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Wharf Rat 12-29-2009 09:48 AM

Moncada cigars?
My Mom and stepdad went on a cruise recently and brought back some cigars for me that they bought from a roller in the port of Roatan, Honduras. They look like nicely rolled maduro torpedos. and are named "Moncada."

I haven't had a chance to try thrm yet. Anyone have any experience with this roller?

Montano 12-29-2009 10:26 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?
Smoke one and give us a review since this is the Reviews section ;)

keysdiver 02-23-2010 06:52 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
I visited the same port last August and bought some cigars from the only vendor on the doc. They were great, very mild. I have his card. His email is I've email him twice but no response so far, I'd like to order more. He was rolling them right there on the doc. Price was 15.00 for a pack of seven. His phone, which I haven't tried yet, is (504)9966-2240

RightAJ 02-23-2010 06:58 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?

Originally Posted by keysdiver (Post 770200)
I visited the same port last August and bought some cigars from the only vendor on the doc. They were great, very mild. I have his card. His email is I've email him twice but no response so far, I'd like to order more. He was rolling them right there on the doc. Price was 15.00 for a pack of seven. His phone, which I haven't tried yet, is (504)9966-2240

You have two 'g's in his email... is that the problem??
Sounds interesting! I love custom/house blends sticks


keysdiver 02-24-2010 06:45 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
That's what is on his business card and it doesn't bounce back as a bad address, but worth trying. Thanks

Wharf Rat 02-24-2010 07:08 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?

Originally Posted by keysdiver (Post 771683)
That's what is on his business card and it doesn't bounce back as a bad address, but worth trying. Thanks

There's also a website ( ) that looks to have the same lettering as the business card.

I tried one and I would review it as "a toasty flavor." I put the rest in the 'dor to try after a while.

michaelmast 02-26-2010 12:15 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
Those cigars are good but have you ever try Cuban Cigars? Those are the best of the best in flavor, texture, presentation and price.

pnoon 02-26-2010 12:43 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?

Originally Posted by michaelmast (Post 774240)
Those cigars are good but have you ever try Cuban Cigars? Those are the best of the best in flavor, texture, presentation and price.

Welcome to Cigar Asylum. Why not head over to the New Inmate Forum and introduce yourself.

As for your comment, there are many who prefer Cuban cigars. However, there are many who do not. "Best" is purely subjective.

keysdiver 03-02-2010 05:28 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
I finally heard back from Sr Mancado via email, in spanish. According to the spanish translator I found on line he says he is a small vendor, rolling small quantities working at the mercy of Carnival Cruise lines and cannot sell on line. Oh well.

ksandy 02-27-2011 07:05 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?
I just got back from a cruise (Princess) to Roatan and saw Sr. Moncada rolling on the square next to the hair braiding lady. I bought a pack of 7; immediately tried one....liked it so much, I bought 3 more packs. I also touted their quality to a few other people in front of the roller....they also bought some and Sr. Moncado rewarded my salesmanship with 4 additional free cigars. They are NOT tightly rolled, but definitely a 50 minute + smoke...leathery...tasty and mild. The price went up to $20/7...but up the stairs to the right was another store with Cubans @ $15 ea. I've tried 'em all and Cubans are not worth me. A good Dominican is just as good, so don't be lured into the mystique.

Emjaysmash 02-27-2011 07:09 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?
Glad you found him again and got to buy more. $20 for 7 is not bad at all, especially if you really like his cigars!

OLS 02-27-2011 09:02 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?

pnoon 02-27-2011 09:18 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?

Originally Posted by ksandy (Post 1186534)
I just got back from a cruise (Princess) to Roatan and saw Sr. Moncada rolling on the square next to the hair braiding lady. I bought a pack of 7; immediately tried one....liked it so much, I bought 3 more packs. I also touted their quality to a few other people in front of the roller....they also bought some and Sr. Moncado rewarded my salesmanship with 4 additional free cigars. They are NOT tightly rolled, but definitely a 50 minute + smoke...leathery...tasty and mild. The price went up to $20/7...but up the stairs to the right was another store with Cubans @ $15 ea. I've tried 'em all and Cubans are not worth me. A good Dominican is just as good, so don't be lured into the mystique.

Opinions vary greatly.

And since you've tried them all, we'd love to hear more about your perceptions of the individual marcas/vitolas.

