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My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
So I just want to vent a bit, because due a littering problem my apartment building is now "No Smoking" anywhere on the property. It appears that the property manager was "very disappointed" with all of the cigarette butts that he found all over the property and instead of saying that the littering is unacceptable he has gone and banned smoking of any kind anywhere on the property.
I am pretty bummed because I really liked smoking the porch and the apartment is practically perfect in every way. Now it looks like I'll be frequenting my B&Ms more. Any body have an experience like this? What did you do about it? The wife says, "well we should just buy a place." I agree, but probably in a couple years :r |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
That's awful, man. Honestly, if that happened to me I'd make sure I didn't sign away my smoking rights in the lease, and if I didn't I'd just do it anyway until my lease was up. You pay a lot each month to enjoy the comfort of a place, it doesn't seem right that your landlord/company can go and change the terms of what you signed, unless you specifically agreed that they can change the smoking terms. I'm no lawyer, but if I wanted to not smoke, I'd save some money and live with my mom, and I'd def let me management company know that if they ever gave me a problem ;-) Let me know what happens. Good luck, brother.
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
It completely sucks that most cigarette smokers think it is ok to just drop their butts. The things are fiberglass they don't just disappear. Living in Vermont I find it hilarious how many hippies will ditch a cigarette on the ground and then get after you for using a disposable coffee cup.
Any chance you could talk the guy into putting in some of the cigarette butt cans to try and limit the amount of leftovers on the ground? |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
Wow...that's simply stunning. Personally, I'd talk to the manager and explain the situation. You only smoke on your porch and I'm sure you take care of your finished cigars. If they won't budge then I'd start looking at your lease agreement and what they can lawfully do. I enjoy going to my B&M, but I that's severely inconvenient if you want to just hop outside for 45 min to smoke at your place.
I know not all cigarette smokers are like this, but it's bothersome to see once again that cigar smokers are lumped in with the cigarette smokers who trash up the property and can't police their butts. |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
Thanks y'all. I am pretty bummed about it, but we'll see how everything goes.
In the mean time I am trying to figure out some other ways/strategies to enjoy my cigars with out having to go to my B&M every day. |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
Sit on the hood of his car and light up.
When he comes out to say that there's no smoking on the property and to get off his car, politely explain to him that you're not on the property, you're on his car, and if you were to get off his car, you'd be on the property and you wouldn't want to be an insensitive prick and break the rules like that. Bonus points for using his open sunroof to tap off your ash. |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
That sucks bro!
The lack of regard of many cigarette smokers have for proper butt disposal is one of the things I started to notice after I took up cigar smoking. I see it all the time on campus and really irritates me. Salvelinus funny comment about the hippies. I am usually the one that gets painted as the rightwing loon who does care about the environment but I am sure those fiberglass butts are great for it -(P |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
Now you can go support your local B&M.
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
Are you sure he can legally do that?
You are renting/leasing a property that has a contract, and he can't just change the contract mid-stream to his whims. That would be like you changing your contract and expecting the landlord to accept it. I would go over your lease carefully and if he is in violation or question, withhold rent (escrow) until a judge can decide. See if you can get a few others to do the same. If the judge says the property manager is legal to do so, then the money is there. If not, he'll be dropping that policy real quick with no rent coming in. Once it is in the court system, you can go back to smoking and keep postponing the court date and dragging it out until your lease ends or he gives up. |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
I'd smoke anyway and wait to see if this guy does anything. Worst case, he will try to evict you...then you have a court case. He cannot have you arrested for smoking on the property. If he says anything to you about it, tell him to go pound sand.
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
MY Father-in-law lives in a condo and they instituted a 100 dollar fine for anyone littering the grounds with butts...the offenders stopped its very rare you find cig butts laying anywhere on the property now.
Perhaps you can suggest to your landlord an alternative? |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
Agreed with the above. Looks like he just gave you a free way out of your lease should you want to leave. A lease is a contract and unless there is some kind of a clause that states the property manager or owner can change things you should be good to go.*
*I'm not a lawyer but I sat next to one on the subway yesterday. |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
I actually did that at one point in my life. Neighbors were too noisy and the manager was to chicken to enforce the rules.. After 5 - 6 calls to the sheriff I put a total of 3 months rent into an escrow account that took both sigs to withdraw but only they could receive the funds.
