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DBall 06-02-2010 01:22 PM

DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
2 of our newer members are going to review these 10 cigars:

If anyone has any ideas of what these might be, please don't share... I want this to be as fun and unbiased as possible.

They will review them at least 1 per week and PM their reviews to me. Once I get em, I'll post them in the thread and post the results.

Cigars are going out tonight or tomorrow... :banger

Goldie 06-02-2010 01:32 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
I always enjoy reading these. Can't wait.

stearns 06-02-2010 02:50 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
nice, cant wait for the reviews to come in


BFallehy 06-02-2010 03:25 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Very cool, I followed the last one and intend on watching this one. Can't wait for the first reviews. :tu

macsauce13 06-02-2010 04:22 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Woo hoo!!! Here we go again!

DBall 06-02-2010 08:42 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Brian - Delivery Confirmation™ Label Number: 9405503699300250771629

James - Delivery Confirmation™ Label Number: 9405503699300250771636

Leaving NY tomorrow

Emjaysmash 06-02-2010 09:06 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
And the saga continues...

E-Tx Surveyor 06-02-2010 09:10 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Really looking forward to reading the reviews.

Brutus2600 06-02-2010 09:19 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Thanks! :tu I'll keep an eye out for them. I'm going to let them rest for a few days but then expect some reviews in your inbox! :D

jimmyk26 06-02-2010 10:45 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
I just sharpened my pencils, I think I am ready. I am also really excited! :tu

MTBAlex 06-02-2010 11:23 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Nice!!!! i'm glad these are back!! i look forward to readign the first review.

Montano 06-03-2010 06:25 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
It will be fun to sit back and relax this time around ;)

DBall 06-03-2010 07:39 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by Montano (Post 876412)
It will be fun to sit back and relax this time around ;)

Was it really that bad, Nick? :r

DBall 06-03-2010 02:16 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
My wife put these in our mailbox after the mailman left... They won't be leaving til tomorrow.

Sorry guys.

Brutus2600 06-05-2010 08:11 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
I think that's the fastest across country priority mail shipping I've ever seen if they left Friday! Look what showed up with the mailman today :D

Put these beautiful sticks in my humi and I'm going to let them rest a few days. I'll be sending you my first review next weekend sometime, I doubt these need too much rest since they were basically overnighted, rofl.

DBall 06-05-2010 03:57 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by Brutus2600 (Post 878199)
I think that's the fastest across country priority mail shipping I've ever seen if they left Friday! Look what showed up with the mailman today :D

Put these beautiful sticks in my humi and I'm going to let them rest a few days. I'll be sending you my first review next weekend sometime, I doubt these need too much rest since they were basically overnighted, rofl.

Holy ****... how'd that happen? Damn.

Smokin Gator 06-05-2010 04:11 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Can't wait for this round of reviews. Thanks for doing it again Dan.

jimmyk26 06-06-2010 12:09 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Fastest cross country mail ever. I got my package today. Just like Brutus, mine will rest for a couple of days and the fun begins.

Brutus2600 06-06-2010 06:56 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 878495)
Holy ****... how'd that happen? Damn.

Lol...maybe both packages accidentally got mixed in with the overnight ones :D Who knows, oh well -(P

DBall 06-08-2010 10:29 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
So guys... first review this weekend, you think?

Also, I noticed that Brian posts in the photography thread... all the shots I took for these cigars were with a Nikon D5000 w/ a 50mm manual lens.

I was trying to make some better looking pics for this one than the previous 2 (where I just kinda threw shots together).

Can't wait for this to get underway!!! :banger

Brutus2600 06-08-2010 11:15 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Yessir! This weekend sounds great.

I have a Nikon too, however it's just a D50 with the 50mm 1.8 lens, but I'll tease some good shots out of it for my reviews ;)

The pic I took of the sticks when they arrived was just with my iPhone though, lol.

DBall 06-09-2010 07:23 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by Brutus2600 (Post 881915)

I have a Nikon too, however it's just a D50 with the 50mm 1.8 lens

Nice, mine's the 1.4, but was around the same price because it is the older, automatic version. I almost think I'd rather lose that .4 and be certain that I could focus on stuff better...

