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icehog3 11-28-2010 06:22 PM

Smoking Laws in Tennesee?
What are the current laws on cigar smoking in bars in Tennesee? Thinking about hitting a Blackhawks - Predators game in February, and wondering if I should bring some 'gars for the bars afterwards. Thanks. :)

Comedian 11-28-2010 06:26 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?
There's a very cool place here called The Flying Saucer that has a million odd beers on tap as well as a cigar room. The place is outfitted with nice couches and a really cool atmosphere! Very cigar friendly. I suggest checking it out!

Check out Uptown's Smoke Shop if you get the chance. Nice place with a great selection.

icehog3 11-28-2010 06:31 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee? smoking permitted in all the bars in Nashville? I assume we will be hanging out somewhere near the Bridgestone Arena.

Bill86 11-28-2010 06:46 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1076093) smoking permitted in all the bars in Nashville? I assume we will be hanging out somewhere near the Bridgestone Arena.

No. Most are non smoking. Go to Dan Mcguinness if you want to smoke. Isn't the best bar but I've lit up many of cigars there.

EDIT they have pool and darts too, never a bad thing.

EDIT there is a few more but I don't remember for the names for some reason :r

icehog3 11-28-2010 06:48 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?
Looks lke the Flying Saucer is less than a half mile from the Arena, sweet. :)

icehog3 11-28-2010 06:50 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?
And less than a mile to Dan McGuinness, thanks Bill. :tu

Bill86 11-28-2010 06:55 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?
Anytime Tom.

Just walk around you'll find TONS of bars. Some smoking some not.

icehog3 11-28-2010 06:57 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1076131)
Anytime Tom.

Just walk around you'll find TONS of bars. Some smoking some not.

Sounds like I already have two good choices, now just to run them by the other 19 guys going. ;)

Comedian 11-28-2010 07:23 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?
Bill's right... some are smoking and some are not. Although, I've been in a few that are "Non-Smoking" where nobody follows this rule.

Bill86 11-28-2010 07:30 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by Comedian (Post 1076173)
Bill's right... some are smoking and some are not. Although, I've been in a few that are "Non-Smoking" where nobody follows this rule.

Go into the wrong bar and do that and they'll have a huge bouncer threaten to physically toss you out.

Comedian 11-28-2010 07:58 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1076194)
Go into the wrong bar and do that and they'll have a huge bouncer threaten to physically toss you out.

I'm as big as a lot of the bouncers around here, so it could be one reason why I've never had a problem. :D

brigey57 11-28-2010 09:17 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?
Tom - I'd Google the general area and look for bars and check the locality for the smoking laws. Unfortunately I've found that they are changing so frequently and quickly that it is almost impossible to keep up with who allows/prohibits smoking at the specific bar. Look specifically for cigar smoking. Some places permit smoking but mean cigarette smoking but prohibit cigar smoking!

Enjoy & Good Luck! :D


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1076075)
What are the current laws on cigar smoking in bars in Tennessee? Thinking about hitting a Blackhawks - Predators game in February, and wondering if I should bring some 'gars for the bars afterwards. Thanks.
__________________ Dave, Julian, James, Kelly, Peter, Gerry, Dave, Mo, Frank and Týr. :)

Admiral Douche Bag. :salute:

Chicago Blackhawks 2010 Stanley Cup Champs :wnr

Auburn Tigers are awesome - WAR Eagle!

icehog3 11-29-2010 02:30 AM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by brigey57 (Post 1076337)
Tom - I'd Google the general area and look for bars and check the locality for the smoking laws. Unfortunately I've found that they are changing so frequently and quickly that it is almost impossible to keep up with who allows/prohibits smoking at the specific bar. Look specifically for cigar smoking. Some places permit smoking but mean cigarette smoking but prohibit cigar smoking!

