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LasciviousXXX 07-27-2010 08:34 AM

Changing my name....
So I have been considering legally changing my name for the past 7-8 years. Its not that I hate my name, I just do not feel that it fits me. The reason that I have been pondering it for so many years, rather than getting my ass in gear and changing it, is that I've never found a name that I thought fits me. I've been looking for something relatively unique that fits my personality. I wasn't trying to go all Frank Zappa and name myself someting outrageous like "Dweezil" or "Moon-Unit", but something that isn't as common as my current name. Hell, I have a 2nd cousin named Zebulon so I was trying to steer clear of that far out in left field.

My name in and of itself isn't a bad name. It is just a very common name, albeit not as common as John or David. My mother named me after Dustin Hoffman. Ok, fine. A good actor who has done some amazing work in his career. I can dig that. However, she named me after him after seeing him in the movie "Tootsie". That's right, my mom named me after Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie. Wonderful! It couldn't be Kramer vs Kramer or The Graduate or hell, even Rain man (I realize this was filmed after I was born, but I'm making a point damnit!) At least she didn't name me after him in Midnight Cowboy.

So after many years of searching, I have stumbled upon a name which resonates with me. In more ways than one it fits my personality and my beliefs. So now all that is left is the almost insurmountable task of legally changing my name. An endless stream of phone calls, paperwork and dealings with government entities. Oh the joy and rapture of dealing with the DMV and Social Security Office. Be still my beating heart. If it weren't for the amount of time that I have been wanting to do this, the process of actually doing it would almost not be worth it.

So just wanted to let my CA family know that as of next week I will be changing my name to Týr. Feel free to still call me Dustin, I know a lot of people will, it won't bother me in the slightest. As I told my mother (who isn't too happy about it by the way) its more for me than anyone else anyway LOL. I'll answer to anything, except shorty... only Pnoon can call me that :r

Dustin (soon to be Týr)

massphatness 07-27-2010 08:38 AM

Re: Changing my name....
That's kinda' cool. I would not have the balls, so I applaud you following through with it: congrats!

And can you phonetically enlighten me, so when I finally have the opportunity to meet you, I know whether it's more like "tire" or "tear" or "terre" and not make an ass of myself?

LasciviousXXX 07-27-2010 08:40 AM

Re: Changing my name....
LOL, Vin you already have a cool name so no balls are needed HAHA! :r

Pronounced like /ˈtɪər/

timj219 07-27-2010 08:40 AM

Re: Changing my name....
Right up to the end I thought you were changing your name to Lasciviousxxx

Don Fernando 07-27-2010 08:41 AM

Re: Changing my name....
Do you mind if I will keep calling you "hey boss, da plane"?

congrats on the name change

pnoon 07-27-2010 08:42 AM

Re: Changing my name....
Congrats, Shorty. :D
Posted via Mobile Device

Ashcan Bill 07-27-2010 08:44 AM

Re: Changing my name....
Congrats Bro. We only go around once (unless you're Shirley MacLaine) so we need to grab the brass ring whenever we can. :tu

And since you're not using Dweezil, can I have it? :D

croatan 07-27-2010 08:44 AM

Re: Changing my name....
I know you've wanted this for a while, bro, glad to hear you're ready to do it. Of course, you know there's no way in hell I'm going to remember to call you anything other than Dustin :r

markem 07-27-2010 08:44 AM

Re: Changing my name....
You'll always be the "luscious" one to me, Tyr, lascivious one that you are.

LasciviousXXX 07-27-2010 08:45 AM

Re: Changing my name....

Originally Posted by timj219 (Post 930245)
Right up to the end I thought you were changing your name to Lasciviousxxx

Now that would be fun to put on a job application :D


Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 930247)
Do you mind if I will keep calling you "hey boss, da plane"?

LOL, that's still one of my fave things from the Chat days


Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 930249)
Congrats, Shorty. :D


BigAsh 07-27-2010 08:46 AM

Re: Changing my name....

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 930244)
LOL, Vin you already have a cool name so no balls are needed HAHA! :r

Pronounced like /ˈtɪər/

Thanks for clearing that up!!....Congrats

darkleeroy 07-27-2010 08:47 AM

Re: Changing my name....
Grats, Tyr as in the Norse God of War?

