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tomc3084 04-24-2010 10:05 AM

Two per lifetime?
I know a lot of b&m's(usually ones you don't have a good relationship with)limit you to 2 per day on opus....Well I just saw someone say they were limited to two per lifetime! WTF-has anyone else seen something this silly before...I am coming around to thinking maybe this guy is a pathelogical liar, and just said what the heck, maybe this will catch everyone eye and I will get attention....

SmokinApe 04-24-2010 10:08 AM

Re: Two per lifetime?
If I saw that I would tell the guy "This is the reason people by cigars from a faceless website these days..."

The Poet 04-24-2010 10:13 AM

Re: Two per lifetime?
Two per lifetime? If they were as good as Opus whores on here claim, and worth the price they are sold for, that sounds about right. :r

JJG 04-24-2010 10:44 AM

Re: Two per lifetime?
That's insane! how do they even enforce a lifetime limit??? keep a database and check IDs?

but anyhow, when you hang around the right circles, (like CigarAsylum ;)) Opus really aren't that hard to find at fairly reasonable prices. just keep an eye on the WTT/WTS threads or I can send you some links to other buy/sell/trade places. There's always somebody unloading them.

neoflex 04-24-2010 05:42 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?
I find that limit to be a bit unbelievable. Just my .02. I think you are right in calling BS on the person who said they were limited to that, I mean really had a place ever said something as ludicrous as that to me I would never ever step foot back into that establishment ever again and I believe I wouldn't be alone. That B&M would be having a going out of business sale before to long so the once in a lifetime thing wouldn't be to tough to follow.

cigarlvr 04-24-2010 07:14 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?
With policies like that its a good thing there are a lot of B&M

tomc3084 04-24-2010 07:20 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?

Originally Posted by cigarlvr (Post 838600)
with policies like that its a good thing there are a lot of b&m


replicant_argent 04-24-2010 07:30 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?
I think Tom is yanking our collective chain. :D

icehog3 04-24-2010 10:41 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?

Originally Posted by tomc3084 (Post 838231)
I know a lot of b&m's(usually ones you don't have a good relationship with)limit you to 2 per day on opus....Well I just saw someone say they were limited to two per lifetime! WTF-has anyone else seen something this silly before...I am coming around to thinking maybe this guy is a pathelogical liar, and just said what the heck, maybe this will catch everyone eye and I will get attention....


Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 838611)
I think Tom is yanking our collective chain. :D

Ya think? ;)

Emjaysmash 04-24-2010 10:44 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?
So far, that's as many as I've smoked. And from the past two experiences, it may end up that I'll only smoke 2 in my lifetime.

wolfandwhisky 04-24-2010 11:57 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?

Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 838611)
I think Tom is yanking our collective chain. :D


But if this were real, I'd say if you can't buy them by the box, find a new B&M.

Buy as many Opus X as you can!

GTCanuk 04-25-2010 09:13 AM

Re: Two per lifetime?
I'd say I only make 2 purchases at the B&M in my lifetime:td

captain53 04-25-2010 09:19 AM

Re: Two per lifetime?
I quit doing business with local B&M's 5 years ago so not a problem for me at all they can play by any stupid rules they like.

kelmac07 04-25-2010 12:33 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?
Sure fire way to lose customers. :td

Ogre 04-25-2010 12:46 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 839165)
Sure fire way to lose customers. :td


Tarks 04-25-2010 12:54 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?
Two per lifetime sounds about right. I smoked 2, thought they were average at best and will never smoke another in my lifetime! :)

mosesbotbol 04-25-2010 01:13 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?

Originally Posted by Tarks (Post 839189)
Two per lifetime sounds about right. I smoked 2, thought they were average at best and will never smoke another in my lifetime! :)

Good one. I would not pay more than $15 for an Opus. They can be a nice change and there are a few I can say were impressive, but nothing to make such a deal out of.

The Opus can be seen as the downfall of A. Fuente as well. They had a nice thing going with the Don Carlos and Hemingway series and both were well priced cigars. Hard to beat them before the Opus and all the hype to follow them since.

stevieray 04-25-2010 01:26 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?
CAO and Fuente run neck and neck in the marketing catagory :2

replicant_argent 04-25-2010 01:33 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?
What was it that Yogi Berra said?

"That place is so popular, no one goes there anymore"? :rolleyes:

whodeeni 04-25-2010 03:35 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?
Dihh - Toe! *lol*


Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 839165)
Sure fire way to lose customers. :td

14holestogie 04-25-2010 03:53 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 838747)
So far, that's as many as I've smoked. And from the past two experiences, it may end up that I'll only smoke 2 in my lifetime.


Not a "WOW, so that's what I was missing" moment for me, either.

Emjaysmash 04-25-2010 06:21 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?

Originally Posted by 14holestogie (Post 839304)

Not a "WOW, so that's what I was missing" moment for me, either.

These are decent cigars, I mean I never thought they were dog rockets, but even at MSRP, its hard for me to buy them.