Emjaysmash 02-27-2011 09:21 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1186612)
Opinions vary greatly.

And since you've tried them all, we'd love to hear more about your perceptions of the individual marcas/vitolas.

I think that's why he said " me" at the end of that statement.

pnoon 02-27-2011 09:25 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 1186617)
I think that's why he said " me" at the end of that statement.

I read that, too.
Based on the fact he has tried them all, I would like to hear more than a general statement, MJ.

icehog3 02-27-2011 09:31 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?

Originally Posted by ksandy (Post 1186534)
...but up the stairs to the right was another store with Cubans @ $15 ea. I've tried 'em all and Cubans are not worth me. A good Dominican is just as good, so don't be lured into the mystique.


Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1186620)
I read that, too.
Based on the fact he has tried them all, I would like to hear more than a general statement, MJ.

There is also the very, very slight possibility that Cubans that he bought "at the top of the stairs" from a dock in Honduras were not legit. A very, very, very slight chance. ;)

icehog3 02-27-2011 09:32 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?
P.S.....I have been lured by the mystique. Sorry. :r

icehog3 02-27-2011 09:39 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?

Originally Posted by ksandy (Post 1186534)
I just got back from a cruise (Princess) to Roatan and saw Sr. Moncada rolling on the square next to the hair braiding lady. I bought a pack of 7; immediately tried one....liked it so much, I bought 3 more packs. I also touted their quality to a few other people in front of the roller....they also bought some and Sr. Moncado rewarded my salesmanship with 4 additional free cigars. They are NOT tightly rolled, but definitely a 50 minute + smoke...leathery...tasty and mild. The price went up to $20/7...but up the stairs to the right was another store with Cubans @ $15 ea. I've tried 'em all and Cubans are not worth me. A good Dominican is just as good, so don't be lured into the mystique.

Welcome to the Asylum anyway! Hey, I see you are the admin of the JR Cigar site on Facebook! :)

NCRadioMan 02-27-2011 09:42 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1186663)
Welcome to the Asylum anyway! Hey, I see you are the admin of the JR Cigar site on Facebook! :)

Someone affiliated with a US cigar store and saying Cubans are not worth it?

cort 02-27-2011 09:43 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1186663)
Welcome to the Asylum anyway! Hey, I see you are the admin of the JR Cigar site on Facebook! :)


icehog3 02-27-2011 09:43 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 1186671)
Someone affiliated with a US cigar store and saying Cubans are not worth it?

There's no conflict of interest or bias there! Move along, nothing to see here. :)

Goldie 02-27-2011 10:42 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?
I think a lot of people would disagree that CC's aren't worth it, but like you said, "to me". As far as the cigars from Honduras, I picked up a 5 pack of 'em when we were there in June and they were great. A few fellow smokers and I killed all of 'em except one that I brought home to a local BOTL. I wish I had smoked one before the ship left port because they were seriously a good cigar. When I first picked them up though they smelled awful. I had really low expectations going into it and was totally surprised.

Ksandy, if you plan on sticking around CA, head over to the intro forum and tell us about yourself.

whodeeni 02-28-2011 09:51 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?

Originally Posted by michaelmast (Post 774240)
Those cigars are good but have you ever try Cuban Cigars? Those are the best of the best in flavor, texture, presentation and price.

Boy he didn't last long!:sl Was that the Record Pete?:r

icehog3 02-28-2011 10:29 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?

Originally Posted by whodeeni (Post 1187587)
Boy he didn't last long!:sl Was that the Record Pete?:r

Not even close. ;)

ksandy 03-06-2011 02:16 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
They're up to $20 per package, but he gave me 4 free after telling other tourists they were "moy bien!"

ksandy 05-01-2011 10:35 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?
FYI....just got back from a cruise...same place...probably same roller - good cigar. Not too tightly made, but great flavor and appearance.

Beacher 11-06-2011 05:48 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
Was just on Roratan and Adalberto was still on the pier and still hand rolling his cigars. Came back with a few after having a couple down there. Both were mild and not to tightly wrapped. Phone number still the same. Email has not changed either.

chief842 09-19-2012 07:48 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
I was wondering if you knew how to get any of these cigars? They were a barber pole wrapper. Sorts toasty and nutty?

688sonarmen 09-19-2012 07:56 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
LOL this is a first for so many first posts.

bighairlogo 09-19-2012 08:06 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?

