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Starscream 08-25-2010 04:10 PM

What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
For me, the following are at the top of my list:

2001: A Space Odyssey
The Day the Earth Stood Still (remake with Keanu Reeves)

The Poet 08-25-2010 04:13 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
The Birds. That movie has no ending, but just ends.

yourchoice 08-25-2010 04:19 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
American Psycho. Watched it once and I need to watch it again to wrap my head around it.

ActionAndy 08-25-2010 04:21 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
A Serious Man (Coen brothers). I've heard you have to have a Jewish background to get a lot fo the cultural stuff but whatever. The movie just stops existing, rather than ending.

icehog3 08-25-2010 05:19 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
The Shining.....Jack in the picture from the '20s.....what does it mean?

akumushi 08-25-2010 05:23 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 965973)
The Shining.....Jack in the picture from the '20s.....what does it mean?

You have to have read the book for it to really make sense; in the book there's a lot about him interacting with the ghosts of the house in some grand ballroom, and that picture was probably meant to signify that he's dead and now amongst the "permanent guests" as a ghost.:2

Chingas 08-25-2010 05:28 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
What an awesome thread! Now if only my brain would work properly...

Ok. For clarification:

Donnie Darko


In The Mouth Of Madness

Syndiche New York

akumushi 08-25-2010 05:35 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by ActionAndy (Post 965895)
A Serious Man (Coen brothers). I've heard you have to have a Jewish background to get a lot fo the cultural stuff but whatever. The movie just stops existing, rather than ending.

It certainly is an abrupt ending, but you can take the looming torpedo to mean that the son is going to die and basically, sh!t will hit the fan. I've heard reviews that say that the movie is a take on the story of Job, where God and the devil test his faith. Towards the end of the movie though, just as it looks like the tests are over and things will get good for him again, Gopnik departs from the story of righteous Job when he sins by taking the bribe and changing the grade, thus God punishes him (the doctor immediately calls with bad news, and the tornado appears on the horizon. In this sense, it's not really the story of Job, and more simply a story about a man who is cursed, hence the epilogue with the Dybbuk:2

icehog3 08-25-2010 05:45 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by akumushi (Post 965982)
You have to have read the book for it to really make sense; in the book there's a lot about him interacting with the ghosts of the house in some grand ballroom, and that picture was probably meant to signify that he's dead and now amongst the "permanent guests" as a ghost.:2

Thanks Clayton....I have read the book, but I still find myself unsatisfied with that ending.....yet it's still my favorite movie of all time.

MrPlatypus 08-25-2010 05:48 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 965991)
What an awesome thread! Now if only my brain would work properly...

Ok. For clarification:
In The Mouth Of Madness

Basically, he finally does go nuts. Know how it starts out with him in the asylum? He wasn't crazy then. He goes through and explains what happens to the guy who comes to see him, but remember when Sutter Kane tells him "I write therefore you are"? When he goes to see the film, he watches the film and it shows everything that happens during the movie....his brain just sort of goes the way of the dodo, because he realizes his entire life was nothing more than a piece of fiction. Got a very Lovecraft angle that, unless you've read a lot of Lovecraft, is hard to grasp.

One of my favorite films, right up there with Dr. Strangelove and Blade Runner.

akumushi 08-25-2010 06:03 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by akumushi (Post 966005)
It certainly is an abrupt ending, but you can take the looming tornado to mean that the son is going to die and basically, sh!t will hit the fan. I've heard reviews that say that the movie is a take on the story of Job, where God and the devil test his faith. Towards the end of the movie though, just as it looks like the tests are over and things will get good for him again, Gopnik departs from the story of righteous Job when he sins by taking the bribe and changing the grade, thus God punishes him (the doctor immediately calls with bad news, and the tornado appears on the horizon. In this sense, it's not really the story of Job, and more simply a story about a man who is cursed, hence the prologue with the Dybbuk:2

markem 08-25-2010 06:04 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
The Princess Bride

I mean, they die at the end of the book but the movie ending implies happiness every after. Lying in the movies doesn't send the right message to kids.

fxpose 08-25-2010 07:07 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Chingas 08-25-2010 07:10 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by markem (Post 966044)
The Princess Bride

I mean, they die at the end of the book but the movie ending implies happiness every after. Lying in the movies doesn't send the right message to kids.

