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cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
any thoughts which is better? Traffic vs. prices? It seems auctioneer has better prices and lower traffic on some things, but cbid has a different structure multiple items for one, and simplier interface.
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Haven't been on the auctioneer but CBid will have good prices every now and then...lately, it seems like the last couple of items I bid on other people would come and overbid...more than what it would cost from another online store.
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Cigarbid seems to get all the attention which is probably good for people who bid at Cigar Auctioneer. I've been able to get deals on higher end smokes there that go for way more than they should at Cigarbid.
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Well the certainly have a unique selection. Famous has quite a few good exclusives and cigars others doesn't carry. CI has quite a bit of exclusives as well.
CigarBid got the most attention. Lately its only been worth while to do a quick buy price on the item, as the final bidding price usually exceeds the quick buy. People are starting to over pay. I like CigarAuctioneer. Not many have seem to "discovered" it yet, so you can get some great deals. |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
I found cigar auctioneer a bit confusing yet cigarbid very clear and easy to understand. not sure about the prices....
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
I just used CigarAuctioneer for the first time and won my first auction. I didn't find it confusing and with all the traffic on Cbid, it has really driven the prices up. But that's jmo.
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Cigar Auctioneer seems to have more highend stuff availaible, Cbid seems to have lower prices on some things.
I do like the ship once a week thing with Cbid, and it is easy to add a few singles to top off an order. Plus they ship prority mail so auctions that end on Wednesday usually show up that Saturday |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Just picked up a box of CAO vision Prana's for $135 shipped. that is about $30 of Famous Smoke's sale price, and a hell of a lot cheaper thank anywhere else. Got them off Cigar Auctioneer.
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
I've been lucky lately on cigar auctioneer, with some patience I've been getting things at about 35% less than the cheapest price on the web. If it gets bid up today I'll try again the next day, they have the same things pretty often.
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Haven't tried cigar auctioneer but it does seem to have higher end items compated to CBid
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Cigarbid won't let me register since my US "state" is an Army Base in Iraq.
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
There are certain cigars that I keep an eye out for on both. Famous and CI have some pretty good private blends which I smoke quite regularly.
When Famous changed the setup of the auction site, they started minimum bids on most of the stuff which kinda sucks. And the prices on Cbid have gone up quite a bit in the last 2 years. But I still buy at least 50% of my NCs on auction. |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Nick |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
CA has higher end box buys and a great "watch list" since they changed the site-Cbid changed their site to answer the Ca challenge-
Plus CA has a very easy "History " function where you can see past,present AND future auctions on any brand in their list and notifys you when an item you're watching is up for bid OF course you better know your prices or you are dead meat on either |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
That happens as well at auctioneer, but not as much. I also think that c**d keeps pushing the same sticks over and over again. Whereas, the other one has more variety. Plus, it provides the option to see what past auctions went for giving you an idea of its auction worth. |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
I've only used one once, but I used Cigar auction. They are connected to famous smoke shop, who I feel like I've been developing a good relationship with.
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
I use both sucessfully . The history feature is really nice on CA but I don't recall ever seeing any Padilla's over there , however they do have Kristoff sometimes . Cbid does get more of my businees though .
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
I use both. I like CA for the lot watch feature, but I use c-bid often also. You just have to watch your bidding on both, have seen bids go higher that you can buy it for on the reg site
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Just took a look at Cigar Auctioneer I normally goto cbids.. But Your right cbids is getting outta control on bid prices.
Cigar Auctioneer seems to be a bit more laid back than cbids.. and has a little more of a selection. |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
C****s I***********l has gotten out of hand. I've been buying from them for over 10 years. I was there when c**d started and the deals were tremendous.
But C* sells a lot of crap now. They haven't figured out how to get their big friends to really develop some well made house brands for them like Famous does. Everybody makes several house brands for Famous and most are excellent and well priced. And you can knock another 34%-50% by getting them on cigarauctioneer. I visit c**d now and again and it's like people don't check what the C* retail is on those same cigars and they end up paying too much. C* must laughing all the way to the bank. Patel makes a ton of cigars for C* but they are mostly cheap tasting cigars. On Famous, they are superb. |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
I personally have a suspicion that people from CI/CBID have accounts and bid up prices (those that go above their store prices.) I also notice that CBID has more traffic. My general consensus is that Auctioneer has your best overall bidding structure. Its only down fall is sometimes the auctions start a little higher than i'd like. CBID is good for those onesies/twosies that you can not find on auctioneer and if you know what price is worth the bid.
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
The only upside to auctioneer starting the price too high, is very few people bid on them and I usually win at the starting price a couple bucks more....still saving 35% over the same thing at Famous Smoke |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
CA also warns you if you are going to bid above the price on their website. I don't think cbid does that.
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Placed an order earlier this week on CBid, but looks like I could have gotten the same from significantly less from CA. Looks like I know where I will be going from here on out.
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Cbid is alot like ebay. Sometimes you can get a deal and other times some moron bids something way beyond msrp.
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
I Do like that feature that CA tells you when a bid is over MSRP.
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
I just used CA for the first time. Their shipping prices are higher than C-Bid, but as mentioned before they have stuff CI doesn't have. I remember when I could get good deals on C-bid, these days not so much.
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
I worked in procurement for 10 years of my life, so I might know a trick or two. |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
I use both, but CBid seems to get more of my business.