Enjoy & Good Luck! :D

Thanks Brian, I will definitely make some calls and inquiries in the days before we head down. :)

Apoco 11-29-2010 07:27 AM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?
Also note - a facility in Tennessee that is smoking will be 21 and up only. It's a pretty dumb law, but if somewhere allows smoking all entrants have to be 21 and up. Made it really hard to buy cigars when I was 19 and that law came out :td
Posted via Mobile Device

auburnfan1980 11-29-2010 03:34 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?
I live in North Alabama and was sales manager of my company's local office in southern TN for two years. We had a large storeroom in the back of the office where I would sometimes go alllll the way to the back and work on reports and the computer while smoking cigars. I'd open the back door, turn on fans, everything. Thing is, there's a state-wide indoor smoking ban in TN and apparently one of my customers literally 'caught wind' of my relaxation in the back one day. Next thing I know, the Regional VP of our company send a general email out to ALL Tennessee locations wanting to remind us that after complaints of cigar smoke inside one of the facilities, that it was both against company policy and TN state law and to please stop. Now he's a cigar smoker and we've share a stick or two at corporate to thank him for taking it easy on me, I sent him a fiver to his office with no return which I got a personal email the next day from him that said, "Thank you." haha

NCRadioMan 11-29-2010 03:37 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1076194)
Go into the wrong bar and do that and they'll have a huge bouncer threaten to physically toss you out.

I would love to see them try that with Tom. :r

Bill86 11-29-2010 04:14 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 1077062)
I would love to see them try that with Tom. :r

I can think of one bouncer off the top of my head more than capable. Some of these guys have an IQ of 10 and do nothing but pump weights 30 hours a day. Also given the fact that resisting just sends 5 more bouncers your way.....being a problem doesn't work too well for anyone.

NCRadioMan 11-29-2010 04:25 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1077104)
I can think of one bouncer off the top of my head more than capable. Some of these guys have an IQ of 10 and do nothing but pump weights 30 hours a day. Also given the fact that resisting just sends 5 more bouncers your way.....being a problem doesn't work too well for anyone.

Pump weights, huh? Yeah, Tom never does that except at the booze table. :r

Bill86 11-29-2010 04:27 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?
That table he is looking at looks like my workout routine.

whodeeni 11-29-2010 05:20 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by auburnfan1980 (Post 1077059)
I live in North Alabama and was sales manager of my company's local office in southern TN for two years. We had a large storeroom in the back of the office where I would sometimes go alllll the way to the back and work on reports and the computer while smoking cigars. I'd open the back door, turn on fans, everything. Thing is, there's a state-wide indoor smoking ban in TN and apparently one of my customers literally 'caught wind' of my relaxation in the back one day. Next thing I know, the Regional VP of our company send a general email out to ALL Tennessee locations wanting to remind us that after complaints of cigar smoke inside one of the facilities, that it was both against company policy and TN state law and to please stop. Now he's a cigar smoker and we've share a stick or two at corporate to thank him for taking it easy on me, I sent him a fiver to his office with no return which I got a personal email the next day from him that said, "Thank you." haha

WTG Jason! :r

whodeeni 11-29-2010 05:20 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 1077121)
Pump weights, huh? Yeah, Tom never does that except at the booze table. :r

I swear i've GOT to make it to ShackHerf Next Year!:banger

BloodSpite 12-01-2010 08:58 AM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?
Tobacco Road Coffee & Smoke Shop
4825 Trousdale Drive
Nashville, TN 37220

When I worked in Nashville, it was my primary hang out. Couple of leather couches, big screen TV and the guy is real cool fella.

tedrodgerscpa 12-01-2010 09:35 AM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by BloodSpite (Post 1079276)
Tobacco Road Coffee & Smoke Shop
4825 Trousdale Drive
Nashville, TN 37220

When I worked in Nashville, it was my primary hang out. Couple of leather couches, big screen TV and the guy is real cool fella.