Montano 06-09-2010 07:24 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Eagerly awaiting the reviews :)

issues 06-09-2010 09:18 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Love to see this thread coming up once again!

I'm looking forward to the reviews. :tu

DBall 06-10-2010 04:07 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
James sent in his first review... this is gonna be a good one! :tu

Brutus2600 06-12-2010 07:45 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
In the middle of my first review...should have this one wrapped up and sent off in about an hour :)

DBall 06-12-2010 08:27 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

DBall 06-12-2010 08:48 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
jimmyk26 Cigar #1

Blind Tasting #1

Initial inspection - This corona sized cigar is wrapped in a medium brown wrapper that exhibits a few veins, but none of the veins are significant in size. When I inspect the cigar's construction, I feel that the cigar's wrapper isn't exactly smooth, but it also doesn't show too much tooth. Upon closer inspection, I see that the wrapper has a light oily sheen with a bit of crystallization (likely plume). The touch examination reveals that there are no noticeable soft spots and the triple cap looks well applied. The wrapper offers up almost no aroma, when I pressed my nose for more I did get a faint hint of manure. The foot on the other hand smells of sweet tobacco and graham cracker. The prelight draw is good and leaves hint of rice paper on the palate.

Initial puffs - Right away my palate is lit up with a burnt wood flavor, it also has a long finish of earth/dirt. The smoke is pulling well.

1/3 - After the initial blast of burnt wood, the flavors have settled down a bit and the charred flavor has backed off leaving the wood and earth flavors lingering on the palate. The finish is remarkably long on this cigar. The burn is pretty much even, despite a run away section early in the cigar. The smoke isn't thick, but there is enough of it to coat my palate for tasting. In the later part of this third there emerged a sweet caramel taste that really surprised me.

2/3 - The ash held until the end of the first third and then feel off right into my lap. At the beginning of this second third I noticed that the draw had gotten a bit tighter and there was a bit of tar building up where I cut it, so I clipped a bit more off the end and have since slowed my smoke rate. The cigar has opened right back up. For the flavors, the backbone of wood and earth remain on the for front, while the sweetness has changed into a slight spice that is noticeable through the nose and lingers on the palate. The burn line has also corrected itself. The spice proved to be short lived, eclipsed by a bitter coffee flavor, that doesn't finish as long as the other flavors.

3/3 - Similar to the first third, the ash held well for the second third and then fell into my lap again. At the onset of this final third, the coffee flavors morph into a semi-sweet hazelnut and chocolate. Also, there is still that over arching backbone of wood and earth that has been consistent throughout the cigar. The cigar is still burning and drawing well. Almost as if it is returning the beginning the only flavors left here at the end are wood and earth. And for the finally the burst of burnt wood makes the final bow.

Final thoughts - This cigar was a bit like a train ride. First there is the backbone flavors of wood and earth that were consistent throughout the cigar which would be the train car that I am sitting in. These core flavors carried me along while I got to look out the windows and enjoy the other other flavors as they passed by. Now I use the train analogy because it also helps show that the experience of the other flavors were brief and encompassed by the backbone flavors, like when you look at scenery out of a window. The fact I really experienced the other flavors mostly on the finish and through the nose highlights the passing expereince. I get the feeling that if I wasn't paying close attention and writing this review the scenery might have passed me buy.

Score: 7.5 - Because the journey was interesting, but I would call the cigar more nuanced than complex. It also smoked fairly well.

DBall 06-12-2010 08:49 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Brutus2600 Cigar #1

Here is my review for cigar number one!

Prelight inspection - Nice looking wrapper (even though it's a little loose), very minor veins, nice smooth feel. Looks about 5 1/4" x 40.

Predraw - distinct taste of cinnamon (hadn't experienced that one before!). Slightly tight, but definitely not plugged.

Initial light 8:02 - Toasted the foot with my torch, then lit with a soft flame. My initial light produced a nice amount of smoke, with a slight spice taste and hints of leather. Very smooth, almost creamy smoke. After a couple of draws I tried a retrohale (which usually burns), and this was so smooth I didn't think I was actually getting any of the smoke through. Did it again just to make sure (actually almost 100% retrohale) and no burning, but there was a new flavor there I can't pinpoint. The best I can describe it is that the smell brings to mind being at the pool during summer.

