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Mac Or PC
Ok, My Friends. I Need To Buy A New Desktop Computer For My Office. I Already Have A Notebook PC. I've Always Used A PC, But, As Most Of You Know, I'm Not Very "Tech Savy"!:D
I Want A Simple Computer That Doesn't Freeze Up Or Cause Problems. I Basically Use A Computer For Surfing The Web, Pictures, & The Main Reason, Bantering On CA!:banger I've Heard That Dell's Customer Support Has Gone Downhill, So I'm Leaning Toward HP If I Go The PC Route. I Also Want A Free Standing, All In One Computer With No Cords Or Wires Running All Over The Room. Thanks For Your Advice, My Friends!:) Greg |
Re: Mac Or PC
Well a Mac certainly fits the bill, but they sure are pricey... I would have gone with one for my notebook, but I went HP, and am quite happy with it. Price was the main reason for that. I really don't have anything bad to say about Mac. They are clean, easy to use, streamlined computers. BUT, for half the cost, you can get a very nice PC, with equal or better performance. I say go PC and spend the difference on cigars!
Re: Mac Or PC
Thanks!:) |
Re: Mac Or PC
I did some looking, and here is one.
I loved XP, and was skeptical of Windows 7, but after using it, I'm a pretty big fan. The only things I didnt love were the programs that HP installed(damn bloatware) but those were easy to kick to the curb. It runs quick, is very slick to use, and I haven't had a single issue in the last 5 months. Good enough for me. I think as far as a GUI goes, it is superior to XP, and the functionality is there as well. If it's free(which it should be) gofer it. If you have to pay, well, XP is tried and true. But I wouldnt hesitate to pull the trigger on Windows 7. |
Re: Mac Or PC
Hey Greg. My first choice would be a Mac.
But my Father-in-Law was just in the market for a new PC, with similar needs as yours. He bought this. It seems to have gotten decent reviews on Cnet and Amazon. He likes it. he has mounted to the back of his monitor, but also with an HDMI to his Flat screen tv. comes with cordless mouse/keyboard Major downside is no optical drive. It does have a built in wireless, so it will hook up to your home wi fi. basically the only cords you would need are for the power and the monitor. http://www.amazon.com/Acer-AspireRev...ref=pd_cp_pc_1 |
Re: Mac Or PC
Thanks, Jason & Tony!:)
Re: Mac Or PC
Windows 7 rocks and the near unlimited RAM capacity allows you to setup a PC that will give you 4+ years of service without being too slow near the end of life.
Re: Mac Or PC
I like MicroCenter and Newegg..
MicroCenter has great deals on HP reburbished models. http://www.microcenter.com/single_pr...uct_id=0332780 |
Re: Mac Or PC
I think I can give you some good information on this as I just had to make this decision. I've always used PC's, and it came time for me to get a new computer, however I was looking for a laptop. Like you, my computer is mainly used for pictures, web browsing, small file editing, etc. Anyways, my wife has a Windows 7 laptop and a lot of my friends have MacBook's. While I was a little scared on getting a whole new OS, I decided to go with the MacBook Pro. I haven't looked back since. It's VERY easy to learn, in-fact, it's so easy that it's a little complicated at first because everything is so simple, lol. It's extremely fast and the photo editing is fantastic. No lock ups, no viruses, nothing, just pure computing bliss, lol. I also got Parallel's and loaded Windows XP SP2 and can run it in a window right on OSX and run any Windows program. Ultimately though, I rarely use it. OSX has almost everything I need. Plus, if you don't want all the cords, etc, the new iMac's are right up your alley. I haven't regretted my decision one bit. |
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
Greg, I have had a 24" Imac for two years now. It was the previous year's model which makes it about three years old now. I love it and have had only one problem ever. The HD crashed once. I have Apple Care and it was fixed, at no additional cost, within a week. I also have the wireless HD/router called "Time Machine." This allowed me to restore all of my info easily after the Mac got fixed. The Time Machine is constantly performing automatic backups every hour. I did have to reload Windows via Bootcamp and lost that info though. The entire experience was fairly painless. I've never had a PC that has lasted this long.
As far as price is concerned you can spend anywhere from just over $1000 to $2000 depending on size and features. For that the higher end model you will get your moneys worth and not have to upgrade for a very long time. I would suggest you buy your own memory though. Especially since you can easily pop in up to 16G of it! It only has ONE wire by the way. |
Re: Mac Or PC
PC all da way babY!
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
I bought a Macbook laptop 1.5 years ago and it is FANTASTIC. No defragging, registry cleaning, etc., it just WORKS, like its brand new - every time. |
Re: Mac Or PC
Until Steve Jobs and his obnoxious black turtleneck sweater and God Complex go the way of the Dodo, I will NEVER buy an Apple product...that being said, I use a PC...and am damned happy too...
