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junkinduck 07-07-2010 06:49 PM

iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em
I purchased the iPhone last summer. It has always intermittently shut down when launching apps. I discussed this with an ATT representative and was led to believe that it was due to the fact that I was in a 3G fringe area. I have just lived with the inconvenience of having to reboot a couple of times a day thinking it was a network problem. I installed the new operating system 4.0 thinking this may help my problem. It has done the opposite. My phone will barely make calls much less do all of the things I have used it for in the past. Texting is hit and miss, apps do not work. Safari works less than not. I have tried to restore but the restore but it will not work. To make it function I had to reset back to factory settings but this has left me without my contacts, apps or music. At least the phone will work as a phone after the reset. I have tried all of the troubleshooting I could find on the Apple website. I have tried all USB ports on the computer as well resets. I understand that the phone is out of the warranty however I just thought my problems I have lived with for a year were quirks of the iPhone until installing 4.0.
Now i find that I have to pay 29.00 to apple for the pleasure of talking to one of there "genisus". I suspect that they will tell me to send them 200.00 and my phone. If I don't do this I will pay ATT for one year of data service I can not use.
My options are deal with apple. Buy overpriced used from fleabay. Nut up and live with the phone and hope I don't miss too many calls during one of the several reboots it takes during the day.

Any more sugustions?

Samsquanch 07-07-2010 07:10 PM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em
Try emailing Steve Jobs, he seems to have been responsive lately -

thebayratt 07-07-2010 07:12 PM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em
Get a "Dumb Phone" like I got.......
LG Script 265. Has a camera, mp3 player, and a place for a memory card...... what else do you really need in a phone? Not trying to bust your chops, I'm just use to texting and making a call on a phone. If I needed all that other stuff, I'd buy a laptop.

So. if you reset your phone you loose EVERYTHING?? It may be worth the $29 phone call then IMO.


"Nut up and live with the phone and hope I don't miss too many calls during one of the several reboots it takes during the day."

junkinduck 07-07-2010 07:36 PM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em
I really like the function of the smart phone. I like being able to surf the web while the wife shops. I like mobile stogie even though I lost all of my notes it the 4.0 crash. I guess I just wanted to rant where someone would listen. They don't listen on the apple forums.

And thanks Andrew an email can't hurt even though I don't really expect a reply.

jaydub13 07-07-2010 07:44 PM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em
If you sync'ed your phone with itunes, you won't lose a thing. That's the best thing to do in that regard. Don't bother with the Genius bar and troubleshooting, but you CAN do an "out of warranty" replacement, which tends to be the going price of a new phone with upgrade from AT&T. And trust me, it has nothing to do with your service, that's a phone issue. I have had this happen a few times on my phone, but nothing to the level you are talking about. Now, this is just the advice of an iphone user and AT&T employee, not an Apple tech... OR, make an appointment with the Genius Bar to discuss replacement options.

Also, if you switch to a different phone, you will NOT have to pay AT&T for data for a year. You can change plans and features at any time during your contract(or after, for that matter) without affecting the length of your contract or anything to that effect. So if you do decide to go with a different phone, you won't be stuck with the $30/month data plan. Or hell, you may be able to upgrade. Just dial *NEW# from your phone and you will get a free text from AT&T letting you know where you stand on upgrades. Some customers are eligible for upgrade after 12 months and 1 day.

E-Tx Surveyor 07-07-2010 07:56 PM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em
What generation iPhone do you have? My brother has 1st gen and he had similar problems until he upgraded to a 3GS.
I never had anything but problems with my iPhone, so I bought a BB Curve.

junkinduck 07-07-2010 08:10 PM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em

Originally Posted by jaydub13 (Post 909987)
If you sync'ed your phone with itunes, you won't lose a thing. That's the best thing to do in that regard. Don't bother with the Genius bar and troubleshooting, but you CAN do an "out of warranty" replacement, which tends to be the going price of a new phone with upgrade from AT&T. And trust me, it has nothing to do with your service, that's a phone issue. I have had this happen a few times on my phone, but nothing to the level you are talking about. Now, this is just the advice of an iphone user and AT&T employee, not an Apple tech... OR, make an appointment with the Genius Bar to discuss replacement options.