First Third - Having started this cigar with just water, I now have started my coffee and after a sip then a draw there was an initial chocolaty burst. After that the flavor profile has mellowed to almost indistinguishable tastes. The ash had a brownish gray look to it and I was just getting ready to take a picture and the ash dropped right on me. I took this opportunity to purge and the spice that had been waning was brought back out. The burn is even and slow. Got a picture of the little bit of ash I was able to accumulate. Lucky too because just after the pic it fell off again.

Second Third 8:37 - As stated earlier, the cigar has a kind of a loose construction, which is almost surprising considering the borderline tight draw. After the ash fell off I did a little purge and immediately tasted a nutty flavor along with that every present light spice taste. Some caramel notes have started to emerge, at times barely there, but others even becoming the dominant taste. Very glad the cigar has held together even without the band.

Final Third 8:55 - Having been a fairly mild cigar the entire time, the final third is becoming stronger and burning hotter (as should be expected). I'm feeling the nicotine buildup on my tongue now, and a retrohale brings a slight burn that I've come to expect with other cigars (although still not too bad). Having said that, the smoke is still creamy without any bitter notes but as hard as I try, I can't pull out any flavor past "smokey". Not to say it's not an enjoyable cigar still, I'm just having a hard time finding any flavors to write about.

Finish time 9: 20. Final thoughts are, overall mild cigar, slight spiciness throughout most of the cigar, with creamy, plentiful smoke and a consistent burn that didn't need one touch up. Would I purchase this cigar again? Yes, if I was wanting a cigar where I wanted whatever I was drinking to dominate the conversation in my mouth. I felt this cigar was more a compliment to my drink as opposed to my drink being a compliment to my cigar.

Appearance and construction: 1 out of 1.5
Smoke and ash: 1.25 out of 1.5
Burn: 3 out of 3
Overall flavor: 3 out of 4

Total: 8.25 out of 10

DBall 06-12-2010 08:58 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
What they smoked:

2002 Fonseca Cosaco

jimmyk26 score: 7.5
Brutus2600 score: 8.25

These things were not expensive at all, but man... I dig em.

Nice mellow stick, great thing for the morning w/ coffee.

Here's a hint for you guys, though. When it starts getting that bitter taste near the end, purge it (meaning blow out through the cigar, forcing the air through the lit end). I do this CONSTANTLY while smoking my cigars and it just keeps them good the whole way through.

Another thing is that if I want the cigar to be the main focus (instead of getting lost in the beverage as was described above) I pair with Pellegrino Sparkling Water (something I learned from a really smart guy at Shack last year). Try it if you'd like... it's the perfect compliment to a good cigar.

Great reviews, guys... I really love the detail!

Brutus2600 06-13-2010 04:47 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
One thing that stuck out to me is that we both tasted Carmel notes. That's something I can honestly say I've never tasted so specifically in a cigar.

I never really experienced any bitter notes, but then again I was purging through most of the cigar.

I'll pick up some Pellegrino next time I'm at the grocery store. I did start the cigar off with just water, but I really enjoy coffee as a pairing to most of my cigars. I did cleanse my palate a few times throughout the cigar trying to pin down specific flavors, maybe the Pellegrino will cleanse the palate a little better.

Anyway, looking forward to the next cigar :) Also, like you said, these are some nice mild sticks that go great with morning coffee. Since they're not too expensive I'll have to look into finding some of these for sure.

jimmyk26 06-13-2010 10:35 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Cool, my first official Fonseca. I can definitely see having this cigar earlier in the day. As for beverage pairing I drink either water or sparkling water (we don't always have the pellegrino in house but since the wife likes the bubbly we always have something mild and palate cleansing).

Along the lines of purging, do you recommend a torch purge as well? That is where while blowing out of the cigar you hold a torch to the end of the cigar to "clean" out the bitter flavors.

DBall 06-13-2010 11:01 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by jimmyk26 (Post 885833)
Along the lines of purging, do you recommend a torch purge as well? That is where while blowing out of the cigar you hold a torch to the end of the cigar to "clean" out the bitter flavors.

