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sevans105 08-03-2010 01:57 PM

Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
It's official. I'm a mess. I've run out of coolers for my cigars and I have another order already on its way. I just got my latest package this afternoon....some good looking stuff, but holy cow, do I REALLY need that MONSTER MADURO sampler? (yes, yes I do)

I'm hooked and hooked deep.

Mugen910 08-03-2010 02:02 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
no problem..gimmie your account info and I'll have it fixed.

dwoodward 08-03-2010 02:31 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
Looks like you need one of these:

maninblack 08-03-2010 03:11 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
Just give me your CC #, sign in name and passowrd and I'll take care of this "problem" for you.

Chainsaw13 08-03-2010 03:21 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
I have an easier solution, just change your shipping address to my house. I have plenty of room in my cabinet. Anytime you want, you can come by and grab something to smoke. :tu

Chingas 08-03-2010 03:43 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 939989)
I have an easier solution, just change your shipping address to my house. I have plenty of room in my cabinet. Anytime you want, you can come by and grab something to smoke. :tu

Bob is smart.

Chainsaw13 08-03-2010 03:50 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 940015)
Bob is smart.

Not really, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn last night...

rostamizadeh 08-03-2010 04:27 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
I understand your pain. I recently discovered cbid, and I feel this compulsion to bid that I can't control.

Goldie 08-03-2010 09:53 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
Thankfully I never got into Cbid, or else the wife and I would be living in our cars.

Good deals to be had for sure.

bsmokin 08-03-2010 09:56 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
Luckily I've decided to stick with CC purchases only for some time... so I've been safe from Cbid that way... but I've been LOADING UP on the 'merchandise.' I have my account configured for 'weekly shipping'... which happens every Thursday. This week I'll be getting a HUGE package of crap.... and will have some 'splainin to do to my wife :rolleyes:

Chingas 08-03-2010 10:11 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by bsmokin (Post 940483)
Luckily I've decided to stick with CC purchases only for some time... so I've been safe from Cbid that way... but I've been LOADING UP on the 'merchandise.' I have my account configured for 'weekly shipping'... which happens every Thursday. This week I'll be getting a HUGE package of crap.... and will have some 'splainin to do to my wife :rolleyes:

Tell her the truth! You got a DEAL on everything. They love that ****. You SAVED money.

pektel 08-03-2010 10:25 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
what's cigar bid? Also , if i knew where to get a hook up with genuine cc's, i may not bother with others for a while. But until then i will find a few deals on ci to hold me over.

bsmokin 08-03-2010 10:35 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 940503)
what's cigar bid? Also , if i knew where to get a hook up with genuine cc's, i may not bother with others for a while. But until then i will find a few deals on ci to hold me over.

Otherwise known as the devil site... Auction site some great deals to be had! Its dangerous!!! Youve been warned... ;)

ujponds 08-04-2010 05:28 AM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
I'm expecting my first package from them this week. What kind of condition do they come in, ready to smoke or do they need to rest?

Virginia_Ghost 08-04-2010 05:37 AM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by ujponds (Post 940617)
I'm expecting my first package from them this week. What kind of condition do they come in, ready to smoke or do they need to rest?

Some of that answer will depend on how long it sits on your porch. I have smoked some of their stuff right out of the box, it was fine.

Being a Noob, Cbid has plenty of stix to try, and build up your bombing arsenal at a decent price.

Kreth 08-04-2010 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by ujponds (Post 940617)
I'm expecting my first package from them this week. What kind of condition do they come in, ready to smoke or do they need to rest?

CI/cbid/, all the same company, and they all ship wet. Best to give them a bit of rest. :tu
Posted via Mobile Device

tomc3084 08-04-2010 06:07 AM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by Goldie (Post 940481)
Thankfully I never got into Cbid, or else the wife and I would be living in our cars.

Good deals to be had for sure.

Me neither, I never ordered from cbid...

pektel 08-04-2010 07:15 AM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
I'm thinking I should just not visit cbid...

ujponds 08-04-2010 07:55 AM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 940620)
CI/cbid/, all the same company, and they all ship wet. Best to give them a bit of rest. :tu
Posted via Mobile Device

I guess wet is better than dry.

bishjd123 08-04-2010 10:14 AM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
I should have gotten the message when there was a choice between daily or weekly shipping.

sevans105 08-04-2010 10:31 AM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
If you have avoided the financial black hole that is cbid...SAVE YOURSELF!!! Seriously though, it really does have some good deals...I picked up a box of rocky patel vintage 1990 for 38 bucks. RP 90s for less than 2 bucks a stick!! How could I not!

bsmokin 08-04-2010 12:32 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by bishjd123 (Post 940874)
I should have gotten the message when there was a choice between daily or weekly shipping.

