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PCR 09-18-2010 09:41 PM

Ronson Jetlight
Bought four of these last month, all four have crapped out alreday. :tpd:

kelmac07 09-18-2010 09:45 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by PCR (Post 993303)
Bought four of these last month, all four have crapped out alreday. :tpd:

WOW...have been using one for almost a year now. Only use around the house, but still...purge and refill and she works like a champ.

md4958 09-18-2010 09:47 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
kinda odd that four lighters would crap out... perhaps you just need to purge them?

PCR 09-18-2010 10:02 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 993310)
WOW...have been using one for almost a year now. Only use around the house, but still...purge and refill and she works like a champ.

Funny, I did that too, refilled with Ronson fluid... still not woking. Time for a Blazer.

mobarbq 09-18-2010 10:03 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
I did learn something about butane operations from refilling mine. I am by no means a butane expert, but I have learned that if you are not getting some sidespray and/or having the main chamber unit get very cold, you are probably not getting any fuel down inside the unit. You just think you are filling it, but you aren't-it isn't working. I think their input valve is not the same as it used to be. I initially thought mine had crapped out too, but it almost seemed like the input valve was either defective or had something inside it plugging it up. (Maybe some wax or something they put on it at the time of manufacture to protect it during shipping?) After playing with it, you should be or begin hearing an audible hiss when it is filling up and then the "overspray" of the butane escaping from around the intake valve will start freezing your fingers, etc. That means the lighter is full, having reached maximum capacity. Immediately stop and wait a full 30 minutes before trying to ignite the lighter. If you try to immediately use it, it will not work (and you will accordingly think it has crapped out on you). That's the story on how my ordeal went; got mine about a month ago. Wasn't easy to find.
Mine's doing great now. **NOTE** it does suck the juice. Don't be surprised if you can only get about 4-5 cigars lit up out of each fill, and maybe less if you have to do a lot of relighting or burn corrections during the course of your firing-off.

icehog3 09-18-2010 10:08 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by PCR (Post 993339)
Funny, I did that too, refilled with Ronson fluid... still not woking. Time for a Blazer.

Ronson fuel blows....try Vector. ;)

SmokeyJoe 09-18-2010 10:09 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
I have had better results using higher quality butane... at least triple refined. I have one that is almost three years old that still works well.

Of course, they are inexpensive and it is possible to get a bad one every now and then. Sorry you have had trouble with three of them.

And by the way, even some of the expensive ones crap out too. Hope you are able to get a good one! :tu

PCR 09-18-2010 10:18 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by mobarbq (Post 993341)
I did learn something about butane operations from refilling mine. I am by no means a butane expert, but I have learned that if you are not getting some sidespray and/or having the main chamber unit get very cold, you are probably not getting any fuel down inside the unit. You just think you are filling it, but you aren't-it isn't working. I think their input valve is not the same as it used to be. I initially thought mine had crapped out too, but it almost seemed like the input valve was either defective or had something inside it plugging it up. (Maybe some wax or something they put on it at the time of manufacture to protect it during shipping?) After playing with it, you should be or begin hearing an audible hiss when it is filling up and then the "overspray" of the butane escaping from around the intake valve will start freezing your fingers, etc. That means the lighter is full, having reached maximum capacity. Immediately stop and wait a full 30 minutes before trying to ignite the lighter. If you try to immediately use it, it will not work (and you will accordingly think it has crapped out on you). That's the story on how my ordeal went; got mine about a month ago. Wasn't easy to find.
Mine's doing great now. **NOTE** it does suck the juice. Don't be surprised if you can only get about 4-5 cigars lit up out of each fill, and maybe less if you have to do a lot of relighting or burn corrections during the course of your firing-off.

