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dwoodward 08-30-2010 09:35 AM

A simple observation
I have noticed something very interesting the last few months. As we collect cigars and catch deals, we sometimes get a little ahead of ourselves and end up buying a collector stash of some extremely small batch cigars. We end up holding on to these cigars to smoke at a very special time. The whole problem is that no time is special enough in our minds to justify smoking them. So we keep holding them. Waiting.

The smoking hobby has almost turned some people into collectors that would rather hold onto cigars than smoke them.

Prime example: (No mean to advertise outside the trade forums, just using as example)

So many people just hording this special "cask" of cigars. Untouched cigars still in their factory state. Will they ever smoke them? Probably not...

I guess the real question I am here asking is, why do we horde cigars like these as if they have special meaning, like they are some mythical stick that you need to be a lottery winner to smoke. When it comes down to it, cigars are cigars. Cigars are made to be smoked.

Emjaysmash 08-30-2010 09:42 AM

Re: A simple observation
I totally agree, and yet I find myself holding on to special sticks for "the right moment".

I need to tell myself, the right moment is NOW.

tsolomon 08-30-2010 09:44 AM

Re: A simple observation
I think Ron White says it best. "I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke every last one of 'em."

markem 08-30-2010 09:46 AM

Re: A simple observation
You are slightly ahead of the curve. In general, people are here about a full three months before they make that particular post.

pektel 08-30-2010 09:48 AM

Re: A simple observation
I smoke em... No cigar is safe on any day. I smoked an Opus X Perfexcion X yesterday because I felt like it. The day before I had a sig ii because it looked good. A couple days before that I had a 99 Quintero (granted not a htf/rare stick, but it is one of VERY few CC's that I posess). I was going to buy some of those Vintage smokes from a member on here that were from teh 50's or something. Then I realized I would probably never smoke one, so I didn't follow through with the purchase. I buy cigars to smoke em!

I would much rather say "Yeah, I smoked one of those. It was great" than, "Yeah I have one of those. Still waiting to smoke it."

I understand aging cigars, and that necessitates them being around for a while.

To those that want to wait for something to celebrate: You're alive. What more is there to celebrate? Have a cigar. You deserve it.

Jbailey 08-30-2010 09:53 AM

Re: A simple observation
There are some discontinued smokes I put away and buried. Just for the fact I can get them for a good price now and will have a few boxes to smoke through the years to come.

Just planning ahead. :D

neoflex 08-30-2010 09:54 AM

Re: A simple observation
I will admit that I fall into this category. When we have company over and they see my humidors they usually ask "Wow, how many cigars do you smoke a day." which is when my wife usually chimes in and says "He collects more than he smokes." Which currently is more or less true although I keep telling myself that I need to start smoking what I consider the more HTF cigars in my collection more often as I do not think there will be enough special occasions in my life to celebrate with all of the sticks that I lump into this category. To think at one point in my life I was happy with only having a handful of cigars on hand at any given moment and wouldn't replenish until I was down to maybe one or two. Than one day I discovered a message board called Club Stogie and it was all down hill from there.:D From that point my collection grew like wild fire and I found myself seeking out more and more smokes even though my collection grew larger and larger. There is a reason why we call it the slippery slope.:r

markem 08-30-2010 09:56 AM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by neoflex (Post 971223)
I keep telling myself that I need to start smoking what I consider the more HTF cigars in my collection more often as I do not think there will be enough special occasions in my life to celebrate with all of the sticks that I lump into this category.

The most special occasion of all: woke up on the right side of the grass

Even the most HTF cigar can be off and even cheapies can have a great day. Don't run the risk, smoke what seems inviting at the time.

Chingas 08-30-2010 09:58 AM

Re: A simple observation
Great work Peter.

My belief. I could die today. It's actualy very realistic. So why just look at all these good smokes? I'll smoke them. I've saved a few a for a goo amour of years, smoked them an they were awful. Plugged, draw problems, stale tasting, whatever. Obviosly was a complete letdown for the occasion.

I enjoy the hunt as well. I need to smoke my collection so I know I love something or not. Then if I love it, the hunt begins, again to replenish the stash so I always got some great sticks at the ready.

Smoke em if you got em!