:tpd: HA! SO TRUE!!!!

sevans105 08-04-2010 03:33 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
Cbid is so bad because the buying is WAY more addictive than the smoking....the Quickies page always gets me. All the bids start at a buck....How can you not bid on a box of RP Vintage 1990's for a buck...then is rises, and you HAVE to bid because now it's 20 bucks...and 20 bucks is still super cheap, then its 40 bucks....and heck, that's still just 2 bucks a stick right? So you bid again, and again. And oh, those Man o War samplers look awesome...have to bid on those, Oh, and there's those 601 Blue labels those guys on CA were talking about. Pretty soon you wind up with 150 cigars coming.

The next week you do it ALL over again. BAD BAD BAD. Like I said in another post, "If I wasn't already divorced, this would get me there".

I just checked my new winnings....I have another 100 coming. (oops)

Blueface 08-04-2010 06:13 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 939825)
no problem..gimmie your account info and I'll have it fixed.


Read OP's post and wondered how soon I was beaten to this response.
Seems it was post #2.:r

Pass 08-04-2010 08:45 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by sevans105 (Post 941270)
Cbid is so bad because the buying is WAY more addictive than the smoking....the Quickies page always gets me. All the bids start at a buck....How can you not bid on a box of RP Vintage 1990's for a buck...then is rises, and you HAVE to bid because now it's 20 bucks...and 20 bucks is still super cheap, then its 40 bucks....and heck, that's still just 2 bucks a stick right? So you bid again, and again. And oh, those Man o War samplers look awesome...have to bid on those, Oh, and there's those 601 Blue labels those guys on CA were talking about. Pretty soon you wind up with 150 cigars coming.

The next week you do it ALL over again. BAD BAD BAD. Like I said in another post, "If I wasn't already divorced, this would get me there".

I just checked my new winnings....I have another 100 coming. (oops)

Yup... I have had the same problem for a while. I'm spending myself into oblivion when I SHOULD be saving for the 3 - 4 boxes that I KNOW I want. Ugh.

...I have another massive shipment going out tomorrow (I do the weekly to save on shipping) and it's gonna sting my bank account. And overflow my little desktop humi.

rgrecco 08-04-2010 09:45 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by Pass (Post 941635)
Yup... I have had the same problem for a while. I'm spending myself into oblivion when I SHOULD be saving for the 3 - 4 boxes that I KNOW I want. Ugh.

...I have another massive shipment going out tomorrow (I do the weekly to save on shipping) and it's gonna sting my bank account. And overflow my little desktop humi.

I might be able to fit a few in my humi for you... That is if you need storage space... I WILL NOT promise that they will still be there when you come back looking for them though...


sevans105 08-05-2010 07:54 AM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 939825)
no problem..gimmie your account info and I'll have it fixed.


Originally Posted by maninblack (Post 939968)
Just give me your CC #, sign in name and passowrd and I'll take care of this "problem" for you.


Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 939989)
I have an easier solution, just change your shipping address to my house. I have plenty of room in my cabinet. Anytime you want, you can come by and grab something to smoke. :tu


Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 941441)

Read OP's post and wondered how soon I was beaten to this response.
Seems it was post #2.:r

You guys are SOOO generous and willing to help. ;) I come to you with a true need and you simply make fun of me. Guess I'll just have to drown my sorrows by bidding on more cigars. OH WAIT. Crud.

dannysguitar 08-05-2010 09:25 AM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
I also need some help. I just spent $80 that I don't have. I need counseling.

JohnE1000 08-05-2010 12:26 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
you better throw away your cc now, you've been warned!

sevans105 08-05-2010 12:28 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by dannysguitar (Post 942172)
I also need some help. I just spent $80 that I don't have. I need counseling.

We should start a cbid support group.... call it CBA. (Can't call it CA for obvious reasons). 12 step our way back into financial sobriety.

Chingas 08-05-2010 12:32 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by sevans105 (Post 942493)
We should start a cbid support group.... call it CBA. (Can't call it CA for obvious reasons). 12 step our way back into financial sobriety.

Pointless. The hole is too deep!

treatneggy 08-05-2010 02:25 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by Pass (Post 941635)
Yup... I have had the same problem for a while. I'm spending myself into oblivion when I SHOULD be saving for the 3 - 4 boxes that I KNOW I want. Ugh.

