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guado 07-19-2010 02:45 PM

Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
I figured some of you may be on parole and will be heading out there...

Just trying to see who may land in NOLA this year.

Eleven 07-19-2010 02:50 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

guado 07-19-2010 02:55 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
Then you probably aren't going. :D

warren G. 07-19-2010 03:04 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
I'd love to go...but don't you need a pass? Plus I live 10 mins away from the convention center.

guado 07-19-2010 03:09 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
You definitely need a pass. I'll be stumbling around NO for a week or so. hahaha

warren G. 07-19-2010 03:22 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
Oh okay..well if anybody want to get together or got any questions about the city. Just shoot me a pm.

thebayratt 07-19-2010 04:53 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
I shall be there deffinately tues-thurs.
Maybe all week depending upon the other guys going with me.

I live about an hour or so from NOLA so its not a big thing for me to head to NOLA and hang out for a weekend or so. But for IPCPR........ thats a totally different creature!

Darrell 07-19-2010 04:54 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
I was going to go, but I decided to save my money for a different trip this year.

MiamiE 07-19-2010 05:41 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
Any link to this event?

pnoon 07-19-2010 05:42 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 921385)

Scott, Whether you are going or not, the IPCPR is the International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers convention.
NOLA is New Orleans, Louisiana.


Eleven 07-19-2010 05:45 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 921538)
scott, whether you are going or not, the ipcpr is the international premium cigar & pipe retailers convention.
Nola is new orleans, louisiana.


o. Ic.



pnoon 07-19-2010 05:46 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 921541)
o. Ic.



NP ;)

lilcgrsmkr 07-19-2010 06:10 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
what is IPCPR? i a new in this group..:)

Darrell 07-19-2010 06:11 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

Originally Posted by lilcgrsmkr (Post 921568)
what is IPCPR? i a new in this group..:)

International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers Convention.

Peter mentioned that above. ;)

CheapHumidors 07-20-2010 08:28 AM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
I'll be there! I look forward to meeting y'all IRL lol

gmiranda33 07-20-2010 10:36 AM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
I will be there monday - friday.

E-Tx Surveyor 07-20-2010 04:05 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
That sounds awesome, hope all y'all stay safe and have a great time.

cort 07-20-2010 04:07 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
I got an invite from a good buddy which includes housing and a ticket to the show. Now I gotta figure out how to pay for airfare:xxx

jsnake 07-22-2010 07:09 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
I will be there and am hoping to meet some of you guys.

Stinky 07-25-2010 06:50 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
We'll be there!

One of the most popular cigar bars everybody goes to after the show is:

Don Leoncio Cigars
430 Canal Street
New Orleans, LA 70130

It's walking distance from the convention hall. And, it gets really crowded after the show . . . especially late after dinner & private events. There are a lot of cigar parties planned. Most are by invitation for retailers.

thebayratt 07-25-2010 07:37 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

Originally Posted by Stinky (Post 928441)
We'll be there!

One of the most popular cigar bars everybody goes to after the show is:

Don Leoncio Cigars
430 Canal Street
New Orleans, LA 70130

It's walking distance from the convention hall. And, it gets really crowded after the show . . . especially late after dinner & private events. There are a lot of cigar parties planned. Most are by invitation for retailers.

A great place to catch a good cigar and drink!
I went there a month ago and had a nice time. Never been there in the evening, will have to try that out a time or three.

lilcgrsmkr 07-25-2010 10:05 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
thank you:) im new at this so still trying to figure out how to reply, etc..

PortlandCigarClub 07-27-2010 10:08 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
I'm looking forward to going. This will be my first time. I'd love to meet any of you while you're there and herf with you.

Stinky 07-30-2010 11:33 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
IPCPR is an amazing display of everything "cigar" . . . all the manufactures, growers, distributors, etc. 300,000 square feet convention hall all dressed up to be CIGAR LAND! I used to get a pass when it was in Las Vegas before introducing the Stinky Cigar Ashtray in 2004. Now, I get to go each year. It's worth the effort. And, if you can't get a pass to the show, at least go to enjoy all the after parties.

