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cubanrob19 06-14-2010 08:47 PM

Does Anyone Know What This Is???
3 Attachment(s)
I just picked this up for a small chunk of change ... the person that sold it to me thought it was a humidor, but Im not sure if it really is one. It seems to be kinda old but in good condition, and its from Cuba. The floor has 11 divets with small holes that dont go all the way through.

Anyone seen this before or have any insight as to what exactly it is, or if its a collectible.

thanks in advance!

dyieldin 06-14-2010 10:16 PM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???
Looks like a box they use to stand smoke on the head pointing up but they would be huge ones for that box.

MarkinAZ 06-14-2010 10:30 PM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???
I think it may be an old humidor Rob. Looking at the brand underneath the lid may compare to this one:

Just a thought based on minimal research...:D

OLS 06-15-2010 06:12 AM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???
3 Attachment(s)
A double duty sales and shipping box. Pretty common back in the olden days.
Attached are a few more. I could point you to a vendor that sells alot of them
and has photos that you can use to understand the concept of the box,
but I get in trouble when I do that. Search the web for antique cigar cabinet.

Mugen910 06-15-2010 07:18 AM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???
It looks like a box that can hold cigars.

tomc3084 06-15-2010 07:31 AM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???
Damn , very nice. Brad, what kind of cigars are those in there, Montes? Which kind specifically though I mean, they look very old!

cubanrob19 06-15-2010 07:46 AM

Has Anyone Seen This Before???
3 Attachment(s)
I picked this up for a small chunk of change, but I'm not sure exactly what I got here. The lady that sold it to me said that she was told it was a humidor ... if it is, Ive never seen one like it. Its branded with the old Bolivar Habana logo, it doesn't have a place for a humidifier or hygrometer, and it has 11 divets at the bottom with small holes that do not go all the way through.

anyone have any insight on this?


captain53 06-15-2010 07:47 AM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???
All I can say it is a pretty damn nice piece for the Cigar collector!:tu

KenyanSandBoa 06-15-2010 08:05 AM

Re: Has Anyone Seen This Before???
Is it lined in Spanish cedar?

icehog3 06-15-2010 08:12 AM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???

Originally Posted by tomc3084 (Post 887556)
Damn , very nice. Brad, what kind of cigars are those in there, Montes? Which kind specifically though I mean, they look very old!

I would guess Bolivars maybe? ;)

cubanrob19 06-15-2010 08:20 AM

Re: Has Anyone Seen This Before???

Originally Posted by KenyanSandBoa (Post 887581)
Is it lined in Spanish cedar?

I would say yes, it seems to be.

cubanrob19 06-15-2010 08:40 AM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 887500)
A double duty sales and shipping box. Pretty common back in the olden days.
Attached are a few more. I could point you to a vendor that sells alot of them
and has photos that you can use to understand the concept of the box,
but I get in trouble when I do that. Search the web for antique cigar cabinet.

yea, if you could point me to that vendor, that would be great. I would like to see what he thinks. I just want to have all the info I can get on this piece ... it might be a good conversation piece!

Mugen910 06-15-2010 08:48 AM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???
I would take Brad's suggestion and google "antique cigar cabinet" as the rules in this plase do not allow sharing of such sources.
Posted via Mobile Device

cubanrob19 06-15-2010 08:56 AM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 887616)
I would take Brad's suggestion and google "antique cigar cabinet" as the rules in this plase do not allow sharing of such sources.
Posted via Mobile Device

Gotcha ... but yea, i was googling that, I just wish I could find something closer to what I got. But im gonna keep searching!


cubanrob19 06-15-2010 02:01 PM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???
OK, so I've been checking it out, and figuered out that it is a humidor! check out the photos .... there is an interior cedar box with holes at the bottom that slides out of the exterior box. the interior box sits on these approx. 7/8" tall pegs at the corners of the bottom of the exterior box to leave a gap between the boxes so that you can place a humidifier in that area, and then the humidity will go through the holes of the interior box to keep the cigars fresh!

this is a sweet @ss humidor! I cant believe I snagged this for $30!!!

cubanrob19 06-15-2010 02:03 PM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???

pnoon 06-15-2010 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by cubanrob19 (Post 887622)
Gotcha ... but yea, i was googling that, I just wish I could find something closer to what I got. But im gonna keep searching!