You can't knock a movie with Fred Savage. And classic lines like "Hello. My name is Eningo Madoya. You killed my Father. Prepare to DIE!"

It's just poetic!

Chingas 08-25-2010 07:11 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by MrPlatypus (Post 966029)
Basically, he finally does go nuts. Know how it starts out with him in the asylum? He wasn't crazy then. He goes through and explains what happens to the guy who comes to see him, but remember when Sutter Kane tells him "I write therefore you are"? When he goes to see the film, he watches the film and it shows everything that happens during the movie....his brain just sort of goes the way of the dodo, because he realizes his entire life was nothing more than a piece of fiction. Got a very Lovecraft angle that, unless you've read a lot of Lovecraft, is hard to grasp.

One of my favorite films, right up there with Dr. Strangelove and Blade Runner.

Thanks Brother. It's time for a rewatch!

Lear31MX 08-25-2010 07:11 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
No country for old men

cort 08-25-2010 07:46 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
Happy Gilmore.

How the hell did Chubs grow his hand back to play the piano.:confused: Gets me every time:D

icehog3 08-25-2010 08:12 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 966147)
You can't knock a movie with Fred Savage.

Obviously you've never seen "Vice Versa". :r

Mr.Maduro 08-25-2010 08:26 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

SmokeyJoe 08-25-2010 08:35 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 966225)


Also, never liked the ending of "Gone With The Wind."
After all... tomorrow is another day.

Chingas 08-25-2010 08:48 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 966214)
Obviously you've never seen "Vice Versa". :r

I'm thinking Thankfully No!

jmsremax 08-25-2010 08:50 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
Inception....I feel if I rewatch it, it will make more sense.

Chingas 08-25-2010 08:54 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by jmsremax (Post 966253)
Inception....I feel if I rewatch it, it will make more sense.

It's actually a very basic concept. A lot of people thought you really need to pay attention and read into every detail. I did, and really for nothing. Take the movie for face value. A dream within a dream within a dream. You do that and it's simple to understand. Great movie by the way.

jmsremax 08-25-2010 09:57 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 966269)
It's actually a very basic concept. A lot of people thought you really need to pay attention and read into every detail. I did, and really for nothing. Take the movie for face value. A dream within a dream within a dream. You do that and it's simple to understand. Great movie by the way.

I understand the concept....watching the trailer tells you that. But this time around I can see how things play out in a new light (somewhat like the 6th sense).

SvilleKid 08-25-2010 10:10 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
Mission Impossible. Regardless of plot desires, Jim Phelps can never be a bad guy. But then again, I'm old, and well remember the original TV Series.

Otherwise, Scooby-Doo comes to mind!! ;)

Chingas 08-25-2010 10:25 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by jmsremax (Post 966402)
I understand the concept....watching the trailer tells you that. But this time around I can see how things play out in a new light (somewhat like the 6th sense).

Gotcha. Sorry Brother. Mis interpreted the post.:tu

T.G 08-25-2010 11:23 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

I mean, if they were out of fuel, and just belly landed the plane, how did Otto-pilot take off in the plane again?

akumushi 08-25-2010 11:28 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 966021)
Thanks Clayton....I have read the book, but I still find myself unsatisfied with that ending.....yet it's still my favorite movie of all time.

