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Devanmc 10-20-2010 10:48 AM

the dog house...
Well i recently, as in this week, went on a cigar buying spree. Umm how does one put them selves in the dog house for this...

E.J. 10-20-2010 10:56 AM

Re: the dog house...
Personally, I'd just have to lay the AMEX statement on the table and walk off.... Those numbers would speak volumes....;)

markem 10-20-2010 10:56 AM

Re: the dog house...
One doesn't put themselves in the dog house, per se. We all have "over exuberant" sprees, but most see that as an opportunity to learn to appreciate the generic brands of mac and cheese as well as the finer points of canned spam.

Or as Elwood Blues might say, have you ever had a "wish sandwich"?

md4958 10-20-2010 10:59 AM

Re: the dog house...
The question should be "how does one get themselves OUT of the dog house?"

Eleven 10-20-2010 11:05 AM

Re: the dog house...
My secrets to NOT being in the doghouse:

My wife NEVER gets into my humidors, cigars don't interest her.

She works nights and sleeps all day.

I get regular UPS deliveries for my work, and as luck would have it, the Devil Site ships UPS.

I have my own bank accounts for my business.

I always laugh and chuckle every time I see her wearing something new, or something new appears in the house...I never ever get angry or ask how much it costs. Ever.

I have won the lotteries here a few times, and got bombed at random once, so packages showing up in the regular mail are rarely questioned either.

Add all of this up and I can quietly spend all of my money in peace! My only concern next is that I am running out of room :)


Devanmc 10-20-2010 11:06 AM

Re: the dog house...

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1030137)
One doesn't put themselves in the dog house, per se. We all have "over exuberant" sprees, but most see that as an opportunity to learn to appreciate the generic brands of mac and cheese as well as the finer points of canned spam.

Or as Elwood Blues might say, have you ever had a "wish sandwich"?

I only have 2 sets of htfs coming other then that most are pretty average. Just guatity is putting me in the house. But you have a good point.

2. How do i get out of the dog house now?

Eleven; the girl isnt putting me in the dog house, im putting myself in it.

E.J. 10-20-2010 11:09 AM

Re: the dog house...

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 1030160)
every time I see her wearing something new, or something new appears in the house...I never ever get angry or ask how much it costs. Ever.

Words to live by right there.....

neoflex 10-20-2010 11:16 AM

Re: the dog house...
Reloadable charge card my friend.

replicant_argent 10-20-2010 11:22 AM

Re: the dog house...

Originally Posted by Devanmc (Post 1030161)

Eleven; the girl isnt putting me in the dog house, im putting myself in it.

I think it would forward this thread if you could tell us your definition of doghouse. I am not quite sure we are all on the same page.

massphatness 10-20-2010 11:24 AM

Re: the dog house...
I find I can get by on two meals a day during the week and one large meal each weekend day if I just sleep in.

Eleven 10-20-2010 11:31 AM

Re: the dog house...

Originally Posted by Devanmc (Post 1030161)
Eleven; the girl isnt putting me in the dog house, im putting myself in it.

Classic mistake bro!

Dogs do Dog stuff by nature, it's only when they are caught in the act that they go into the Doghouse willingly.

Dogs don't have a conscience, or feel guilty for doing that awesome Dog thing they just did!

5 minutes before I typed this, my wife woke up to let the dogs outside, they were bugging her upstairs. She came down to the Man Cave and asked me to go pick up the dead bunny on our patio. One of our little heathens finally caught something and killed it. They chase squirrels and rabbits in our yard all the time, but it seems they finally got one, and left it on the patio for us.

They couldn't wait to get back out there, but the wife was holding them back while I went out with the gloves and bagged it up.

The Dogs thought they did a great Dog thing, my wife thought they did a bad thing.

If she didn't see the dead rabbit, the Dogs would never know she was disappointed from the tone of her voice. I on the other hand, rubbed their bellies and called them good Doggies. Cause they did what Dogs do, and they don't feel bad about it.


md4958 10-20-2010 11:33 AM

Re: the dog house...