If I ever changed my name, it would definitely be Inigo.

LasciviousXXX 07-27-2010 08:48 AM

Re: Changing my name....

Originally Posted by Ashcan Bill (Post 930251)
And since you're not using Dweezil, can I have it? :D

Frank Zappa's kid might be pissed but go for it!!!


Originally Posted by croatan (Post 930252)
I know you've wanted this for a while, bro, glad to hear you're ready to do it. Of course, you know there's no way in hell I'm going to remember to call you anything other than Dustin :r

LOL, there was no doubt in my mind bro :)


Originally Posted by markem (Post 930253)
You'll always be the "luscious" one to me, Tyr, lascivious one that you are.

:r I still like Luscious the best. Having grown men call me that though is sometimes unnerving HAHA!

Emjaysmash 07-27-2010 08:53 AM

Re: Changing my name....

poker 07-27-2010 08:54 AM

Re: Changing my name....
I think you should change it to Tootsie :r

elderboy02 07-27-2010 08:56 AM

Re: Changing my name....
So, it is pronounced like a car tire?

Eleven 07-27-2010 08:59 AM

Re: Changing my name....
Congrats on having the fortitude to think it over long and hard and get it done!

My aunt changed her name shortly after me and my cousin became adults. They of course all call her by her new name, but I never have. Just can't do it. 20+ years of calling your aunt "Sharon" and then knowing she is now an "Alexandra"? I also know she really didn't give it much thought, it was just a reaction to hating her father :)

I have been doing Genealogy work the last year, and found out my first ancestor to hit America 9 generations ago changed his last name right off the boat, that very day. From the day I learned that, I wondered what it would be like to change it back :)

MajorCaptSilly 07-27-2010 08:59 AM

Re: Changing my name....
A rose by any other name.....


elderboy02 07-27-2010 09:00 AM

Re: Changing my name....
e-man67 told me that he is no longer going to be called Eric. He now wants to be called Erica.

MajorCaptSilly 07-27-2010 09:03 AM

Re: Changing my name....

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 930275)
Congrats on having the fortitude to think it over long and hard and get it done!

My aunt changed her name shortly after me and my cousin became adults. They of course all call her by her new name, but I never have. Just can't do it. 20+ years of calling your aunt "Sharon" and then knowing she is now an "Alexandra"? I also know she really didn't give it much thought, it was just a reaction to hating her father :)

I have been doing Genealogy work the last year, and found out my first ancestor to hit America 9 generations ago changed his last name right off the boat, that very day. From the day I learned that, I wondered what it would be like to change it back :)

My dad has found that a few times in our family history as well. My maternal grandfather had a last name of Richard but if you go back a couple generations, the last name is Richards. Dad said it was a family feud.


LasciviousXXX 07-27-2010 09:10 AM

Re: Changing my name....
I'm glad someone reads my blogs Scott :D I thought it was just me LOL


Originally Posted by Poker
I think you should change it to Tootsie

That's it, I'm getting a shirt with that on it :r

As far as geneaology goes, both sides of the family have kept the same last name for a good number of generations.

galaga 07-27-2010 09:17 AM

Re: Changing my name....
Well congrats Tyr and forgive me for not putting the ' over the y.

BTW, you forgot one of Hoffmans best films.............Little Big Man. ;)

bobarian 07-27-2010 09:25 AM

Re: Changing my name....
Congrats, I am sure many people want to do this but very few have the guts and persistence to follow through. Life is too short to not like something that you hear several times every day. :tu

e-man67 07-27-2010 09:33 AM

Re: Changing my name....

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 930278)
e-man67 told me that he is no longer going to be called Eric. He now wants to be called Erica.

I think it should be bigdaddy b/c that is what ur momma calls me..:xxx :r

Elderboys will need to be changed to "commiebastard" with the avitar of a Heinz Ketchup bottle..:r:r

T.G 07-27-2010 09:40 AM

Re: Changing my name....

Technoviking says "Tyr, god of combat, you da man."