After 3 months the managing company came by looking for the rent. I explained the issues. About 3 days later we had a new complex manager and at month 4 I released the funds to the company. It is illegal not to pay your rent, but nothing says they have to have assess to it either. :) I probrablly knew that contract better than they did by the time I got done. Amazing what they are responsible for and can be held to for breaking the contract. Quote:
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
If there is no mention of 'No Smoking' in the lease you signed and agreed to, I am fairly confident that you would not have to abide by the new 'rule' unless you agreed to it in some form of writing. This would be particularly true for your patio. :2
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
Last year he found something in my Sister's lease that made her apt complex back down. (I can't remember the situation but he's a very smart guy...) PM me if you're interested in that bro... |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
This seems like the least severe option. I would just continue to smoke, and most likely nothing will happen. Especially if you have a private or semi-private patio area. Does the manager even live on the property? If not, he will have no way of knowing you smoke ocasionally unless one of your neighbors complains, and even if they do, as others have mentioned, there is really nothing legally he can do to you. I vote for just ignoring the no-smoking rule, clean up after yourself and don't give it a second thought. |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
My old apartment used to be no smoking, but I would always smoke out on the balcony. I got questioned once, the lady was like "someone said they smelled smoke coming from your balcony, would you know anything about this?" "Nope, but you know what, they people in the apartment below us have a charcoal grill, maybe ask them."
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
I would also get some of my friends in the complex to do the same. A last resort would be to call the news and see if you can make a story out of it. This happens a lot in Austin when unreasonable people make dumb decisions. |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
that sux...fight it if you can or at least move. GOOD LUCK
I joined a VFW after returning from deployment, before I signed my membership papers I asked "do you allow cigar smoking" seeing that you allow cigarettes & pipe to which they said "yes we do".....3 months later they banned cigars only.....I fought it at the monthly meeting but was shot down fast...haven't been back since, I heard they now outlawed pipes as well....as a Combat Vet I find it interesting that a Ladies Auxiliary (wife of a CV) can call the shots and the older Combat Vets let them run the VFW. :2 |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
smoker is much less sensitive to the concerns of others. But I'll put to you an example. One of the orignators of this forum spends millions of dollars every year having a lot of us up to his summer place for a little herf he calls the Shack. Well we are all grooving on the awesome sunset and there goes a big fat cigar floating by our deck chairs. Someone cared so little about our host's feelings and had so little respect for his property that they just tossed a big fat cigar but into Sandusky Bay. OR they did not have enough physics training to understand that it was not going to sink, thereby allowing them to be insensitive prick$ and not get caught. It's all about how much sense you have and repsect for others you have. And as to your particular problem, I would smoke and let em come and remind me there was a rule. Then maybe I'd stop. But for God's sake, don't forget yourself and toss that butt. |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
Then again, I find cigar butts in my yard and I know I throw them away. |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
From http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/di...&file=818-827:
827. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), in all leases of lands or tenements, or of any interest therein, from week to week, month to month, or other period less than a month, the landlord may, upon giving notice in writing to the tenant, in the manner prescribed by Section 1162 of the Code of Civil Procedure, change the terms of the lease to take effect[...]; provided,however, that it shall be competent for the parties to provide by anagreement in writing that a notice changing the terms thereof may be given at any time not less than seven days before the expiration of a term, to be effective upon the expiration of the term. From CA law it looks like they need to inform you 7+ days before the lease ends to make a change that takes effect when the lease ends. I'm no lawyer, but I've had some luck printing out and reminding landlords how local tenant law works. Most of them simply don't want the legal hassle. |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
I would enjoy my cigars anyways!
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
I would ask for a cigar exemption as their complaint was for cigarettes.
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
Thank you all for your suggestions, I'm sure that I'll figure something out.
:l Time for a cigar. -(P |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
:tu |
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
I'd smoke anyway, but I'm crazy like that.
Re: My apartment was just changed to "No Smoking"
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