As a new member, be sure and read the rules and sticky threads. Lots of important information to be learned. Asking for vendors of Cuban cigars and accessories is frowned upon.
Posted via Mobile Device

cubanrob19 06-15-2010 02:21 PM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 887985)
As a new member, be sure and read the rules and sticky threads. Lots of important information to be learned. Asking for vendors of Cuban cigars and accessories is frowned upon.
Posted via Mobile Device

you got it man :tu ... sorry, I just got excited :D

shilala 06-15-2010 02:36 PM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???
It looks super old. Nice snag!!

bobarian 06-15-2010 02:51 PM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???
This looks like a100ct box or cajon. Primarily sent to retailers, it looks much to rough to be a humidor. All of the Cuban humidors I have seen are works of art, with detailed carving and much higher quality woods. Not sure of the actual age but a picture of any markings on the bottom might help. :2

cubanrob19 06-15-2010 02:58 PM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 888033)
This looks like a100ct box or cajon. Primarily sent to retailers, it looks much to rough to be a humidor. All of the Cuban humidors I have seen are works of art, with detailed carving and much higher quality woods. Not sure of the actual age but a picture of any markings on the bottom might help. :2


the only marking on the bottom is the burn stamp that says "Made in Havana Cuba" (picture is shown a in my earlier post).

cubanrob19 06-15-2010 03:00 PM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???
One thing that I just noticed that intreaged me is that the hinges are silver in color ... most humidors and cigar boxes that I have ever seen (which i cant say are that much, really), are always gold colored or bronze. :confused:

shilala 06-15-2010 03:04 PM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???

Originally Posted by cubanrob19 (Post 888039)
One thing that I just noticed that intreaged me is that the hinges are silver in color ... most humidors and cigar boxes that I have ever seen (which i cant say are that much, really), are always gold colored or bronze. :confused:

If there's enough wood, it can be turned into a humidor. Granted, that'd cause it to lose any antique collectability value, but it'd make an awful cool humidor.
If it makes you happy, that's what matters. :tu

bobarian 06-15-2010 03:19 PM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???

Originally Posted by cubanrob19 (Post 888037)

the only marking on the bottom is the burn stamp that says "Made in Havana Cuba" (picture is shown a in my earlier post).

Ahh, sorry I missed that pic. That would date it to pre-1960 (

cubanrob19 06-15-2010 03:23 PM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 888051)
Ahh, sorry I missed that pic. That would date it to pre-1960 (

Awesome ... so at least I know now that its 50+ years old!

thanks for the link, this website is very informative!

Now to see if I can narrow down the year somehow! maybe based on the logo stamp.

OLS 06-16-2010 08:37 AM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???
Yeah, there is no doubt that it is NOT a humidor, I mean, not from me, anyway,
cause I think it is what I told you that it is, lol. This was a very common way of distributing
cigars before the invention of the walk-in. It IS a humidor in a very technical way, but it is just
a sales case. All that said, you stole it for 30 bucks. RIGHT NOW I would give you $75.

As for spotting more online, once you enter the magic words, you are likely to find more
similar pics posted that might lead to a page that might have several other units either
for sale or for display, i.e. to rub your nose in what they have that you can't have.
You are not likely to see another of those, but there are many similar boxes like it online.
Subtle and not so subtle differences in style and build.

cubanrob19 06-16-2010 08:41 AM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 888695)
Yeah, there is no doubt that it is NOT a humidor, I mean, not from me, anyway,
cause I think it is what I told you that it is, lol. This was a very common way of distributing
cigars before the invention of the walk-in. It IS a humidor in a very technical way, but it is just
a sales case. All that said, you stole it for 30 bucks. RIGHT NOW I would give you $75.

lol ... not for sale! :)

OLS 06-16-2010 08:56 AM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???
Add humidor into the search. It will clutter the results, but also give you better chances
of finding what you are looking for. "pre-embargo" is not a bad thing to add either.

cubanrob19 06-16-2010 09:15 AM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 888717)
Add humidor into the search. It will clutter the results, but also give you better chances
of finding what you are looking for. "pre-embargo" is not a bad thing to add either.

yea, I've been trying, but to no avail!

Humidor Minister 06-30-2010 12:26 PM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???
Gotta love the old school stuff. Nice collection guys.

yourchoice 06-30-2010 02:25 PM

Re: Does Anyone Know What This Is???
That is a very cool find! Thanks for sharing!

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