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Mr.Maduro 06-29-2010 07:20 PM

Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Edit: Just read it does not include cigars....

icehog3 06-29-2010 07:22 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 902938)

Edit: Just read it does not include cigars....


WASHINGTON — To comply with legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by the President, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products will be subject to new mailing regulations effective June 29, 2010. The law, Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking Act, Public Law No. 111-154, was signed into law March 31.

With only a few limited exceptions, the Postal Service will no longer be allowed to accept or transport packages containing cigarettes or smokeless tobacco products. The general mailability ban will extend to cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco and smokeless tobacco. The prohibition does not include cigars.

captain53 06-29-2010 07:22 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
No Cigars but would not be surprised if they were added on in the near future.:td:td:td

Wonder if it will ultimately effect UPS, Fed-X, Etc...

Emjaysmash 06-29-2010 07:27 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
Bah, humbug.

replicant_argent 06-29-2010 07:28 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
Still, pure stupidity.
I am sure this will protect the..... chiiiiiillllllddddruuuuuuuuuuunnnnnn.

Goddamn nannies taking one little bite out of Personal Responsibility and Independent thought at a time.

longknocker 06-29-2010 07:29 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
Good News For Now!:banger

St. Lou Stu 06-29-2010 07:32 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
USPS would loose a big chunka bidness if they included cigars.cbid

replicant_argent 06-29-2010 07:35 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Originally Posted by St. Lou Stu (Post 902957)
USPS would loose a big chunka bidness if they included cigars.cbid

Yeah, email has already taken out a huge chunk of business for them, limiting their market further is just plain old good sense.

Get your USPS collectibles now, before they go out of business, you will make millions in the hipster market when "old skool USPS" stuff is rare.

AD720 06-29-2010 07:38 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
I'm guessing (hoping?) that "roll your own" doesn't include pipe tobacco? :confused:

Whee 06-29-2010 07:51 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
Oh wait...


captain53 06-29-2010 07:57 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

What the F will be next????:td

New York just passed a new 75% excise tax rate on Cigars so you can bet they will be coming after them soon.

Whee 06-29-2010 08:00 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

elderboy02 06-29-2010 08:04 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
I don't get it. The USPS is always whining that they are losing money. Now they are adding more stuff you can't ship :confused:

captain53 06-29-2010 08:07 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
I have started buying my Single Malt online, actually comes from New York @ about 30% savings after shipping. Wonder how long that will last before the screw it up.:bh

jonumberone 06-29-2010 08:09 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
Now that we all know it doesn't include cigars does someone want to let the postal workers know? Spent 45 min in post office today while they goat a supervisor to decide if they would accept my package for the n.s.t. :fl :bh

Skywalker 06-29-2010 08:11 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Originally Posted by captain53 (Post 902946)
No Cigars but would not be surprised if they were added on in the near future.:td:td:td

Wonder if it will ultimately effect UPS, Fed-X, Etc...

Good luck!!!

Like this would slow any of us down!!!

hotreds 06-29-2010 08:16 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
So much for the USPS not being part of the govt! Not that I ever believed their denials anyway.

elderboy02 06-29-2010 08:20 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 902987)
Now that we all know it doesn't include cigars does someone want to let the postal workers know? Spent 45 min in post office today while they goat a supervisor to decide if they would accept my package for the n.s.t. :fl :bh

Do Click N Ship online. No questions asked ;)

ValorBali41 06-29-2010 08:37 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
But would it ever become a conflict of interest with Cigar smokers. There are so many websites that rely on the internet buisness, a huge lawsuit can come out of this issue if UPS targets Cigars, and IMHO I dont really believe that UPS would advance it to court, it would be too costly

lightning9191 06-29-2010 08:41 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 902987)
Now that we all know it doesn't include cigars does someone want to let the postal workers know? Spent 45 min in post office today while they goat a supervisor to decide if they would accept my package for the n.s.t. :fl :bh

Why did you tell them what is in it? Have everything packaged and take it in....I've never been asked what is in there...just "Is there anything liquid, hazardous, or perishable?"

quantim0 06-29-2010 10:03 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
No one should be happy that cigars are excluded. When freedoms are attacked we need to stand against the offense, even if it doesn't directly affect us.

neoflex 06-29-2010 10:38 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
Could you imagine how much of a hit Priority would take if it included Cigars? Would it kill them? No, but I bet they would see a significant drop. Just my:2

MarkinAZ 06-29-2010 11:33 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 902945)

:DIn addition, nothing mentioned regarding pipe tobaccy too...


Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 902987)
Now that we all know it doesn't include cigars does someone want to let the postal workers know? Spent 45 min in post office today while they goat a supervisor to decide if they would accept my package for the n.s.t.


Originally Posted by lightning9191 (Post 903018)
Why did you tell them what is in it? Have everything packaged and take it in....I've never been asked what is in there...just "Is there anything liquid, hazardous, or perishable?"

:tpd:Basically, its none of their damned business what I'm shipping, because as far as I'm concerned, I'm shipping nothing that is illegal period! Just say "no" and ship it my brother...

dyieldin 06-29-2010 11:53 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
You can bet cigars will be in the list and soon. Tobacco is now controled by the govenment under the health care deal. Another note, the ATF is also rolled up into that mess. So what do we have here? A nightmare.

jonumberone 06-30-2010 04:47 AM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 903002)
Do Click N Ship online. No questions asked ;)

One of the many things this noon has to learn. Thanks:)


Originally Posted by lightning9191 (Post 903018)
Why did you tell them what is in it? Have everything packaged and take it in....I've never been asked what is in there...just "Is there anything liquid, hazardous, or perishable?"

I didn't have a box. So I walked up to the counter cigars in hand, and bought a flat rate box that I packed up at the counter.

elderboy02 06-30-2010 05:06 AM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 903224)
One of the many things this noon has to learn. Thanks:)

I didn't have a box. So I walked up to the counter cigars in hand, and bought a flat rate box that I packed up at the counter.

You can order the boxes online for free and have them delivered to your door. Just go to and click on "Order Supplies". :tu

Subvet642 06-30-2010 06:35 AM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Originally Posted by quantim0 (Post 903086)
No one should be happy that cigars are excluded. When freedoms are attacked we need to stand against the offense, even if it doesn't directly affect us.


lightning9191 06-30-2010 07:31 AM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 903234)
You can order the boxes online for free and have them delivered to your door. Just go to and click on "Order Supplies". :tu

:tpd: That's the way to do it! The video boxes are good sized for 5+ cigars.

chippewastud79 06-30-2010 07:35 AM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 903224)
I didn't have a box. So I walked up to the counter cigars in hand, and bought a flat rate box that I packed up at the counter.

Most offices have a large selection of boxes in a display used to advertise the flat rate priority shipping now that are available for the taking. I grab a handful most of the times I stop in. :tu

TheModernSailor 09-03-2010 02:43 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

I'm a service member that is deployed right now and I just wanted to give you guys a heads up on whats going on with this new law.

It's been in place about a month now and I've placed a few orders online with no problems, but today I woke up to this e-mail in my inbox:


Thank you for your recent order. Unfortunately there is a tobacco restriction in place at the address you provided so we will not be able to ship there. Can you please provide an alternate shipping or would you need me to cancel the order? My sincerest apologies for the inconvenience.


Customer Service"

Anthony works for Famous Cigars. I snagged something off cigar monster and a little 5 pack to throw in because I was paying shipping anyways and I got this e-mail. I'm very surprised by it because the new law states that shipment of Cigars are not restricted.

Well I sent an e-mail back informing Anthony H. Sauerzopf at (in case you guys want to get in touch with him) that he was mistaken. I sent him some information (a copy of the law) to educated himself and peers that there is NO restriction on shipping cigars and that I was not canceling my order and I do NOT have an alternate shipping address because I'm floating around on a ship right now. I asked him to ship my lawfully covered items me. I also told him to please state his companies stance on shipment of cigars to APO/FPO so I can let all the other servicemembers know to take their business elsewhere.

