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Beagleone 10-01-2010 11:34 AM

Tatuaje -The Face
Per Pete's tradition, the retailers have been announced for this year's edition of the Monster series, The Face. For those that are Tat whores (like myself) start making your calls.

Bill86 10-01-2010 11:37 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
WOO HOO one of the 13 in Nashville, TN ! I'm all over it.

Called and I'm on the list.

Darrell 10-01-2010 11:42 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Mark at Tower (NorCal Mark) is on the list. Schweet!

jledou 10-01-2010 11:51 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Holy crap Centro over in Lawrence is on the list?

bvilchez 10-01-2010 11:54 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Does anyone know if any of these retailers would be willing to sell a box?

sikk50 10-01-2010 11:54 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 1007501)
Mark at Tower (NorCal Mark) is on the list. Schweet!

This. Means I might actually get my hands on some this time

x man 10-01-2010 11:54 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
afeeding frensy

Brutus2600 10-01-2010 11:55 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Thoughts on the new site? I like it. I've been feeling deprived not having a Tatuaje site up and running.

Interested to see when the Saints and Sinners stuff gets launched too.

Don Fernando 10-01-2010 11:57 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 1007501)
Mark at Tower (NorCal Mark) is on the list. Schweet!

I bet his inbox is full before the day is over :D

elderboy02 10-01-2010 12:07 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I'm not making any calls. If I happen to find some, I'll get some.

Bill86 10-01-2010 12:07 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by bvilchez (Post 1007512)
Does anyone know if any of these retailers would be willing to sell a box?

I'm awaiting to hear that. I'm put down for 2 boxes we'll see if they'll hold them.

AlohaStyle 10-01-2010 12:10 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Of course they will be selling boxes... how they will do that is up to them.

AlohaStyle 10-01-2010 12:11 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I hear ya Elderboy, I put in one text msg and that is it. If I get a box great, otherwise I'm just looking forward to some of the cigars on Halloween.

awsmith4 10-01-2010 12:12 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I can't believe CI is on the list

Darrell 10-01-2010 12:14 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by awsmith4 (Post 1007545)
I can't believe CI is on the list


elderboy02 10-01-2010 12:16 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by AlohaStyle (Post 1007544)
I hear ya Elderboy, I put in one text msg and that is it. If I get a box great, otherwise I'm just looking forward to some of the cigars on Halloween.

The main reason is that lists don't mean $hit. Last year I was on Outlaw Cigars list and they never called me back. I was also on some other shops lists and never got a call from anyone

klipsch 10-01-2010 12:24 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 1007519)
I bet his inbox is full before the day is over :D

You mean there are people who didn't get on the list 4 months ago? :rolleyes:

tsolomon 10-01-2010 12:28 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I had two places by me last year that changed the way they were going to sell them a couple of times. I would like to pickup 2-3 sticks for myself, but I'm not willing to go through what I did last year trying to get some Dracs. :confused:

elderboy02 10-01-2010 12:39 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by tsolomon (Post 1007566)
I had two places by me last year that changed the way they were going to sell them a couple of times. I would like to pickup 2-3 sticks for myself, but I'm not willing to go through what I did last year trying to get some Dracs. :confused:


replicant_argent 10-01-2010 12:42 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by AlohaStyle (Post 1007543)
Of course they will be selling boxes... how they will do that is up to them.

As soon as they open them to "inspect them" and remove the ticket, if it is there. ;)

(assuming of course they do some giveaway again)

Pardon me, I need more coffee and pepto, lol.

BeerAdvocate 10-01-2010 01:06 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
My local BM, Centro, is getting them. I dont care about the LE box, I just want a few singles.

e-man67 10-01-2010 01:08 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
This year it will be a bit different...only 13 boxes at $666 per stick! Good Luck! :r:r:noon:noon:noon

Don Fernando 10-01-2010 01:24 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by klipsch (Post 1007561)
You mean there are people who didn't get on the list 4 months ago? :rolleyes:

Yes, because not everybody knew about that list.

awsmith4 10-01-2010 01:35 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 1007549)

I don't hate the player, just the game :D

I was just surprised to see such a large retailer

waffle 10-01-2010 01:36 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by e-man67 (Post 1007594)
This year it will be a bit different...only 13 boxes at $666 per stick! Good Luck! :r:r:noon:noon:noon

oooohhhh I'm in!

e-man67 10-01-2010 01:36 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I swore that it was either CI or Famous that had the Frank in their catalog when it first came out....

McSmokey 10-01-2010 01:37 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by awsmith4 (Post 1007615)
I don't hate the player, just the game :D

I was just surprised to see such a large retailer

Sucky thing is despite it being such a large retailer they will probably only sell to walk ins in the main super store. :td

Dukeuni 10-01-2010 01:49 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I admit it, I always fall for this act. I have purchased boxes of The Frank and The Drac, and I am on three different lists for The Face. I also admit that I really am a fan of the boxes, and I REALLY want one of the 666 dress boxes. Yes yes, it is sad, but I just love the Monster series for some reason.

jmsremax 10-01-2010 02:14 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
6 3/8" and 56 rg.......damn that is a big cigar. I'm with Dan on this one....I'm going to sit on the sidelines and wait to hear the stories about trying to acquire these. I admit....the boxes look sick and PJ is a marketing genius....kudos to him!

klipsch 10-01-2010 03:20 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 1007608)
Yes, because not everybody knew about that list.