Also, if you switch to a different phone, you will NOT have to pay AT&T for data for a year. You can change plans and features at any time during your contract(or after, for that matter) without affecting the length of your contract or anything to that effect. So if you do decide to go with a different phone, you won't be stuck with the $30/month data plan. Or hell, you may be able to upgrade. Just dial *NEW# from your phone and you will get a free text from AT&T letting you know where you stand on upgrades. Some customers are eligible for upgrade after 12 months and 1 day.

The ATT website says I am eligiable for a full upgrade Feb 2011. The out of warranty replacement looks good but I don't know how to talk to apple. I have a couple of questions but everything goes through the "service advisor" or some crap like that. I really like the phone just hate the complete lack of customer service after the magic one year date. I didn't have many problems untill the big 4.0 upgrade after the warranty has expired.
By the way I synced before upgrading but can't restore the phone and the closest apple store is two and a half hours away. BTW thanks.

mithrilG60 07-07-2010 10:11 PM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em
You could always downgrade back to 3.1.3 if that version OS worked better for you....

macsauce13 07-07-2010 10:19 PM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 910091)
You could always downgrade back to 3.1.3 if that version OS worked better for you....

Yep, thats what you need to do. OS 4 has some real kinks, and very few people are happy with it. If it is really messing with your phone, downgrade the OS!

ir13 07-07-2010 10:53 PM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em

Originally Posted by andpeo23 (Post 909936)
Try emailing Steve Jobs, he seems to have been responsive lately -

The email is

it is actually read by a Executive Customer Relations team.

baldanders 07-07-2010 10:56 PM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em
Toss it into the nearest dumpster and get a Blackberry.

junkinduck 07-08-2010 04:58 AM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em
Thanks for all the help guys. This place sure beats the apple forums. After three days I still have not gotten any support. Either hardware or peer.

Blueface 07-08-2010 08:39 AM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em
Sounds like you had a phone issue that was warranty related but you attributed it to network problems at the time. You are now out of warranty.
Apple is quite clear about the one year warranty and cost to talk to them after that.
Same goes with Dell, HP and any other company I have dealt with. This is not isolated to Apple alone. They all do it.

Not sure why you lost all data. You can do a restore and then sync all your original stuff that you had in the phone backed up, prior to the restore.

As for slowness, there is no doubt some folks are experiencing issues with the new 4 OS. However, on the new iPhone 4, it flies. The phone is quite quick for all applications.

Go back to the 3 version of OS and you should pick up speed again.

T.G 07-08-2010 09:22 AM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em
Hi, Billy Mays here!

Having problems with your iPhone? We HAVE your solution, right here, right now! Let me show it to you!

Yes, it's the amazing iBrick! This all in one tool solves all your iPhone problems swiftly and efficiently!

You simply place your iPhone on any hard surface, preferably concrete, and raise our exclusive iBrick above your head and slam it down on the phone. Yes, just SLAM IT DOWN! That's right. Most iPhone problems are resolved with JUST A SINGLE APPLICATION! For exceptionally stubbon phones, a second application might be necessary.

That's it! It's that simple! Just SLAM THE iBRICK DOWN!

You know it's quality because the iBrick is made in GERMANY!

How much would you expect to pay for this marvel of technological repair?


NO WAY! I'm Billy Mays and right here, right now, today, I'm here to tell you that you can forget all of that! You can have this AMAZING iBRICK for a MERE $19.95!!

YES, you heard that right! Just $19.95!

In fact, if you order now, I'll throw in a second iBrick free of charge!

That's right! TWO iBricks for the price of one!

That's not all though!

I'll include a FREE, yes absolutely FREE mini-dustpan and broom.

So that's TWO iBricks and a bonus mini-dustpan, all for $19.95*.

