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shilala 08-26-2010 07:24 AM

Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
A lot of years ago, someone stole my ex-wife's truck from our yard.
I've had stuff stolen from my house a few times over the years, too.
They never hit my car, though.

Monday morning, Lisa went out to go for her run and found two boxes of bar darts laying in the yard. She told me about it, and we figured someone had stopped and they fell out of their car. So we just threw them in the garage.
Then the neighbor's kid stopped and said their car got robbed and among the stuff, mentioned the darts. So we sent her home with them. Then Lisa checked my car.
All the stuff from the glovebox was on the seat and the console was cleaned out. All that was in there was gum. Then I remembered my binoculars were in there. I've had then for over 20 years. No big loss.
Yesterday I was telling Scott (sofaman) about it and he asked if they got my travel humi's. I always take it in the house, so I said no.
Then I said, "Geez, I forgot about my little cigar caddy in the door."
I didn't think they'd see it, cause it was in the driver's side panel.
We went to look, and the little bastages got it. It's not a biggie, either, but they got some good smoking. A couple 26's, a couple Anejo's, an LGD Oriental, my prized purple rainbow xikar and one of my 20 lighters that doesn't work very well. I hope that lighter aggravates them as much as it does me. :)

I got off easy. I haven't even got upset. It just makes me wonder why anyone would put their life on the line for junk. If I'd have caught them in the act, they'd have met me with the 9mm and a baseball bat. Not that I'd have used them, but I'd have kept them there for the cops. That'd probably require a beating at the least, you'd think. Add to that all the neighbors who'd show up with their handguns, it'd look like the Wild West.
There's gotta be a line of illegal work that's a lot more lucrative with a lot less chance of dying or being crippled.

In the last year or so I've been locking everything here at home. Times are tough. I've never had to lock my doors all my life, but these stories have really picked up over the summer.
The reason I wasted your time was to say "Lock your doors."
My car doors weren't locked. Neither were any of the other folks that got robbed in Lisa's development. Seems the robbers like to get the dumb ones first. :D

elderboy02 08-26-2010 07:34 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
I freaking hate thieves. I am glad you are able to not get upset. When I got stuff stolen from my car, I was pissed and still am to this day. I hope that those punks have a horrible life.

There is no reason to steal from another person.

shilala 08-26-2010 07:42 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 966639)
I freaking hate thieves. I am glad you are able to not get upset. When I got stuff stolen from my car, I was pissed and still am to this day. I hope that those punks have a horrible life.

There is no reason to steal from another person.

I know what you mean, brother. I just choose to let it go, cause if I hang on to it, it'll be like they rob me over and over every day.
I've been so blessed that I can get new stuff.
They're not likely to end up in the shape I'm in. They've been robbing all over Portage County, going neighborhood to neighborhood. Sooner or later they'll meet their due. Guaranteed. :tu

Eleven 08-26-2010 07:45 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
The worst part is, most of the time it was someone local who did it.

In my area, you have to go on the non-pedestrian State Route to get over to the next neighborhood. We still had a couple teenagers hit a bunch of cars shortly after we moved here back in '97.

They were about 30 seconds away when a neighbor came beating on my door saying he saw kids in my car. We chased them for a few, but of course they were long gone. With my 10 dollars in change.

Found out after getting back home that we were lucky. Our trunk was open and doors unlocked, we had just got home with the Christmas tree and hadn't unloaded it yet. They had made their way down our street breaking windows in cars that were locked.

Since ours were unlocked we didn't have to replace the windows. Punks.

Virginia_Ghost 08-26-2010 07:46 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
It's never easy to deal with thievery when it happens to you. Especially when you are in a "we don't have to lock our doors" kinda neighborhood. Get hit once, and it seems that the whole community has lost something.

I don't know what those Cigars are but they don't sound cheap.

elderboy02 08-26-2010 07:46 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 966645)
...Sooner or later they'll meet their due. Guaranteed. :tu

One can only hope :tu

kaisersozei 08-26-2010 07:47 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
That ain't right, Scott... sorry, brutha :(

md4958 08-26-2010 07:50 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
Sorry to hear Scotty... I started locking my car doors when I moved to Boston, living in the city will get you doing things like that.

MedicCook 08-26-2010 08:48 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
Sorry to hear Scott. Most likely a couple teens that are behind it. They go around checking for unlocked car doors.

Blueface 08-26-2010 08:56 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
Sorry to hear it Scott.
I once had my car stolen.
Crappiest feeling in the world to go outside and look in your empty spot where your car once stood.

awsmith4 08-26-2010 08:59 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
I've had stuff stolen out of an unlocked truck and I had someone steal my old Yukon. Lesson I learned was if they want it bad enough they'll get it. Still though it sucks when it does happen and I agree there has to be a lucrative or lower risk illegal living.

sikk50 08-26-2010 09:07 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
I'm sorry to hear that Scott. Having my car broken into is a huge fear of mine. I keep a lot of stuff in there not to mention the $3k+ of stereo and navi stuff in there. Being in a college town especially this one it's bound to happen, but I always make sure to have my umbrella insurance paid on time.

At least they didn't get more Scott. In the big sceme of things you were really lucky

Prefy 08-26-2010 09:08 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
Sorry to hear Scott.

But it seems to be the reality everywhere. My parents moved to a rural area north of Winnipeg in 99 and we have always felt really safe there. That meant we were pretty lax about locking doors and putting things inside. Especially seeing how the house is set a couple hundred feet off the highway.

