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spectrrr 08-14-2010 04:43 PM

What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
So I've been using one of these guys as my travel humi for some time now. You can either hold 6 foam trays plus room for bovida, cutter, lighter, and glue.... or you can stuff it with about 14 five-finger bags.

There's just one nagging problem that's been driving me nuts. As you can see from the picture, they were built for interlocking and stacking, and they do that really really well... but those damned lines make it impossible to put most stickers on it! (and we all love our stickers around here).

So finally with Shack coming up, I figured I should do something about it. Using a sawzall and a Utility knife, I cut and scrapped off all of the plastic ridges, and of course gouging the hell out of the plastic in the process. On to step 2:

MMD Squadron Products Green Modeling Putty:
I used the green putty to fill in all the gouges and cracks. Once it dries later today, I'll sand it down to a semi smooth finish.

End result before sanding:

This is where my hillbilly engineering comes to an end! I haven't a clue what kind of paint and surface prep I should use. Does it need a clear primer first? Spray? Brush? I'm clueless!

MOST of the surface area will eventually be occupied by stickers. But in the mean time, I don't want the green putty to wear off on its own without getting sealed up.... and it seems to make sense to seal it with a flat black paint of some kind.

Although the case itself unfortunately is not pure black and has some gray color texture to it. But certainly some kinf of black would look better than green! OR HELL, I could get really adventurous and two-tone it, paiting the whole lid win a dark red or dark blue or something. Maybe a dark CA inspired reddish brown :)

Either way, I need help with to proceed from here!

bsmokin 08-14-2010 04:50 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
WOW! That is a heck of a lot of work to do in the name of stickers! ;)

While I don't have much knowledge of paints, etc., and can't help much there... just wanted to say NICE JOB! :tu

Eleven 08-14-2010 05:07 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
I love it. Got no idea what you need to do next, but I can't wait to see!

RHNewfie 08-14-2010 05:34 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
I can't wait to see this at Shack!

JaKaacH 08-14-2010 05:42 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
I would use the Krylon paint designed for plastic.

spectrrr 08-14-2010 06:00 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
hehe, thanks guys :)

I've had two of these cases for over a year now, and I'm just finally getting around to doing something with one of them. I think I'm a little more adventurous since no matter how much I screw up this one, I have a backup ;)

I'm REALLY thinking about painting the top a really dark rich brown... what do you think?

Off to a decent start on the stickers... still need to buy a few, and find a few more. Louie is the only one missing. I might try to pull off an old Habano's SA seal and put that on there too :). I figure when all is said and done, I'll have the top covered along with all the sides. No real point in putting any on the bottom.

spectrrr 08-14-2010 06:06 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?

Originally Posted by JaKaacH (Post 953357)
I would use the Krylon paint designed for plastic.

Sweet, and its available locally too, always a plus!

Chingas 08-14-2010 07:34 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
I'm not sure who makes it but it's paint for plastic. Comes in a normal spray can. Found easily at home depot or Lowes. I use it on plastic computer parts and it's great.

For what your doing, get creative, why the hell not, really. But in the end, to keep her safe and her stickers, I'd do about three coats clear. Add the stickers. And do another three to four coats clear over that. Sand inbetween coats.

Good luck. We expect pics when your done, tho I'm sure you already knew that!

spectrrr 08-14-2010 07:40 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 953456)
Good luck. We expect pics when your done, tho I'm sure you already knew that!

Come to Shack :tg

spectrrr 08-14-2010 07:43 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 953456)
I'm not sure who makes it but it's paint for plastic. Comes in a normal spray can. Found easily at home depot or Lowes. I use it on plastic computer parts and it's great.

For what your doing, get creative, why the hell not, really. But in the end, to keep her safe and her stickers, I'd do about three coats clear. Add the stickers. And do another three to four coats clear over that. Sand inbetween coats.

1) how many coats of paint?

2) so paint it with a few coats, then add a few coats of clear on top to protect the paint from the stickers?

3) if I put the stickers on, then clear coat on top of that, and I sand between coats, won't that muddy the clarity of the stickers?

(get the impression I'm NOT a painter by any shape of the imagination :))

I might have to do the coats on top of the stickers later, once I'm reasonable sure I've got most of them....

Chingas 08-14-2010 07:49 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 953464)
1) so paint it with a few coats, then add a few coats of clear on top to protect the paint from the stickers? Your protecting your paint job from the wear and tear of the outside elements.

2) if I put the stickers on, then clear coat on top of that, and I sand between coats, won't that muddy the clarity of the stickers? By the very nature of clear coat it remains clear. You would be sanding with 800-1000 even 2000 grit paper. Wet sanding is actualy preferred. No clarity losses and a very small depth will be added.

