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csbrewfisher 11-12-2008 05:14 PM

The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere is...
It's almost impossible to single one out when there are so many wretched American, ahem, *beers*, and their foreign copycats. But, I'll vote for Keystone *Light*, a stroke of redundant moronism in branding. I mean, any swill that markets itself as so bland that it won't give you "bitter beer face" has GOT to make you want to spit it out, and fast. :tg

The truth is, almost every lite beer would qualify.

Clampdown 11-12-2008 05:21 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Heineken, the beer tastse like complete ass, and to me a product of pure hype.

Resipsa 11-12-2008 05:27 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i

Starscream 11-12-2008 05:31 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Miller Chill

chippewastud79 11-12-2008 05:31 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Molson XXX :pu


Originally Posted by csbrewfisher (Post 66022)
Keystone *Light*

Love me a 30 pack of 'Stones :tu

Cigary 11-12-2008 06:31 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Sam Adams anything,,,tastes like donkey piss ( not that I have ever had donkey piss but have smelt it before on a donkey ride down the Grand Canyon and I'll never forget the fumes )

Spect 11-12-2008 06:32 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Rolling Rock... wtf
So horrid even my dog wont drink it, which relay says something, cause she'll eat shite.

ucla695 11-12-2008 06:37 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i

Originally Posted by csbrewfisher (Post 66022)
But, I'll vote for Keystone *Light*, a stroke of redundant moronism in branding. I mean, any swill that markets itself as so bland that it won't give you "bitter beer face" has GOT to make you want to spit it out, and fast. :tg

I drank it in undergrad because it SO cheap and I could drink a lot w/o getting that trashed/being shattered the next morning. :ss I haven't had one in at least ten years, but I'm sure if I did, it would taste like water.

KidRock 11-12-2008 06:38 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Rolling Rock and Keystone are essential to the all American college them maybe when I can afford better I will do so.

Bud Light or anything made by Bud :pu

SSatVT 11-12-2008 06:41 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Let's see:

Natty Light
Keystone Light
Bud Light
Miller Light
Miller High Life (I am pretty sure this is what piss tastes like)

Ehh...I could go on and on and on get the idea. Basically any light beer and I would have to add Guinness Extra Stout.

:pu <whew..I feel better now>

csbrewfisher 11-12-2008 06:44 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i

Originally Posted by SSatVT (Post 66252)
Let's see:

Natty Light
Keystone Light
Bud Light
Miller Light
Miller High Life (I am pretty sure this is what piss tastes like)

Ehh...I could go on and on and on get the idea. Basically any light beer and I would have to add Guinness Extra Stout.

:pu <whew..I feel better now>

I see a commonality to your list...until you get to the best mass-produced beer in the world. Oh, the shame...

GAZHOG 11-12-2008 06:55 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Shaefer Light, I think it fit my highschool budget at $11 per case:dance:

This is the worst I have ever had.....maybe the original from the 50s was different, now it is the Blackjack Pizza of beers:2

theonlybear4CORT 11-12-2008 06:59 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i

MTB996 11-12-2008 07:05 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Utica Club! Anyone from upstate NY will know this abomination.

Also, Olympia is pretty bad. In college one year, they banned kegs for homecoming and I (while pledging) had to get 500 cases of Olympia and deliver it to the parking lot...might be why I hate it.:D

Ace$nyper 11-12-2008 07:06 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i

Originally Posted by Spect (Post 66230)
Rolling Rock... wtf
So horrid even my dog wont drink it, which relay says something, cause she'll eat shite.

I back this.

I tried it once got a killer head ache.

Made the mistake of giving this beer the benefit of the doubt yea, another splitting head ache.

It's a shame on the top 5 beers I'll list as worst all are American.

Then again, probably my top 5 favs are made in the gold ole :usa

mikeyj23 11-12-2008 07:27 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
bud light chelada by a LANDSLIDE!
Posted via Mobile Device

skyhigh340 11-12-2008 07:52 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Busch light draft
Black Label Light
Man was I really poor in high school!

elderboy02 11-12-2008 08:12 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Sam Adams Boston Lager

gettysburgfreak 11-12-2008 08:19 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
In college I refused to drink Bud Light, Keystone Light, or Heineken. All three are big pieces of nasty sh&t

Im surprised to see Sam Adams on this list, I love that stuff

The Korean 11-12-2008 08:24 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i

pearson 11-12-2008 08:36 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
I told my buddy to pick up a 6 of Amber bock and he brings home rolling rock. that was some nasty ****.

shvictor 11-12-2008 08:37 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
I for one love keystone light. Budweiser has to be my least favorite

SeanGAR 11-12-2008 08:47 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
The correct answer is Rolling Rock. I would rather drink water.

awsmith4 11-12-2008 09:08 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Natural Ice
Bud Ice
Ice House
Molson Ice

I have hated every ice beer I've tried

Swampper 11-12-2008 09:55 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Murphy's Irish Red Beer

Don't waste your $$ on this crap!

Chris. 11-12-2008 10:03 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
You should try Michelob Ultra Lime Cactus. The WORST beer I have ever had. Also Heineken. Heine light is good though.

