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mhailey 11-02-2010 08:41 AM

Vote people!
I'm not saying for who, or for what, but just do it. Men and women are putting themselves in harm's way to secure this right for you, and the least you can do is exercise your right. If you don't vote, you cannot complain.


G G 11-02-2010 08:50 AM

Re: Vote people!
I shall cast mine shortly.

Patrick B 11-02-2010 08:51 AM

Re: Vote people!
I greatly appreciate all the sacrifice of our military. I have zero interest in politics and don't believe who gets elected has much, if any, bearing on my day to day life. I'm not going to just go vote and pick a name or a side on an issue without knowing a damn thing about them as I think it's pointless to do so. Not a bash against those that spend the time to study the issues and make educated picks, it's just not something I feel warrants my time. If there is an issue I feel strongly enough about I make it a point to cast a vote but skip the ones I know nothing about.

kelmac07 11-02-2010 09:00 AM

Re: Vote people!
Casting mine this afternoon!! :tu

Da Klugs 11-02-2010 09:05 AM

Re: Vote people!
Just did.

Feel good to be an American.


Regular TV ads return tonight. Not sure thats a great improvement but we need to celebrate the small things.

Eleven 11-02-2010 09:10 AM

Re: Vote people!

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1046165)
If you don't vote, you cannot complain.


Don't you wish there was a way to enforce that? I know I do!

E.J. 11-02-2010 09:13 AM

Re: Vote people!
Voted last Thursday....

....and yes Scott...

Emjaysmash 11-02-2010 09:21 AM

Re: Vote people!

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 1046190)
Just did.

Feel good to be an American.


Regular TV ads return tonight. Not sure thats a great improvement but we need to celebrate the small things.


CigarDisciple 11-02-2010 09:30 AM

Re: Vote people!
I did vote early, I also appreciate the military for what they do. They deserve the support. God Bless America! :tu

CigarNut 11-02-2010 11:06 AM

Re: Vote people!

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 1046190)
Just did.

Feel good to be an American.


Regular TV ads return tonight. Not sure thats a great improvement but we need to celebrate the small things.

I am so glad that the ads will be gone.... I am tired of all of it....

On the topic at hand: It does give one (or at least me) a sense of pride in having participated by voting!

SvilleKid 11-02-2010 11:40 AM

Re: Vote people!
Been there, done it, got the sticker! It's appropriate, IMO, that our voting place in in the National Guard Armory!

And, CigarNut, I couldn't agree more! NO MORE ADS!!

HK3- 11-02-2010 11:56 AM

Re: Vote people!

landhoney 11-02-2010 12:11 PM

Re: Vote people!
Voted, right before lunch.

No line, both a good thing....and a not so good thing.

Maybe everybody just early-voted.:sh

mhailey 11-02-2010 12:35 PM

Re: Vote people!
I voted early by mail. I love that I can cast my ballot in that manner.

Interesting note, when Abraham Lincoln was voted into office there was an 81% voter turnout rate. Think how much more difficult it was to get to the polling station then, and we had 81% turnout. In the last election in 2008, there was a 56% voter turnout.


kelmac07 11-02-2010 01:07 PM

Re: Vote people!
Done!! :tu

kaisersozei 11-02-2010 01:11 PM

Re: Vote people!

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1046443)
I voted early by mail. I love that I can cast my ballot in that manner.

Interesting note, when Abraham Lincoln was voted into office there was an 81% voter turnout rate. Think how much more difficult it was to get to the polling station then, and we had 81% turnout. In the last election in 2008, there was a 56% voter turnout.


True, but back then everyone pretty much lived within a block of their polling station. :r

Eleven 11-02-2010 01:43 PM

Re: Vote people!
I haven't looked at the TV since early this morn, but in my area, they were predicting a 58% turnout for this election. Last year was 42%, and the '08 Presidential election was 65% turnout.

bvilchez 11-02-2010 01:47 PM

Re: Vote people!
I just came back from the station. It felt really good to do so in person rather than mailing it in all the time. Even better is that the place was packed!!!

RevSmoke 11-02-2010 01:51 PM

Re: Vote people!

Originally Posted by mhailey (Post 1046443)
I voted early by mail. I love that I can cast my ballot in that manner.

Interesting note, when Abraham Lincoln was voted into office there was an 81% voter turnout rate. Think how much more difficult it was to get to the polling station then, and we had 81% turnout. In the last election in 2008, there was a 56% voter turnout.



Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 1046494)
True, but back then everyone pretty much lived within a block of their polling station. :r

Actually, they didn't. And to go 3, 5, 10, or 15 miles to vote -- by foot, horseback, or wagon -- was a day long excursion.

Got my vote in.

Mr.Erskine 11-02-2010 01:53 PM

Re: Vote people!
Voted first thing this morning.... It's a rough election here, because it's tough to pick through the bullshit

Volt 11-02-2010 02:01 PM

Re: Vote people!
Never have understood people who don't vote.... On the other hand I really don't mind them. The less they vote the more mine counts and the better I hope my person will win :)

After my first cruise over seas in Uncle Sam's canoe club and seeing peeps who absolutely NO SAY I how their lives are run, I have voted ever since.

AD720 11-02-2010 03:48 PM

Re: Vote people!
Voter number 388!

Dukeuni 11-02-2010 03:52 PM

Re: Vote people!
I voted almost 1.5 weeks ago! Got to love the Oregon mail in vote system. They send out ballots out 2 weeks before the election day.

shark 11-02-2010 04:04 PM

Re: Vote people!

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 1046190)
Just did.

Feel good to be an American.


Regular TV ads return tonight. Not sure thats a great improvement but we need to celebrate the small things.

And the political ad phone calls stop! Yeah!!!!

:noon :noon:noon:noon:noon

I'd like to know how they got my unlisted number that has been registered on the do not call list?

SmokeyJoe 11-02-2010 04:10 PM

Re: Vote people!
Voted this morning.... and there was a STRONG turnout. :tu

EricF 11-02-2010 04:16 PM

Re: Vote people!

Originally Posted by Dukeuni (Post 1046696)
I voted almost 1.5 weeks ago! Got to love the Oregon mail in vote system. They send out ballots out 2 weeks before the election day.

They should try that here in Florida. We wouldn't have had any hanging chads or anything else hanging! :tu

Yes I rocked my Vote!:banger

G G 11-02-2010 04:55 PM

Re: Vote people!
I voted.. woohoo, but I have voted in every election since I was old enough to vote.

Starscream 11-02-2010 05:02 PM

Re: Vote people!
Just remember, local elections impact you more than the national elections (at least most of the time). I voted for a few in both parties this year.

Ratters 11-02-2010 06:48 PM

Re: Vote people!
Voted after work and it was the first time since living here that I ever had to wait in line to vote. And I vote in every election, though the person I vote for almost never wins.

I know we're not sposda get political, but can I announce my disappointment in Alvin Green losing in SC? I woulda started watching CSPAN again just to hear him talk. :D

kelmac07 11-03-2010 07:41 AM

Re: Vote people!
And of course after voting, my candidate lost...even more reason for me to b*tch now. Damn incumbent has been in office for 18 years. :D

replicant_argent 11-03-2010 07:50 AM

Re: Vote people!

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1047312)
And of course after voting, my candidate lost...even more reason for me to b*tch now. Damn incumbent has been in office for 18 years. :D

There was one here who finally got the boot after 36 years... How out of touch do you think a politician is after almost 4 decades of being in the system?

I am very pleased people -did- turn out to vote, and that overall voter turnout was high, and that it seems there are at least _some_ more people showing interest in the candidates and how the system works, rather than being satisfied with the status quo, however that may be or have turned out in their district, state, parish, etc.

kelmac07 11-03-2010 07:53 AM

Re: Vote people!
36 years??? That is just crazy!!!

Eleven 11-03-2010 07:57 AM

Re: Vote people!
I wonder what the demographics are on us? Do we, as cigar smokers vote more often than other groups with hobbies that bring them together?

I know we are VERY diverse. Virtually every ethnic and racial group is covered, young and old. There are plenty of SOTLs, and a lot of us have wives, so gender is covered too.

I am sure we are a microcosm of the world in general, because we aren't just Americans. My question is, are we MORE politically involved as a group than other people with similar interests?

In general, do Hikers vote more often then we do? Do golfers? What about scrapbookers?


kugie 11-03-2010 08:29 AM

Re: Vote people!

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 1046190)
Just did.

Feel good to be an American.


Regular TV ads return tonight. Not sure thats a great improvement but we need to celebrate the small things.

i hate the Political bashing adds

landhoney 11-03-2010 09:23 AM

Re: Vote people!

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 1047325)
What about scrapbookers?

Those damn scrapbookers have a huge lobby, gotta keep those glue taxes down. :xxx

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