BlackIrish 08-30-2010 10:02 AM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by neoflex (Post 971223)
I will admit that I fall into this category. When we have company over and they see my humidors they usually ask "Wow, how many cigars do you smoke a day." which is when my wife usually chimes in and says "He collects more than he smokes." Which currently is more or less true although I keep telling myself that I need to start smoking what I consider the more HTF cigars in my collection more often as I do not think there will be enough special occasions in my life to celebrate with all of the sticks that I lump into this category. To think at one point in my life I was happy with only having a handful of cigars on hand at any given moment and wouldn't replenish until I was down to maybe one or two. Than one day I discovered a message board called Club Stogie and it was all down hill from there.:D From that point my collection grew like wild fire and I found myself seeking out more and more smokes even though my collection grew larger and larger. There is a reason why we call it the slippery slope.:r

Amen, brother.

Brooks W 08-30-2010 10:19 AM

Re: A simple observation
There is a big difference between keeping cigars to collect, and keeping cigars to age...


Emjaysmash 08-30-2010 10:28 AM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by Brooks W (Post 971256)
There is a big difference between keeping cigars to collect, and keeping cigars to age...



It really comes down to intention. Are you (the general cigar smoker) keeping these cigars to eventually smoke them, or just to make your cabinets look pretty? More often then not, cigar smokers are aging them to perfection.

In my case, I have few "special" smokes that Ive saved for a special occasion. The problem comes in when one arrives at that special occasion, and keeps on saving that cigar for "an even-more special occasion". Sometimes, you just gotta have the balls and smoke the thing. More often then not, you'll be glad you did.

sjnovakovich 08-30-2010 10:45 AM

Re: A simple observation
Funny that this shows up today. I smoke a few cigars a week and have an end table humidor. I decided to go through it over the weekend and get it organized. Holy Cow! I have over 20 Opus X of various sizes, a couple of Fuente's in coffins, about 30 Anejo's and several other hard to find and rare cigars that I have been waiting to smoke. Guess what... the waiting is over. I'm going to enjoy these, and when they're gone, I'll find more just like I found these.

sikk50 08-30-2010 10:59 AM

Re: A simple observation
When I realized that is when I stopped holding cigars for a special time that may never come. The only one I have that is being held for a special occasion is a 2004 Forbidden X, BUT his execution date, along with the opening if a bottle JW Blue my friend bought me last Christmas, is set for December when I FINALY graduate with a BA in Criminal Justice!

Chingas 08-30-2010 11:03 AM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by sjnovakovich (Post 971298)
Funny that this shows up today. I smoke a few cigars a week and have an end table humidor. I decided to go through it over the weekend and get it organized. Holy Cow! I have over 20 Opus X of various sizes, a couple of Fuente's in coffins, about 30 Anejo's and several other hard to find and rare cigars that I have been waiting to smoke. Guess what... the waiting is over. I'm going to enjoy these, and when they're gone, I'll find more just like I found these.

That's what I'm talking about!:tu

bigliver 08-30-2010 11:18 AM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 971194)
I guess the real question I am here asking is, why do we horde cigars like these as if they have special meaning, like they are some mythical stick that you need to be a lottery winner to smoke. When it comes down to it, cigars are cigars. Cigars are made to be smoked.

There is a fine line between hoarding cigars and knowing that a few of the cigars sitting in your humi are sticks that will never be produced again. That's the special meaning in and of itself. I will smoke my entire stash...when and where are matters to be debated. But make no mistake, they will be toasted.

massphatness 08-30-2010 11:53 AM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 971194)
I have noticed something very interesting the last few months. As we collect cigars and catch deals, we sometimes get a little ahead of ourselves and end up buying a collector stash of some extremely small batch cigars. We end up holding on to these cigars to smoke at a very special time. The whole problem is that no time is special enough in our minds to justify smoking them. So we keep holding them. Waiting.

The smoking hobby has almost turned some people into collectors that would rather hold onto cigars than smoke them.

Prime example: (No mean to advertise outside the trade forums, just using as example)

So many people just hording this special "cask" of cigars. Untouched cigars still in their factory state. Will they ever smoke them? Probably not...

I guess the real question I am here asking is, why do we horde cigars like these as if they have special meaning, like they are some mythical stick that you need to be a lottery winner to smoke. When it comes down to it, cigars are cigars. Cigars are made to be smoked.