Ahbroody 07-27-2010 09:50 AM

Re: Changing my name....
Congrats on the choice. As others have said it takes a lot of stones to do it. My wife and I spent considerable time picking our childrens names, but in the end it is the person who has to go through life with the name and personality and events of your life obviously effect if your name works.

I wanted and fought like hell to name my son Broody. My wife thought it invoked images of a drunken screaming southern frat boy. In the end I lost the fight and settled on Micah my second choice. That said it was what I wanted not my son so I dont know if in the future he wont like his name.

I am thinking people will be calling you Tire though. As a whole most people dont seem to read peoples names very carefully.

LasciviousXXX 07-27-2010 09:55 AM

Re: Changing my name....
Mike, I've had to correct a few people at work already. The majority seem to get it right upon first glance but a few go the "tire" route. Its fine w/ me, like I said people can still call me Dustin and I'll be fine w/ that too.

Adam, red X instead of Pic but I can use my imagination on Techno viking LOL.

You know, I never really thought of changing my name as something you'd have to have the stones to do. I'm not sure how much courage it takes but it always seemed like a natural inevitability to me so maybe that's where its coming from. Even when I was younger my parents knew that I didn't care much for my name, hence me always going by nicknames.

Thanks for being supportive everyone. :tu

T.G 07-27-2010 10:02 AM

Re: Changing my name....

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 930348)
Adam, red X instead of Pic but I can use my imagination on Techno viking LOL.

I guess that's what I get for trying to hotlink something.

rizzle 07-27-2010 10:02 AM

Re: Changing my name....

Originally Posted by poker (Post 930268)
I think you should change it to Tootsie :r

I iwas gonna say, Toots has a nice ring to it, indeed. :banger

weak_link 07-27-2010 10:05 AM

Re: Changing my name....
I think the BABOTL guys will tell you, I don't care what your name is I'm gunna call you 'dude' at least 20 times during the herf. :D

Congrats btw.

Jbailey 07-27-2010 10:06 AM

Re: Changing my name....
Congrats T.

I'm glad you didn't pick Seven. I know you would have pissed off George Costanza. :D

You will always be the Mod formerly known as Dustin to me. :r

poker 07-27-2010 10:12 AM

Re: Changing my name....

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 930289)
That's it, I'm getting a shirt with that on it :r

I can help you :D

shilala 07-27-2010 10:17 AM

Re: Changing my name....
If I was gonna change my name, I'd make it Harv Murray. I love that name.
Congratulations, my brother!!! :tu

icehog3 07-27-2010 10:41 AM

Re: Changing my name....
At least you aren't changing your name to Richard Wad, Tyr. :)

I was gonna suggest "Queequeg". :r

kydsid 07-27-2010 10:48 AM

Re: Changing my name....
Well any name has to be better than what most of your 'customers' call you on a daily basis. :r

Superbad 07-27-2010 11:03 AM

Re: Changing my name....
Hey my friend threatened to name his first born "Root Beer Unit". Congrats on the new name, if it makes you feel good about yourself, then go right ahead.

Mugen910 07-27-2010 11:37 AM

Re: Changing my name....

Originally Posted by poker (Post 930268)
I think you should change it to Tootsie :r

dammit he beat me to it!

Chingas 07-27-2010 12:47 PM

Re: Changing my name....
Congrats Brother. I suppose I am one of the few that have already gone thru the process. I changed my name when I was 23 after using my nickname as common practice since I was 11 or 12.

It's a long and daunting process. I did it all myself, you can hire a lawyer for like $500 to do the legal legwork but it's really not that bad. A few court appearances, a few notices in the local paper and a few forms to fill out. The worst is when it's all done and you need to apply for a new BC, SS card and change all your credit card info, etc. Believe it or not, the one that gave me the most trouble was my energy company!

Do yourself a favor and when it's all said and done, before you leave the court with the approval, get about ten motorized copies of the last form signed by the'll need it for EVERYTHING!