But, wait, there's MORE!

If you order in the next 30 minutes, I'll even throw in a mini-coke spoon!

That's one iBrick, plus FREE bonus iBrick, FREE mini-dustpan and broom and FREE mini-coke spoon! All for the low, low price of $19.95! That's TEN DOLLARS LESS than Apple charges! And you can FIX your OWN iPhone!

Call now, operators are standing by!

$19.95 includes iBrick, bonus free iBrick, mini-dustpan and broom, and bonus free mini-coke spoon. Shipping and handling extra, $39.95 to most locations. Offer valid for contentinental US only, void where prohibited,

junkinduck 07-08-2010 10:33 AM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 910326)
Sounds like you had a phone issue that was warranty related but you attributed it to network problems at the time. You are now out of warranty.
Apple is quite clear about the one year warranty and cost to talk to them after that.
Same goes with Dell, HP and any other company I have dealt with. This is not isolated to Apple alone. They all do it.

Not sure why you lost all data. You can do a restore and then sync all your original stuff that you had in the phone backed up, prior to the restore.

As for slowness, there is no doubt some folks are experiencing issues with the new 4 OS. However, on the new iPhone 4, it flies. The phone is quite quick for all applications.

Go back to the 3 version of OS and you should pick up speed again.

I didn't loose the data the phone just wont restore. I have the data on the pc I just cant sync it to the phone.

Blueface 07-08-2010 11:14 AM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em

Originally Posted by junkinduck (Post 910426)
I didn't loose the data the phone just wont restore. I have the data on the pc I just cant sync it to the phone.

I honestly recommend you go back to the 3 OS and then try to sync.

junkinduck 07-10-2010 08:47 PM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 910091)
You could always downgrade back to 3.1.3 if that version OS worked better for you....

Attempted to downgrade today. Could not get libusb to install. I went to every tutorial i could find and no luck. It is not the usual compatiability issue it wont go to the install wizzard. Still thinking about the 200.00 replacement. I would get a new batteryand all but that would buy a nice fist full of cigars.

Sauer Grapes 07-12-2010 02:59 AM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em

Originally Posted by junkinduck (Post 912665)
Attempted to downgrade today. Could not get libusb to install. I went to every tutorial i could find and no luck. It is not the usual compatiability issue it wont go to the install wizzard. Still thinking about the 200.00 replacement. I would get a new batteryand all but that would buy a nice fist full of cigars.

I know you may be sick of apple and AT&T, but I bet you are upgrade eligible for the iPhone 4. They moved almost everyone's eligibility up for the 4. I only had my 3GS for 8 months and I was eligible.

On a related note, I may know of a 3GS for sale. :D

KASR 07-12-2010 07:43 AM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em
No good suggestions here, brother. But it's stories like yours that makes me want to hug my HTC EVO. Keep us posted on anything else that develops! Damn the Man!

Samsquanch 07-12-2010 11:03 AM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em
The iPhone 4 is pretty incredible, I would recommend going with the upgrade if you're eligible.

aich75013 07-12-2010 12:02 PM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em
I guess I was lucky. I took my 3G to the Apple store 1 month out of warranty.
They replaced my phone for free when I was having issues.

My 3G did slow down quite a bit when I upgraded it to iOS4.0. I have the iPhone 4 now and it is amazingly faster. How you'd expect it to work.
I'm using my old 3G as an iPod, but I think I will downgrade the OS because it is still too slow.

junkinduck 08-18-2010 08:30 PM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em
Was in Columbus this past weekend and stoped in the Apple store. I made an appointment with a "genius". He run a few diagnostics on the phone and gave me a new one free. Two months out of warranty and handed me a reconditioned phone that is working like a champ. I guess if you have a problem it is worth the two hour drive to an apple store. Apple is back in grace for now.

Silound 08-21-2010 02:17 PM

Re: iPhone rant Apple charges you to call 'em
If AT&T's network isn't covering enough in your area, you may try looking into another carrier.

Android based phones are very nice!

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