I'm the OP in the sale thread referenced. In my case, the answer is fairly straight forward: my tastes changed. I used to be a huge Gurkha whore, for example. Loved the Regent. It was my go-to stick. Over time, I became enamored with the kick in gut experience I got from cigars like Camacho, Taboo Special Forces and 601 Green Label. My tastes further evolved into the Tat & Pepin lines. The DPG Blue became my “everyday” smoke and I was all about the Tats with the exception of the White Label. Then I got shoved to the Dark Side. I fell hard for the Cubans, and in the last 18 months, I can count the number of NCs I’ve had on one hand. I sold off the vast majority of my NC stock – everything went save for those sticks where I still felt an emotional connection: a handful of DPG Blues, some San Cristobals, a few Padrons & Opus and my beloved Blacks. While I have an intact jar that I’m selling, I also have quite a few singles. If I get the urge to smoke a Tat Black, fear not, I will smoke one.

I don’t collect. What I buy, I plan to smoke. That’s not to say I don’t put a box or two away for long term aging, and who knows, if my tastes change again, I may sell those.

And I used to ascribe to the “special occasion” school of thought. However, I found I could not guarantee with absolute certainty that the cigar I was holding would match the occasion. I’ll use Davidoff as an example. I have a few on hand, and I used to reserve them only for the most special of occasions. The funny thing is, on more than one of those occasions, the cigar was off. It happens, and it underscored to me that my way of thinking might be a little “pie in the sky” because you never can tell.

Today, I have a few what I refer to as “occasion” cigars. These are from boxes whose box codes coincide with my kids’ birth years. I guess they’re quasi special event cigars, but in this case, it has more to do with the emotional value I place on the cigar because of its year than its flavor profile or rarity. The 1993 RASS I have, for example, holds more meaning to me than if I were to happen upon a 1492. I’m saving those RASS to mark milestone events in my oldest son’s life: turning 18, getting into the school of his choice, college graduation, etc. All my other cigars are up for grabs whenever the moment moves me.

Da Klugs 08-30-2010 12:10 PM

Re: A simple observation
:) You never want your last thought (heaven forbid it comes too soon) to be , "Damn I wish I had smoked that pretty you have been saving coveting here".

Had a near death car experience a few years ago and since, no cigar (That I can find in my humi) is safe.

Accumulation is not a bad thing so long as it does not affect your lifestyle due to money issues. If everything else is cool... why not?

Unlike most vices, accumulating cigars is not asset depleting. You can always sell them and they tend to appreciate over time if you buy the right ones. Coke habits on the other hand.... :D

Blueface 08-30-2010 12:12 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 971391)
:) You never want your last thought (heaven forbid it comes too soon) to be , "Damn I wish I had smoked that pretty you have been saving coveting here".

Had a near death car experience a few years ago and since, no cigar (That I can find in my humi) is safe.

Accumulation is not a bad thing so long as it does not affect your lifestyle due to money issues. If everything else is cool... why not?

Unlike most vices, accumulating cigars is not asset depleting. You can always sell them and they tend to appreciate over time if you buy the right ones. Coke habits on the other hand.... :D


Giant & 49er Fan 08-30-2010 12:12 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 971391)
:) You never want your last thought (heaven forbid it comes too soon) to be , "Damn I wish I had smoked that pretty you have been saving coveting here".

Had a near death car experience a few years ago and since, no cigar (That I can find in my humi) is safe.

Accumulation is not a bad thing so long as it does not affect your lifestyle due to money issues. If everything else is cool... why not?

Unlike most vices, accumulating cigars is not asset depleting. You can always sell them and they tend to appreciate over time if you buy the right ones. Coke habits on the other hand.... :D

Cheers to this. After my accident, I smoke whatever, whenever... Cigars that is!

dwoodward 08-30-2010 02:18 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by bigliver (Post 971345)
There is a fine line between hoarding cigars and knowing that a few of the cigars sitting in your humi are sticks that will never be produced again. That's the special meaning in and of itself.

Yeah, you are right that some cigars will never be produced again. But there will always be cigars that will never be produced again. All cigar lines eventually die out to be replaced by new ones. :tu

Virginia_Ghost 08-30-2010 02:20 PM

Re: A simple observation
All mine are smokeable. At worst there are some that I have received that would be better smoked after some of the noobness has worn off my palate...but eventually, all will fall to the torch.

TheLostGringo 08-30-2010 02:34 PM

Re: A simple observation
To me the key is just making more occasions special.