Why don't one of you NOLA locals pick a night and set up a Herf? I suggest Wednesday evening at Don Leoncio Cigars - 430 Canal Street. The show closed at 5:00 but by time they go to dinner and get to Don Leoncio's, it's 8:00 PM. Someone needs to make up a Cigar Asylum poster and get there early to hold down a table. Or, you could all wear funny hats! :)

stewshi 07-31-2010 12:50 AM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
ahhhh NOLA what a great time from what I can and what my taste buds can remember

Stinky 07-31-2010 12:22 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
Here's another big HERF during the IPCPR convention week:

Wednesday, August 11th . . . evening hours(?)
Dos Jefes Uptown Cigar Bar
5535 Tchoupitoulas Street
New Orleans, Louisiana

This one is being hosted by Jerry Cruz from Stogy Review. He said there will be Lots of Free cigar Stuff. LINK Stogy Review

So, maybe we should meet Monday or Tuesday? Keep in mind Thursday is the last day of the show and most people are booked to leave that afternoon/evening. Not me, I leave Saturday 8/7/10.

jsnake 08-01-2010 01:24 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

Originally Posted by Stinky (Post 935914)
Here's another big HERF during the IPCPR convention week:

Wednesday, August 11th . . . evening hours(?)
Dos Jefes Uptown Cigar Bar
5535 Tchoupitoulas Street
New Orleans, Louisiana

This one is being hosted by Jerry Cruz from Stogy Review. He said there will be Lots of Free cigar Stuff. LINK Stogy Review

So, maybe we should meet Monday or Tuesday? Keep in mind Thursday is the last day of the show and most people are booked to leave that afternoon/evening. Not me, I leave Saturday 8/7/10.

This is the Twitter Brother of The Leaf Cocktail Hour and you had to be one of the first 50 registered to guarantee a goody bag full of sticks. I think they are throwing together some giveaways and stuff for guys who weren't in the first 50 to sign up or can't make it to IPCPR.

If you guys decide on a Monday or Tuesday night get together post it up. I am going to be there Sunday to Thursday. Can't wait.

leafandale 08-01-2010 09:24 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

Originally Posted by Stinky (Post 935914)
Here's another big HERF during the IPCPR convention week:

Wednesday, August 11th . . . evening hours(?)
Dos Jefes Uptown Cigar Bar
5535 Tchoupitoulas Street
New Orleans, Louisiana

This one is being hosted by Jerry Cruz from Stogy Review. He said there will be Lots of Free cigar Stuff. LINK Stogy Review

So, maybe we should meet Monday or Tuesday? Keep in mind Thursday is the last day of the show and most people are booked to leave that afternoon/evening. Not me, I leave Saturday 8/7/10.

If I'm not mistaken, I think you have to have a ticket for this event as well. Oh, and to answer the original question: Yes, I'll be there

Chainsaw13 08-01-2010 09:44 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
Go to Dragos for dinner. it's not that far from Don Leoncio's shop. Get the charbroiled oysters.

Dos Jefe's is a great little locals bar. Nice place to sit back and smoke a cigar while listening to some jazz music. Last time I was there it rained so hard outside, the water was covering the sidewalk. Made for a fun dash to the car.

BengalMan 08-02-2010 10:17 AM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
I'll be there Sunday-Friday. Stop by the Oliva booth and say what's up if your walking around the show.

CheapHumidors 08-02-2010 10:30 AM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
I can't tell y'all how excited I am. Our company has obviously gone every year but it's my first time in NOLA and my first time at IPCPR. I'm looking forward to exploring the city and meeting all y'all BOTLs!

Plus, our CEO is coming with me and he knows all the good party spots he says lol.

Chainsaw13 08-02-2010 10:38 AM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
If you need a place to stay, I know of two really nice B&B's just outside the FQ. Ashton's or HH Whitney House. Both are on Esplanade and are cigar friendly (outside of course).

Walt 08-02-2010 01:04 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

Originally Posted by leafandale (Post 937379)
If I'm not mistaken, I think you have to have a ticket for this event as well. Oh, and to answer the original question: Yes, I'll be there

Tickets are available on the website and are free. Dos Jefes can only hold 100 people (from what we are told) so we had to put some sort of system in place so that we didn't accidentally over-fill it.

While the first 50 get press kits, all 100 people will be getting some cigars. In addition we will also be doing give-aways for people who can't make it to New Orleans.

Ticket info:

CheapHumidors 08-02-2010 01:24 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

Originally Posted by Walt (Post 938139)
Tickets are available on the website and are free. Dos Jefes can only hold 100 people (from what we are told) so we had to put some sort of system in place so that we didn't accidentally over-fill it.

While the first 50 get press kits, all 100 people will be getting some cigars. In addition we will also be doing give-aways for people who can't make it to New Orleans.

Ticket info:

looks like the press kit registration is sold out but I registered for the non-press kit. Sounds like a good event!

marge796 08-02-2010 01:30 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

Originally Posted by Cort (Post 922473)
I got an invite from a good buddy which includes housing and a ticket to the show. Now I gotta figure out how to pay for airfare:xxx

I'd walk if I had your offer of a "FREE" ticket and a place to rest my head.