NeuRon 04-25-2010 06:57 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?
id like to personally lower my Limit to Zero per Lifetime


neoflex 04-25-2010 07:38 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?
Age, Age and Age is what Opus need to be good IMHO. I always hated them and than I smoked one with three years on it and it is one of the best smokes I ever had. I would put it in my top 5. Smoked another freshie soon after and hated it. So I bought a bunch with the intent to sit on them.

tomc3084 04-25-2010 08:03 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?
not yanking your chains lol I did see this...I do have a lot of my time on my hands, but cmmon now...

pnoon 04-25-2010 08:04 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?

Originally Posted by tomc3084 (Post 839536)
not yanking your chains lol I did see this...I do have a lot of my time on my hands, but cmmon now...

why is that?

tomc3084 04-25-2010 08:12 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?
why do I have a lot of time on my hands? I not able to drive or work due to a head injury, so I am kind of limited on where I can go and what I can do, having to be taxied around

mithrilG60 04-25-2010 08:23 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 838747)
So far, that's as many as I've smoked. And from the past two experiences, it may end up that I'll only smoke 2 in my lifetime.

x2. Opus gets my vote for the most over-hyped barely average cigar of all-time :2

tomc3084 04-25-2010 08:44 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?
wow, there seems to be a lot of opus hate, lol

wolfandwhisky 04-25-2010 08:49 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?

Originally Posted by tomc3084 (Post 839575)
wow, there seems to be a lot of opus hate, lol

I'm not going to defend the Opus X sticks other than to say that if they are that underwhelming for some, you're welcome to empty your humidor of them and send them to me. You'll be able to take comfort knowing that they went to someone who likes them, and you'll feel good about giving something to someone else out of the kindness of your heart.

Win win for you - plus you don't have to smoke a "turd". So win win win for you.

mithrilG60 04-25-2010 09:19 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?

Originally Posted by tomc3084 (Post 839575)
wow, there seems to be a lot of opus hate, lol

Hate's probably the wrong word, there are just a decent number of us that feel they are heavily over-hyped and over-priced for what you actually get. I wouldn't call them turds, but I don't think they're any better than most of your average $3 to $5 stick. Certainly nothing to write home about or go out of my way for and definitely don't deserve the premium reputation or price.

Emjaysmash 04-25-2010 09:50 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 839631)
Hate's probably the wrong word, there are just a decent number of us that feel they are heavily over-hyped and over-priced for what you actually get. I wouldn't call them turds, but I don't think they're any better than most of your average $3 to $5 stick. Certainly nothing to write home about or go out of my way for and definitely don't deserve the premium reputation or price.

I would even pay 6-8 bux for an Opus, but not much more.

mariogolbee 04-25-2010 09:55 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?
I'm just fine with paying somewhere around MSRP most of the time for Opus. I don't smoke them all of the time but when I do I find them to be well worth it. I don't see how they can be compared to average sticks. They are completely different IMO. If someone has a less than stellar experience just try a different vitola. There seems to be a lot of difference between vitolas.

OLS 04-26-2010 07:38 AM

Re: Two per lifetime?

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 838747)
So far, that's as many as I've smoked. And from the past two experiences, it may end up that I'll only smoke 2 in my lifetime.

I TOO have had my lifetime limit. I had a good connection at the height of the boom that let
me get a full 32 stick box of the Double Coronas, but I never really GOT that cigar. I have had
my lifetime limit, and two would have been enough, so that sounds about right.
Sold the Double Coronas, kept the box. So Mario doesn't remind me of his advice, I had the
DOuble Corona, the Perfexxion X and the #2 Piramide. Maybe some others. I prefer Habanos.

wolfandwhisky 04-26-2010 07:59 AM

Re: Two per lifetime?

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 839938)
I TOO have had my lifetime limit. I had a good connection at the height of the boom that let
me get a full 32 stick box of the Double Coronas, but I never really GOT that cigar. I have had
my lifetime limit, and two would have been enough, so that sounds about right.
Sold the Double Coronas, kept the box. So Mario doesn't remind me of his advice, I had the
DOuble Corona, the Perfexxion X and the #2 Piramide. Maybe some others. I prefer Habanos.

To me, this is a large part of the fun in cigars and whisky - trying new things, seeing what you enjoy and what you don't. Each one is its own experience.

I prefer Opus X to most habanos, and when I say most, I mean most by a wide margin.

replicant_argent 04-26-2010 08:08 AM

Re: Two per lifetime?

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 839631)
$3 to $5 stick.

That is about the right price range for them, in my opinion, and enjoyable for the price point. 6-8 would be overpaying.

itzfrank 04-26-2010 12:54 PM

Re: Two per lifetime?

Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 839969)
That is about the right price range for them, in my opinion, and enjoyable for the price point. 6-8 would be overpaying.

Price is usually a big determining factor in most of what people like and don't. Most people are the bang for buck type and will only like something when the experience is equivical to the price tag. If you can smoke A for $20/stick but B is almost as good for $9, suddenly A is not worth it. If all cigars were free then I'm sure no one would have a problem smoking Opus X.

Ps. I haven't had the chance to experience one yet.

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