VirtualSmitty 09-20-2012 05:35 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?

Originally Posted by 688sonarmen (Post 1719328)
LOL this is a first for so many first posts.

Tom said it best


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1186633)
lured by the mystique. Sorry. :r

Royston 05-05-2013 11:09 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
Just discovered this forum when I tried to find information about Moncada Cigars. A friend who returned from a cruise gave me a pack of seven. I tried one while playing pool at lunchtime and was astonished how well it drew, didn't go out, and seemed worth more respect than I was giving it at the time. So I sat on my veranda overlooking the sea (I live in Sri Lanka) last night and smoked another one as I sipped 18 year-old Laphroaig single malt whisky. The effect was mellowing; smooth, rich and not as dry as the standard Cubans we get here. Alas, I only have five left but shall make sure that every one is enjoyed without interruptions and with full respect to the skill of Sr Moncada and his skill and choice of tobacco.

icehog3 05-06-2013 12:51 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?
Hi Royston. :)

Do you know keysdiver, michaelmast, ksander, Beacher and chief842? :D

equetefue 05-06-2013 07:26 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?
ohh.. this is getting quite good

Lockspur 05-06-2013 08:39 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?

callain870 06-09-2014 01:48 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
The same thing happened to me. I bought 1 cigar from him, brought it home to my husband and he loved it. I now am reading he can't sell on line. Boo!!

callain870 06-09-2014 01:50 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
I am trying to get in touch with him. I brought my husband home 1 and he loved it. He wants more.

Simple1 06-09-2014 02:10 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
:l bishes

airtrade 06-09-2014 02:16 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
I was in Roatan in April and didn't see any worthwhile cigars.
Now Grand Cayman was another story.-(P

CRIMPS 06-09-2014 02:33 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
Darn, hoping this was dead.

WhiteMamba 06-09-2014 04:56 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
I can't believe I just wasted my time reading this :cf2

centuryestimator 11-18-2014 06:12 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?
I too was recently in Roatan, and purchased some Moncada Cigars. found them to be quite good, and would love to get some more. I sent Sr. Moncada an e-mail this morning, we shall see if he replies. BTW, I had the pleasure of watching a young lady doing the rolling the day I was in Port. She was very good!

pnoon 11-18-2014 06:30 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?

Originally Posted by centuryestimator (Post 1999740)
I too was recently in Roatan, and purchased some Moncada Cigars. found them to be quite good, and would love to get some more. I sent Sr. Moncada an e-mail this morning, we shall see if he replies. BTW, I had the pleasure of watching a young lady doing the rolling the day I was in Port. She was very good!

Welcome to CA. Why not tell us a little bit about yourself.

We've had a number of shills in this thread and don't want that to continue.

Brian D. 11-18-2014 08:06 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?
I'm totally enamored of the shilly-ness in this thread, pnoon. Please don't make it go bye-bye.

HRRRARAOLCOM 08-14-2017 07:37 PM

Re: Moncada cigars
I had the same experience as many of you when we cruised to Honduras this spring. Bought several Moncada cigars and they were excellent. I just received a response from my email inquiry, indicating that the only way to buy his cigars is to have a friend purchase them there.

Any friends going there anytime soon?

Porch Dweller 08-14-2017 07:53 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
After almost two years, a first-time poster revives this thread to extol the virtues of Moncado? Shocker! :)

Ok, having said that, I have purchased from this dude every time I've cruised through Roatan. Yes, I have proof, see below. :D $15/5 Robustos, unbanded. I've talked him down to $12/5, but if his female assistant? daughter? wife? is there she doesn't like to negotiate.

I still have two from my last stop there in Dec. 2016. They're pretty tasty and worth picking up, whether it's $15/5 or $20/7.

icehog3 08-14-2017 10:20 PM

Re: Moncada cigars

Originally Posted by HRRRARAOLCOM (Post 2130510)
Any friends going there anytime soon?

Possibly....who are your friends at Cigar Asylum?

Don Fernando 08-15-2017 02:32 AM

Re: Moncada cigars?
Now I'm intrigued

njruss 01-16-2018 01:26 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
Smoking one now that my son brought back for me from a cruise. Seems well made, decent to start, mild-medium. If they were $15-20 for 7 I would say that is more than fair.

Weelok 01-16-2018 02:15 PM

Re: Moncada cigars?
Thread zombie, awaken!!!!!

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