I don't see where that would be any different than a regular purge in terms of effectiveness, it likely just looks cooler, but sure... whatever floats your boat. :)

Now my question to you two is: is this the oldest habano you have smoked?

akumushi 06-13-2010 11:04 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by jimmyk26 (Post 885833)
Cool, my first official Fonseca. I can definitely see having this cigar earlier in the day. As for beverage pairing I drink either water or sparkling water (we don't always have the pellegrino in house but since the wife likes the bubbly we always have something mild and palate cleansing).

Along the lines of purging, do you recommend a torch purge as well? That is where while blowing out of the cigar you hold a torch to the end of the cigar to "clean" out the bitter flavors.

Great reviews guys, this is shaping up to the best Newb BTT yet :tu

ama 06-13-2010 11:12 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by akumushi (Post 885848)
Great reviews guys, this is shaping up to the best Newb BTT yet :tu


Brutus2600 06-13-2010 11:13 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 885846)
Now my question to you two is: is this the oldest habano you have smoked?

Um...a 2002 Fonseca Cosaco :o

That was my first. How do you feel knowing you took my habano virginity? :r

DBall 06-13-2010 11:22 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by Brutus2600 (Post 885854)
Um...a 2002 Fonseca Cosaco :o

That was my first. How do you feel knowing you took my habano virginity? :r


Don't worry, all the rest are NCs. :r

jimmyk26 06-13-2010 11:53 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Yep I am with Brutus, my oldest habano is the 2002 Fonseca Cosaco!

weak_link 06-13-2010 05:02 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 885855)
Don't worry, all the rest are NCs. :r

I have this bridge, you wanna buy it?

Brutus2600 06-13-2010 10:15 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 886080)
I have this bridge, you wanna buy it?

rofl :r

Mindflux 06-13-2010 10:35 PM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Nice work Dan,
Glad to see that you are still buying/sharing in droves. ;)

DBall 06-14-2010 06:05 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by Mindflux (Post 886293)
Nice work Dan,
Glad to see that you are still buying/sharing in droves. ;)

Wow... where the hell have you been?! I'm glad to see ya!

I did this thing twice before, too... here are links to the other 2 threads:

So far I've given out 60 cigars on this set of threads alone... hahaha. It's worth it though, these guys (past and present) put out some great reviews!

Nothing beats sharing, man. :tu

Mindflux 06-14-2010 06:56 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3

Originally Posted by DBall (Post 886429)
Wow... where the hell have you been?! I'm glad to see ya!!

Nothing beats sharing, man. :tu

Bought a house, got married had a kid all in a 10 month time frame. That's where I've been.


Man when I sent you those BGM's I didn't think I threw you down the slope or anything. :r

MTBAlex 06-16-2010 12:18 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Wow. Awesome reviews guys. I love the great pictures, the details of both review. Very well written like in a mag. And thanks for the smokng tips dball.

jimmyk26 06-19-2010 07:54 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
#2 is in!

Brutus2600 06-19-2010 08:09 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
I'll be getting this in tomorrow morning :) I had originally planned for this morning but I didn't have time to sit down and review the cigar right, but I will tomorrow morning.

Definitely looking forward to it! :D

Brutus2600 06-20-2010 11:03 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
#2 = finished and sent! :tu

DBall 06-21-2010 08:06 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
jimmyk26 Cigar #2

Initial impressions - This short cigar, panatella sized I think, is wrapped with a medium brown wrapper that shows very few veins, in fact the only imperfections that I can see are a small crack on the foot and little missing piece of wrapper near the cap (nothing serious). The wrapper is smooth to the touch and the cigar has a nice box pressed shape with no noticeable soft spots indicating good construction. There is a pronounced aroma of manure and hay off of the wrapper, while the foot has a cinnamon and sweet tobacco scent. The pre light draw is good and it leaves a bit of wood and spice on the tongue.

Initial puffs - There are a lot of wood and spice flavors right away. The smoke is thick and drawing well.

1/3 - This is cigar is presenting all types of flavors: spice, nuts, wood, leather, and a sharp grassiness. Along with this cornucopia of flavors, the cigar is smoking beautifully with plenty of smoke coating my palate. There was a slight uneven burn, but it corrected itself and is doing just fine.

