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Bunker 10-12-2010 06:47 AM

Does anyone smoke at work?
I seem to be an all or nothing smoker.

On weekends when I don't have my daughter at the house (every other), I will have a cigar with my coffee early, at least one more during the day and the last one walking the dog at night.

The weekend she is there I don't smoke at all (she knows I do but I don't when she is there).

During the week it is generally the one smoke after dinner walking the dog, but yesterday I brought a cigar with me and had a wonderful lunch break walking along the Battle Road in Lexington with a Cubao #4.

Anyone else smoking their lunch?

Patrick B 10-12-2010 06:48 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
Religiously. I work 3rds and it's VERY relaxed at my place, as long as the work is caught up.

alwayslit 10-12-2010 06:51 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
yes, lunch consists of a smoke.

Nefari0us 10-12-2010 06:51 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
I usually have a mild bodied cigar with my coffee in the morning but I smoke all day while I'm getting driving to various job sites and town halls submitting building applications and whatnot. Although the most enjoyable smoke of the day comes when I'm winding down after dinner.

68TriShield 10-12-2010 06:55 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
I sure do.

jonumberone 10-12-2010 06:57 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
I'm lucky enough to smoke while I work.
If I get busy it does tend to spoil the experience at times.
I generally smoke 3 a day at work but on weekends I usually get to 1 a day.
Football season has changed that a bit, this Sunday, smoked 5 while watching the games.

maninblack 10-12-2010 07:15 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
I smoke at work. We have alot of downtime on nights so I always carry 1 with me.

OHRD 10-12-2010 07:22 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
I'm envious of those that do, but not me. I could on my lunch break, but I'm about 10 minutes from home, so I go home and hang with my wife and 2 boys (she's a stay at home)...

longknocker 10-12-2010 07:42 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
Not Me. Home & Herfs Are My Usual Places.:)

smokehouse 10-12-2010 07:45 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
Yep sure do

srduggins 10-12-2010 09:38 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
I usually have a lunchtime smoke about 3 days a week.

CigarNut 10-12-2010 09:58 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
Some times I smoke at lunch -- particularly when the weather is nice. If it is not raining I might have a cigar on the way to work and the way home from work (I drive a convertible).

I find that a cigar really helps me wind down at the end of the day. At the beginning of the day or at lunch it's just a really nice bonus :D

icehog3 10-12-2010 10:05 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
Used to be able to smoke in our work vehicles years ago, and I would smoke a cigar every night.

When they took that privilige away from us and I was working midnights, a few of us would get together on our "lunch" hour and smoke.

These days....not al all. :(

G G 10-12-2010 10:09 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
Not very often. I have downtime (EMS) but i hate wasting them cause it seems like everytime I light a cigar we get a call so I pretty much gave up on trying.

mcmoyer 10-12-2010 10:28 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
Nope. I suppose I could, a co-worker does. Always too hungry & would rather eat.

sikk50 10-12-2010 10:56 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
I do if I'm working the graveyard shift and it's my last shift before my days off. Otherwise my uniform smells for the rest of the days I work and I don't want my supervisor accusing me of smoking in the p.t. or something stupid

Bill86 10-12-2010 11:04 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
30 minute lunch break....not enough time. Especially since I'm always hungry, on my days off I get 2 cigars a day in. Work days, just before work that's it.

Shadow 10-12-2010 11:05 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
I do, I work at a cigar shop!:ss:ss:ss

My wife also smoke cigars so I don't have a problem at home smoking.

DennisP 10-12-2010 11:05 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
I work from home, so I occasionally take the laptop to the patio and light one up. Probably only once/week or so now though.

Volusianator 10-12-2010 11:06 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
I work part time at two cigar shops...nuff said!

Apoco 10-12-2010 11:19 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
I'm in a cube farm, and study during my lunch breaks. I wish I could, though.

hscmit 10-12-2010 11:19 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
once in a while at lunch. But not in the office

RustyShackleford 10-12-2010 12:56 PM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
I do from time to time. I work at a retail beer distributor that is set up like a warehouse so there is plenty of space for the smoke to go.

