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Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
I just swapped out a couple 300gb hdd's with a couple 1.5tb platters in my main rig. There's two more 200gb platters and another pair of 300gb platters in that machine for a total of 4tb now. I think that should do for awhile.
I did it because, as ridiculous as it sounds, 1.6tb was never enough. I use the second drives of the same position as backups, in case one of my drives flakes. The reason I mention this is that I have the same problem with my computer as my cigars. Never enough space. How many gigs in your rig? |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
320 GB. :r
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
80gb. My Sony Viao I bought in 2000. It was a sweet computer for its time. I decided I would not replace it until it breaks. It just refuses to quit.
Scott - What do you need all the memory for? Games, Business? In 10 years I have filled about 25gb of my 80 and it is mostly just music.... |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
570GB. 4.6 TB??? Scott...brother, the first step is admittting that you have a problem. :r :r
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
That must be one impressive X-rated movie collection...
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
Scott has realized that a James Bond style uber-villain needs uber computing power. Nothing to see here, move along.
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
I have most movies in full dvd rip, then in divx .avi, then in .mp4. That way I can get 5 or 6 movies on one dvd, and have them all transcoded for the ipods and iphones. That takes up an incredible amount of space, about 5 or 6gb per movie. With the advent of bluray, I'm really gonna be in big trouble. :D |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
250 GB on my laptop, 2 TB on my WHS.
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
I use a 1TB external for back up's and buying 4TB external to copy music from a friend when I go to visit him next month.
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
Just 1TB locally...and I manage about 35TB of MySQL db's at work.
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
I've got a whole 140 GB, of which I've used a whopping 26 GB. :r I think I have at least double that on the notebook though. The PC is getting up there in age. ;) |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
256 MB.Thats just how I roll.
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
2 tb
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
I have 4.something TB but it is setup in raid so I only really have 2TB of storage...I need more. Doing photography eats up storage...plus I rip a copy of all my DVD's when I get them...my kids are always scratching or losing my stuff!
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
Currently have 500GB internal 500GB external and building a 4TB NAS to work with my Desktop and my Media Center
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
200gb or so in my laptop and a 1TB external I use for backups and some storage.
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
Currently 1.2TB in my desktop, but planning to change it. I have space for 2 more drives in there so I would like to stick in two 10k RPM drives to run my OS and apps and up my current drives to 1TB each, but truth be told it's all overkill for me. I should be fine for what I do for at least the next couple years because I use an external SATA drive dock as additional storage.
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
80 gigs.....but with all 3 of my hard drives combined I have 240 gigs.
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
my stuff:
1x 1.5 external 3x 160gig external 1x 200gb internal then my brother and I also have another 3TB in the house. It's amazing how fast HD movie and HD videos can fill up your storage. |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
1 TB on the desktop and a 320 GB external for back-up.
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
2TB here
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
I'm only at 1 TB right now, but that's for my backup tower. My main computer is my lappy, only 150 gig, mostly music... and world of warcraft.... Planning on getting me a mac this summer.
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
I've got a wireless network set up to stream music and movies throughout the house, so I rip full ISO's of all my movies onto the network, and all of my music is on there as well. Then I create a main movie for either transfer or streaming to my iphone. At 6-7 GB per ISO a TB doesn't get you very far. If I ever get a blu ray drive for the computer and start ripping blu rays on to the network I'm going to need a lot more space, :tf:r |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
Today I set up started moving files so I can stream orb to my xbox and iphones and dvd players properly. I should really have my head examined. |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
Desktop: 1TB
File Server*: 2 * 500GB drives in Raid 1 mirror Media Server: 2 * 1.5TBd drives + 2 * 1TB drives combined via LVM to present as a single 5TB lun --------------- total: 6TB of functional storage I also have a pair of 500GB external drives that I use for backing up all the machines on my home network as well as the important file shares (ie. not the media server). I store one of the externals in my desk at work and rotate them every 2 weeks to maintain offsite backups in case of a disaster or total theft at my house. Bluray rips and HD tv shows eat amazing amount of storage space even when they are compressed down as MKV's. 2TB drives are really dropping in price now so I expect I'll probably pick up 4 (8TB total) at some point this year. 2 of the those drives will replace the pair of 1 TB drives in the media server and the other 2 will simply to be added to the media server's LMV lun increasing it's size to 11TB. The pair of 1TB drives coming out of the media server will then replace the mirrored 500GB drives in the file server. Drive space is a never ending battle made possible by the ever falling cost of storage...... |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
Only about 750GBs across all machines, but I need to get a 1TB to start backing up videos to my server/mpd box. |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
2.5tb but it's across 6 devices, storage is cheap and I save everything
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
250 GB plus and external 320 GB. I am actually needing to grab a new 1tb to slap into the desktop but as soon as I do I know it will be full. At least this way I am forced to delete things.