I agree that the ending, and maybe even the movie as a whole, is a little disappointing compared to the novel. Kubrick has a tendency to do his own thing and use the book as a starting point (he excised the entire last chapter of "A Clockwork Orange" and actually improved on the book IMO), but regardless, he makes his own work of art that is independent of the "inspiration" when he makes a film. It's funny that two of his films have already been mentioned in this thread. I agree that 2001 makes no sense at the end:r The Shining is by far and away the scariest book I've ever read and my favorite novel by Stephen King:tu

akumushi 08-25-2010 11:31 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by fxpose (Post 966141)

But isn't that the crux of the biscuit? The title tells us that in the end, we're supposed to have doubts about what really happened.

akumushi 08-25-2010 11:38 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 965991)
What an awesome thread! Now if only my brain would work properly...

Ok. For clarification:

Donnie Darko

In The Mouth Of Madness

Syndiche New York

I just watched Donnie Darko for the first time last night and thought it was awesome, I'm waiting for the director's cut on Netflix, but I'd like to hear other's thoughts on it. The way I see it, when Donnie says "How to you know I'm not one(superhero)" it's a reference to the fact that he is either prescient alla Dune's Maud Dib, or at the end of the movie learns to master time travel thanks to Grandma Death, either way, the events we see in the movie are what happened before he was able to travel back in time and prevent his lover's and families' deaths by sacrificing himself, or he simply stayed in bed to give up himself and die to prevent the events of the movie he had seen presciently by dying in the accident, either way, the conversations he has with his science teacher are the key to understanding the film!

akumushi 08-25-2010 11:40 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
Oh, did I mention I love this thread:al:r

icehog3 08-25-2010 11:53 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by akumushi (Post 966478)
I agree that the ending, and maybe even the movie as a whole, is a little disappointing compared to the novel. Kubrick has a tendency to do his own thing and use the book as a starting point (he excised the entire last chapter of "A Clockwork Orange" and actually improved on the book IMO), but regardless, he makes his own work of art that is independent of the "inspiration" when he makes a film. It's funny that two of his films have already been mentioned in this thread. I agree that 2001 makes no sense at the end:r The Shining is by far and away the scariest book I've ever read and my favorite novel by Stephen King:tu

I actually love the movie, especially Nicholson's performance which captures rage and madness like no other actor has....just that picture bugs me. :r

akumushi 08-25-2010 11:59 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 966491)
I actually love the movie, especially Nicholson's performance which captures rage and madness like no other actor has....just that picture bugs me. :r

It's a great film no doubt, I just happened to read the book first, while I was driving a boat up to Vancouver in seas that almost sank us, and the book had come from the collection of a recently deceased person's collection with a bookmark from her that showed she had never finished it, so needless to say, the movie never quite got creepy enough to live up to the hype:) Oh, and don't read "A Decent Into the Maelstrom" by E.A. Poe when the swells are 30 feet and you have gale force winds at your bow:r

OLS 08-26-2010 06:03 AM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
In terms of No Country for Old Men, I GET the ending, but I guess I was not overly satisfied with it.
I guess I am going to have to read The Shining, since I was creeped out by the movie, but not
overly scared. I don't really scare easy. I think that's a result of how movies are made. If you
frame the shot to the left, the monster is about to enter from the right. If the music gets a lil wiggy,
somethings about to pop up out of something else. And on and on and on.

Commander Quan 08-26-2010 07:07 AM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Bourne Ultimatum - I just want to know if Jason and Nikki hooked up

shilala 08-26-2010 07:47 AM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by Lear31MX (Post 966150)
No country for old men

I was trying to remember the name of that movie.
I had to look online to figure out what the hell I had just watched. I had absolutely no clue.
The gangster movie with Jack Nicholson and the rat drawing, can't remember the name of it. I've watched that one twice and I still don't get it.
Just looked it up. The Departed. It baffles me.

floydpink 08-26-2010 08:17 AM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
Shutter Island.

kaisersozei 08-26-2010 09:01 AM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 966701)
Shutter Island.