I have many "Special Occasion" smokes, but I don't wait for the once in a lifetime moment instead every HERF(large or small) I go to is a "Special Occasion" and I always bring something really nice to smoke and share., Playing a really nice Golf Course, Seeing an Old Friend, Vacation, Birthday, XMAS, New Years & so on is a "Special Occasion". Life's Short enjoy the best of what you got. :2

Ashcan Bill 08-30-2010 02:39 PM

Re: A simple observation
I have some that I've assigned a mental hold date of "do not open before ....." to. But that's just because I think they'll improve with a little age, and it gives me something to look forward to in the years ahead.

Other than that, I'm liable to light up anything I have at pretty much any time. When I finish the last one from a box or cab, I feel good - not sad.

I don't have quite as much time left on my warranty as a lot of you. Like Dave said, I don't want my last thought to be "Oh Hell, I never smoked that .....". :D

Bax 08-30-2010 02:41 PM

Re: A simple observation
I love the collection aspect of the hobby. There are too few hobbies out there where you can spend 20-40 bucks and get rare or hard to find stuff! Think about this, what other hobby can you spend 20 bucks on a gift and impress even the most avid collector?

landhoney 08-30-2010 02:51 PM

Re: A simple observation
There's only two of those yellow band Columbus cigars (whatever the hell they are) in my humi that I am going to have a hard time lighting. :r
Other than that, any occasion where I'm with more than just me smoking can be cause to light a special cigar.
I admit I do have a tough time lighting special cigars just by myself. Not as much fun alone (my personal feeling) and no one to share it with.
I do enjoy the collecting and saving, but only because I know 20-30+ year old cigars can be(not always) some of the best, and I intend to save a large amount of my cigars that long for that reason.

Apoco 08-30-2010 03:23 PM

Re: A simple observation
I solve this by not having any super premium smokes. :)

But in all seriousness, I find myself doing this with the 30 year old scotch that I have. I hesitate to drink it unless I've hit a mile stone. Sometimes a milestone can be something as small as making it through a hellacious week, and sometimes as big as graduating college. It is all about not waiting for the gigantic special moments, but celebrating the milestones.

Samsquanch 08-30-2010 03:31 PM

Re: A simple observation
This conversation reminds me of this thread...I couldn't agree more. Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die...

icehog3 08-30-2010 03:56 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by markem (Post 971208)
You are slightly ahead of the curve. In general, people are here about a full three months before they make that particular post.

Ain't it the truth? :r


Originally Posted by markem (Post 971230)
The most special occasion of all: woke up on the right side of the grass

Wait for a special occasion? Hell, a good cigar can make the occassion special. Every cigar in my humi is fair game every time I open it.

68TriShield 08-30-2010 04:08 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 971194)
I guess the real question I am here asking is, why do we horde cigars like these as if they have special meaning, like they are some mythical stick that you need to be a lottery winner to smoke. When it comes down to it, cigars are cigars. Cigars are made to be smoked.

No cigar in my possession is safe from the flame Derrick. I have gifted and been gifted some pretty darn special cigars over the years and all have been enjoyed.
When I gift what I know is a special cigar to someone,I want them to smoke and enjoy it,not save it.

EDIT to add,what the cool cats above me said :)

Addiction 08-30-2010 04:23 PM

Re: A simple observation
I have some cigars that I buy with a plan to start smoking them at ten years of age. But I no longer have anything unsmokable, just things I'm waiting for the right date to smoke.

T.G 08-30-2010 04:25 PM

Re: A simple observation
I've been saving a White Owl Peach tubos that Bob gifted me at a herf.

This thread has convinced me to go fire it up.

awsmith4 08-30-2010 04:27 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 971625)
I've been saving a White Owl Peach tubos that Bob gifted me at a herf.

This thread has convinced me to go fire it up.

That may be one worth saving for that special occasion that NEVER comes :D

dwoodward 08-30-2010 04:28 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 971625)
I've been saving a White Owl Peach tubos that Bob gifted me at a herf.

This thread has convinced me to go fire it up.

Make sure you take pics! -(P

markem 08-30-2010 04:29 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 971625)
I've been saving a White Owl Peach tubos that Bob gifted me at a herf.

This thread has convinced me to go fire it up.

No! Wait for at least 5 years for the peach to really reach potential. By then the cigar will develop a distinct "cream" flavor and you get peaches and cream with your smoke.

Some sticks just need to sit. ;)

SilverFox 08-30-2010 04:39 PM

Re: A simple observation

I agree with the concept of nothing is untouchable. However, the reason certain sticks in my humi's don't get smoked is I find that I prefer cigars with at least 3 years of age if not more on them. Since I cannot readily obtain these cigars on a daily basis it behoves me to make sure that I have an adequate supply so that I can age my own.