Stick 11-12-2008 10:10 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Almost anything that comes in green or clear glass, especially if it's imported, as it will almost always be skunked. Why do you think you have to put a lime in your Corona - helps to cover the skunkyness.

newcigarz 11-13-2008 03:47 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i

Originally Posted by Clampdown (Post 66035)
Heineken, the beer tastse like complete ass, and to me a product of pure hype.

:tpd: http://www.beerdrinkersguidetocolora...kunkedMast.jpg

leasingthisspace 11-13-2008 04:47 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Too many cheap beers to list from all over the world.

Rockestone 11-13-2008 05:15 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i

I used to drink this all the time when I lived in PA 10 years ago. I bought some about a month ago and could not finish the first bottle!!

I used the rest to boil brats.

silentjon 11-13-2008 05:20 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
I forget the brand, but this past Saturday I tried some the beer my wife was drinking. It was some watermelon flavored beer. :pu

silentjon 11-13-2008 05:22 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i

Originally Posted by Rockestone (Post 66775)

I used to drink this all the time when I lived in PA 10 years ago. I bought some about a month ago and could not finish the first bottle!!

I used the rest to boil brats.

This is pretty bad too.

Bruzee 11-13-2008 05:30 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Any of the American style "lager" beers is: Budweiser, Keystone, Miller, ect.... I truely prefer the micro brews....... ie: Fat tire, Red Tail, New Castle.. ect...

Mark C 11-13-2008 05:30 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i

Originally Posted by Ace$nyper (Post 66303)
I back this.

It's a shame on the top 5 beers I'll list as worst all are American.

That's cause the one thing we don't need to import into this country is crappy beer. I'll put Korean "OB" right up there with anything else on this list. Our beer of choice at college was Milwaukee's Best (most ironic beer name ever).

But the worst ever? My homebrew cider senior year :al:D

theycallmedan'lboone 11-13-2008 05:57 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
keystone lite... pass

PBR... give it to me baby.

macpappy 11-13-2008 06:36 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Buckhorn but I don't know if they sell it up north so some of you guys may not know about it.

Rolling Rock - a friend used to buy a couple of cases of this for his parties. When it was time for the party to break up, he would hide the good beer ice chests and bring out the ones with the Rolling Rock. The parties would empty pretty quickly.

Busch. Green Budweiser. What you get when they don't beechwood age it.

shilala 11-13-2008 08:30 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Far and away, the absolute grossest beer I've ever drank in my life is Molson Golden Brador Creme Ale. I doubt it's made anymore.
The best beer ever...
Grizzly. Made in Canada, it was the smoothest, sweetest lager in the world.

tobii3 11-13-2008 08:45 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i

Originally Posted by SSatVT (Post 66252)
I would have to add Guinness Extra Stout.


Pass it this must be a Commie if you don't like REAL Beer.....:bx

As for the oh dear jeezus what the hell is that....

Soberana down in actually tastes better when you puke it back it up.....

Read and see for yourself......Soberana

kfish 11-13-2008 09:08 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 66060)
Miller Chill


Hands down the worst beer I’ve had in a long time.

TXRebel 11-13-2008 09:10 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
The worst beer that I have every tried was Flat Tire.


jitzy 11-13-2008 09:28 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Bud lime it tastes like window cleaner

Gophernut 11-13-2008 09:37 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i

Originally Posted by jitzy (Post 67092)
Bud lime it tastes like window cleaner

I agree completely, but my wife happens to love the stuff. Maybe she drinks it because she knows I won't.
The worst beers I ever had were a beer I bought in Grand Rapids, Michigan called BrauMeister. Not MeisterBrau, BrauMeister. This was in the mid '80s and it went for around $6 a case, and I think may have even included the deposit on the cans. Horrible.
I also bought a case of Cold Spring Light when I was in college, and I drank only six of the case. Don't think I ever finished them. Just ghastly. Didn't get a buzz, just went straight to the headache.
The most recent bad beer was a Bud Select.

Lucky_Hippo 11-13-2008 09:58 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Stonemill Organic Pale Ale. :(

This stuff was so horrible it actually made me steal a Hummer to race across town and cut down my neighbor's tree while spraying aerosol cans out of each window just for revenge.

I kid. I kid.

GTsetGO 11-13-2008 09:59 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Dog Fish Raison D'Etre

or something like that.

DrDubzz 11-13-2008 10:01 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Definitely Miller Chill, no question

next closest normal-ish beer is Heineken :pu

newcigarz 11-13-2008 10:03 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i

Originally Posted by GTsetGO (Post 67124)
Dog Fish Raison D'Etre

or something like that.

Oh no you didn't.

That is a great beer! :tg ;)

Scimmia 11-13-2008 11:32 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Sam Adams Cranberry Lambic. Only beer I wasn't able to finish.

Sancho 11-13-2008 11:35 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
Worst beer ever? Natty light, hands down simply terrible. Its bad tasting water.

Close second is Barcello Rubio, I think its alcoholic but you need to add an entire lime to the beer to cover the god awful taste. Never fruit your beer, except this one... It litterally is carbonated urine from some small animal

csbrewfisher 11-13-2008 11:45 AM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i
I simply must add another to the list. I had this beer while living in Sandiego, but I think you can find it just about anywhere. There are really no words to describe just how bad this product from Tecate Mexico is.

Ace$nyper 11-13-2008 12:14 PM

Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i

Originally Posted by Sancho (Post 67279)
It litterally is carbonated urine from some small animal


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