Sadly, I do believe that place is closed.

tedrodgerscpa 12-01-2010 09:43 AM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?
Mr. Hog,

was just in Nashville over Thanksgiving (that's where my 'people' are from)... While anti-smoking laws there aren't as tough as California, they are not as lax as South Carolina standards, either.

Some places that allow cigarette smoking don't allow cigars (not trying to start any flame war... just reporting the news like Connie Chung). So a few phone calls will go a long way (as mentioned above).

Uptown's is an excellent B&M if you need a few hours of down time, but it would be a pretty solid distance from the Arena.

[tour guide]

Bridgestone is a nice place to watch a game... Been there to see the Preds four or five times.

Must see in the area: Tootsie's Orchid Lounge, the bar made famous by Hank Williams Sr when he was with the Grand Ole Opry in the 40's and 50's. When they couldn't find Hank at showtime, someone had to go round him up from Tootsie's and prop him up on stage. Tootsie's is on the opposite corner from Bridgestone, and is the premier honky tonk bar.

[/tour guide]

Have fun, and tell Nashville I said hey.

BloodSpite 12-01-2010 09:47 AM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by tedrodgerscpa (Post 1079323)
Sadly, I do believe that place is closed.

Dang he didn't last long. Thats too bad, I really liked his shop

tedrodgerscpa 12-01-2010 09:50 AM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by BloodSpite (Post 1079335)
Dang he didn't last long. Thats too bad, I really liked his shop

Called the number on the website this morning... Out of service.

My brother lives LITERALLY 200 yards from there. Saw the empty store front last weekend, and was just hoping they had changed locations. I'm thinking that's not the case.

BloodSpite 12-01-2010 10:01 AM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by tedrodgerscpa (Post 1079344)
Called the number on the website this morning... Out of service.

My brother lives LITERALLY 200 yards from there. Saw the empty store front last weekend, and was just hoping they had changed locations. I'm thinking that's not the case.

Only other place I know of was a place called Stogies in Brentwood (my hotel was in Brentwood.) Quick jaunt from downtown area. Not sure of the address but i can probably Google it

tedrodgerscpa 12-01-2010 10:10 AM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by BloodSpite (Post 1079358)
Only other place I know of was a place called Stogies in Brentwood (my hotel was in Brentwood.) Quick jaunt from downtown area. Not sure of the address but i can probably Google it

Was there last weekend. Still alive and well. Nice place, with a very deep beer selection and well stocked humidor.

They had no issue with me 'smoking what I brought', but I did pick up a cigar to help out with their bottom line.

icehog3 12-01-2010 10:50 AM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by tedrodgerscpa (Post 1079327)
Must see in the area: Tootsie's Orchid Lounge, the bar made famous by Hank Williams Sr when he was with the Grand Ole Opry in the 40's and 50's. When they couldn't find Hank at showtime, someone had to go round him up from Tootsie's and prop him up on stage. Tootsie's is on the opposite corner from Bridgestone, and is the premier honky tonk bar.

[/tour guide]

Have fun, and tell Nashville I said hey.

Thanks Ted.....the B&M idea isn't an option as only a couple of the guys going are "cigar guys". Tootsie's sounds great though, is it cigar friendly? :)

tedrodgerscpa 12-01-2010 11:12 AM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1079435)
Thanks Ted.....the B&M idea isn't an option as only a couple of the guys going are "cigar guys". Tootsie's sounds great though, is it cigar friendly? :)

I don't know if it is cigar friendly. It's a small place, so I'm guessing 'not'... prolly worth a phone call, though.

It's one of those 'bucket list' things, though... Buy a shot of well whiskey that burns a hole in your soul, feel a bit like vomiting into Broadway, and then hum your favorite Honky Tonk tune.

I'd pass on the whiskey, but always have a few Honky Tonk favorites close to my heart.

icehog3 12-01-2010 02:26 PM

Re: Smoking Laws in Tennesee?
Thanks, Ted.....shot of whiskey sounds good right now as well. ;)

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