That's just me though.


leafandale 08-05-2010 09:28 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

Originally Posted by Walt (Post 938139)
Tickets are available on the website and are free. Dos Jefes can only hold 100 people (from what we are told) so we had to put some sort of system in place so that we didn't accidentally over-fill it.

While the first 50 get press kits, all 100 people will be getting some cigars. In addition we will also be doing give-aways for people who can't make it to New Orleans.

Ticket info:

Not at 100 yet? The way it sounds on Twitter, there's going to be 1200 people there! I wondered how big the place was...

darkleeroy 08-05-2010 09:37 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
Wish I could go, but since I haven't been in the industry for two years already, there's pretty much no chance for me to go. Plus NOLA, 'nuff said.

Walt 08-06-2010 05:06 AM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

Originally Posted by leafandale (Post 943306)
Not at 100 yet? The way it sounds on Twitter, there's going to be 1200 people there! I wondered how big the place was...

We are close to the 100 ticket maximum and are expecting several manufacturers and reps, which aren't included in the ticket numbers. We are also expecting a fair number of people just coming out.

We've more than doubled the size of the event over last year. It should be a lot of fun.

guado 08-08-2010 06:58 AM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
Well it has begun! Hung out at Don Leoncio yesterday afternoon and had to pleasure of speaking with Jose Oliva for a little while. Also was able to sit down and talk with Abe and Juan for a couple hours. Talked about their new PDR blends and realized how awesome and down to earth those guys are!

TripleF 08-08-2010 07:04 AM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
Nice Eddie!

Stinky 08-12-2010 12:16 AM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
Went to Dos Jeffe's. . . and, it was very crowded. Great turnout with impressive number of (big name) cigar executives! We'll be looking for another (even bigger) turn-out next year in Las Vegas. Plan to attend! This has some great potential!

ucubed 08-12-2010 08:52 AM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
I was looking for a thread like this... S0leful0ne, scottishsmoker, myself and pf721 are all here

Blueface 08-12-2010 09:13 AM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 937397)
Go to Dragos for dinner. it's not that far from Don Leoncio's shop. Get the charbroiled oysters.

Metairie.......Drago's.........I think of 17th St?
Man I love that place.
My car drives itself there from the Marriott right on the lake a few blocks away.
I dare anyone to try to eat less than a dozen.
I usually do at least two dozens by myself and thank goodness a dozen is a baker's dozen and I get that 13th one.:D
I have yet to find any Oyster, anywhere, that tastes anywhere as good as Drago's.

guado 08-13-2010 05:19 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

Originally Posted by ucubed (Post 950352)
I was looking for a thread like this... S0leful0ne, scottishsmoker, myself and pf721 are all here

I saw S0leful0ne one there on wednesday briefly. I felt like an ass cause I was waiting for the rep and he got attacked by 3 of his accounts. Between waiting on him to finally be done I had to run across the floor and didnt have a chance to talk. Sucked. Oh well. wish I had your guys' #'s. We were out with Rocky till 5am that night.

thebayratt 08-13-2010 05:55 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
I saw Stinky there and probly a few others.. just didn't recognize them~

Was a good show and really enjoyed the herfs and parties the evening time....

ucubed 08-13-2010 06:16 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
Aldrin and myself finally got to meet Ian at Oliva. We also met Stinky at Dos Jefes at the TBOTL cocktail hour on Wednesday with Old Boar

guado 08-13-2010 07:30 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

Originally Posted by ucubed (Post 952494)
Aldrin and myself finally got to meet Ian at Oliva. We also met Stinky at Dos Jefes at the TBOTL cocktail hour on Wednesday with Old Boar

Did you get hooked up with an Oliva bag with goodies? :banger

warren G. 08-13-2010 08:53 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
Aww man..I really wish I wasn't so busy this week. I hope Stinky and all my fellow BOTL had a good time in New Orleans. Drago's is pretty darn good. There's a real nice B&M by there, sometime I would drop by after a great meal @ Drago's.

thebayratt 08-13-2010 09:08 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?

Originally Posted by ucubed (Post 952494)
Aldrin and myself finally got to meet Ian at Oliva. We also met Stinky at Dos Jefes at the TBOTL cocktail hour on Wednesday with Old Boar

Then more than likely you saw or probly met me... I spent most the time at the bar bc it was getting pretty crowded in the back..

guado 08-14-2010 01:47 PM

Re: Any of you inmates heading to IPCPR?
I never found the Viaje booth while there. I was kinda upset.

Although Dion did hook it up with a CANDELA Holy Lance. Blast of cinnamon. Totally weird but awesome! LOL

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