Same here, although not so much cbid as monster and Famous' sale page. Problem is I keep seeing stuff that would make a good 1hr smoke that I can take to work, while the stuff I REALLY want is either too expensive for daily smokes or takes too long to smoke for me to deal with at work.

weak_link 08-05-2010 03:27 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
Your problems could be worse. :D

cigarmonkel 08-05-2010 06:09 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 940023)
Not really, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn last night...


longknocker 08-05-2010 06:15 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
My Only Solution, "Don't Look"!:D

cigarz 08-07-2010 10:34 AM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
I feel the same pain. I only smoke 3 to 4 'gars a week, and at the rate I am going (I did a little extrapolating), in three years I will have more cigars than I could smoke if I lived to 100!

whodeeni 08-07-2010 10:39 AM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
It's the sickness brotha it's the SICKNESS!!!

So many great deals and not enough money!

I think i have my cbid madness in check... Now
Viaje's that's whole nother problem!:r

sevans105 08-07-2010 11:00 AM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
Ok...I get my 3 day coin today. I've made it for three whole days without bidding or buying any cigars or cigar related product. (I've looked, but looking isn't cheating....right? Right?) Let's see if I can go a whole week. Gonna be tough. I get my latest shipment in on Tuesday. I know I'm gonna be heavily tempted to see what the "latest and greatest" deals are. Any one wanna be my sponsor?

Chingas 08-07-2010 12:57 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by sevans105 (Post 944884)
Ok...I get my 3 day coin today. I've made it for three whole days without bidding or buying any cigars or cigar related product. (I've looked, but looking isn't cheating....right? Right?) Let's see if I can go a whole week. Gonna be tough. I get my latest shipment in on Tuesday. I know I'm gonna be heavily tempted to see what the "latest and greatest" deals are. Any one wanna be my sponsor?

I can help a Brother out. I'll rashin your smokes by the day. I'll need your computer, phone, iPad/iPod. And all your Credit Cards.

You'll thank me later.

This will Hurt you alot more than it's gonna Hurt me!

klipsch 08-07-2010 01:36 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
Just hit Change Password and type something like kufdytrvbilhuxyerdiyuh ioygfutvrd. Make sure you copy past it to confirm the change. :)

druturn 08-08-2010 10:37 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
I just signed up on cbid thinking that i would buy a 5'er every now and again. My first night of bidding. . .I won 4 bids. . .and two are pending tomorrow. Dear. . .Lord. . .someone stop me!!!

Virginia_Ghost 08-08-2010 10:44 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
Yup....It's bad here, too. I don't have space in my Humi for what I already have, much less the samplers/5 packs I have coming Thursday. Guess I'll have some ammo for bombs. :)

sevans105 08-09-2010 11:23 AM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
Ok...I've made it 5 full days without bidding on anything. Man, it's rough! Especially since I was watching (ok and bidding....but I stopped days ago, really)

pektel 08-09-2010 12:00 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
Wow, someone scored a deal on that. Was it you?

sevans105 08-09-2010 12:11 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
NO...It went for 65 bucks!! Such a deal. That's why CBID is soooooo bad. They throw in stuff like that periodically, so you HAVE to keep checking it. And of course you see other stuff you want. Like these Diesel Unholy Cocktail 5-packs for 20 bucks. ARGGGHH.

pektel 08-09-2010 12:16 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
lol. That link is the only thing I've seen of cbid. And by the looks of it, I should run away screaming.

sevans105 08-09-2010 01:09 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
Yeah, that's what I keep telling myself, but like the true addict, I keep coming little look won't little 5 pack....I really do need a new cutter....then WHAM. I have 300 bucks worth of stuff coming on Tuesday. Seriously though, if you do order from them, sign up for the weekly shipping. They lump everything together and ship on Thursday (arriving Tuesday of next week) and it saves you a ton on shipping costs.

Chingas 08-09-2010 01:12 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!

Originally Posted by sevans105 (Post 946746)
Yeah, that's what I keep telling myself, but like the true addict, I keep coming little look won't little 5 pack....I really do need a new cutter....then WHAM. I have 300 bucks worth of stuff coming on Tuesday. Seriously though, if you do order from them, sign up for the weekly shipping. They lump everything together and ship on Thursday (arriving Tuesday of next week) and it saves you a ton on shipping costs.

Scott, your doing good. Stay in the "Program" and you might come out alive!

sevans105 08-09-2010 01:27 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
Chingas, you are always looking out for me....Thanks brother

sevans105 08-16-2010 06:16 PM

Re: Someone take away my cbid password - please!!!
Holy crap. I was bored the other night and now ihave 130 cigars coming!!!

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