You need a hand with anything, just let me know.

shilala 07-27-2010 01:38 PM

Re: Changing my name....
Hey Duddy,
I still don't know how to pronounce your name. That was tough to admit cause I'm an egomaniac.
Is it like e'Tier?
I honestly have no idea what "pronounced like /ˈtɪər/" means. I didn't have much book learnin, and what I did get got toasted.
You should record it and link it up so I can get it.
Whenever I think of you, I always think of "Duddy" cause that's what we call my nephew. He's a great big dumb kid, and he's always smiling. Except he's not dumb at all, he's got a +130 IQ. He just comes off that way. He's fun to be around, and that's how I always imagined you.
shilala out

Ogre 07-27-2010 01:42 PM

Re: Changing my name....

Originally Posted by timj219 (Post 930245)
Right up to the end I thought you were changing your name to Lasciviousxxx


LasciviousXXX 07-27-2010 01:53 PM

Re: Changing my name....
LOL, thanks Scott. Glad to know you think of me as a big dumb looking fun to be around kind of guy HAHAHA! :r

Here ya go on pronunciation

shilala 07-27-2010 01:57 PM

Re: Changing my name....

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 930649)
LOL, thanks Scott. Glad to know you think of me as a big dumb looking fun to be around kind of guy HAHAHA! :r

Here ya go on pronunciation

Thanks brother, that's exactly what I thought. It was a lucky guess. :tu

Chingas 07-27-2010 01:57 PM

Re: Changing my name....

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 930649)
LOL, thanks Scott. Glad to know you think of me as a big dumb looking fun to be around kind of guy HAHAHA! :r

Here ya go on pronunciation

Maybe this will help...Tear...

The audio clip was awesome, reminded me of learning the alphabet in the 2nd grade!

darkleeroy 07-27-2010 01:59 PM

Re: Changing my name....
I'm still learning the alphabet... i before e except after c.

LasciviousXXX 07-27-2010 02:04 PM

Re: Changing my name....
Unless its a ý ... in which case... you're screwed :r

TheLostGringo 07-27-2010 02:14 PM

Re: Changing my name....

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 930562)
Congrats Brother. I suppose I am one of the few that have already gone thru the process. I changed my name when I was 23 after using my nickname as common practice since I was 11 or 12.

It's a long and daunting process. I did it all myself, you can hire a lawyer for like $500 to do the legal legwork but it's really not that bad. A few court appearances, a few notices in the local paper and a few forms to fill out. The worst is when it's all done and you need to apply for a new BC, SS card and change all your credit card info, etc. Believe it or not, the one that gave me the most trouble was my energy company!

Do yourself a favor and when it's all said and done, before you leave the court with the approval, get about ten motorized copies of the last form signed by the'll need it for EVERYTHING!

You need a hand with anything, just let me know.

I did the same except I went with about 30 notarized copies, think I have less then 10 left.

Ashcan Bill 07-27-2010 03:31 PM

Re: Changing my name....
It's a little known fact, but prior to Dustin changing his name, there were exactly 95 people named Týr in the entire country. Now, with Dustin joining the group, we have, yep, you guessed it:

Please Click Me

longknocker 07-27-2010 03:56 PM

Re: Changing my name....

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 930649)
LOL, thanks Scott. Glad to know you think of me as a big dumb looking fun to be around kind of guy HAHAHA! :r

Here ya go on pronunciation

Thanks For The Clarification, "Tyr"!:) Congrats on the Change!:tu

icehog3 07-27-2010 05:15 PM

Re: Changing my name....

Originally Posted by Ashcan Bill (Post 930788)
It's a little known fact, but prior to Dustin changing his name, there were exactly 95 people named Týr in the entire country. Now, with Dustin joining the group, we have, yep, you guessed it:

Please Click Me

I didn't even click it and I know just what it is, Bill! Well played, Sir! :r :r

smitdavi 07-27-2010 07:13 PM

Re: Changing my name....
You know...Katie and I have been thinking about names for our children. Since our last name is Smith (my first name being David) we want to give our children a name that is unique and not often used. Not anything crazy like you said, but just something that isn't common. Leaders in the clubhouse currently are Graham, Hunter, Dominic (haven't got any girls names yet lol) I applaud you for taking this step. Sounds like you really put some thought into it. How did you break it to your mom?

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