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macms 11-03-2010 11:01 PM

Hello to my friends
Al called me today and we spoke for a long time about life, challenges and things that are important. Like most everyone I have had to deal with some personal and business challenges. The important thing is that I'm on the right side of the grass!

There might be some new guys (and gals) that may wonder who the hell I am and what this is about. Instead of answering this let me tell you about the men and women here.

From CS to CA there have been and are a group of men and women who have called me there friend. They are responsible for everything I know about the leaf and more importantly for enriching my life with there love and unselfish giving and support. You know who you are and I love you.

CA is not about cigars, its about the people. They give freely of themselves and ask nothing in return. They may bust your chops, but don't ever mess with there friends. Respect and trust are tenuous gifts and I am the richest man on earth. They tolerated my passion and supported my efforts in spite of me.

I never did know much about cigars except I knew what I liked. I have smoked rare, collectable and expensive cigars because I was gifted these opportunities. It was like giving a fine wine to a drunk who simply guzzled it down… :r But they did it anyway because they enjoyed giving of themselves. They taught me unselfishness.

I am so very thankful to see the troop support efforts continuing in there rich tradition, but I knew they would. Hugh is a good man.

I'm now an official leach****. I applied for my social security last week. I tried to wait until I was 70, happens.

So a big hug to all of you bastiges!


(FYI, I don't own a cigar and I had to stop smoking them some time ago. I mention this because I won't be able to bomb your azz like the old days.)

smelvis 11-03-2010 11:08 PM

Re: Hello to my friends
Hi Fred
Dave here a new fish to CA but not to forums or troops support. It is my pleasure Sir!


pnoon 11-03-2010 11:28 PM

Re: Hello to my friends
It's truly wonderful to see you here, Fred.
I, for one, have missed you.

G G 11-03-2010 11:31 PM

Re: Hello to my friends
Great post and good to see you back.

icehog3 11-04-2010 12:13 AM

Re: Hello to my friends

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1048438)
It's truly wonderful to see you here, Fred.
I, for one, have missed you.

Count me among the hundreds who have missed you, Fred. I am glad to hear you are doing alright, and sure hope our paths cross again in this crazy thing called life.

longknocker 11-04-2010 04:00 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Good To Hear From You, Fred!:tu May God Bless You & Your Family, Brother!:)

68TriShield 11-04-2010 04:35 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
All the best my friend!

elderboy02 11-04-2010 05:09 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Welcome back buddy! :tu

massphatness 11-04-2010 05:19 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
There is almost nothing that could happen today that would make me happier than I am right now after reading your post, Fred. So so happy to hear from you, my friend.

Conch Republican 11-04-2010 05:24 AM

Re: Hello to my friends

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1048438)
It's truly wonderful to see you here, Fred.
I, for one, have missed you.


kelmac07 11-04-2010 05:56 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Glad to see you back Fred...we missed you brother!! :D

yourchoice 11-04-2010 05:59 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Fred, I'm so very happy you came back to visit, you were missed by many. I'm glad you're doing alright. Keep the good spirits, brother!

TripleF 11-04-2010 06:20 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Right back at ya Fred!! Great to hear from you!

Chingas 11-04-2010 06:26 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
New here to Fred so I don't know you but I look forward to catching up. The one line on your post that rings louder than most "CA is not about cigars, its about the People."

I know, thru the Asylum, I have met some great Brothers and look forward to their life long friendship. :tu

kaisersozei 11-04-2010 06:40 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Great hearing from ya, Fred, glad you're on the right side of the grass!

replicant_argent 11-04-2010 07:18 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Hi Fred! Nice to see you post, sir.

Emjaysmash 11-04-2010 07:40 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Glad to see you're still around! Stop by more often!
Wishing you all the best Fred!!

14holestogie 11-04-2010 07:50 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Salutes, Fred. Great to see you posting again.

sobranie10 11-04-2010 07:50 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
My kind of people! :tu

hotreds 11-04-2010 08:31 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Thanks for the update dear friend! Don't be a stranger!

Mugen910 11-04-2010 09:14 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Thanks for posting Fred...I hope all is well sir and we get to meet up again sooner than later.

rizzle 11-04-2010 09:45 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Good to see a post with that ever so familiar avatar glaring at me.
Good to see you around, Fred.

Blueface 11-04-2010 02:46 PM

Re: Hello to my friends
Great to see you around again Fred.

docdoty 11-04-2010 02:49 PM

Re: Hello to my friends
i'm still pretty new here but I really like what you had to say. I agree it is about the people this place and the people are amazing.

ahc4353 11-05-2010 06:20 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Who the hell left the door open?!!

357 11-05-2010 06:42 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Welcome back Fred! Good to see you back in the asylum.

RevSmoke 11-05-2010 06:50 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Fred, Good to see you back on the board. Don't be a stranger.

Hey, you don't have to smoke a cigar to hang out here and see what's going on. In fact, there are a bunch of threads that have nothing to do with cigars, but all about the people.

But you already knew that...

Glad to hear that life is going well.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

Da Klugs 11-05-2010 08:18 AM

Re: Hello to my friends

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1048449)
Count me among the hundreds who have missed you, Fred. I am glad to hear you are doing alright, and sure hope our paths cross again in this crazy thing called life.


And the SS thing... no shame in getting back 20% of what you paid in. :D

And... you have a couple cigars in storage in on OH.

NCRadioMan 11-05-2010 03:27 PM

Re: Hello to my friends
Great to see ya post, brother! Anybody that knows you, has missed you.

Now, don't be a stranger!!

macms 11-06-2010 09:06 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Thanks for the kind words fellas. I've missed this place and I just can't stand not being here and raising a little hell. ;)


shilala 11-06-2010 09:22 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
It sure is good to see you back, Fred.
To me, you've always been "Mr. Institution". You're the embodiment of CS/CA, and what it stands for. Funny how you say you learned from this place. I'd say I learned from you.
You're as good as they get, my brother. :tu

physiognomy 11-06-2010 10:19 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Good to see you here, Fred! Made me smile when I saw one of your threads get bumped & even more when I opened it. Welcome back, my friend!

Moglman 11-06-2010 04:57 PM

Re: Hello to my friends
I agree that seeing this made me smile as wide as can be. You deserve all the high regards expressed, Fred, and I am grateful to be able to call you friend. I hope to be catching up again soon, enjoying a meal or hitting the range. There is still fun to be had as we trudge the road.

markem 11-06-2010 05:02 PM

Re: Hello to my friends
Hola my friend. You are never far from my thoughts and prayers.

jcarlton 11-06-2010 05:53 PM

Re: Hello to my friends
Thanks for making my day Fred!

Buckeye Jack 11-13-2010 06:54 AM

Re: Hello to my friends
Good to see you Fred, missed you on the boards, but especially at Shack!

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