This is another one where the book helps the movie make sense. It's crazy, man, crazy. ;)

ActionAndy 08-26-2010 09:15 AM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
I don't think this one counts since the ending is very easy to understand, but I really wish Cuckoo's Nest ended differently. I turn it off when they break the window and assume they left.

jmsremax 08-26-2010 09:29 AM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
It's been a real long time since I watched Escape from Alcatraz but I do recall the ending leaving the viewer to construct the ending.

Chingas 08-26-2010 09:48 AM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by akumushi (Post 966481)
I just watched Donnie Darko for the first time last night and thought it was awesome, I'm waiting for the director's cut on Netflix, but I'd like to hear other's thoughts on it. The way I see it, when Donnie says "How to you know I'm not one(superhero)" it's a reference to the fact that he is either prescient alla Dune's Maud Dib, or at the end of the movie learns to master time travel thanks to Grandma Death, either way, the events we see in the movie are what happened before he was able to travel back in time and prevent his lover's and families' deaths by sacrificing himself, or he simply stayed in bed to give up himself and die to prevent the events of the movie he had seen presciently by dying in the accident, either way, the conversations he has with his science teacher are the key to understanding the film!

Thanks Brother. I hear what you're saying but I don't know. Time for a rewatch I suppose!

ucla695 08-26-2010 10:45 AM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by jmsremax (Post 966253)
Inception....I feel if I rewatch it, it will make more sense.

:tpd: I'm with you on this one. I think watching it for a third time will clear it up for me. :)

ninjavanish 08-26-2010 11:16 AM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

1)Allan Quartermain can never be killed by some fruitcake in a mask and a cape
2)Sean Connery can never be killed by some fruitcake in a mask and a cape
3)Everyone knows that witch doctors can use black magic to raise the dead... but rules 1 and two completely negate the fact that he is actually dead to be raised in the first place.
4)Assuming hell hath frozen over and Allan Quartermain IS actually dead... did the witch doctors black magic work?

Come on guys. Sequel already. Jack@$$es. It's not cool to leave us hangin like this.

T.G 08-26-2010 11:27 AM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
Debbie Does Dallas.

Did she ever make the real cheerleading squad?

Kreth 08-26-2010 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by T.G (Post 966981)
Debbie Does Dallas.

Did she ever make the real cheerleading squad?

The scene was originally in the movie, but pulled out at the last second. ;)
Posted via Mobile Device

Starscream 08-26-2010 01:09 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 966981)
Debbie Does Dallas.

Did she ever make the real cheerleading squad?


Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 967031)
The scene was originally in the movie, but pulled out at the last second. ;)
Posted via Mobile Device


Chingas 08-26-2010 01:20 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 966981)
Debbie Does Dallas.

Did she ever make the real cheerleading squad?

There was a story line to this?:r:r

A classic, forever!:tu

PeteSB75 08-26-2010 02:11 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?
Total Recall - Is Arnold really on Mars with the girl and the atmosphere, or is he back on earth, spending the rest of his life as a vegetable?

Lucky_Hippo 08-26-2010 02:53 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 965888)
For me, the following are at the top of my list:

2001: A Space Odyssey
The Day the Earth Stood Still (remake with Keanu Reeves)

There is a guy on youtube that gives a pretty good guess at this one (since no one can really decipher Stanley K). He walked through a lot of SK's work. Some I agreed with and some I didn't... With 2001ASO I liked his version. He explains that we evolve each time we discover the black singing rectangle, and at only those points throughout the movie do we ever hear the stone "singing" except for two other times. One is at the intermission while stairing at a black screen, and the other is at the end while going through the light show. The blank movie screen at intermission is actuall the black rectangle turned sideways and the audience (us) is evolving, and half way though the light show it also turns "sideways" to tie in the movie screen as the monument and give us a clue that we are part of the story.

M1903A1 08-26-2010 03:14 PM

Re: What Movie Ending are You Still Unresolved with?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 966477)

I mean, if they were out of fuel, and just belly landed the plane, how did Otto-pilot take off in the plane again?

More important...did the guy in the cab ever get to where he was going? :r

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