Ah ha, maybe I am just going through a lot of butane and not filling correctly... time to experiment. We shall see here. Thanks everyone.
However this is a good excuse to buy another lighter. :xxx

bobarian 09-18-2010 10:37 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Great lighters. About $2 each delivered, when you buy 3

PCR 09-18-2010 10:45 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
1 Attachment(s)
Maybe I'll just use my work torch...

jaycarla 09-18-2010 11:05 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 993351)
Ronson fuel blows....try Vector. ;)

I have about 15 Ronsons scattered all over the house, camper, and truck. Love them. Only use Vector in them. In 4 years have only had one go bad.

icehog3 09-18-2010 11:18 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 993378)

Great lighters. About $2 each delivered, when you buy 3

Absolutely....but use Vector is those, too. ;)

LostAbbott 09-19-2010 12:41 AM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
Are you able to light more cigars with vector fluid over Ronson? Simply put why is it better fluid?

Chingas 09-19-2010 12:44 AM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by LostAbbott (Post 993487)
Are you able to light more cigars with vector fluid over Ronson? Simply put why is it better fluid?

It's the actual process of refining the fluid. Consider Ronson dirty fuel as opposed to, say, Vector which would be a super clean fuel.

icehog3 09-19-2010 12:46 AM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 993491)
It's the actual process of refining the fluid. Consider Ronson dirty fuel as opposed to, say, Vector which would be a super clean fuel.

Yup...Vector is quintuple refined, and doesn't clog lighters like cheap fluid does.

Kreth 09-19-2010 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by mobarbq (Post 993341)
Don't be surprised if you can only get about 4-5 cigars lit up out of each fill, and maybe less if you have to do a lot of relighting or burn corrections during the course of your firing-off.

I've seen a lot of similar comments about the Jet Lites. I don't get it. Mine are usually good for about 2-3 weeks, lighting 1-2 cigars per day.
BTW, another good refill tip: Throw the lighter in the freezer after purging for about 5 minutes.
Posted via Mobile Device

MiamiE 09-19-2010 05:43 AM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
May I ask what is purging? Never done this with any lighter I've had.

joeobx 09-19-2010 06:08 AM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
I can go at least a week before refilling , thats toasting the foot on 2 cigars a day plus I smoke cigarettes. Sounds like you may not be getting a good fill on them. I use Ronson fuel in mine and haven't had a problem except for every once in a while the burner seems to clog and I take the can of fuel put the nozzle against the burner and blast it for a second....let it sit for a while and it good as new. I think it was Bobarian that told about this. Also I found if you take out the little screw on the bottom you can remove the brass clip around the adjustment screw and get a larger flame.

captain53 09-19-2010 07:19 AM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by jaycarla (Post 993387)
I have about 15 Ronsons scattered all over the house, camper, and truck. Love them. Only use Vector in them. In 4 years have only had one go bad.

:tpd: Most reliable lighter I have ever used! Nothing but Vector in my house.

Montano 09-19-2010 07:58 AM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by PCR (Post 993303)
Bought four of these last month, all four have crapped out alreday. :tpd:

I'm going to get my lawn chair and some popcorn :D

LostAbbott 09-19-2010 08:19 AM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
PCR. where did you get the lighters? I cannot seem to find any in Seattle.

PCR 09-19-2010 08:33 AM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by LostAbbott (Post 993613)
PCR. where did you get the lighters? I cannot seem to find any in Seattle.

I could not find them up here either. I found a 4 for $24 on e-Bay. Gonna try the good info here from all the brothers. Including Vector.

dwoodward 09-19-2010 08:44 AM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
I got a lot of 12 Jetlite's on Ebay for 40 bucks just a couple weeks ago. Still working on my 1st one, its working like a charm. I also gifted a few, haven't heard of any issues yet.

mobarbq 09-19-2010 09:03 AM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
I looked for mine for over a month and I had about given up. I was told that Wal-Mart carried them, but every store I went to was out. Clerks would say, well, yeah, we used to have some... Well, if you have shopped at Wal-Mart much, you probably notice that any item that does not sell a steady amount, they apparently mark it down and quit carrying it. I found one single lighter in one store, near the registers and it was at the back of a hanging clip. They don't seem to be easy to find. I heard that hardware stores and Walgreens and CVS Drug Stores may have them.