2/3 - The middle section of the cigar settles down a bit into a richness that has a taste of sweet almond that complements the spice nicely. There is plenty of flavor here. The cigar is still smoking well, with a slightly wandering burn line.

3/3 - This cigar has some strength to it, I am starting to feel it now near the end of the cigar. The flavors of the cigar now have moved to leather and spice. This cigar is hard to put down, it is still smoking well and has developed a nice inch long ash.

Final thoughts - This little flavor bomb has been surprisingly strong and good to the last drop. The flavors start off powerful and slowly mellow into a rich experience of smoking that makes me want to reach for another. The cigar smoked very well producing thick rich smoke that coated my palate and allowed me to enjoy every short inch of it. My only slight issues with it are that at the very end the rich complex flavors mellow a bit and are replaced by strength and that it ended too quickly for me. This indicates that the cigar could probably continue to age well, if I would let them last that long. Also I don't usually smoke cigars that are this small, now this sample may have convinced me to start trying some more.

Rating - 9.0: Fantastic, rich flavor experience in an unassuming little size.

DBall 06-21-2010 08:07 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
Brutus2600 Cigar #2

Upon initial inspection the cigar appears to be about 4 1/4 x 42. The wrapper is a nice smooth wrapper with only one significant vein towards the foot. The construction is firm, and the wrapper appears nice and tight.

Initial light 10:18 - Prelight draw has a VERY distinct taste or raisins. Toasted the foot and lit the cigar with an initial burst of spice and leather. The cigar has a tight draw, but it's not too bad and produces a nice amount of smooth smoke. While I described the previous cigar as spicy, this is a different kind of spice that hits towards the back of my tongue.

First Third 10:30 - The spice has mellowed and a roasted nutty, almost coffee, flavor has developed. I am smoking this with my morning coffee, however I haven't actually drank any yet, just water so far. Taking the first sip of coffee it only accentuates what I've previously tasted. The ash is a medium gray, and seems to be holding together nicely. The cigar is producing some almost sweet notes not on top of the other flavors and is smoking quite nice.

Second Third 10:55 - After a purge the spice is virtually gone, although the nutty flavor is still there, minor coffee notes and hints of leather are being tasted now. While I wouldn't describe this as a bold cigar, it is definitely more towards that than anything. Unlike the previous cigar, this one is at the forefront of my tastes and is only complimented by my drink pairing, which is closer to what I'm used to. That consistent nutty flavor has finally been realized as almost a smoked almond flavor. Very enjoyable smoke and flavors so far.

Final Third 11:14 - The thing I've enjoyed the most about this cigar is that all the flavors have only seemed to build and mingle together (save the spice). On top of the nutty and leather tastes, I'm getting slight bursts of chocolate with sweet notes. The cigar has remained smooth without being bitter at all, despite only about an inch and a half left to it.

Finish time 11:30 - My final thoughts on this cigar is that it was a well constructed (perfect burn with only one minor touch up needed), smooth, complex cigar that I really enjoyed. Unfortunately, I fear because of the complexity and the fact that there were numerous interruptions during this cigar, that I might have missed something. Reviewing cigars and drawing their different flavors out takes all my concentration since I'm still new to attempting to do that, and having people talk to me while I'm trying to do that makes it more difficult. Despite that, I think I caught most everything and really enjoyed this cigar. I would most definitely purchase it again and add it to my rotation of smokes.

Appearance and construction: 1.4 out of 1.5
Smoke and ash: 1.4 out of 1.5
Burn: 2.75 out of 3
Overall flavor: 3.75 out of 4

Total: 9.3 out of 10

DBall 06-21-2010 08:13 AM

Re: DBall's Newb Blind Taste Test #3
What they smoked:

2008 Ramon Allones Small Club Corona

jimmyk26 score: 9.0
Brutus2600 score: 9.3

I'm smoking one of these right now. Not really getting raisins, but then again, I'm not paying attention. I get in that habit frequently these days... just smoking to smoke. The thing I love about these BTTs is that you HAVE to pay attention.

I love these little RASCCs, and I don't think I've ever found a bad one... :tu

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