Just a couple weeks ago I left my mountain bike outside the house right beside the garage. I left the house about 11:00PM (meeting the gf after a herf) and my sister got home about 1 am. In that time someone came down the driveway and jacked the bike.

I was pretty pissed off but I guess it was a good lesson learned on something that in the big picture is pretty minor. I generally leave the keys in the ignition of my car but that has definitely come to an end. I hope things don't escalate in our neighbourhood.

rizzle 08-26-2010 09:10 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.

Originally Posted by awsmith4 (Post 966760)
I've had stuff stolen out of an unlocked truck and I had someone steal my old Yukon. Lesson I learned was if they want it bad enough they'll get it. Still though it sucks when it does happen and I agree there has to be a lucrative or lower risk illegal living.

No doubt. When I was in school, one summer I had a set of t-tops stolen from my car during broad daylight. The car was parked literally right next to the busiest highway in town while I was at work over the summer.

TripleF 08-26-2010 09:32 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
Sorry to her that Scott. Too bad you didn't get a chance to confront the chicken sh!ts!!

HK3- 08-26-2010 09:48 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
Sorry to hear about you and your neighbors stolen items. Hopefully next time they get the five knuckle shuffle. ;)

shilala 08-26-2010 09:56 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.

Originally Posted by TripleF (Post 966821)
Sorry to her that Scott. Too bad you didn't get a chance to confront the chicken sh!ts!!

It's probably best I didn't. I'd probably get hurt just from thumping them with a ball bat. Or get thrown in jail for shooting them. Or get my fat ass kicked.
I wonder if I could argue in court that I shot them instead of using the ball bat cause I was afraid I'd hurt my back?
I'd probably have to pay their hospital bills, too.
I'm really, honestly way ahead of the game. :xxx

kelmac07 08-26-2010 10:02 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
Sorry to hear Scott. We ALWAYS lock our doors. Matter of face, Kellie says I am anal about it. :r:r

Chingas 08-26-2010 10:28 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 966645)
I know what you mean, brother. I just choose to let it go, cause if I hang on to it, it'll be like they rob me over and over every day.
I've been so blessed that I can get new stuff.
They're not likely to end up in the shape I'm in. They've been robbing all over Portage County, going neighborhood to neighborhood. Sooner or later they'll meet their due. Guaranteed. :tu

Spoken like a true Gentlemen. Karma is a finicky thing my friend and I believe they'll get theirs. You're right you're lucky and can replace the things that are gone now. Not everyone is as fortunate.

Letting it go and not dwelling on it is a smart idea. Today is another day and tomorrow another from there! Keep on keeping on Brother!

darkleeroy 08-26-2010 10:36 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
To be honest, I never lived in a place where keeping the doors locked wasn't a necessity. I've even had the gas stolen from my car, when everything was locked. On the plus side, at least you didn't get hurt, and they didn't steal the whole car.

Lucky_Hippo 08-26-2010 11:05 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
Sorry to hear that.

Years ago I was working at SAM's Club and they kept us over to stock. They turned the lights off in the parking lot and 4 cars were broken into, mine being one of them. Next day when I asked the Mgr if they could keep the lights on during nights we were staying over, he told me "If you feel that way, we don't need you here."

My jaw dropped and I immediatly turned my badge in and walked out.

A teacher found my book bag in the gutter with all of my college books and notes (it was finals week) and called some contacts numbers inside until she got it back to me. Saved my grades and my hope for humanity going from such a crummy thing to meeting such a good hearted person.

Let me know if I can help out with the Xikar cutter Bro. I think I have an extra sitting around somewhere if you want to IM me your addy info.

aich75013 08-26-2010 11:38 AM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
Sorry to hear that.
I've had a few car stereos stollen in my time.
A friend had his car stereo stollen and the thief left a dollar bill on the seat. I guess that was his calling card.
My wife is good about making sure the front door is locked. I need to get better at it.

Old Sailor 08-26-2010 12:03 PM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
Sorry to hear Scott.

Savor the Stick 08-26-2010 12:13 PM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
I just got off the phone with Scott( didn't hear about this from him on the phone) he is so over the theft---so to restate what he has said "Lock your doors"--be aware of what is going on around you SA (situational awareness)--the recession is still hitting the US real hard-- and the bad guys are out there looking for what they can get.

Peace and Blessings Brothers ! :)

icehog3 08-26-2010 01:31 PM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.

Originally Posted by MedicCook (Post 966740)
Sorry to hear Scott. Most likely a couple teens that are behind it. They go around checking for unlocked car doors.

Yup, we get numerous burglaries to vehicle like this every week in my town. Sorry to hear you got hit, Scott.

JDTexan 08-26-2010 03:23 PM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
I feel your pain, I had my car broken into while visiting the in-laws this summer and they stole one of my pistols out of my glove box. I was very pissed but you just move on and know they will get theirs one day.

bonjing 08-26-2010 05:24 PM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
Sorry to hear Scott. But be on the look out, they most likely will be back. If they found that many unlocked doors, they may try to press their luck to find some more.

XTRazzer 08-26-2010 09:18 PM

Re: Welp, It took a lot of years, but I finally got my car robbed.
That's a bummer but at least no one was hurt. I bet these punks get their fair shake at some point, even if it's the barn washout pond.

I lived in Shippenville, PA for a little while (not too far from DuBois). Being from a larger urban area I had a hard time with the doors not having deadbolts. So, to say the least, I was shocked to learn that some people in the area do not think of locking their doors. It's still that country folk are nice neighbors type of mentality. Although I often heard that over the past few years things in the area were getting worse and some were reconsidering.

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