This is the intent that I buy with, not they are untouchable but rather that I would like to wait a while till they are more in my preferred state.

I would agree whole heartedly that there is a huge difference between collecting and ageing.

But as is with everything in this hobby/obsession of each their own and no others should pass judgment.

dwoodward 08-30-2010 04:48 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by markem (Post 971631)
No! Wait for at least 5 years for the peach to really reach potential. By then the cigar will develop a distinct "cream" flavor and you get peaches and cream with your smoke.

Some sticks just need to sit. ;)

I may be mistaken, but aren't the White Owl's just a normal gas station cigar?

T.G 08-30-2010 05:08 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 971628)
Make sure you take pics! -(P

You mean like this?


Originally Posted by markem (Post 971631)
No! Wait for at least 5 years for the peach to really reach potential. By then the cigar will develop a distinct "cream" flavor and you get peaches and cream with your smoke.

Some sticks just need to sit. ;)

You caught me just in time. I was just about to head outside with it, I think that I'll follow your advice and let it age a few more years.

MajorCaptSilly 08-30-2010 05:14 PM

Re: A simple observation
I have a very few that I'm hanging onto for a special day. The others are fair game. If I die before smoking the "special" cigars, my son will have something to smoke at my wake.


Smokin Gator 08-30-2010 05:45 PM

Re: A simple observation
I decided a few years ago that nothing I had was untouchable. It is still that way today. I pretty much know what I like at this point and I have collected enough that I have some put away for aging and the rest I smoke.

Matt-N-Ga 08-30-2010 05:51 PM

Re: A simple observation
I actually ran into this exact question the other day. I ran into someone wanting a specific HTF sitck that I had a box of. He offered a cash/trade deal. I almost didn't accept because I kept wanting to hold these cigars for a special time. I finally realized that the deal he was making included some sticks I may never again get the chance to smoke, so I made the deal. I've decided that if I'm not gonna smoke them soon, then let someone else have them, for the right price of course....

bobarian 08-30-2010 06:03 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 971648)
I may be mistaken, but aren't the White Owl's just a normal gas station cigar?

Heck no! That is a Premium DRUG STORE cigar! I only give out the good stuff! :r:r:r

T.G 08-30-2010 07:55 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 971721)
Heck no! That is a Premium DRUG STORE cigar! I only give out the good stuff! :r:r:r

That's why I've been saving it my brother! I can only get the gas station Optimos, Phillies and Backwoods around here.

icehog3 08-30-2010 08:44 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 971721)
Heck no! That is a Premium DRUG STORE cigar! I only give out the good stuff! :r:r:r

Nah, Peach is regular gas station fare...PINEAPPLE is premium! :D

T.G 08-30-2010 08:47 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 971875)
nah, peach is regular gas station fare...pineapple is premium! :d


icehog3 08-30-2010 08:59 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 971881)

Oh, yeah!:banger

SmokeyJoe 08-30-2010 09:20 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 971875)
Nah, Peach is regular gas station fare...PINEAPPLE is premium! :D

Hey... I say, "Go Grape, or go home!" :D

As to the OP...

I smoke cigars because I enjoy it. If someone finds enjoyment in collecting them, then more power to them!
Not my place to pi$$ in their sand box.

Time to light up a nice cigar.

CasaDooley 08-30-2010 09:33 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 971875)
Nah, Peach is regular gas station fare...PINEAPPLE is premium! :D

Ohhh...Now dat is oogy!:r

BTW, No cigar in my stash is safe from my Blazer! (unless they're sick, in which case I let em get better before I burn em!:ss)

T.G 08-30-2010 09:45 PM

Re: A simple observation

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 971897)
Oh, yeah!:banger

Why Tom? WHY? Why did you have to shatter my world like that? I thought we were friends....

I have nothing now. You've taken it all away.

Life is so hollow and meaningless now.

Maybe I can drink myself though this pain you've caused me.

I'm going out for a 40 of Camo Ice, a bottle of MD20/20 Blue Raspberry and a grape swisher sweet.

If anything happens to me IT'LL BE ON YOUR CONSCIENCE MISTER!

icehog3 08-30-2010 09:49 PM

Re: A simple observation
I am going to hold my breath until you finish all 3, Adam. :)

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