Got anymore advice for me?

ninjavanish 09-03-2010 03:00 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
I don't think any advice is necessary. You were a victim of an individual or a group of individuals reckless idiocy.

I ship thousands of cigars through USPS... even some to Famous Cigars!

They should know better.

Not sure what to tell you though, maybe ask them to use UPS or FedEx?

bigliver 09-03-2010 07:49 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
I just placed an order with famous on the 1st. Shipped no problem, and I'm in Okinawa.

T.G 09-03-2010 08:11 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Originally Posted by ninjavanish (Post 976646)
Not sure what to tell you though, maybe ask them to use UPS or FedEx?

UPS / FedEx won't deliver to APOs/FPOs. They need a physical street address.

Depending where TheModernSailor is deployed to, there might not be an alternate physical address or if there is, UPS/FedEx might not service/access that location/country, if they do, then there might be a whopper of an international delivery charge.

T.G 09-03-2010 08:18 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Originally Posted by TheModernSailor (Post 976622)
Got anymore advice for me?

Escalate the ticket to a C/S lead/manager and if necessary, forward a copy of the regulations with the section highlighted (or notated if electronically sending) about it's ok to ship cigars to an APO/FPO to them.

Shop at Cigars International. They have no problems shipping to APO/FPOs.

If there is something that you must have from Famous, have your shipments from Famous sent to someone stateside that can re-mail the package to your APO/FPO.

Sucks, but that's about it for your options.

bigdix 09-03-2010 08:50 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
I'm so proud I defend you guys' right to have your rights taken away ;) Regulations like this are just plain silly. "Cigarette trafficking"? Really? How about expend the same time and energy solving real problems. Like monkey diseases. Poor monkeys. :D

JohnE1000 09-07-2010 09:44 AM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
I say Botanical Herbs For Relaxation

mobarbq 09-07-2010 10:01 AM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
God save us from a government that thinks it needs to protect us from everything. Like with so many other issues, first they have to enlist the news media to create a "crisis", then there they are to protect us by new laws. So many children were getting cigarettes through the mail, I guess.

dwoodward 09-07-2010 10:42 AM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Originally Posted by mobarbq (Post 980214)
God save us from a government that thinks it needs to protect us from everything. Like with so many other issues, first they have to enlist the news media to create a "crisis", then there they are to protect us by new laws. So many children were getting cigarettes through the mail, I guess.

Gosh, what a shame... 10 kids in the entire US were getting cigarettes in the mail. Good riddance, I am sure they were also the only 10 kids that didn't have atleast 2-3 friends over the age of 18 to buy the cigarettes for them.

Apparently this new law just says that kids don't smoke cigars apparently.

pektel 09-07-2010 10:44 AM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Originally Posted by mobarbq (Post 980214)
God save us from a government that thinks it needs to protect us from everything. Like with so many other issues, first they have to enlist the news media to create a "crisis", then there they are to protect us by new laws.

Quoted for truth. Though this is nearing the line of political discussion, and we all know how that ends.

icehog3 09-07-2010 10:50 AM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 980244)
Quoted for truth. Though this is nearing the line of political discussion, and we all know how that ends.


ninjavanish 09-07-2010 10:59 AM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
Actually what it boils down to is they weren't able to tax said "cigarette traffic" due to online cigarette stores and places outside the US shipping 1000's of "counterfeit" cigarettes into the country undetected. Some laced with poisons and various other bad things that we obviously don't want people smoking. Whatever.

To be honest, I think it's a load of bureaucratic you-know-what. I don't really care about cigarettes anyway... but I do think they should be allowed to operate unhindered by a government who has gone overboard on regulating. Obviously some rules must be maintained and enforced but come on... when does it become too much?

If they could figure out a way to collect the taxes from it I guarantee you this would be a different story.

pektel 09-07-2010 12:44 PM

Re: Did Everyone See The New USPS Tobacco Shipping Policy?
How would that stop the overseas guys though? I am ignorant in shipping to the US from another country, but I would guess they would use their own mail service, with the USPS taking possession after it goes through customs and into the US.

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