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daboose 02-03-2010 11:23 AM

Light a cigar backwards?
Please tell me I’m not the only one who’s done this? Is there a support group?:rolleyes:

I took off the label of a perfecto, clipped the end while I was in the house. Got comfortable on the deck and stared at it and thought…humm, which end is the foot? Being too lazy to run back upstairs and compare it…I ended up lighting the head…

It’s not going to be a good day. :bh

Knip23 02-03-2010 11:26 AM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
LOL sometimes it happens, most of time it involes Jack or Sailor Jerrys :P

Mr.Erskine 02-03-2010 11:28 AM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
I have actually heard of people doing that on purpose just to give a cigar a different perspective.

csbrewfisher 02-03-2010 11:38 AM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
This would be one reason to leave the label on.

That said, yes...I've done it. It was a figurado on a very dark hot-tub night. :(

Volt 02-03-2010 11:42 AM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
Yep - done it myself. And yes the taste changes to me when smoked backwards.

srduggins 02-03-2010 11:42 AM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
I accidently dropped a cigar after cutting the foot, picked it up and started toasting the foot. Luckily I noticed pretty early and stopped. After looking and thinking about it, I recut the foot and toasted the head. I was pretty new to smoking at the time and felt pretty stupid.

marge796 02-03-2010 11:59 AM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
I must try this with my next stick.



md4958 02-03-2010 12:18 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
Cigars are blended and rolled to be lit from the foot end. If you were to light a cigar backwards, you would be smoking the stronger half of the cigar first, leaving the rest bland by comparison.

marge796 02-03-2010 12:26 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
I understand this I'm just a little intrigued.

bscottskangum 02-03-2010 12:27 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
So, what were to happen if I cut my cigar in half, then smoked both halves backwards?

Razorhog 02-03-2010 12:29 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?

Originally Posted by bscottskangum (Post 745867)
So, what were to happen if I cut my cigar in half, then smoked both halves backwards?


Gary 02-03-2010 12:30 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
Ha ha I did this a few days ago with a small stick that had no band. I felt real bright, but it tasted just fine.

ChicagoWhiteSox 02-03-2010 12:38 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
Ive never done this, knock on wood

ucla695 02-03-2010 12:41 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
I haven't done it yet, but I can see how it can easily happen. :)

T.G 02-03-2010 12:46 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?

Originally Posted by bscottskangum (Post 745867)
So, what were to happen if I cut my cigar in half, then smoked both halves backwards?

Total protonic reversal.

Thrak 02-03-2010 01:11 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
I did this on a 5Vegas Relic the band had fallen off of... it was.... odd.

bscottskangum 02-03-2010 01:14 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 745894)
Total protonic reversal.

So I shouldn't try this?
I was going to do this somewhere in the vicinity of the Large Hadron Collider and see what happens.

ucla695 02-03-2010 01:29 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?

Originally Posted by bscottskangum (Post 745867)
So, what were to happen if I cut my cigar in half, then smoked both halves backwards?

Depends on which half you smoke first. ;)

Noomis 02-03-2010 01:44 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
A good way to tell on a perfecto, even without the band, is that the head of the cigar's got a cap on it.

php007 02-03-2010 02:21 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
Haven't done this and don't plan on doing it.

Volt 02-03-2010 02:42 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?

Originally Posted by php007 (Post 746009)
Haven't done this and don't plan on doing it.

Hehe - no one plans on doing it - it just happens.

Salvelinus 02-03-2010 02:43 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
Not yet, but I can see me doing this in the future.

sikk50 02-03-2010 03:22 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
I done it.

Felt dumb, but it was when I first started and it was one of like 12 cigars in my humidor so smoked it anyway

The EVP 02-03-2010 03:29 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
That's why I cut perfectos at a slight angle (called the Dyckman Cut). This cut also allows the smoke to automatically start swirling around your mouth and thus the flavors can be more pronounced.

Starscream 02-03-2010 04:09 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
No, but I cut a Lusi in half.;)

adampc22 02-03-2010 04:28 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?

Originally Posted by daboose (Post 745782)
Please tell me I’m not the only one who’s done this? Is there a support group?:rolleyes:

I took off the label of a perfecto, clipped the end while I was in the house. Got comfortable on the deck and stared at it and thought…humm, which end is the foot? Being too lazy to run back upstairs and compare it…I ended up lighting the head…

It’s not going to be a good day. :bh

you barbarian :r

chippewastud79 02-03-2010 04:31 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 746149)
No, but I cut a Lusi in half.;)

Real men cut Lusi's in half :tu

CasaDooley 02-04-2010 10:30 AM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 745894)
Total protonic reversal.

It would be bad… Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.":r

Starscream 02-04-2010 12:05 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?

Originally Posted by chippewastud79 (Post 746168)
Real men cut Lusi's in half :tu

Damn right.:tu

sikk50 02-04-2010 01:08 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?

Originally Posted by The EVP (Post 746096)
That's why I cut perfectos at a slight angle (called the Dyckman Cut). This cut also allows the smoke to automatically start swirling around your mouth and thus the flavors can be more pronounced.


Razorhog 02-04-2010 01:34 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
I got real close to lighting the wrong end of a funky shaped little Perdomo 2.

357 02-04-2010 01:53 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?

Originally Posted by CasaDooley (Post 747115)
It would be bad… Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.":r

I was thinking of the same quote "I'm a little fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. Define bad."

Ferrari5180 02-04-2010 07:22 PM

Re: Light a cigar backwards?
I have done it a couple of times in my "newbie" smoking days when I was just a kid. I used to cut tight cigars in half in hopes of getting more smoke and also light cigars from the other end because of a lack of a cutter.

Honestly, the taste changes but the cigar still has its true good flavors if it is a good cigar to begin with. However, my smoking backwards or in half days are over :)

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