they did away with their cigarmageddon section. But I only order cigars from there.

Eleven 01-21-2011 08:05 AM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1097825)
...and slowly Icehog turned...step by step...inch by inch...

Oh God I love that sketch! Watching Lucille Ball do it was great!

OLS 01-21-2011 08:07 AM

Re: Cigars International
Ehh. Hygrometers are over-rated.
Still sucks that you had to deal with this new-fangled internet -related customer service.
I almost remember the days that I used a hygrometer to monitor my cigars. I tell Superbad that
these devices are for people who just have to see a number and feel like they are in control.
He says "HAHA, that's exactly how I am, cause I worry about numbers and gauges for a living." ;)

Miket156 01-21-2011 08:19 AM

Re: Cigars International

I had never done business with CI and their CS said that humidors DID NOT qualify for free shipping. I am not complaining about having to pay sales tax. However, there is enough profit in cigars and accessories that they can suck up 6% tax for a box of cigars that cost $150.00, don't ya think? I would have no problem paying the sales tax if they could have matched the price. I also got FREE SHIPPING from their competitor.

When I bought the Humidor I was inquiring about, I bought all the accessories I needed with the humidor so the sale was over $120, so I got free shipping from a company in Florida and received it in less than 48 hours via UPS. Shipping an 8 lb box from Florida cost more than it does shipping it less than 150 miles within PA. But CI wanted 20 bucks. :hy

If other companies can do it, I think that CI should be able to do it. If not, they should have told me what they COULD do. It wasn't like I was beating them up on a 3 fer cheapo cigar special. CI just wouldn't deal. :bh


pektel 01-21-2011 08:45 AM

Re: Cigars International
With a place as large as CI, I would think their shipping rates "should" be competitive.

As far as if they will deal, I'm guessing either you got some moron in customer service, or they just don't care because they are large enough to not care about single customers. If they price match, then it shouldn't have been an issue for them to type in 141.51 (assuming 6% sales tax) to make the grand total, after tax, 150.

I'm not arguing with you about the shipping. Just figured I would share the link for you so you wouldn't have to even have that issue anymore with them. Hell, I think it's great that I can order a 5er whenever I want and get it shipped free.

T.G 01-21-2011 08:59 AM

Re: Cigars International
A lot of little things changed at CI after they were acquired a few years ago. Not all for the better IMO.

Miket156 01-21-2011 09:07 AM

Re: Cigars International
Yep, shipping an 8 pound box 150 miles via UPS costs us (my company) less than 8 bucks. Figuring out UPS charges isn't difficult, anyway, customers aren't stupid. Whoever made that bone-headed decision to charge a flat $20 rate for a humidor needs to rethink that decision. :jd

I guess what got me irritated with CI is they were trying to play games. They wouldn't give me a price at all. It was a run around. :td

I wanted to add another heads-up to others on this Forum about CI, that's all. No harm-no foul!



neoflex 01-21-2011 09:26 AM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by Miket156 (Post 1142389)

I had never done business with CI and their CS said that humidors DID NOT qualify for free shipping. I am not complaining about having to pay sales tax. However, there is enough profit in cigars and accessories that they can suck up 6% tax for a box of cigars that cost $150.00, don't ya think? I would have no problem paying the sales tax if they could have matched the price. I also got FREE SHIPPING from their competitor.

When I bought the Humidor I was inquiring about, I bought all the accessories I needed with the humidor so the sale was over $120, so I got free shipping from a company in Florida and received it in less than 48 hours via UPS. Shipping an 8 lb box from Florida cost more than it does shipping it less than 150 miles within PA. But CI wanted 20 bucks. :hy

If other companies can do it, I think that CI should be able to do it. If not, they should have told me what they COULD do. It wasn't like I was beating them up on a 3 fer cheapo cigar special. CI just wouldn't deal. :bh


Your being charged tax because you are in the same state and the other company is not. Like it or not taxes are a part of life and being you live in PA your going to pay tax from any online retailer that is in your state whether it's CI, Holts etc. Why would they risk getting in trouble for not collecting taxes???? That would be a poor business decision. Sorry but your tax rant kind of doesn't work in whether or not their a good retailer. Their still probably a lot cheaper tan your local B&M. Trust me I have had issues with CI so it's not like I am defending them because I think their the best retailer but taxes are what they are, they suck period. Also matching to the other retailer that you mentioned may not work either because they don't publish their pricing. I almost cringe whenever I see them mentioned here because they have killer prices but that usually doesn't last too long once the word gets out and the other retailers start complaining to the manufacturers about their price points. I have seen it happen way too many times through the years with this hobby and before long their prices get bumped up to keep the manufacturers happy and we the consumer lose.

Eleven 01-21-2011 09:09 PM

Re: Cigars International
I have a similar hygrometer, purchased from a BOTL here. The adjustments are 'touchy'..I had to get used to the feel of turning the knob, it doesn't really click, but you can almost feel it. Then you have to 'set' it by pushing the small button opposite of the knob.

Its been great, I wish you luck with yours!

dwoodward 01-21-2011 09:22 PM

Re: Cigars International
Those are the same hygros that I use Eleven. The instructions say click, but I haven't had mine click at all. I do know exactly what you mean tho by the "feel" of the knob. Hard to explain, but I am very happy with mine.

chand 01-21-2011 10:17 PM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 1143381)
I have a similar hygrometer, purchased from a BOTL here. The adjustments are 'touchy'..I had to get used to the feel of turning the knob, it doesn't really click, but you can almost feel it. Then you have to 'set' it by pushing the small button opposite of the knob.

Its been great, I wish you luck with yours!


Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 1143390)
Those are the same hygros that I use Eleven. The instructions say click, but I haven't had mine click at all. I do know exactly what you mean tho by the "feel" of the knob. Hard to explain, but I am very happy with mine.

I've got one [my first] in the calibration bag as I type. It'll be done cooking tomorrow mid-day. If I turn the knob too far one way when setting it is it easy to adjust back?

Eleven 01-22-2011 06:27 AM

Re: Cigars International

Originally Posted by chand (Post 1143445)
I've got one [my first] in the calibration bag as I type. It'll be done cooking tomorrow mid-day. If I turn the knob too far one way when setting it is it easy to adjust back?

Yea, just turn it back. You can see the numbers move as you turn. The problem I think most people have is that once its outside of the bag, it wants to start changing on its own.

Do it quick, watch it hit 75 and press the button fast! If it misses the mark, put it back in the baggie and wait little bit, then try again. I think I had to do it 3 times the first time.

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