dwoodward 09-19-2010 09:52 AM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by mobarbq (Post 993638)
I looked for mine for over a month and I had about given up. I was told that Wal-Mart carried them, but every store I went to was out. Clerks would say, well, yeah, we used to have some... Well, if you have shopped at Wal-Mart much, you probably notice that any item that does not sell a steady amount, they apparently mark it down and quit carrying it. I found one single lighter in one store, near the registers and it was at the back of a hanging clip. They don't seem to be easy to find. I heard that hardware stores and Walgreens and CVS Drug Stores may have them.

It is completely regional. At least, that is what the store manager at one of our 2 stores told me. She knew what I was talking about, which was a relief because everyone else at Walmart apparently has never seen a lighter other than bics. Walgreens here doesn't have them either, its apparently regional with them as well.

RustyShackleford 09-19-2010 10:36 AM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
Wow I am surprised yours stopped working already.

One of my two I have had for about a year and it still fires like a champ every time. The hing on the lid broke but that is no big deal.

The other one I have had for a few months and I have had not problems with it yet.

I have been using vector in mine because that is what I have, a friend of mine has used the rosen fuel in his and had no problems with it yet.

14holestogie 09-19-2010 10:42 AM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
I've been using these almost exclusively over the last couple of years. A little compressed air blown into the jets seems to clear up the jets for me when the burn gets a little shaky.

I, too, usually wear out the hinges long before they die.

DBall 09-19-2010 12:23 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
Wow... I've been using my 3 of these for 3 years each... I don't know what is meant by purging and use ronson jet fuel... these things last forever. Bad batch?


Samsquanch 09-19-2010 12:28 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
I found some at the Rite-Aid in Issaquah for a little over $4. We were there randomly grabbing some Coke on our way to a friend's house and I thought I would at least take a look and sure enough, they were there on the end of the aisle with the regular Bic lighters.


Originally Posted by LostAbbott (Post 993613)
PCR. where did you get the lighters? I cannot seem to find any in Seattle.

itzfrank 09-19-2010 01:13 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
Maybe some candy?

Smokin Gator 09-19-2010 02:24 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
I have a handful of Ronsons scattered around. I used to use Vector in mine, but had a couple fail. I can't remember who it was, but they told me to try Ronson fuel in them. I have used in exclusively in them for a couple of years and have had zero issues. I know that really doesn't make any sense and there is no way I would use it in my good lighters.

Montano 09-19-2010 02:43 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by Montano (Post 993601)
I'm going to get my lawn chair and some popcorn :D

Need more popcorn ;)

awsmith4 09-19-2010 03:01 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
Here the CVS and Rite-Aid have plenty of Ronsons but the Wal Mart and Walgreens do not carry them.

Like stated by Tom, I use only Vector (well ok sometimes Lava) in mine and never have issues. Mkae sure you completely purge them, this goes for any lighter, and them fill them with good fuel. Maybe the ones from fleabay came from a bad lot, if so PM me and I'll send you one from the local store.

PCR 09-19-2010 03:35 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by awsmith4 (Post 993932)
Here the CVS and Rite-Aid have plenty of Ronsons but the Wal Mart and Walgreens do not carry them.

Like stated by Tom, I use only Vector (well ok sometimes Lava) in mine and never have issues. Mkae sure you completely purge them, this goes for any lighter, and them fill them with good fuel. Maybe the ones from fleabay came from a bad lot, if so PM me and I'll send you one from the local store.

Thank you! I'd like to give Vector a try (using Ronson now). Can Vector be found at a local B&M or is it an internet buy?

14holestogie 09-19-2010 03:50 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by PCR (Post 993969)
Thank you! I'd like to give Vector a try (using Ronson now). Can Vector be found at a local B&M or is it an internet buy?