Know your prices so you don't overbid. My bids start at 50% of the lowest price I can find online. I'll check back on the day the auction ends, and if I really want the smokes, I'll go up to 70% of the cheapest online price. This usually does the trick, but if not, there's always another deal coming along tomorrow or next week. With shipping, the Singles are often waayyy overpriced. You'd be better off calling a shpo for htf singles, imho. A shpo would probably make up a sampler of htfs, cheaper than you can get them on the auctions. Some of my cigar buddies also bid at JRs and Thompson's auctions, with good success. But they try to get $1.50 cigars for 50 cents ea., usually not htfs or even popular brands. They always try to convince me that some $.59 cigar is "just as good" as my Pepin JJ maduro or CAO Brazilia... Sure! They're usually very one dimensional smokes, but OK for nic fiends, I guess. Chemyst :cool2: |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Without the alert feature, they sell one box for over sticker price. With the alert, the would-be high bidder instead goes to Famous to buy his box, and the original bidder wins a box at auction. This way, Famous/CA sell two boxes. Assuming that all boxes are sold at a profit, I'd wager that Famous/CA make more money in the long-run with the "price alert" feature. While a few auctions go way over msrp, most are close enough in price that selling two boxes near msrp probably nets more profit. |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
There's a method to the madness. cigarbid has a base price for shipping around $4. But then they charge you either 25 cents or 50 cents for each additional item you've won. Even singles. So you can end up spending $8 for shipping. On CA, it's a straight $5.99. But to make sure you never pay more than that, you must consolidate your winnings so that it ships once a week. If I win one or five bundles or 5 packs, it's only $5,99 for all of that. But if I win three items in one day and don't have consolidation, they will charge you $5.99 three times, for one day! I chose Tuesdays. So you have to be strategic about your bidding. Switch to once a week...you can pick the day... and it just doesn't matter how much you win, it's a static shipping cost of $5.99. You need to go to the consolidation section under My Account on CA. |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
On a visit to the CI Mothership, home of CBid, I asked the sales guys
if they ever considered stopping the auctions, since they don't get near retail on most auctions. They said that the auctions are such a small percentage of their overall sales that they don't even care, and wouldn't notice if the auctions were discontinued or not. Usually there are around 200+/- auctions each day. So not really that many orders from the auctions. I guess catalog sales are much bigger. fwiw Chemyst :cool2: |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Lesson #1 Big online cigar stores make a friggin' huge profits on most of their cigars. They are almost like jewelry stores. When I was young, I learned how to cut stones and make jewelry from a master in the jewelry section in downtown L.A. Mall and chain jewelry stores make an average of 400-600% profit on everything they sell. You buy a sweet ring for your honey for $1000. It cost them $150. Maybe. I used to make a fortune designing, making and selling jewelry out of my home with only 100% profit. The big cigar stores wheel and deal with the big manufacturers. "We'll give you X price on these cigars if you take these cigars off of our hands. Some big manufacturers won't do business with smaller outfits if they don't take what they give them. So when a big outfit "proudly presents a new formula from X Cigars," they are probably ones forced down their throat. Yes. Volume is a factor. But most cigar outfits don't have the luxury of volume and in order to stay in business, get outrageous deals on some of their cigars. Just a smaller function of what the big ones do. The mark up isn't what the jewelry business is, but it ain't far behind. So don't listen to the BS when a salesman tells you how much of a deal he's giving you. There are exceptions. Start ups suffer a lot. Street cred is everything. If they make an excellent cigar, their profit margin is low in the beginning. Remember, these products are primarily made in third world countries. Labor costs are low. On the other hand, you have the manufacturers that are savvy business men. And they know if they over charge, it will affect their reputation. These are the companies that cigar making is in their soul...for generations. Look at Brick House and Ambos Mundos. Good cigars that are exceedingly affordable. Smart marketing. The auction houses are smart marketing for both CI and Famous. I don't care for JR. They sell cigars at a reduced rate that averages 35%-50% off their retail. And they are still making a profit. Not much. But they ain't losing a dime. And if you like the cigar, you're prone to buy it without going through the hassle of an auction. Win/Win. Look at me. I get 1-1000 cigars for a review. If the cigar is exceptional, I go begging to my friends or family to buy a bundle or box for me. I'm always behind the game. Buyer Beware! |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Two other things that need to be mentioned based on personal experiance. As mentioned above, shipping on singles isn't worth it. Also, at the 3 dollar increase on 5 packs added with shipping, its hardly a deal for me. When I'm bidding, I'm bidding to make a killing. Generally the price I end up buying at is between 2-3$ a stick, even with shipping added. Boxes is the way to go.
One other thing I noticed, pay day weekends. That's when not to bid because the yahoos with no concept of what anything costs come out of the woodwork and your deals vanish. |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Sunday morning is good if it's ending Sunday morning. Holidays are a good time as well. I think the price of singles has exceeded the market value. I know exactly what you are buying for $2-$3. And they are 50 cent cigars. At the other end, people are paying retail. The Decade goes for retail...sometimes more. At this point in time, buying singles is just a convenience. It's a way to try something new short of a 5 pack. There are no deals. I insist that the big difference between CI and CA is variety and choice. It seems like CI sells the same 30 cigars over and over. And half of it is low end stuff. CA is a place for a little adventure. They have so many good house brands you can try at reasonable prices. Sure, you have to do your home work, but I can buy "Journey"....a bundle of 20 for $29. It's a house brand and with some aging is good solid cigar. You know what you get for $29 in box form at CI? That's right. |
Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?
Without giving away my auctions, just to be clear those $2-3 per stick auctions are all well known cigars that are on average $7-9 in B&M's.
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