I don't do it all of the time but I enjoy it when it is slower.

When I do smoke there I tend to smoke something cheaper like a JLP creama.

Powers 10-12-2010 12:59 PM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
Wish i could smoke during my seminars in grad school :r

But i do smoke while reading/researching/writing on my porch at my apt! :tu

gijoey959 10-12-2010 02:29 PM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
Only at home or in the park, I like to work when I'm at work, I guess I'm just a workaholic :tu but I am starting part time at a cigar shop soon, so who knows, it may change

BC-Axeman 10-12-2010 02:38 PM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
I used to but haven't had the time. I am prepared though.

357 10-12-2010 02:47 PM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
I love the show MadMen. Makes me wish I could drink & smoke at my desk. Work stress would be much easier to deal

Deputy 10-12-2010 04:46 PM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
Yeah I can usually squeeze in a smoke a couple times a shift. As long as John Q public doesn't see me. :D

E.J. 10-12-2010 04:50 PM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1020122)
I love the show MadMen. Makes me wish I could drink & smoke at my desk. Work stress would be much easier to deal

I was just thinking that as I was coming to the end of this thread, then hit your post.

Oh what I would give to have a cigar at my desk all day long....& it would not change my productivity at all....

Smokin Gator 10-12-2010 04:51 PM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
Five days a week I work for myself and I usually have one in the late morning and one in the afternoon while driving around or at a job site. The one day a week I work at a school I rely on snus!!

BluesGuy 10-12-2010 05:20 PM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
Either a pipe or a cigar for lunch...I've usually already eaten my lunch at my desk before my lunch break.

Darrell 10-12-2010 05:27 PM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?

Originally Posted by sikk50 (Post 1019722)
Otherwise my uniform smells for the rest of the days I work.

Try washing your uniform once in a while, Pig Pen. :D

sikk50 10-12-2010 05:31 PM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 1020332)
Try washing your uniform once in a while, Pig Pen. :D


Its dry cleaning so I only do it like every 2-3 shifts. For working out doors I keep my self pretty clean

thebayratt 10-12-2010 05:38 PM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
If I am smoking at work..... i better be on fire!

They passed a no tabacco policy @ work. So I got to wait til I get home or before I go into work to have a cigar.

Cigahs 10-13-2010 06:30 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
I have an 8000 Square foot humidor on the other side of the wall from my office. I stroll in there 4 times a day to pick out what I want to smoke at my desk. :)

Lumpold 10-13-2010 07:26 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
Well... that all depends... the venues we go to are generally non-smoking, so I can't, but in the van on the way to the venue... yeah, sure, if I want, and no one else in the van has a problem. If we got some time off, or a decent hotel for the night, then it's possible we'll even herf where we aren't supposed to :tu

hscmit 10-13-2010 07:48 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?

Originally Posted by Cigahs (Post 1020850)
I have an 8000 Square foot humidor on the other side of the wall from my office. I stroll in there 4 times a day to pick out what I want to smoke at my desk. :)


Stevez 10-13-2010 06:01 PM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1020122)
I love the show MadMen. Makes me wish I could drink & smoke at my desk. Work stress would be much easier to deal

Watched my first episode of Mad Men last night and was thinking the exact same thing. I can't smoke in the office, but have one in the morning with my coffee on my deck and take it in my car to work. Best smoke of the day actually for me. I will smoke one on the way home too. Probably a good thing that I can't smoke in the office or my consumption would be off the charts. Steve

kelmac07 10-13-2010 06:36 PM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?
I enjoy the occasional lunch time stick.

357 10-14-2010 06:19 AM

Re: Does anyone smoke at work?

Originally Posted by Stevez (Post 1021747)
Watched my first episode of Mad Men last night and was thinking the exact same thing. I can't smoke in the office, but have one in the morning with my coffee on my deck and take it in my car to work. Best smoke of the day actually for me. I will smoke one on the way home too. Probably a good thing that I can't smoke in the office or my consumption would be off the charts. Steve

True. If I could smoke at work my cigar budget would go up 10 fold. :D

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