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
Been using Mac's since Apple 2E's and would take a PC of equal value any day. |
Re: Mac Or PC
So Far, I Think It's 50-50!:) Thanks For All The Advice, My Friends!:tu
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
If you game then I'd say PC or have the dough to get a Mac Pro. Heavy gaming on an Imac 24" at least the last generation creates to much heat and will in some cases fry the vid card. My wifes died after 16 months and like a dummy I didn't get Apple care. She ended up with a 2,000 dollar paper weight. Fixing would of been in excess of 500 bucks(if that works,some cases the mb needs replacing) for a vid card that has street value of less than 50 bucks. The problem was the vid card was soldered in so that's beyond my capability. Needless to say she's back to pc mainly because this issue on the windows platform costs me whatever the best vid card that the mb could tolerate. I have to say I like Windows 7. I personally use a Macbook pro and also have a Macbook that I take if we travel. I think the the Imac is a very good machine but I wouldn't get another without Applecare. This is merely my opinion and mine alone. Your mileage may vary.
Re: Mac Or PC
I use both. Both have a place in my heart and work space. Macs are easier. Pcs are good for gaming.
Do you game? If not consider the Mac |
Re: Mac Or PC
Get a Mac and put Windows 7 on it if you must. :jd
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
I don't know why people say macs are so easy to use. Windows is much more intuitive for me. We used macs forever at work and I was so happy two years ago when we finally switched to PC. I'm happy to say I'll never have to use a mac again. But then again, ymmv.
But my main question is why a desktop? Get a notebook, monitor and keyboard. That way if you need to take it with you, or want to do some work out of the office in the park with a smoke, you just go do that. You can pick up a keyboard for next to nothing, and if you get a generation old monitor, that will work fine and cost almost nothing too. |
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
Not a big Mac user here, but I've never been let down by a PC since Windows 3.0. Whatever you decide, make sure of it, Greg.
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
PC all the way Greg! Mac's are way overated and not to mention over priced. Apple is just a marketing genius.
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
Cello on or off?
I am an Apple idiot for a lack of a better word based on some of the anti Apple comments on this board. I own an iPhone I own TWO iPods I own an iPod Touch First Gen (for my grandson's use) I own a MacBook I own an Airport Extreme wireless router I buy my music from iTunes I can't wait for the next iPhone to come out this summer I am thinking of buying an iPad Yeah, that Steve Jobs is an idiot who makes dumb crap that gets intelligent people who run major companies, who earn six figures, to act like idiots and just buy all his crap that doesn't work. I guess I do it it because I haven't figured out yet how to break the spell. Of course, it has absolutely nothing to do with what I perceive to be quality and joy of use. Nope. Nothing to do with that at all.:rolleyes: BTW, I was doing some reading earlier and stumbled on a thing that as an Apple user I am not familiar with. Can someone explain what "Anti Virus Software" means? Why would I spend $50 annually on this? Seems it is only for PC's and am concerned it is not for my MacBook.:rolleyes: Thanks. |
Re: Mac Or PC
http://www.apple.com/downloads/macos...acedition.html Not to mention a bunch more under network and security ;):D I've used a macs on and off since college, own a 24" imac for the last 1.5 years and can safetly say it doesn't float my boat. It's a nice computer, but I prefer using my pc dual booting Win7/whatever open source OS i'm feeling at the time :) |
Re: Mac Or PC
I have a PC and want a Mac real bad. I also own an iPhone.
Re: Mac Or PC
You know what is one of the only few things worth my while to wake up with pains all over my body every morning due to breaking 50 and literally "breaking"? I get to see things repeatedly. In the 60's/70's/80's, when I was the age of many on this board, the argument wasn't over Apple v. PC. It was over things like Caddy or Lincoln. My dad owned a Lincoln. His neighbor owned a Caddy. Neither one could believe the other could possibly be better. When you hear the arguments over Mac v. PC, you swear you are hearing it over a Caddy v. a Lincoln all over again. I guess if I make it to 90, I will look back at this one and chuckle when I hear what that one will be.:D |
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
oh god, not another one of these threads! LOL
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
Greg read the other thread. You are not going to get an answer. People are going to argue for a week, you are going to get confused and it's going end up with everyone saying get what's right you for and you will end up not getting anything because you are so confused.
Re: Mac Or PC
or you could just bite the bullet and buy a Commodore 64.
Posted via Mobile Device |
Re: Mac Or PC
Just Wanted To Let Everyone Know. I Ordered An IMAC 21.5 Today!:banger
Thanks For The Advice, Everyone!:tu |
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
Re: Mac Or PC
Here's A Picture:
http://www.apple.com/imac/ |
Re: Mac Or PC
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