(get the impression I'm NOT a painter by any shape of the imagination :))

I might have to do the coats on top of the stickers later, once I'm reasonable sure I've got most of them....

You can always add stickers and clear coat again.

I don't think I can make Shack if it's this year.

spectrrr 08-14-2010 07:54 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 953466)
You can always add stickers and clear coat again.

I don't think I can make Shack if it's this year.

Thanks :)

Shack is in 5 days here in Ohio ;)

Chingas 08-14-2010 07:56 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 953468)
Thanks :)

Shack is in 5 days here in Ohio ;)

Than I definitely can't make it!

Always next year, right?

Good luck Brother.

Barcode 08-14-2010 08:27 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
Where can I get one of the Cigar Asylum stickers for my travel humidor??

Chingas 08-14-2010 08:33 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?

Originally Posted by Barcode (Post 953495)
Where can I get one of the Cigar Asylum stickers for my travel humidor??

In the Asylum, be careful what you ask for...

spectrrr 08-14-2010 08:40 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 953504)
In the Asylum, be careful what you ask for...


Heck, "accidentally look at it/him the wrong way" is good enough for most around here :tg

one more question - how many coats of color paint do you think it will take? 3?

Chingas 08-14-2010 08:42 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
Depending on how that green stuff takes, I'd say three would be solid.

Aron 08-14-2010 10:15 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?

If only my 15 stick Herf-a-dor fulla' RP 1992 torpedos hadn't decided it preferred living in Florence, Italy to coming home with me in my suitcase...

Then I would still have all of my stickers!

And 12 delicious cigars!

And a Herf-a-dor!

And no reason to make this stupid and pointless post on CigarAsylum!

spectrrr 08-15-2010 04:47 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?

Box after first coat, still looking pretty ugly. Clear coat should help!

I would have preferred a brown with a bit more Red in it, but paint selection locally was sparse.

I could only get brown/black/white in the Fusion Plastic paint. so the base coat is brown.

The light colored lid on the top will be the second coat. It's a non-plastic paint, so it had to go on a base of plastic paint. I think that will work, I hope :D

NOW for the big decision....

A) light on the lid, dark on the bottom.

B) dark on the lid, light on bottom.

C) brown is fugly, paint the whole thing lighter!

A few test samples:

What do you think guys??? I'm a little indecisive on this one!

14holestogie 08-15-2010 04:56 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
I like the lighter color, Francis. :tu

spectrrr 08-15-2010 05:02 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?

Originally Posted by 14holestogie (Post 954201)
I like the lighter color, Francis. :tu

you're thinkin C - 100% lighter?

(I almost made the whole damned thing a glossy metallic cherry red, but I decided that might not be very elegant in some situations :tg)

14holestogie 08-15-2010 05:08 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
Yep. C. All light. :tu

Chingas 08-15-2010 05:27 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
I dig the two tone black on bottom light on top but to be honest with you, use whatever contrasts your stickers more If you want them to stand out.

Don Fernando 08-15-2010 05:27 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
I would go for option A

spectrrr 08-15-2010 05:29 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
so I remembered I got a few black cutout decals I want to stick on it... so that means its down to two choices, A or C:

A light on top, dark on bottom

C light on the whole thing

jmsremax 08-15-2010 08:35 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?

Originally Posted by 14holestogie (Post 954201)
I like the lighter color, Francis. :tu


spectrrr 08-15-2010 08:49 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
Neck and Neck in the voting, 2 for A and 2 for C :)

cort 08-15-2010 09:05 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
I vote for Brown;)

Eleven 08-15-2010 09:25 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?

Originally Posted by jmsremax (Post 954412)


spectrrr 08-16-2010 06:22 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
Alrighty.... I really didn't like the solid brown, so I went ahead and painted the lid a creamy Kaki color. I wasn't sure about the two-color arrangement originally, and I still have the option of painting it 100% Kaki.... but I gotta say, it doesn't look half bad!

mariogolbee 08-16-2010 06:26 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
I like it!:tu

Chingas 08-16-2010 06:32 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
Badass Brother. From Crap to Crazy!

bobarian 08-16-2010 06:33 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?

Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 955695)
I like it!:tu

:tpd: Looks better than Mario's car! :r

spectrrr 08-16-2010 06:48 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 955707)
:tpd: Looks better than Mario's car! :r

:r burn!

spectrrr 08-16-2010 06:48 PM

Re: What kind of paint to use on an Otterbox style humi?
Here's another view. I might just keep it like it it is, the brown really isn't offensive on the bottom the way it is now. now it just needs an assload of clearcoat on top, and HOPEFULLY it will survive a few knocks.....

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