I may have been the first person to actually start it... :r

LostAbbott 10-01-2010 03:22 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Damn there is a lot of excitement for this gar today. To bad they are not coming any where near the NW.

688sonarmen 10-01-2010 03:56 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
So I just found out today that I have to go underway as early as next week for two weeks to support a submarine that needs help. I was expecting to be here since Im on shore duty and not sea duty anymore. I am asking if someone could take an order for me. I know its a long shot and all but worth a try.

Smokin Gator 10-01-2010 04:25 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I am NOT in this year. GL to all of you who are!!

neoflex 10-01-2010 04:28 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I found a box of Drac and Boris last year by accident three weeks after the release. I grabbed the box of Boris' but passed on the Drac as initial reviews were far from stellar. Still kicking myself for that one. If nothing else the box would have looked sweet on the garage wall. We'll see how it goes this year.

gijoey959 10-01-2010 04:30 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
As much as I want a box, it sounds like a pain in the bum for cigars that I'll probably have 1 of and store the rest since I'll never find another box

688sonarmen 10-01-2010 04:37 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Dunkel 10-01-2010 04:39 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I have no interest in this release whatsoever. Now if it was a re-release of the Pork Tenderloin, I'd be all over it!

smelvis 10-01-2010 04:49 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
If I run across them I'll buy, I won't wait in line or beg.

acarr 10-01-2010 04:59 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I will let everyone else play the game this year. For those that get an extra box, I have a box of Boris or Dracs to trade.:D

Dukeuni 10-01-2010 05:30 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I have to say that I am really surprised to only see 39 posts in this thread so far. I remember last year's ongoing thread, with people discussing getting on lists, not getting through phones, etc. It seems REALLY quite so far for this release. Wonder if the marketing and craze for these cigars has just finally gotten old to a lot of people.

Even in this threat there are a lot of people who say they will not jump on the band wagon this year.

Oh well, maybe it means I will have a easier time getting my boxes ;-)

acarr 10-01-2010 05:32 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Dukeuni (Post 1007853)
I have to say that I am really surprised to only see 39 posts in this thread so far. I remember last year's ongoing thread, with people discussing getting on lists, not getting through phones, etc. It seems REALLY quite so far for this release. Wonder if the marketing and craze for these cigars has just finally gotten old to a lot of people.

Even in this threat there are a lot of people who say they will not jump on the band wagon this year.

Oh well, maybe it means I will have a easier time getting my boxes ;-)

People don't have money either. It is real tough to get people to open up their wallets now days. I know I have cut back drastically.

RightAJ 10-01-2010 06:40 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I'm pissed I forgot about this today, I was really excited to nab some of these... No point getting on the lists now :(

Maybe something will pop up though, never know


SmokinApe 10-01-2010 06:52 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Let's hope they don't taste like paint this year...

Cigarcop 10-01-2010 06:56 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I honestly can say none of the Monster Series have floored me...not even close so I'll be skipping these for sure and sticking to the Brown Labels that never seem disappoint me:2

Beagleone 10-01-2010 07:11 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
The retailer I use has a list of some 40 names already. For a while there, the phone lines were jammed. I am sure the number will be greater by Monday.

montecristo#2 10-01-2010 09:39 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Might have to trade a frank coffin for an empty box of these.

I will wait until the 1300 boxes come out and some small shop will be happy to get rid of them.

nick2021 10-01-2010 11:24 PM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face

Originally Posted by Beagleone (Post 1007949)
The retailer I use has a list of some 40 names already. For a while there, the phone lines were jammed. I am sure the number will be greater by Monday.


njstone 10-02-2010 03:53 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I had REALLY hoped to nab a collector's box of these (even if it was just for a split) as I have the previous boxes, but I really don't expect to be able to ... none of the "Unlucky 13" retailers are exactly near my base in Japan, lol, and most (just like last year) won't be taking many orders over the phone.

s15driftking 10-02-2010 06:24 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
I'd rather spend less headache getting some cigars I know I like (probably cheaper too).

I will admit though, Pete and I "had it out" mano-a-mano at a local B&M last year and the "limited release" topic was discussed in depth on my list of "things I'd say to Pete J." and his reasoning was acceptable in my opinions (for that topic).

HK3- 10-02-2010 06:57 AM

Re: Tatuaje -The Face
Was at my local b&m yesterday having a few smokes listening to the word on the street about these. They are getting 41 of the 666 boxes to be released and they are not taking pre-orders. One of the employees was taking a count on how many phone calls he received for people who wanted to be on a waiting list. The count was up to 48 calls when I left yesterday.

At $18-$20 a stick.... I think I will buy some sig VI's instead. :2

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