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
How many gigs? Just this one :fu2
Or does that count as two? |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
1 TB here plus a couple of externals 320 G and a 250
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
500 GB Internal
48GB ExpressCard SSD 2TB External FW800 2 x 500GB External USB 2.0 Plus a Sharkoon QuickPort Combo for quick connecting various internal drives I have hanging around. Overall, 4+ TB. Lots o' backups!! |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
I've managed to get all my stuff moved and two of three hdd's backed up.
Now I can defrag my boot and see if things snap along a bit better. Then I'm gonna start hogging them full of crap I don't need, so I can stream stuff all over that I'll never watch. It'll be incredibly cool for about five minutes though. :tu |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
I have a whole house server that backs up three computers, so you are not alone.
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
Scott - apparently we have a bunch of amateurs here :D
This box has 4.7 tb at the moment. But that can change at any time as I have a Blac X Duet that I can hot swap any of the 3.5 tb worth of drives sitting here on my desk. The box right next to this one (used as a server) has 3.5 tb currently that I will be adding another 1.5 or 2 tb drive to shortly (have 4 320gig drives that are full of MP3's that need to be combined on one drive). :ss Ron |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
What are you using for your media server? Save me a trip to Google: what is LMV? :D |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
When Target had 1TB external drives on the cheap on Black Friday, I thought to myself "I'm never going to need that much space" and "Who needs that kind of storage space?!?!"
Guess I know who now. I'm at 150GB and only have about 1/3 of it full of music. I'm a happy girl. |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
I haven't had any issues whatsoever and the new platters work really well.
I was able to get tons of crap off of my boot drive, and that really helped. I still have to set up Acronis cause I keep forgetting. Every time it gives me an error, I dismiss it cause I'm too busy. I need to get it done before I have a massive wreck. I just need to set it to do incrementals cause I did all the manual backups already. :tu |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
1x250GB Windows Drive
1x250GB Cache drive (downloads, disposable files) 2x1TB WD RE3 Enterprise drives in RAID 1 1x320GB External backup in a fire safe 1.5 TB's roughly when you eliminate redundancy. |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
My media server is actually an old HP desktop that would have been TRP'ed and thrown in the garbage put in a new case with a new power supply ;) I added some drives, loaded Debian 5 (ie. lenny) onto it, installed nfs/samba/lvm, made a big lun, configured sharing and called it a day. I use a Popcorn Hour A-100, which is Linux or FreeBSD based, to stream the video over a wireless-N bridge to my theatre setup so I don't need anything particularly fancy in terms of server software. I've also heard that Windows Home Server (based off W2K3 Standard) works very well for aggregating drives into large storage volumes, plus it'll manage automated backups for up to 10 workstations including wake-on-lan so that might be worth looking at too. LVM stands for Logical Volume Manager, it's basically JBOD at the software level in instead of in the BIOS or on an onboard sata raid controller. Obviously no redundancy or parity, but for saved video I don't really care..... family video is stored on the fileserver, the media server is just for TV and movies. LVM is amazingly easy to setup, I can fire you some HOWTO's if you want. I don't even bother making backups of the server's OS itself (just the NFS and Samba conf files) since it's just a vanilla install of Debian with a couple packages added. The Lenny netinst disc will even detect existing LVM instances during a fresh install and auto-mount them for you so recovery is a snap. |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
Im old school with a 1998 Compaq 5000 Series.
900MHZ Pentium 2 AMD Athlon Windows ME (simple and less crashing) 40Gig internal hard drive (my cell phone has almost as much memory) but I have a 500 gig external hard drive. So I'm pretty content with it for now. My Fiance has a laptop and had to out-do me and she got a 1-Terabyte external on hers. But her laptop is way newer than mine, but mine can run circles around hers as far a speed is concerned. |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
I have...
1 tb external 1 500 gb external 1 250 gb external 2 500 gb internals on my rig 1 250 gb internal on my dads rig 60 gb on my macbook and on my self made server I have another 2.5 TB so in total: 5.5 TB + 60 GB.. I dont think I will ever have to buy any more space. |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
I have over 7TB of level 5 raid. That's just the backup server. top that. |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
"640K ought to be enough for anybody." -- Bill Gates When you factor in Moore's Law and relate it to hardware storage devices, you'll see how incredibly silly it sounds to think that ~5TB will be enough to suffice indefinitely ;) |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
Lord knows I'd have at least that if the wife didn't already think I was nuts for having a simple redundant RAID 1TB setup :D |
Re: Storage overkill. How many gigs you got?
2 TB on the pc and 500GB on the laptop....enough to last me a lifetime....
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