Originally Posted by Devanmc (Post 1030161)
2. How do i get out of the dog house now?

Eleven; the girl isnt putting me in the dog house, im putting myself in it.

Buyers remorse huh?

Pay your bill, destroy your credit card, and dont apply for a new one.

Unless you do that, youre pretty much phucked.

Devanmc 10-20-2010 11:35 AM

Re: the dog house...
Well then... guess ill stop feeling bad for all the deliciousness i bought. Haha and very good story

shilala 10-20-2010 11:40 AM

Re: the dog house...
I'm not sure what it looks like on the outside of the doghouse. It's gotten pretty damn cozy, really. :tu

kelmac07 10-20-2010 11:41 AM

Re: the dog house...
Better than bread n water. :r

CigarNut 10-20-2010 11:45 AM

Re: the dog house...
Is your doghouse your man cave??

Skywalker 10-20-2010 11:48 AM

Re: the dog house...
Dog house? Dog house?

We don't need no stinkin' dog house!!!

elderboy02 10-20-2010 11:49 AM

Re: the dog house...
I personally would like to thank you for going on a buying spree. It made room for my incoming stuff in my Aristocrat. :tu

Devanmc 10-20-2010 11:50 AM

Re: the dog house...
my version of the dog house is being mad at myself for spending aprox:300ish on cigars in the past week... :bh


Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1030230)
I personally would like to thank you for going on a buying spree. It made room for my incoming stuff in my Aristocrat. :tu

yes you were one of the victims of my spree and the largest of my purchases by volume

Bill86 10-20-2010 12:01 PM

Re: the dog house...
300 in a week.....don't beat yourself up over it. I spent $450 last week and this week I'm unemployed. Life does that sometimes. Just ummm "promise" yourself you won't do it again:r:r

Devanmc 10-20-2010 12:04 PM

Re: the dog house...
well its by far the most ive spent at one time. usually i keep it under 100 per paycheck. this time i guess i went a little crazy.

Eleven 10-20-2010 12:08 PM

Re: the dog house...

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1030245)
300 in a week.....don't beat yourself up over it. I spent $450 last week and this week I'm unemployed. Life does that sometimes. Just ummm "promise" yourself you won't do it again:r:r

See, you are 'middle of the road'. You spent less than him, and more than me. I only spent 200 this week. You are average!


Bill86 10-20-2010 12:10 PM

Re: the dog house...

Originally Posted by Devanmc (Post 1030258)
well its by far the most ive spent at one time. usually i keep it under 100 per paycheck. this time i guess i went a little crazy.

Happens to the best of us....

Now I have to try not to buy anything till I get a job...we'll see how long that goes for.

Devanmc 10-20-2010 01:04 PM

Re: the dog house...
That promise will end with an epic fail, im positive of that

itzfrank 10-20-2010 01:38 PM

Re: the dog house...
I usually do about a $400/month all at one shot. Depends on whether I'm being picky about box dates.

maninblack 10-20-2010 01:47 PM

Re: the dog house...
I say don't sweat it. You can't take it with you when you die, and you're buying something you truly enjoy.

cigarmonkel 10-20-2010 02:08 PM

Re: the dog house...

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1030216)
I'm not sure what it looks like on the outside of the doghouse. It's gotten pretty damn cozy, really. :tu

don't listen to scott! He's been in there so long he forgot what being outside of the dog house is like! Although... as long as you bring some cigars i suppose it couldn't be THAT bad..

gijoey959 10-20-2010 06:15 PM

Re: the dog house...
Get a girl/wife who smokes :tu we both are happily suprised when a box of new smokes shows up, for example, I spent $100 last week, all I had to do was share, which I do anyway... except tatuaje tubos... those are mine

Devanmc 10-21-2010 05:42 AM

Re: the dog house...
I have a girl that enjoys smoking which is great. She just likes milder flavored cigars. It is deffinitly a huge benifitwhen i place orders though

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