CI has Vector.

dwoodward 09-19-2010 03:53 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by 14holestogie (Post 993978)

Originally Posted by PCR (Post 993969)
Thank you! I'd like to give Vector a try (using Ronson now). Can Vector be found at a local B&M or is it an internet buy?

CI has Vector.

CI also sends you 2 cans per order. And the cans are HUGE mind you lol.

Samsquanch 09-19-2010 03:59 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by PCR (Post 993969)
Thank you! I'd like to give Vector a try (using Ronson now). Can Vector be found at a local B&M or is it an internet buy?

I've found Vector locally in the Seattle area, not sure of any cost savings using CI but at least you wouldn't have to pay WA sales tax :banger

dwoodward 09-19-2010 04:01 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by Samsquanch (Post 993984)
I've found Vector locally in the Seattle area, not sure of any cost savings using CI but at least you wouldn't have to pay WA sales tax :banger

My local B&M carries it too... but the single can cost is like $15... So I'd rather get two from CI for less lol.

awsmith4 09-19-2010 05:14 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
Local B&Ms carry Vector as well as Williams and Sonoma, the cans may be big but I go through a can every 2 months or so

icehog3 09-19-2010 05:20 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
I bought a 4 pack of Vector cans 4 years ago, and I think I have over 2 1/2 cans left. ;)

captain53 09-19-2010 06:13 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 993987)
My local B&M carries it too... but the single can cost is like $15... So I'd rather get two from CI for less lol.

Damn - the B&M here at the lake is not famous for low prices but I just looked and the sticker on my can says $7.95. Hate to think what you pay for cigars there!:banger

bobarian 09-19-2010 06:29 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
Vector is also available at Williams Sonoma stores for about $6-7 a can.

dwoodward 09-19-2010 06:39 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by captain53 (Post 994091)
Damn - the B&M here at the lake is not famous for low prices but I just looked and the sticker on my can says $7.95. Hate to think what you pay for cigars there!:banger

It's a usually about 200%+ markup on MRSP on all the cigars they carry. I can get everything waaaay cheaper online.

PCR 09-19-2010 06:52 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
Ronson update: I took all four lighters out to the shop, gave the burner area a blast with air from my compressor. Purged, refilled w/Ronson fuel (it's what I have now before the Vector gets here). So far I am getting a nice flame, not screaming strong but enough to toast the foot and light up. Thanks guys for your input and help, I appreciate it. :banger

awsmith4 09-19-2010 08:28 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 994043)
I bought a 4 pack of Vector cans 4 years ago, and I think I have over 2 1/2 cans left. ;)

I have a bad habit of touching up even the slightest burn imperfection as well as often forgetting I'm smoking causing constant relights. I can easily drain a lighter in a night or two. Then there is my table lighter which holds a damn near half can.

dwoodward 09-20-2010 12:37 AM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by PCR (Post 994126)
Ronson update: I took all four lighters out to the shop, gave the burner area a blast with air from my compressor. Purged, refilled w/Ronson fuel (it's what I have now before the Vector gets here). So far I am getting a nice flame, not screaming strong but enough to toast the foot and light up. Thanks guys for your input and help, I appreciate it. :banger

There is a little screw on the bottom you can turn to adjust the flame. :tu

PCR 09-20-2010 06:20 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 994481)
There is a little screw on the bottom you can turn to adjust the flame. :tu

I know that but it's still a marginal flame. No worries.

itzfrank 09-20-2010 06:41 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
Ronson makes a weak flame now because this guy has a lawsuit with them.

PCR 09-20-2010 06:59 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight

Originally Posted by itzfrank (Post 995349)
Ronson makes a weak flame now because this guy has a lawsuit with them.


RustyShackleford 09-20-2010 07:01 PM

Re: Ronson Jetlight
I have come to like the light flame. Sure it may take a little longer to light the cigar but at least I don't kill the cigar like with some other lighters.

I'll sometimes shed a tear when some of my friends burn the hell out of their cigars :(

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